blob: 4280a08c63759a09cdf230673c76bebaf8e662ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* UIUC - Photran modifications
* Markus Schorn - initial API and implementation
* Edited by Matthew Michelotti
* Overview of changes:
* -may have changed some of the import statements
* -added some lines to expand(...) to make sure the white-spaces
* preceding the macro-identifier are preserved in the macro expansion
* -added some lines to replaceArgs(...) to make sure the white-spaces
* preceding the parameter tokens are preserved in the macro expansion
* -Added functionality to expand(...) to memorize the macro invocation
* as a parent of the expansion. This is done by obtaining the raw
* characters from the lexer of the macro after the identifier.
* Then, these characters are made into a token and linked to a
* clone of the identifier, which is set as the parent of the expansion.
* This will form a sequence of one or two tokens, the first token being
* the identifier, and the optional second token being a string of
* all the arguments. The first token will have the type
* token will have the type tMACRO_ARGS. I think it is possible for
* a Lexer change between the identifier and the argument tokens,
* so the first token may have a different parent than the second token.
* -edited expand(...) so that if the resulting token list is empty,
* a blank token is added to it
* -Added a parameter to parseArguments which is a TokenList named
* parsedArguments. Added a couple lines in parseArguments so that it
* would append all of the parsed tokens to the parsedArguments TokenList.
* If null, it is ignored.
* -Added a parameter to expandOne called parsedArguments, which in turn will
* be passed to the parseArguments method.
* -Updated references to expandOne to include this new parameter. The
* reference from the first expand method is the only one that passes it a
* non-null value for parsedArguments.
* -Added lines in expand(...) to update the parents of the result tokens.
* Parents will be clones of the original tokens in a TokenList. Thus,
* the first token (left parent) will be singly-linked to the last token
* (right parent).
package org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.preprocessor.c;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTName;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IProblem;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.Keywords;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.CharArrayMap;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.CharArrayUtils;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.preprocessor.c.ImageLocationInfo.MacroImageLocationInfo;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.preprocessor.c.ImageLocationInfo.ParameterImageLocationInfo;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.preprocessor.c.Lexer.LexerOptions;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.preprocessor.c.MacroDefinitionParser.TokenParameterReference;
* Utility class to perform macro expansion.
* @since 5.0
public class MacroExpander {
private static final int ORIGIN = OffsetLimitReachedException.ORIGIN_MACRO_EXPANSION;
private static final Token END_TOKEN = new Token(IToken.tEND_OF_INPUT, null, 0, 0);
private static final TokenList EMPTY_TOKEN_LIST = new TokenList();
* Marks the beginning and the end of the scope of a macro expansion. Necessary to properly
* handle recursive expansions and to figure out whether spaces are required during a stringify
* operation across such boundaries.
public static final class ExpansionBoundary extends Token {
private boolean fIsStart;
private final PreprocessorMacro fMacro;
ExpansionBoundary(PreprocessorMacro scope, boolean isStart) {
super(CPreprocessor.tSCOPE_MARKER, null, 0, 0);
fMacro= scope;
fIsStart= isStart;
public char[] getCharImage() {
return CharArrayUtils.EMPTY;
public String toString() {
return "{" + (fIsStart ? '+' : '-') + fMacro.getName() + '}'; //$NON-NLS-1$
public void execute(IdentityHashMap<PreprocessorMacro, PreprocessorMacro> forbidden) {
if (fIsStart) {
forbidden.put(fMacro, fMacro);
else {
* Combines a list of tokens with the preprocessor to form the input for macro expansion.
