blob: 04023ba677f1dec83d21c5e739000f91a5ef2745 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ui.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CBanner;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.CoolBar;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.CoolItem;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.TrimCommonUIHandle;
* This layout implements the handling necessary to support the positioning of
* all of the 'trim' elements defined for the workbench.
* <p>
* NOTE: This class is a part of a 'work in progress' and should not be used
* without consulting the Platform UI group. No guarantees are made as to the
* stability of the API.
* </p>
* @since 3.2
public class WorkbenchLayout extends Layout {
private static int defaultMargin = 5;
* This is a convenience class that caches information for a single 'tiled'
* line of trim.
* @since 3.2
private class TrimLine {
* The list of controls in this trim line
List controls = new ArrayList();
* In horizontal terms this is the 'height' of the tallest control.
int minorMax = 0;
* The number of controls in the line that want to 'grab' extra space.
* Any unused space in a trim line is shared equally among these
* controls
int resizableCount = 0;
* The amount of unused space in the line
int extraSpace = 0;
* This layout is used to capture the CBanner's calls to 'computeSize' for
* the left trim (which is used to determine the height of the CBanner) so
* that it will compute its own height to be the max of either the left or
* the right control.
* <p>
* NOTE: This class is expected to be removed once the CBanner mods are in.
* </p>
* @since 3.2
private class LeftBannerLayout extends Layout {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout#computeSize(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite,
* int, int, boolean)
protected Point computeSize(Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint,
boolean flushCache) {
// 'topMax' is the maximum height of both the left and
// the right side
return new Point(wHint, WorkbenchLayout.this.topMax);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout#layout(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite,
* boolean)
protected void layout(Composite composite, boolean flushCache) {
// Trim area 'ids'
public static final String TRIMID_CMD_PRIMARY = "Command Primary"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String TRIMID_CMD_SECONDARY = "Command Secondary"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String TRIMID_VERTICAL1 = "vertical1"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String TRIMID_VERTICAL2 = "vertical2"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String TRIMID_STATUS = "Status"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String TRIMID_CENTER = "Center"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// 'CBanner' info
public CBanner banner;
private int topMax;
// 'Center' composite
public Composite centerComposite;
// inter-element spacing
private int spacing = 0;
// Trim Areas
private TrimArea cmdPrimaryTrimArea;
private TrimArea cmdSecondaryTrimArea;
private TrimArea leftTrimArea;
private TrimArea rightTrimArea;
private TrimArea bottomTrimArea;
// Drag handle info
private int horizontalHandleSize = -1;
private int verticalHandleSize = -1;
private List dragHandles;
// statics used in the layout
private static Composite layoutComposite;
private static Rectangle clientRect;
* Construct a new layout. This defines the trim areas that trim can be
* placed into.
public WorkbenchLayout() {
// Add the trim areas into the layout
cmdPrimaryTrimArea = new TrimArea(TRIMID_CMD_PRIMARY, SWT.TOP,
cmdSecondaryTrimArea = new TrimArea(TRIMID_CMD_SECONDARY, SWT.TOP,
leftTrimArea = new TrimArea(TRIMID_VERTICAL1, SWT.LEFT, defaultMargin);
rightTrimArea = new TrimArea(TRIMID_VERTICAL2, SWT.RIGHT, defaultMargin);
bottomTrimArea = new TrimArea(TRIMID_STATUS, SWT.BOTTOM, defaultMargin);
// init the list that has the drag handle cache
dragHandles = new ArrayList();
* Create the CBanner control used to control the horizontal span of the
* primary and secondary command areas.
* @param workbenchComposite
* The workbench acting as the parent of the CBanner
public void createCBanner(Composite workbenchComposite) {
banner = new CBanner(workbenchComposite, SWT.NONE);
banner.setLocation(0, 0);
// Create the left composite and override its 'computeSize'
// to delegate to the 'primary' command trim area
Composite bannerLeft = new Composite(banner, SWT.NONE) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite#computeSize(int, int,
* boolean)
public Point computeSize(int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed) {
// If we're doing a 'real' workbench layout then delegate to the
// appropriate trim area
if (WorkbenchLayout.layoutComposite != null) {
return WorkbenchLayout.this.computeSize(TRIMID_CMD_PRIMARY,
return super.computeSize(wHint, hHint, changed);
bannerLeft.setLayout(new LeftBannerLayout());
// Create the right hand part of the CBanner
Composite bannerRight = new Composite(banner, SWT.NONE) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite#computeSize(int, int,
* boolean)
public Point computeSize(int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed) {
// If we're doing a 'real' workbench layout then delegate to the
// appropriate trim area
if (WorkbenchLayout.layoutComposite != null) {
return WorkbenchLayout.this.computeSize(
return super.computeSize(wHint, hHint, changed);
// If the right banner control changes size it's because
// the 'swoop' moved.
