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<title>The Workbench Test Framework</title>
The Workbench Test Suite</h2>
Dave Springgay
<br>September 2001
In Brief</h3>
This document describes the UI Test Suite.&nbsp; This test suite is available
from <tt>org.eclipse.ui.tests</tt> in the desktop repository and consist
of a series of non-interactive sniff tests which are run after a build,
plus a set of interactive tests which require human feedback.&nbsp; You
can run any of these from the JUnit Eclipse Plugin Tests launcher or from
the command line.
<p>The <tt>org.eclipse.ui.tests</tt> project is organized in hierarchical
fashion.&nbsp; The root is <tt>UiTestSuite</tt> in <tt>org.eclipse.ui.tests</tt>.&nbsp;
This test suite contains a collection of "specialized suites" which test
specific areas of functionality or components in the workbench.&nbsp; Currently
there is only one suite, <tt>ApiTestSuite
</tt>in<tt> org.eclipse.ui.tests.api</tt>,
which contains a number of test cases which deal specifically with workbench
API.&nbsp; A <tt>uiTest</tt> extension is declared for each suite so that
you can run every test in the workbench or a subset of the tests.
<p>To run the UiTestSuite from within Eclipse just select
in the navigator and invoke Run > JUnit Eclipse Plugin Tests.&nbsp; The
results of the test suite will appear in the JUnit view.
Test Patterns</h3>
In our own testing we have discovered a number of common test patterns.&nbsp;
In order to encourage a consistent approach for testing they are published
<p><b>Simple Setters, Getters and Commands</b>
<p>Scenario: You want to test setters, commands and getters on an interface.
<p>Method: Call the setter or command which affects the object state.&nbsp;
Call the getter to verify that state.
<p><b>Top Down Coverage</b>
<p>Scenario: You want to demonstrate thorough coverage of a component.
<p>Method: Start at the object root of the instance hierarchy and test
every class downwards to the leaf classes.&nbsp; Stop when you encounter
a layer which already has JUnit test cases.&nbsp; For instance, in the
workbench UI don't test JFace, SWT, or core.&nbsp; They should have their
own test suites and are assumed to work.
<p><b>Superclass Subclass</b>
<p>Scenario: You want to test D, which is a subclass of B.
<p>Method: Implement a test case for B called BTest.&nbsp; Then create
a subclass of BTest called DTest which tests D.&nbsp; If B is an abstract
class use a factory method in BTest to create the test object.
<p><b>Listener Source</b>
<p>Scenario: You want to test S, a class which fires events when a particular
situation occurs.
<p>Method: Implement a listener for S which records the reception of events.
Then write a test class for S called STest which does something which should
cause those events to fire.&nbsp; Verify the reception of events afterwards.
<p><b>Multiple Session</b>
<p>Scenario: You want to test the persistance of state from one session
to the next.
<p>Method: You need to create two test suites.&nbsp; One test suite will
set up the state.&nbsp; The other will verify the state.&nbsp; Run them
sequentially in two separate processes.
<p><b>Global State</b>
<p>Scenario: In Eclipse the workbench is a global object.&nbsp; Unfortunately,
this means that one test case may modify that state and affect the outcome
of another unrelated test case.&nbsp; How can you avoid this problem?
<p>Method: If the test case modifies the state of a window or something
in the window you should create a new window as part of the setUp for the
test case.&nbsp; Run the test code within that window and then close the
test window in the tearDown method.&nbsp; The modified state will be discarded
when the window is closed
<p>Scenario: Within the workbench there are various interfaces, such as
IViewPart, which are defined as API and implemented by plugin code.&nbsp;
There is no need to test the implementation of the interface, but it is
good to test the lifecycle as implemented by objects which call the interface.
<p>Method: Define a class X which implements the interface and records
the invocation of various methods.&nbsp; Create a scenario where this class
is loaded and should receive events.&nbsp; Afterwards, test that those
methods were called.
<p><b>Piercing the Encapsulation</b>
<p>Scenario: To test the behavior of commands which modify the state of
the object when there are no public interfaces to query that state.
<p>Method: If possible, cast the interface to a concrete class with additional
public methods.&nbsp; For instance, in the workbench the underlying structure
for IWorkbench is exposed in Workbench.&nbsp; Given a Workbench object,
you can get the menu, toolbar, etc, and interact directly with the actions
to verify their state or invoke them directly.&nbsp; This is also a useful
way to simulate action invocation from the UI.
<p><b>Mock Objects</b>
<p>Scenario: To test the implementation of an interface which instantiates
an extension.&nbsp; For instance, in the test case for IWorkbenchPage we
need to open views and editors.
<p>Method: If we reference views and editors which exist within the Workbench
UI Standard Components project the test case is vulnerable to change in
those components.&nbsp; In this case we're not testing the components,
we're testing IWorkbenchPage, so we implemented some light weight mock
views and editors which do nothing more than record their own creation
and lifecycle.