blob: ae0bf9f250fb14bb3eff7e361f38f690a6520763 [file] [log] [blame]
module indirect
integer :: included_indirectly_in_points
subroutine indirect_subroutine
print *, included_indirectly_in_points
end subroutine
end module
module points
use indirect
implicit none
type point
doubleprecision :: x
double precision :: y
end type
interface operator(+)
module procedure add
end interface
interface operator(.norm.)
module procedure norm
end interface
interface assignment(=)
module procedure point_from_int, point_from_complex
end interface
private :: add, norm
type(point) function add(p1, p2) result(result)
type(point), intent(in) :: p1, p2
result = point(p1%x+p2%x, p1%y+p2%y)
end function
function norm(p)
type(point), intent(in) :: p
integer :: norm
norm = abs(p%x**2 + p%y**2)
end function
! function point_from_int(n)
! integer, intent(in) :: n
! type(point) :: point_from_int
! point_from_int = point(n, 0)
! end function
subroutine point_from_int(p, n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
type(point), intent(out) :: p
p = point(n, 0)
end subroutine
subroutine point_from_complex(p, c)
complex, intent(in) :: c
type(point), intent(out) :: p
p = point(real(c), aimag(c))
end subroutine
end module
program Main
implicit none
call expressions
call pointers
call control
stop 'Program terminated normally'
subroutine expressions
use points
implicit none
type(point) :: pt
integer, parameter :: kind6=selected_int_kind(6) ! Kind for range [-999999,999999]
integer, parameter :: n1 = -123456_kind6
integer, parameter :: n2 = -123456_4
integer, parameter :: long = selected_real_kind(9, 99) ! 9 sig decimals, exponent
! range 10^-99 to 10^99
integer, parameter :: asci = kind('ASCII')
integer(kind=long) :: a
character(len=20, kind=1) :: english_word
character(20) :: length_twenty
type person
character(10) :: name
real :: age
integer :: id
end type
type(person) :: me = person('Jeff', 23, 12345)
type(person) :: you
integer i
real, dimension(10) :: array1thru10
real, dimension(-10:5, 5) :: matrixneg10and5
real, dimension(-10:5, -20:-1, 2) :: threedarray
real, dimension(5) :: arrayconst
character(len=10) :: ten = "1234567890"
real, pointer :: realptr => null()
you%name = 'Bob'
you%age = 17.25
you%id = 18
print *, "Kinds:", kind(kind6), kind(n1), kind(n2), kind(1.0)
print *, "Precision:", precision(1.0_long) ! will be at least 9
print *, "Num decimal digits supported:", range(2_kind6)
print *, "Num decimal digits supported:", range(1.0_long) ! will be at least 99
!ERROR!print *, "Bin/octal/hex:", b'01100110', o'076543', z'10fa'
print *, "Real literal constant:", -10.6e-11, 1., -0.1, 1e-1, 3.141592653
print *, "Complex:", (1., 3.2), (1, .99e-2), (1.0, 3.7_8)
print *, 'He said "Hello"', "This contains an '", 'Isn''t it a nice day'
print *, 'This is a long string &
& which spans several lines &
& unnecessarily.'
print *, asci_"String"
print *, .false._1, .true._long
print *, ten(:5), ten(6:), ten(3:7), ten(:), you%name(1:2), 'Hello'(:2)
print *, 2**3*4/5+6-7.8
if (1 .lt. 2) print *, "1"; if (1 < 2) print *, "1"
if (1 .le. 2) print *, "2"; if (1 <= 2) print *, "2"
if (1 .eq. 2) print *, "3"; if (1 == 2) print *, "3"
if (1 .ne. 2) print *, "4"; if (1 /= 2) print *, "4"
if (1 .gt. 2) print *, "5"; if (1 > 2) print *, "5"
if (1 .ge. 2) print *, "6"; if (1 >= 2) print *, "6"
print *, .not. .false. .and. (.true. .eqv. .false. .or. .false. .neqv. .true.)
print *, "Hello" // "HelloWorld"(6:10)
print *, point(1.2d0, 3.4)
print *, point(1,2) + point(3,4)
print *, .norm. point(5,6)
pt = 3; print *, pt
pt = (5,6); print *, pt
arrayconst = (/ 1, 2, (i+2, i=1,3) /)
print *, arrayconst
matrixneg10and5 = -5; print *, matrixneg10and5(-10,1)
matrixneg10and5(-9:-7,1) = -3; print *, matrixneg10and5(-10:-5,1)
included_indirectly_in_points = 12
call indirect_subroutine()
end subroutine
subroutine pointers
integer, target :: array
dimension :: array(3)
integer, dimension(:), pointer :: pointer
pointer => null()
print *, associated(pointer)
pointer => array
print *, associated(pointer)
print *, associated(pointer, array)
nullify (pointer)
print *, associated(pointer)
allocate (pointer(5:10))
print *, associated(pointer)
print *, associated(pointer, array)
deallocate (pointer)
end subroutine
subroutine control
integer i, j
go to 100
100 continue
if (sin(3.1415) < 2) print *, "!"
if (.true.) then
print *, "if1"
end if
if2: if (.true.) then
print *, "if2"
end if if2
if3: if (.false.) then
print *, "X"
else if (cos(0.0) == 0) then
print *, "X"
print *, "if3"
end if if3
sc1: select case (int(cos(0.0)))
case (-5:0) sc1
print *, "X"
case (1)
print *, "sc1"
case default sc1
print *, "X"
end select sc1
do 200 i = 1, 3
do 200 j = 1, 5, 2
print *, i*10 + j
200 continue
do1: do i = 1, -3, -1
if (i == 1) cycle
do, j = 100, 100
if (i == 2) cycle do1
print *, i + j
if (i == -2) exit do1
print *, "..."
end do
enddo do1
end subroutine
end program