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% Parsing and Preprocessing
{\scriptsize Revision: \footnotesize \$Id$ $ - based on 2008/08/08 nchen}
Before any program analysis can be done, the source code of the Fortran program
has to be parsed. Photran provides support for both fixed-form (Fortran 77) and
free-form Fortran (Fortran 90 \& 95) source code. The parser in Photran is
generated using the Ludwig parser/AST generator by Jeff Overbey. It is based on
the \emph{fortran2003.bnf} grammar file.
Figure~\ref{fig:images_parser_chain} shows the lexer \& parser tool chain in
Photran. Preliminary support for (\texttt{INCLUDE} directives) has also been
\caption{Photran preprocessor/lexer/parser chain}
\section{AST Structure}
\section{AST Generation}
Photran's (rewritable) AST is generated along with the parser, so the structure
of an AST is determined by the structure of the parsing grammar (see the
\emph{fortran2003.bnf} file). The generated classes are located in the
\texttt{org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser} package in the
\texttt{org.eclipse.photran.core.vpg} project. The easiest way to visualize the
structure of a particular file's AST is to view it in the Outline view (see
However determining all possible ASTs for a particular construct requires
scrutinizing the parsing grammar file.
\subsection{Ordinary AST Nodes}
Generally speaking, there is one AST node for each nonterminal in the grammar
and one accessor method for each symbol on its right-hand side (unless the
symbol name is prefixed with a hyphen, in which case it is omitted). For
example, the following specification\footnote{All grammar
specifications are taken from the \emph{fortran2003.bnf} file. The \# RXXX number
provides a reference to the actual specification in the grammar file.}
# R533
<DataStmtSet> ::= <DataStmtObjectList> -:T_SLASH <DataStmtValueList> -:T_SLASH
generates the AST node class \texttt{ASTDataStmtSetNode} shown in
Listing~\ref{lst:astdatastmtsetnode_api}. Notice the \emph{presence} of the
\texttt{getDataStmtObjectList} and \texttt{getDataStmtValueList} getters methods
and the \emph{absence} of any method for accessing T\_SLASH.
\shabox{The convention is to generate a class with the name
name$>$\texttt{\color{LightMagenta}Node} that extends \texttt{ASTNode}. For
instance \# R533 will generate the
\texttt{{\color{LightMagenta}AST}DataStmtSet{\color{LightMagenta}Node}} class.}
The following sections describe additional annotations that can be used to
modify the standard convention when necessary. These annotations are not
considered part of the standard BNF notation but they are supported by the
underlying Ludwig parser generator.
public class ASTDataStmtSetNode extends ASTNode
public IASTListNode<IDataStmtObject> getDataStmtObjectList() {...}
public void setDataStmtObjectList(IASTListNode<IDataStmtObject> newValue) {...}
public IASTListNode<ASTDataStmtValueNode> getDataStmtValueList() {...}
public void setDataStmtValueList(IASTListNode<ASTDataStmtValueNode> newValue) {...}
\caption{\texttt{ASTDataStmtSetNode} generated from \# R533}
\subsubsection{Annotation \#1: \texttt{(list)}}
Recursive productions are treated specially, since they are used frequently to
express lists in the grammar. The recursive member is labeled in the grammar
with the \texttt{(list)} annotation. For example, the following specification
# R538
(list):<DataStmtValueList> ::=
| <DataStmtValue>
| <DataStmtValueList> -:T_COMMA <DataStmtValue>
means that the AST will contain an object of type
\texttt{List$<$ASTDataStmtValueNode$>$} whenever a \verb!<DataStmtValueList>!
appears in the grammar. For instance, \# R533 (just described in the previous
section) uses the \texttt{DataStmtValueList} construct. Notice in
Listing~\ref{lst:astdatastmtsetnode_api} that the return type of
\texttt{getDataStmtValueList} is a \texttt{List}.
Putting an object that implements the \texttt{java.util.List} into the tree
(rather than having a chain of nodes) makes it easier to iterate through the
list, determine its size and insert new child nodes.
\subsubsection{Annotation \#2: \texttt{(superclass)}}
The \texttt{(superclass)} annotation is used to create an interface that is
implemented by all symbols on the right-hand side of the specification will
implement. For example, the following specifications
# R207
(superclass):<DeclarationConstruct> ::=
| <DerivedTypeDef>
| <InterfaceBlock>
| <TypeDeclarationStmt>
| <SpecificationStmt>
# R214
(superclass):<SpecificationStmt> ::=
| <AccessStmt>
| <AllocatableStmt>
| <CommonStmt>
| <DataStmt>
| <DimensionStmt>
| <EquivalenceStmt>
| <ExternalStmt>
| <IntentStmt>
| <IntrinsicStmt>
| <NamelistStmt>
| <OptionalStmt>
| <PointerStmt>
| <SaveStmt>
| <TargetStmt>
| <UnprocessedIncludeStmt>
mean that an \textbf{interface} -- not a class -- named
\texttt{ISpecificationStmt} will be generated for \# R214, and
\texttt{ASTAccessStmtNode}, \texttt{ASTAllocatableStmtNode},
\texttt{ASTCommonStmtNode}, etc will implement that interface. In addition,
because \verb!<SpecificationStmt>! is used inside \# R207 which also uses the
\texttt{(superclass):} annotation, \texttt{ISpecificationStmt} also extends the
\texttt{IDeclarationConstruct} interface from \# R207 i.e.
public interface ISpecificationStmt extends IASTNode, IDeclarationConstruct
So, it is possible for an AST node to implement multiple interfaces based on the
specifications in the grammar.