bannerRight.addControlListener(new ControlListener() {
public void controlMoved(ControlEvent e) {
public void controlResized(ControlEvent e) {
Composite leftComp = (Composite) e.widget;
// Place the CBanner on the 'bottom' of the z-order
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout#computeSize(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite,
* int, int, boolean)
* Note that this is arbitrary since the we're a top level shell (so
* computeSize won't be called.
protected Point computeSize(Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint,
boolean flushCache) {
Point size = new Point(wHint, hHint);
if (size.x == SWT.DEFAULT) {
size.x = 300;
if (size.y == SWT.DEFAULT) {
size.y = 300;
return size;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout#layout(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite,
* boolean)
* TODO: Supply a full description of the layout mechanicsS
protected void layout(Composite composite, boolean flushCache) {
layoutComposite = composite;
clientRect = composite.getClientArea();
// reset all the drag handles to be invisible
// Compute the proper size for each trim area
// Do Top Right, Top Left, Left, Right then Bottom so the math works out
if (useCBanner()) {
// NOTE: calling 'computeSize' here will, in turn, call the
// 'computeSize' for the left/right areas, each with the
// 'correct' width hint...
Point bannerSize = banner
.computeSize(clientRect.width, SWT.DEFAULT);
// set the amount of space used by the 'cmd' areas for use later
topMax = bannerSize.y;
} else {
Point c1Size = computeSize(TRIMID_CMD_PRIMARY, clientRect.width);
Point c2Size = computeSize(TRIMID_CMD_SECONDARY, clientRect.width);
// set the amount of space used by the 'cmd' areas for use later
topMax = c1Size.y + c2Size.y;
// Now do the vertical areas; their 'major' is whatever is left
// vertically once the top areas have been computed
Point v1Size = computeSize(TRIMID_VERTICAL1, clientRect.height - topMax);
Point v2Size = computeSize(TRIMID_VERTICAL2, clientRect.height - topMax);
// Finally, the status area's 'major' is whatever is left over
// horizontally once the vertical areas have been computed.
computeSize(TRIMID_STATUS, clientRect.width - (v1Size.x + v2Size.x));
// Now, layout the trim within each area
// Command primary area
if (useCBanner()) {
Point leftLoc = banner.getLeft().getLocation();
cmdPrimaryTrimArea.areaBounds.x = leftLoc.x;
cmdPrimaryTrimArea.areaBounds.y = leftLoc.y;
} else {
cmdPrimaryTrimArea.areaBounds.x = 0;
cmdPrimaryTrimArea.areaBounds.y = 0;
layoutTrim(cmdPrimaryTrimArea, cmdPrimaryTrimArea.areaBounds);
// Command secondary area
if (useCBanner()) {
Point rightLoc = banner.getRight().getLocation();
cmdSecondaryTrimArea.areaBounds.x = rightLoc.x;
cmdSecondaryTrimArea.areaBounds.y = rightLoc.y;
} else {
cmdSecondaryTrimArea.areaBounds.x = 0;
cmdSecondaryTrimArea.areaBounds.y = cmdPrimaryTrimArea.areaBounds.height;
layoutTrim(cmdSecondaryTrimArea, cmdSecondaryTrimArea.areaBounds);
leftTrimArea.areaBounds.x = 0;
leftTrimArea.areaBounds.y = topMax;
layoutTrim(leftTrimArea, leftTrimArea.areaBounds);
rightTrimArea.areaBounds.x = clientRect.width
- rightTrimArea.areaBounds.width;
rightTrimArea.areaBounds.y = topMax;
layoutTrim(rightTrimArea, rightTrimArea.areaBounds);
bottomTrimArea.areaBounds.x = leftTrimArea.areaBounds.width;
bottomTrimArea.areaBounds.y = clientRect.height
- bottomTrimArea.areaBounds.height;
layoutTrim(bottomTrimArea, bottomTrimArea.areaBounds);
// Set the center control's bounds to fill the space remaining
// after the trim has been arranged
* Indicates whether or not the layout should use the CBanner or tile the
* primary and secondary trim areas one above the other.
