blob: 7b94ae6920e5a287dd1051698b43af7a995e17bc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* UIUC - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.lexer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.preprocessor.c.CppHelper;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.preprocessor.c.IToken;
* This class contains a mapping of CPP directives and macros
* (referred to in this class as "producers") to their expansions.
* It is designed as a helper class to assign CPP directives
* and macros to Photran tokens, and it takes into account complicated
* overlapping corner cases. Iteration over the Photran tokens and
* the mapping should be done together.
* See CPreprocessingFreeFormLexerPhase1 for how this class is used.
* @author Matthew Michelotti
public class ProducerMap {
* A mapping of offsets to producers. Each element in this array
* is a String and integer pair. The string of an array element is
* considered the producer of all offsets between the offset value of
* that element and the offset value of the next element. If the string
* of an element is null, that means that all offsets between the offset
* value of that element and the offset value of the next element have
* no producer. The following conditions are guaranteed after the
* ProducerMap is constructed:
* <li>the offsets in the array are in increasing order, including
* the possibility of equality</li>
* <li>the first element has an offset of zero</li>
* <li>the second-to-last element has an offset of finalOffset</li>
* <li>the last element has an offset greater than finalOffset and
* a string value of null</li>
* <li>all non-null strings refer to different producers. Thus,
* no two strings should be equal using the "==" operator</li>
* <li>there are no two consecutive elements where the string is
* null, except possibly among the last three elements</li>
private final StringWithOffset[] mapping;
/**the combined length of the CPP tokens. This is the largest possible
* value for markA or markB.*/
private final int finalOffset;
* an offset marking the start of the interval concerned.
* This offset can only be increased unless the ProducerMap is reset.
* This value must be between zero and finalOffset, and <= markB.
private int markA;
* an offset marking the end of the interval concerned.
* This offset can only be increased unless the ProducerMap is reset.
* This value must be between zero and finalOffset, and >= markA.
private int markB;
* an index in the mapping corresponding to markA. It marks the first
* element in the mapping that is needed to analyze the interval
* between markA and markB. Specifically, if there is an offset
* in the mapping equal to markA, indexPreA is the index
* of the first such array element. Otherwise, indexPreA is the index
* of the last array element with a smaller offset than markA.
private int indexPreA;
* an index in the mapping corresponding to markB. It marks the last
* element in the mapping that is needed to analyze the interval
* between markA and markB. Specifically, if there is an offset
* in the mapping equal to markB, indexPostB is the index
* of the last such array element. Otherwise, indexPostB is the index
* of the first array element with a larger offset than markA.
private int indexPostB;
* A constructor which creates a producer mapping from a series
* of CPP tokens.
* @param token - the first token in the series. The remaining tokens
* are assumed to be attainable using IToken.getNext().
public ProducerMap(IToken token) {
ArrayList<StringWithOffset> mappingAL
= new ArrayList<StringWithOffset>();
int offset = 0;
IToken lastProducer = null;
/*for(IToken tok = token; tok != null; tok = tok.getNext())*/
IToken tok = token;
IToken prevTok = null;
while(tok != null)
IToken producer = CppHelper.getAncestor(tok, true);
if(producer == tok) producer = null;
if(lastProducer != null && producer != lastProducer) {
mappingAL.add(new StringWithOffset(null, offset));
offset += CppHelper.getPreWhiteSpaceLength(tok);
if(producer != null && producer != lastProducer) {
mappingAL.add(new StringWithOffset(
CppHelper.getImage(producer), offset));
offset += CppHelper.getImageLength(tok);
lastProducer = producer;
prevTok = tok;
tok = tok.getNext();
finalOffset = offset;
//append one or two elements to the mapping in order to conform with
//the requirements specified in the comment of the field "mapping"
if(mappingAL.size() > 0) {
StringWithOffset lastSWO = mappingAL.get(mappingAL.size()-1);
if(lastSWO.offset < finalOffset || lastSWO.string != null)
mappingAL.add(new StringWithOffset(null, finalOffset));
else mappingAL.add(new StringWithOffset(null, finalOffset));
mappingAL.add(new StringWithOffset(null, finalOffset+1));
//when translating the mapping ArrayList into an array, possibly
//add an element onto the beginning to conform with the requirements
//specified in the comment of the field "mapping"
if(mappingAL.get(0).offset == 0) {
mapping = new StringWithOffset[mappingAL.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < mapping.length; i++)
mapping[i] = mappingAL.get(i);
else {
mapping = new StringWithOffset[mappingAL.size()+1];
mapping[0] = new StringWithOffset(null, 0);
for(int i = 1; i < mapping.length; i++)
mapping[i] = mappingAL.get(i-1);
* Make a copy of a ProducerMap without needing to reconstruct
* the map. This new map will be reset upon construction.
* @param original - map to base new map on
public ProducerMap(ProducerMap original) {
mapping = original.mapping;
finalOffset = original.finalOffset;
/**move the values of markA and markB back to zero*/
public void reset() {
markA = 0;
markB = 0;
indexPreA = 0;
indexPostB = 0;
* Shift markA further along in the mapping. markA is the start
* of the analyzed interval. If markA exceeds markB, then markB
* will be shifted as well to match markA.
* @param newMarkA - new value for markA. Should be >= current value.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException - when newMarkA is less than
* the current markA or newMarkA is greater than the final
* offset in the mapping
public void setMarkA(int newMarkA) {
if(newMarkA < markA) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"newMarkA must be >= markA"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if(newMarkA > finalOffset) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"newMarkA must be <= the final offset"); //$NON-NLS-1$
while(true) {
int offset = mapping[indexPreA].offset;
if(offset == newMarkA) break;
if(offset > newMarkA) {
markA = newMarkA;
if(newMarkA > markB) setMarkB(newMarkA);
* Shift markB further along in the mapping. markB is the end
* of the analyzed interval.