private class TokenSource extends TokenList {
private final Lexer fLexer;
private final boolean fStopAtNewline;
public TokenSource(Lexer lexer, boolean stopAtNewline) {
fLexer= lexer;
fStopAtNewline= stopAtNewline;
public Token fetchFirst() throws OffsetLimitReachedException {
Token t= removeFirst();
if (t == null && fLexer != null) {
t= fLexer.currentToken();
if (fStopAtNewline && t.getType() == Lexer.tNEWLINE) {
else {
fEndOffset= t.getEndOffset();
return t;
public boolean findLParenthesis() throws OffsetLimitReachedException {
Token t= first();
while (t != null) {
switch (t.getType()) {
case CPreprocessor.tSPACE:
case CPreprocessor.tNOSPACE:
case Lexer.tNEWLINE:
case CPreprocessor.tSCOPE_MARKER:
case IToken.tLPAREN:
return true;
return false;
t= (Token) t.getNext();
if (fLexer != null) {
t= fLexer.currentToken();
if (!fStopAtNewline) {
while(t.getType() == Lexer.tNEWLINE) {
t= fLexer.nextToken();
return t.getType() == IToken.tLPAREN;
return false;
private final ILexerLog fLog;
private final MacroDefinitionParser fDefinitionParser;
private final CharArrayMap<PreprocessorMacro> fDictionary;
private final LocationMap fLocationMap;
private final LexerOptions fLexOptions;
private ArrayList<IASTName> fImplicitMacroExpansions= new ArrayList<IASTName>();
private ArrayList<ImageLocationInfo> fImageLocationInfos= new ArrayList<ImageLocationInfo>();
private boolean fCompletionMode;
private int fStartOffset;
private int fEndOffset;
// for using the expander to track expansions
private String fFixedCurrentFilename;
private int fFixedLineNumber;
private char[] fFixedInput;
public MacroExpander(ILexerLog log, CharArrayMap<PreprocessorMacro> macroDictionary, LocationMap locationMap, LexerOptions lexOptions) {
fDictionary= macroDictionary;
fLocationMap= locationMap;
fDefinitionParser= new MacroDefinitionParser();
fLexOptions= lexOptions;
fLog= log;
* Expects that the identifier has been consumed, stores the result in the list provided.
public TokenList expand(Lexer lexer, boolean stopAtNewline, final boolean isPPCondition, PreprocessorMacro macro, Token identifier, boolean completionMode) throws OffsetLimitReachedException {
fStartOffset= identifier.getOffset();
fEndOffset= identifier.getEndOffset();
fCompletionMode= completionMode;
IdentityHashMap<PreprocessorMacro, PreprocessorMacro> forbidden= new IdentityHashMap<PreprocessorMacro, PreprocessorMacro>();
// setup input sequence
TokenSource input= new TokenSource(lexer, stopAtNewline);
TokenList firstExpansion= new TokenList();
TokenList result;
try {
firstExpansion.append(new ExpansionBoundary(macro, true));
expandOne(identifier, macro, forbidden, input, firstExpansion, null);
firstExpansion.append(new ExpansionBoundary(macro, false));
result= expandAll(input, forbidden, isPPCondition, null);
catch (CompletionInMacroExpansionException e) {
// for content assist in macro expansions, we return the list of tokens of the
// parameter at the current cursor position and hope that they make sense if
// they are inserted at the position of the expansion.
// For a better solution one would have to perform the expansion with artificial
// parameters and then check where the completion token ends up in the expansion.
result= e.getParameterTokens().cloneTokens();
if(result.first() == null) result.append(new Token(CPreprocessor.tBLANK, null, 0, 0)); //added by MM
//Assumes that "identifier" was constructed by "lexer".
IToken postToken = lexer.currentToken(); //added by MM
int invocationStart = identifier.getOrigOffset(); //added by MM
int invocationEnd = postToken.getOrigOffset() - postToken.getCharPrecedingWhiteSpace().length; //added by MM
Token invocation = new TokenWithImage(CPreprocessor.tPARENT_BASIC_MACRO, null, invocationStart, invocationEnd, lexer.getRawChars(invocationStart, invocationEnd), identifier.getCharPrecedingWhiteSpace()); //added by MM
if(macro.isFunctionStyle()) invocation.setType(CPreprocessor.tPARENT_FUNCTION_MACRO); //added by MM
invocation.setParent(lexer.getParentToken()); //added by MM
Token firstToken = result.first();//added by MM
firstToken.setPrecedingWhiteSpace(invocation.getCharPrecedingWhiteSpace());//added by MM
Token lastToken = result.last(); //added by MM
IToken t = firstToken; //added by MM
while(true) { //added by MM
t.setParent(invocation); //added by MM
if(t == lastToken) break; //added by MM
t = t.getNext(); //added by MM
} //added by MM
return result;
* Method for tracking macro expansions.