* @return <code>true</code> iff the layout should use the CBanner.
private boolean useCBanner() {
return (banner != null && banner.getVisible());
* @param areaId
* The identifier for the TrimArea to return
* @return The TrimArea that matches the given areaId
private TrimArea getTrimArea(String areaId) {
if (TRIMID_CMD_PRIMARY.equals(areaId)) {
return cmdPrimaryTrimArea;
if (TRIMID_CMD_SECONDARY.equals(areaId)) {
return cmdSecondaryTrimArea;
if (TRIMID_VERTICAL1.equals(areaId)) {
return leftTrimArea;
if (TRIMID_VERTICAL2.equals(areaId)) {
return rightTrimArea;
if (TRIMID_STATUS.equals(areaId)) {
return bottomTrimArea;
return null;
* @param areaId
* The TrimArea that we want to get the controls for
* @return The list of controls whose TrimLayoutData's areaId matches the
* given areaId parameter
private List getTrimContents(String areaId) {
List trimContents = new ArrayList();
Control[] children = layoutComposite.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
// Skip any disposed or invisible widgets
if (children[i].isDisposed() || !children[i].getVisible()) {
// Only accept children that want to be layed out in a particular
// trim area
if (children[i].getLayoutData() instanceof TrimLayoutData) {
TrimLayoutData tlData = (TrimLayoutData) children[i]
if (tlData.areaId.equals(areaId)) {
return trimContents;
* Lays out the center composite once the outer trim areas have all been
* done.
private void layoutCenter() {
if (centerComposite != null) {
// The center is the 'inner' bounding box of the other trim areas
Rectangle areaBounds = new Rectangle(
leftTrimArea.areaBounds.x + leftTrimArea.areaBounds.width,
- (leftTrimArea.areaBounds.width + rightTrimArea.areaBounds.width),
- (topMax + bottomTrimArea.areaBounds.height));
* Computes the size of a trim area given the length of its major dimension.
* Depending on whether the trim area is horizontal or vertical one of the
* two value will always match the supplied 'majorHint' ('x' if it's
* horizontal).
* <p>
* Effectively, this computes the length of the minor dimension by tiling
* the trim area's controls into multiple lines based on the length of the
* major dimension.
* </p>
* @param areaId
* The area id to compute the size for
* @param majorHint
* The length of the major dimension
* @return The computed size
private Point computeSize(String areaId, int majorHint) {
TrimArea trimArea = getTrimArea(areaId);
boolean horizontal = trimArea.orientation == SWT.TOP
|| trimArea.orientation == SWT.BOTTOM;
// Gather up all the controls for this area and tile them out
trimArea.trimContents = getTrimContents(trimArea.areaId);
// Split the controls list into a list of TrimLines that each fit into
// the trim area
trimArea.trimLines = computeWrappedTrim(trimArea, majorHint);
// Now, calculate the max between the default and the contents
int minorMax = 0;
for (Iterator iter = trimArea.trimLines.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
TrimLine curLine = (TrimLine);
minorMax += curLine.minorMax;
minorMax = Math.max(minorMax, trimArea.defaultMinor);
// Store the size in the area'a cache...
Point computedSize = new Point(0, 0);
if (horizontal) {
computedSize.x = trimArea.areaBounds.width = majorHint;
computedSize.y = trimArea.areaBounds.height = minorMax;
} else {
computedSize.x = trimArea.areaBounds.width = minorMax;
computedSize.y = trimArea.areaBounds.height = majorHint;
// ...and return it
return computedSize;
* This is where the information required to lay the controls belonging to a
* particular trim area out.
* <p>
* Tile the controls in the trim area into one or more lines. Each line is
* guaranteed to take up less than or equal to the 'majorHint' in the major
* dimension. The result is a complete cache of the information needed to
* lay the controls in the trim area out.