Using the \texttt{(superclass)} annotation gives those nonterminals in \# R214
nodes a common type; most notably, a \texttt{Visitor} can override the
\texttt{visit(ISpecificationStmt)} method to treat all three node types
\subsubsection{Annotation \#3: \texttt{(bool)}}
The \texttt{(bool)} annotation indicates that an accessor method will return a
\lstinline!boolean! rather than an actual AST node. For example, the following
# R511
<AccessSpec> ::=
| isPublic(bool):T_PUBLIC
| isPrivate(bool):T_PRIVATE
will generate the \texttt{ASTAccessSpecNode} class as shown in Listing~\ref{lst:astaccessspecnode_api}.
public class ASTAccessSpecNode extends ASTNode
// in ASTAccessSpecNode
Token isPrivate;
// in ASTAccessSpecNode
Token isPublic;
public boolean isPrivate() {...}
public void setIsPrivate(Token newValue) {...}
public boolean isPublic() {...}
public void setIsPublic(Token newValue) {...}
\caption{ASTAccessSpecNode generated from \# R511}
Notice on lines 8 \& 12 that the methods return \lstinline!boolean! values
instead of \texttt{ASTNode}s. The \lstinline!boolean! values are usually used to
test the presence of that particular \texttt{ASTNode} in the source code.
\subsubsection{Annotation \#4: Labels}
Specification \# R511 also illustrates the use of \emph{labels} in the grammar
file: \verb!isPublic(bool):T_PUBLIC! results in a method called
\texttt{isPublic} instead of \verb!getT_PUBLIC!. The use of labels can greatly
enhance the readability of the program by making its intent clearer.
\subsubsection{Annotation \#5: \texttt{(inline)}}
Consider the following specifications for a main program in Fortran:
# R1101
<MainProgram> ::=
| <MainRange>
| <ProgramStmt> <MainRange>
<MainRange> ::=
| <Body> <EndProgramStmt>
| <BodyPlusInternals> <EndProgramStmt>
From the standpoint of a typical Fortran programmer, a main program consists of
a Program statement, a body (list of statements), perhaps some internal
subprograms, and an End Program statement. This does not match the definition of
a \verb!<MainProgram>! in the parsing grammar above: \verb!<Body>! and
\verb!<EndProgStmt>! are relegated to a separate \verb!<MainRange>! nonterminal.
The solution is to label the MainRange nonterminal with the \texttt{(inline)} annotation, indicating that it is to be in-lined:
# R1101
(customsuperclass=ScopingNode):<MainProgram> ::=
| (inline):<MainRange>
| <ProgramStmt> (inline):<MainRange>
<MainRange> ::=
| <Body> <EndProgramStmt>
| (inline):<BodyPlusInternals> <EndProgramStmt>
This means that accessor methods that would otherwise be in a separate
\texttt{ASTMainRangeNode} class will be placed in the
\texttt{ASTMainProgramNode} class instead.
Listing~\ref{lst:astmainprogramnode_api} shows that the accessors that were
previously in \texttt{ASTMainRangeNode} have been in-lined to
\texttt{ASTMainProgramNode}. Now there is no longer any need for a
\texttt{ASTMainRangeNode} class.
public class ASTMainProgramNode extends ScopingNode implements IProgramUnit
public ASTProgramStmtNode getProgramStmt()
public void setProgramStmt(ASTProgramStmtNode newValue)
public IASTListNode<IBodyConstruct> getBody()
public void setBody(IASTListNode<IBodyConstruct> newValue)
public ASTContainsStmtNode getContainsStmt()
public void setContainsStmt(ASTContainsStmtNode newValue)
public IASTListNode<IInternalSubprogram> getInternalSubprograms()
public void setInternalSubprograms(IASTListNode<IInternalSubprogram> newValue)
public ASTEndProgramStmtNode getEndProgramStmt()
public void setEndProgramStmt(ASTEndProgramStmtNode newValue)
\caption{\texttt{ASTMainProgramNode} generated from \# R1101}
\subsubsection{Annotation \#6: \texttt{(customsuperclass=*)}}
Specification \# R1101 in the previous section also illustrates the use of the
\\ \texttt{(customsuperclass=ScopingNode)} annotation. This makes
\texttt{ScopingNode} the parent of the \texttt{ASTMainProgramNode} class. Note
that \texttt{ScopingNode} (or whichever custom super class is chosen) has to be
a descendant of \texttt{ASTNode} because every node in the AST has to be of that
type (either directly or as a descendant).
The \texttt{(customsuperclass=*)} annotation is a useful technique for
delegating external methods that cannot be expressed through the grammar BNF
file into a separate hand-coded class while still having the benefits of an
auto-generated parser and AST.
\texttt{Token}s form the leaves of the AST. They record, among other things,
\item The terminal symbol in the grammar that the token is an instance of (\texttt{getTerminal()})
\item The actual text of the token (\texttt{getText()})
\item The line, column, offset, and length of the token text in the source file (\texttt{getLine(), getCol(), getFileOffset(), getLength()})
Most of the remaining fields are used internally for refactoring.