* @since 5.0
public void expand(String beforeExpansion, MacroExpansionTracker tracker, String filePath, int lineNumber, boolean protectDefinedConstructs) {
fFixedInput= beforeExpansion.toCharArray();
fFixedCurrentFilename= filePath;
fFixedLineNumber= lineNumber;
Lexer lexer= new Lexer(fFixedInput, fLexOptions, fLog, this);
try {
Token identifier= lexer.nextToken();
if (identifier.getType() != IToken.tIDENTIFIER) {;
PreprocessorMacro macro= fDictionary.get(identifier.getCharImage());
if (macro == null) {;
fStartOffset= identifier.getOffset();
fEndOffset= identifier.getEndOffset();
fCompletionMode= false;
IdentityHashMap<PreprocessorMacro, PreprocessorMacro> forbidden= new IdentityHashMap<PreprocessorMacro, PreprocessorMacro>();
// setup input sequence
TokenSource input= new TokenSource(lexer, false);
TokenList firstExpansion= new TokenList();
firstExpansion.append(new ExpansionBoundary(macro, true));
expandOne(identifier, macro, forbidden, input, firstExpansion, tracker);
firstExpansion.append(new ExpansionBoundary(macro, false));
TokenList result= expandAll(input, forbidden, protectDefinedConstructs, tracker);
tracker.finish(result, fEndOffset);
} catch (OffsetLimitReachedException e) {
* Expects that the identifier of the macro expansion has been consumed. Expands the macro consuming
* tokens from the input (to read the parameters) and stores the resulting tokens together
* with boundary markers in the result token list.
* Returns the last token of the expansion.
private Token expandOne(Token lastConsumed, PreprocessorMacro macro,
IdentityHashMap<PreprocessorMacro, PreprocessorMacro> forbidden, TokenSource input, TokenList result,
MacroExpansionTracker tracker)
throws OffsetLimitReachedException {
if (macro.isFunctionStyle()) {
final int paramCount = macro.getParameterPlaceholderList().length;
final TokenSource[] argInputs= new TokenSource[paramCount];
final BitSet paramUsage= getParamUsage(macro);
if (tracker != null) {
tracker.startFunctionStyleMacro((Token) lastConsumed.clone());
lastConsumed= parseArguments(input, (FunctionStyleMacro) macro, forbidden, argInputs, tracker);
TokenList[] clonedArgs= new TokenList[paramCount];
TokenList[] expandedArgs= new TokenList[paramCount];
for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) {
final TokenSource argInput = argInputs[i];
final boolean needCopy= paramUsage.get(2*i);
final boolean needExpansion = paramUsage.get(2*i+1);
clonedArgs[i]= needCopy ? argInput.cloneTokens() : EMPTY_TOKEN_LIST;
expandedArgs[i]= needExpansion ? expandAll(argInput, forbidden, false, tracker) : EMPTY_TOKEN_LIST;
if (!needExpansion) {
executeScopeMarkers(argInput, forbidden);
if (tracker != null) {
tracker.setExpandedMacroArgument(needExpansion ? expandedArgs[i] : null);
// make sure that the trailing arguments do not get expanded.
if (tracker.isDone()) {
if (tracker == null) {
replaceArgs(macro, clonedArgs, expandedArgs, result);
else {
if (tracker.isRequestedStep()) {
TokenList replacement= new TokenList();
replaceArgs(macro, clonedArgs, expandedArgs, replacement);
tracker.storeFunctionStyleMacroReplacement(macro, replacement, result);
else if (tracker.isDone()) {
else {
replaceArgs(macro, clonedArgs, expandedArgs, result);
else {
if (tracker == null) {
objStyleTokenPaste(macro, result);
else {
if (tracker.isRequestedStep()) {
TokenList replacement= new TokenList();
objStyleTokenPaste(macro, replacement);
tracker.storeObjectStyleMacroReplacement(macro, lastConsumed, replacement, result);
else {
objStyleTokenPaste(macro, result);
return lastConsumed;
private void executeScopeMarkers(TokenSource input, IdentityHashMap<PreprocessorMacro, PreprocessorMacro> forbidden) {
Token t= input.removeFirst();
while(t != null) {
if (t.getType() == CPreprocessor.tSCOPE_MARKER) {
((ExpansionBoundary) t).execute(forbidden);
t= input.removeFirst();
