blob: ad3a76427f524fae668903250152d4782af84938 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* UIUC - Photran modifications
* Markus Schorn - initial API and implementation
* Class edited by Matthew Michelotti.
* Overview of changes:
* -Redirected the original IToken interface reference to an edited
* version of IToken in my package.
* -Added a member variable fPreWhiteSpace to keep track of white
* spaces preceding this token.
* -Made a new optional constructor with an extra parameter for passing
* in preceding white spaces.
* -Added the methods getPrecedingWhiteSpace and getCharPrecedingWhiteSpace.
* -Added the method setPrecedingWhiteSpace.
* -Added a member variable fParent to keep track of the parent token
* -initialized fParent to null in the constructors
* -Added the methods getParent and setParent
* -Added member variable fOrigOffset to keep track of the original value
* of offset, which will be the Lexer char-array offset for Lexer-constructed
* tokens
* -initialized fOrigOffset in constructors
* -Added the method getOrigOffset
* -Changed the setPrecedingWhiteSpace function to set the preceding
* white space of this token and all of its ancestors.
* -added getIncludeFile method
package org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.preprocessor.c;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.preprocessor.c.TokenUtil;
* Represents tokens found by the lexer. The preprocessor reuses the tokens and passes
* them on to the parsers.
* @since 5.0
public class Token implements IToken, Cloneable {
private int fKind;
private int fOffset;
private int fEndOffset;
private IToken fNextToken;
Object fSource;
private char[] fPreWhiteSpace;
private IToken fParent;
private final int fOrigOffset;
Token(int kind, Object source, int offset, int endOffset) {
fKind= kind;
fOffset= offset;
fEndOffset= endOffset;
fSource= source;
fPreWhiteSpace = new char[] {};
fParent = null;
fOrigOffset = offset;
Token(int kind, Object source, int offset, int endOffset, char[] preWhiteSpace) {
fKind= kind;
fOffset= offset;
fEndOffset= endOffset;
fSource= source;
fPreWhiteSpace = preWhiteSpace;
fParent = null;
fOrigOffset = offset;
final public int getType() {
return fKind;
final public int getOffset() {
return fOffset;
final public int getEndOffset() {
return fEndOffset;
final public int getLength() {
return fEndOffset-fOffset;
final public IToken getNext() {
return fNextToken;
final public void setType(int kind) {
fKind= kind;
final public void setNext(IToken t) {
fNextToken= t;
public void setOffset(int offset, int endOffset) {
fOffset= offset;
fEndOffset= endOffset;
public void shiftOffset(int shift) {
fOffset+= shift;
fEndOffset+= shift;
public char[] getCharImage() {
return TokenUtil.getImage(getType());
public String toString() {
return getImage();
final public boolean isOperator() {
return TokenUtil.isOperator(fKind);
public String getImage() {
return new String(getCharImage());
final public Object clone() {
//throw new IllegalArgumentException();//for debugging to get stack trace
try {
return super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return null;
final public char[] getCharPrecedingWhiteSpace() {
return fPreWhiteSpace;
final public String getPrecedingWhiteSpace() {
return new String(getCharPrecedingWhiteSpace());
final public void setPrecedingWhiteSpace(char[] whiteSpace) {
fPreWhiteSpace = whiteSpace;
//Token t = this;
//do {
// t.fPreWhiteSpace = whiteSpace;
// t = (Token)t.fParent;
//}while(t != null);
final public IToken getParent() {
return fParent;
final public void setParent(IToken parent) {
fParent = parent;
final public int getOrigOffset() {
return fOrigOffset;
public String getIncludeFile() {
return null;