* @param newMarkB - new value for markB. Should be >= current value.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException - when newMarkB is less than
* the current markB or newMarkB is greater than the final
* offset in the mapping
public void setMarkB(int newMarkB) {
if(newMarkB < markB)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("newMarkB must be >= markB"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if(newMarkB > finalOffset)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("newMarkB must be <= the final offset"); //$NON-NLS-1$
boolean wasEqual = false;
while(true) {
int offset = mapping[indexPostB].offset;
if(offset > newMarkB) break;
wasEqual = (offset == newMarkB);
if(wasEqual) indexPostB--;
markB = newMarkB;
/*public String expandWhite(String image) {
System.out.print("w|" + markA + "|" + markB + "|" + image + "|");
String result = expandWhitea(image);
return result;
* A function intended to be used to obtain an expanded string
* for whitespace before a Photran token. markA and markB should
* specify the interval of that white space.
* @param image - the original whitespace
* @return a new string for the new whitespace, or null if there
* shouldn't be a change. This new string will replace
* text in "image" with producers when appropriate.
* A producer that contains an interval boundary (such
* that the boundary does not lie on the edge of it)
* IS NOT reproduced and the text from "image" in
* that region is removed. A producer mapping to a
* region of length zero on an edge of the interval
* IS reproduced.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException - when the length of image
* is not the same as the length of the interval
* (i.e., markB-markA)
public String expandWhite(String image) {
if(image.length() != markB-markA) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"the length of image must equal markB-markA"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if(indexPreA == indexPostB) return null;
if(indexPreA + 1 == indexPostB) {
if(mapping[indexPreA].string == null) return null;
if(mapping[indexPreA].offset == markA && mapping[indexPostB].offset == markB)
return mapping[indexPreA].string;
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
//at this point, indexPreA and indexPostB are at least 2 apart
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(256);
int index = indexPreA;
if(mapping[index].offset < markA) {
if(mapping[index].string == null)
buffer.append(image.substring(0, mapping[index+1].offset-markA));
for(; index < indexPostB; index++) {
if(index+1 == indexPostB && mapping[index+1].offset > markB) {
if(mapping[index].string == null)
if(mapping[index].string == null) buffer.append(image.substring(
mapping[index].offset-markA, mapping[index+1].offset-markA));
else buffer.append(mapping[index].string);
return buffer.toString();
/*public String expandNormal(String image) {
System.out.print("n|" + markA + "|" + markB + "|" + image + "|");
String result = expandNormala(image);
return result;
* A function intended to be used to obtain an expanded string
* for the text of a Photran tokens, or possibly several Photran
* tokens (but not including the surrounding white space).
* markA and markB should specify the interval of that text.
* @param image - the original text
* @return a new string for the new text, or null if there
* shouldn't be a change. This new string will replace
* text in "image" with producers when appropriate.
* A producer that contains an interval boundary
* IS reproduced. A producer mapping to a
* region of length zero on an edge of the interval
* IS NOT reproduced.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException - when the length of image
* is not the same as the length of the interval
* (i.e., markB-markA)
public String expandNormal(String image) {
if(image.length() != markB-markA) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"the length of image must equal markB-markA"); //$NON-NLS-1$
int index = indexPreA;
int endIndex = indexPostB;
while(index < endIndex) {
if(mapping[index+1].offset == markA) index++;
else break;
while(index < endIndex) {
if(mapping[endIndex-1].offset == markB) endIndex--;
else break;
if(index == endIndex) return null;
if(index + 1 == endIndex) {
if(mapping[index].string == null) return null;
return mapping[index].string;
//at this point, index and endIndex are at least 2 apart
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(256);
for(; index < endIndex; index++) {
if(mapping[index].string == null) {
int subStart = mapping[index].offset-markA;
if(subStart < 0) subStart = 0;
int subEnd = mapping[index+1].offset-markA;
if(subEnd > image.length()) subEnd = image.length();
buffer.append(image.substring(subStart, subEnd));
else buffer.append(mapping[index].string);
return buffer.toString();
* @return true iff markB is not contained within a producer
* (which implies markB is also not on the edge of a producer)
public boolean isMarkBInProducer() {
if(mapping[indexPostB].offset == markB) return false;
StringWithOffset preSWO = mapping[indexPostB-1];
if(preSWO.offset == markB) return false;
if(preSWO.string == null) return false;
return true;
* Examine an interval between markB and endOffset. Determine
* if there is a producer break in this interval.
* @param endOffset - the end of the interval to consider. Must
* be >= markB.
* @return true iff there is a producer break in this interval.
* This includes when the producer of this interval is
* null. This also includes when the producer ends
* at markB or endOffset
* @throws IllegalArgumentException - when endOffset is less than markB or
* endOffset is greater than the final offset in the mapping
public boolean isBreakAfterMarkB(int endOffset) {
if(endOffset < markB) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"endOffset must be >= markB"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if(mapping[indexPostB].offset <= endOffset) return true;
if(mapping[indexPostB-1].string == null) return true;
return false;
/**@return the maximum allowed offset. This will be the maximum
* legal input to setMarkA and setMarkB.*/
public int getFinalOffset() {
return finalOffset;
* A class containing a string and int pair.
* @author Matthew Michelotti
private static class StringWithOffset {
private final String string;
private final int offset;
private StringWithOffset(String string, int offset) {
if(string == null) this.string = null;
else this.string = new String(string);
this.offset = offset;