* </p>
* @param trimArea The trim area to create the cache info for
* @param majorHint The length of the major dimension
* @return A List of <code>TrimLine</code> elements
private List computeWrappedTrim(TrimArea trimArea, int majorHint) {
boolean horizontal = trimArea.orientation == SWT.TOP
|| trimArea.orientation == SWT.BOTTOM;
// Return a list of 'lines' to tile the control into...
List lines = new ArrayList();
TrimLine curLine = new TrimLine();
curLine.minorMax = trimArea.defaultMinor;
// Init the tilePos to force a 'new' line
int tilePos = 0;
for (Iterator iter = trimArea.trimContents.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Control control = (Control);
TrimLayoutData td = (TrimLayoutData) control.getLayoutData();
Point prefSize;
if (horizontal) {
//prefSize = control.computeSize(majorHint, SWT.DEFAULT);
prefSize = control.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT);
} else {
prefSize = control.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, majorHint);
// Will this control fit onto the current line?
int curTileSize = horizontal ? prefSize.x : prefSize.y;
// every control except the first one needs to include the 'spacing'
// in the calc
if (curLine.controls.size() > 0) {
curTileSize += spacing;
// If the control can be re-positioned then we have to add a drag
// handle to it
// we have to include the space that it'll occupy in the calcs
if (td.listener != null) {
curTileSize += horizontal ? horizontalHandleSize
: verticalHandleSize;
// Place the control into the 'current' line if it'll fit (or if
// it's the
// -first- control (this handles the case where a control is too
// large to
// fit into the current TrimArea's 'major' size.
if ((tilePos + curTileSize) <= majorHint
|| curLine.controls.size() == 0) {
// Cache the maximum amount of 'minor' space needed
int minorSize = horizontal ? prefSize.y : prefSize.x;
if (minorSize > curLine.minorMax) {
curLine.minorMax = minorSize;
tilePos += curTileSize;
} else {
// Remember how much space was left on the current line
curLine.extraSpace = majorHint - tilePos;
// We need a new line...
curLine = new TrimLine();
// Cache the maximum amount of 'minor' space needed
int minorSize = horizontal ? prefSize.y : prefSize.x;
if (minorSize > curLine.minorMax) {
curLine.minorMax = minorSize;
tilePos = curTileSize;
// Count how many 'resizable' controls there are
if ((td.flags & TrimLayoutData.GROWABLE) != 0) {
// Remember how much space was left on the current line
curLine.extraSpace = majorHint - tilePos;
return lines;
private void layoutTrim(TrimArea trimArea, Rectangle areaBounds) {
boolean horizontal = trimArea.orientation == SWT.TOP
|| trimArea.orientation == SWT.BOTTOM;
// How much space do we have to 'tile' into?
int areaMajor = horizontal ? areaBounds.width : areaBounds.height;
// Get the tiled 'List of Lists' for the trim
List tileAreas = trimArea.trimLines;
// Tile each 'line' into the trim
int tilePosMinor = horizontal ? areaBounds.y : areaBounds.x;
for (Iterator areaIter = tileAreas.iterator(); areaIter.hasNext();) {
TrimLine curLine = (TrimLine);
// Compute how much space to give to 'resizable' controls. Note that
// we can end up computing -negative- 'extraSpace' values if the
// control's
// preferred 'major' size is actually > the 'major' size for the
// trim area
int resizePadding = 0;
if (curLine.resizableCount > 0 && curLine.extraSpace > 0) {
resizePadding = curLine.extraSpace / curLine.resizableCount;
// Tile each line
int tilePosMajor = horizontal ? areaBounds.x : areaBounds.y;
for (Iterator iter = curLine.controls.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Control control = (Control);
TrimLayoutData td = (TrimLayoutData) control.getLayoutData();
Point prefSize = control.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT);
int major = horizontal ? prefSize.x : prefSize.y;
int minor = horizontal ? prefSize.y : prefSize.x;
// Ensure that controls that are too wide for the area get
// 'clipped'
if (major > areaMajor) {
major = areaMajor;
// If desired, extend the 'minor' size of the control to fill
// the area
