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<title>Eclipse Platform Release Notes - Workbench</title>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse Integration Build 20030207
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Other highlights</h3>
<h2>Known deficiencies</h2>
<h2>Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2003%2F02%2F06&amp;chfieldto=2003%2F02%2F07&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2003/02/06 and 2003/02/07.
<hr SIZE="0" WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 20030206
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Other highlights</h3>
<h2>Known deficiencies</h2>
<h2>Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2003%2F02%2F05&amp;chfieldto=2003%2F02%2F06&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2003/02/05 and 2003/02/06.
<hr SIZE="0" WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 20030205
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Other highlights</h3>
<h2>Known deficiencies</h2>
<h2>Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2003%2F01%2F28&amp;chfieldto=2003%2F03%2F05&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2003/01/28 and 2003/02/05.
<hr SIZE="0" WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 20030128
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Other highlights</h3>
<h2>Known deficiencies</h2>
<h2>Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2003%2F01%2F14&amp;chfieldto=2003%2F01%2F28&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2003/01/14 and 2003/01/28.
<hr SIZE="0" WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 20030114
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<p><b>New Action Definition API</b></p>
<p>When defining an action via the actionSets, editorActions, or popupMenus
extension points, there is new support for radio style behavior. A new attribute
called &quot;style&quot; was added and can have one of the following values:
&quot;push&quot;, &quot;radio&quot;, &quot;toggle&quot;, and &quot;pulldown&quot;.
The previous &quot;pulldown&quot; attribute has been deprecated. Also, the
previous &quot;state&quot; attribute has a new purpose when the
&quot;style&quot; attribute is defined. See the extension point documentation
for details on how to use these attributes. Actions defined prior to this change
are still supported for backward compatibility, but developers are encouraged to
use the new attributes.</p>
<h3>Other highlights</h3>
<h2>Known deficiencies</h2>
<h2>Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F12%2F16&amp;chfieldto=2003%2F01%2F14&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/12/16 and 2003/01/14.
<hr SIZE="0" WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 200201216
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<p><b>Support added for drag-and-drop from view to editor area</b>.
You can now drag-and-drop a file from a view like the Navigator to the editor area
to open it using an internal editor. The editor area understands the following drop
<li>EditorInputTransfer (new)</li>
<p><b>Preference added for showing Tasks view when errors in build</b>.
<h3>Other highlights</h3>
<h2>Known deficiencies</h2>
<h2>Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F12%2F03&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F12%2F16&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/12/03 and 2002/12/16.
<hr SIZE="0" WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 200201203
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<p><b><u>Support added for declarative fonts</u></b>. There is a new extension
point fontDefinition for defining fonts so that they can be viewed and managed
by the workbench fonts preference page. There is also a defaultTo attribute
which when set keeps the entry for the fontDefinition consistent with the
defaultsTo entry if the preference for the fontDefinition is not set.</p>
<p>For example if a font called org.eclipse.myplugin.textfont had a defaultsTo
of org.eclipse.jface.textfont the value in the font registry for
org.eclipse.myplugin.textfont will be the same as the value for
org.eclipse.jface.textfont until the user sets a preference for
org.eclipse.myplugin.textfont .</p>
<h3>Other highlights</h3>
<h2>Known deficiencies</h2>
<h2>Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F11%2F26&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F12%2F02&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/11/26 and 2002/12/03.
<hr SIZE="0" WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 200201126
What's new in this drop</h2>
<p><u><b>Support added for under lays in the lightweight decorator.</b></u>&nbsp;
The lightweight decorator now supports the value UNDERLAY which will underlay an
image below the main image. Under lays should be of size 16x16. Current the <i>quadrant</i>
tag will support the keyword UNDERLAY. <i>quadrant</i> will be replaced by the
tag <i>location</i> by M4. This build will support both.&nbsp;</p>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F11%2F18&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F11%2F26&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/11/18 and 2002/11/26.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 200201118
What's new in this drop</h2>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F11%2F13&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F11%2F18&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/11/13 and 2002/11/18.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 200201113
What's new in this drop</h2>
<p>Lightweight decorators have been added to the decorators specification. A
lightweight decorator either has a class that implements
org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILightweightLabelDecorator or is entirely declarative
and is defined using an icon and quadrant. See <a href="doc/org_eclipse_ui_decorators.html">org_eclipse_ui_decorators.html</a>
for more details.</p>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F11%2F12&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F11%2F13&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/11/12 and 2002/11/13.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 200201112</p>
What's new in this drop</h2>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F11%2F05&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F11%2F11&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/11/05 and 2002/11/12.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 200201105
What's new in this drop</h2>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F10%2F29&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F11%2F05&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/10/29 and 2002/11/05.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 200201029
What's new in this drop</h2>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F10%2F22&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F10%2F29&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/10/22 and 2002/10/29.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 200201022
What's new in this drop</h2>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F10%2F16&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F10%2F22&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/10/16 and 2002/10/22.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 200201016
What's new in this drop</h2>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F10%2F14&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F10%2F16&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/10/14 and 2002/10/16.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 200201014
What's new in this drop</h2>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F10%2F08&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F10%2F14&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/10/08 and 2002/10/14.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 200201008
What's new in this drop</h2>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F10%2F01&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F10%2F08&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/10/01 and 2002/10/08.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Integration Build 200201001
What's new in this drop</h2>
<p><b>API Additions</b></p>
<p>Directly editing working sets</p>
<p>This addresses bug 17945. A new interface IWorkingSetEditWizard lets you edit
a working set using the edit wizard page associated with the working set.</p>
<p>Use IWorkingSetEditWizard.getSelection to query the edited working set once
the wizard is closed.</p>
<p>Use IWorkingSetManager.createWorkingSetEditWizard(IWorkingSet) to create an
IWorkingSetEditWizard for a given working se<font FACE="Helv" SIZE="2">t.</p>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F09%2F24&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F10%2F01&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/09/24 and 2002/10/01.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse Integration Build 20020924
What's new in this drop</h2>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F09%2F19&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F09%2F24&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/09/19 and 2002/09/24.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse Integration Build 20020919
What's new in this drop</h2>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F09%2F17&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F09%2F19&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/09/17 and 2002/09/19.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse Integration Build 20020917
What's new in this drop</h2>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F08%2F20&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F09%2F17&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/08/20 and 2002/09/17.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse Integration Build 20020820
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API additions</h3>
<p>Due to strong demand from the community we have added a ColorSelector which
is a wrapper for a button that displays a selected color and opens a ColorDialog
when selected. This is now in use by the ColorFieldEditor.</p>
<p>This class is pretty much the same as the following ones which appear to have
been copied from the ColorFieldEditor:</p>
<p>The classes using these editors should be able switch to the new JFace one
without any serious changes.</p>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F08%2F13&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F08%2F20&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/08/13 and 2002/08/20.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse Integration Build 20020813
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;chfield=bug_status&amp;chfieldfrom=2002%2F07%2F23&amp;chfieldto=2002%2F08%2F13&amp;product=Platform&amp;component=UI&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;&amp;order=Bug+Number">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/07/23 and 2002/08/13.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse Integration Build 20020723
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href="">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/07/16 and 2002/07/23.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse Integration Build 20020716
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<a href="">Click
here</a> to see PRs which have been marked as RESOLVED, VERIFIED or CLOSED
between 2002/07/03 and 2002/07/16.
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse Integration Build 20020627
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse Integration Build 20020626
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse Integration Build 20020625
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
20256 - Why switch to resource persp when opening Welcome editor?
<hr SIZE=0 WIDTH="100%">