if ((td.flags & TrimLayoutData.GRAB_EXCESS_MINOR) != 0) {
minor = curLine.minorMax;
// If desired, extend the 'major' size of the control to fill
// the area
if ((td.flags & TrimLayoutData.GROWABLE) != 0) {
major += resizePadding;
// If we have to show a drag handle then do it here
if (td.listener != null && createHandles()) {
TrimCommonUIHandle handle = getDragHandle(trimArea.orientation);
// handle.setControl(control);
if (horizontal) {
handle.setBounds(tilePosMajor, tilePosMinor,
getHandleSize(true), curLine.minorMax);
} else {
handle.setBounds(tilePosMinor, tilePosMajor,
curLine.minorMax, getHandleSize(false));
tilePosMajor += horizontal ? getHandleSize(true)
: getHandleSize(false);
// Now, lay out the actual control
switch (trimArea.orientation) {
case SWT.TOP:
control.setBounds(tilePosMajor, tilePosMinor, major, minor);
case SWT.LEFT:
control.setBounds(tilePosMinor, tilePosMajor, minor, major);
// Here we want to tile the control to the RIGHT edge
int rightEdge = tilePosMinor + curLine.minorMax;
control.setBounds(rightEdge - minor, tilePosMajor, minor,
// Here we want to tile the control to the RIGHT edge
int bottomEdge = tilePosMinor + curLine.minorMax;
control.setBounds(tilePosMajor, bottomEdge - minor, major,
// Ensure that the control is above the trim control
tilePosMajor += major + spacing;
tilePosMinor += curLine.minorMax;
tilePosMajor = horizontal ? areaBounds.x : areaBounds.y;
* HACK>>>Remove if found in the wild...
* @return
private boolean createHandles() {
return false;
private void resetDragHandles() {
for (Iterator iter = dragHandles.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
// TrimCommonUIHandle handle = (TrimCommonUIHandle);
// handle.setControl(null);
private TrimCommonUIHandle getDragHandle(int orientation) {
// boolean horizontal = orientation == SWT.TOP
// || orientation == SWT.BOTTOM;
for (Iterator iter = dragHandles.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
TrimCommonUIHandle handle = (TrimCommonUIHandle);
// if (handle.toDrag == null && handle.horizontal == horizontal)
return handle;
// If we get here then we haven't found a new drag handle so create one
System.out.println("new Handle"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// TrimCommonUIHandle newHandle = new
// TrimCommonUIHandle(layoutComposite,
// horizontal);
// dragHandles.add(newHandle);
// return newHandle;
return null;
* Return the SWT side that the trim area is on
* @param areaId The id of the area to get the orientation of
* @return The SWT side corresponding that the given area
public static int getOrientation(String areaId) {
if (TRIMID_CMD_PRIMARY.equals(areaId)) {
return SWT.TOP;
if (TRIMID_CMD_SECONDARY.equals(areaId)) {
return SWT.TOP;
if (TRIMID_VERTICAL1.equals(areaId)) {
return SWT.LEFT;
if (TRIMID_VERTICAL2.equals(areaId)) {
return SWT.RIGHT;
if (TRIMID_STATUS.equals(areaId)) {
return SWT.BOTTOM;
return SWT.NONE;
* Calculate a size for the handle that will be large enough to show the
* CoolBar's drag affordance.
* @return The size that the handle has to be, based on the orientation
private int getHandleSize(boolean horizontal) {
// Do we already have a 'cached' value?
if (horizontal && horizontalHandleSize != -1) {
return horizontalHandleSize;
if (!horizontal && verticalHandleSize != -1) {
return verticalHandleSize;
// Must be the first time, calculate the value
CoolBar bar = new CoolBar(layoutComposite, horizontal ? SWT.HORIZONTAL
CoolItem item = new CoolItem(bar, SWT.NONE);
Label ctrl = new Label(bar, SWT.PUSH);
ctrl.setText("Button 1"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Point size = ctrl.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT);
Point ps = item.computeSize(size.x, size.y);
// OK, now the difference between the location of the CB and the
// location of the
Point bl = ctrl.getLocation();
Point cl = bar.getLocation();
// Toss them now...
// The 'size' is the difference between the start of teh CoolBar and
// start of its first control
int length;
if (horizontal) {
length = bl.x - cl.x;
horizontalHandleSize = length;
} else {
length = bl.y - cl.y;
verticalHandleSize = length;
return length;