private TokenList expandAll(TokenSource input, IdentityHashMap<PreprocessorMacro, PreprocessorMacro> forbidden,
boolean protectDefinedConstructs, MacroExpansionTracker tracker) throws OffsetLimitReachedException {
final TokenList result= new TokenList();
boolean protect= false;
Token l= null;
Token t= input.removeFirst();
while(t != null) {
switch(t.getType()) {
case CPreprocessor.tSCOPE_MARKER:
((ExpansionBoundary) t).execute(forbidden);
case IToken.tIDENTIFIER:
final char[] image = t.getCharImage();
PreprocessorMacro macro= fDictionary.get(image);
if (protect || (tracker != null && tracker.isDone())) {
else if (protectDefinedConstructs && Arrays.equals(image, Keywords.cDEFINED)) {
protect= true;
// tricky: don't mark function-style macros if you don't find the left parenthesis
else if (macro == null || (macro.isFunctionStyle() && !input.findLParenthesis())) {
else if (forbidden.containsKey(macro)) {
t.setType(CPreprocessor.tEXPANDED_IDENTIFIER); // prevent any further expansion
else {
if (fLocationMap != null) {
ImageLocationInfo info= null;
if (fLexOptions.fCreateImageLocations) {
info = createImageLocationInfo(t);
fImplicitMacroExpansions.add(fLocationMap.encounterImplicitMacroExpansion(macro, info));
TokenList replacement= new TokenList();
addSpacemarker(l, t, replacement); // start expansion
replacement.append(new ExpansionBoundary(macro, true));
Token last= expandOne(t, macro, forbidden, input, replacement, tracker);
replacement.append(new ExpansionBoundary(macro, false));
addSpacemarker(last, input.first(), replacement); // end expansion
case IToken.tLPAREN:
case CPreprocessor.tNOSPACE:
case CPreprocessor.tSPACE:
protect= false;
l= t;
t= input.removeFirst();
return result;
private ImageLocationInfo createImageLocationInfo(Token t) {
if (fLocationMap != null) {
final Object s= t.fSource;
if (s instanceof ObjectStyleMacro) {
return new MacroImageLocationInfo((ObjectStyleMacro) s, t.getOffset(), t.getEndOffset());
else if (s instanceof CPreprocessor) {
int sequenceNumber= fLocationMap.getSequenceNumberForOffset(t.getOffset());
int sequenceEndNumber= fLocationMap.getSequenceNumberForOffset(t.getEndOffset());
return new ParameterImageLocationInfo(sequenceNumber, sequenceEndNumber);
return null;
private static boolean isNeighborInSource(Token l, Token t) {
return l != null && t != null && l.fSource != null && l.fSource == t.fSource;
static boolean hasImplicitSpace(Token l, Token t) {
return isNeighborInSource(l, t) && l.getEndOffset() != t.getOffset();
static void addSpacemarker(Token l, Token t, TokenList target) {
if (isNeighborInSource(l, t)) {
final int from= l.getEndOffset();
final int to= t.getOffset();
if (from != to) {
target.append(new Token(CPreprocessor.tSPACE, l.fSource, from, to));
target.append(new Token(CPreprocessor.tNOSPACE, null, 0, 0));
* Expects that the identifier has been consumed.
* @param forbidden
* @param tracker
* @throws OffsetLimitReachedException
private Token parseArguments(TokenSource input, FunctionStyleMacro macro, IdentityHashMap<PreprocessorMacro, PreprocessorMacro> forbidden, TokenSource[] result,
MacroExpansionTracker tracker) throws OffsetLimitReachedException {
final int argCount= macro.getParameterPlaceholderList().length;
final boolean hasVarargs= macro.hasVarArgs() != FunctionStyleMacro.NO_VAARGS;
final int requiredArgs= hasVarargs ? argCount-1 : argCount;
int idx= 0;
int nesting= -1;
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
result[i]= new TokenSource(null, false);
boolean complete= false;
boolean isFirstOfArg= true;
Token lastToken= null;
TokenList spaceMarkers= new TokenList();
loop: while (true) {
Token t= input.fetchFirst();
//System.out.println("::::: " + t.getPrecedingWhiteSpace() + t.getImage());
if (t == null) {
break loop;
if (tracker != null) {
switch(t.getType()) {
case IToken.tEND_OF_INPUT:
case IToken.tCOMPLETION:
case CPreprocessor.tSCOPE_MARKER:
case Lexer.tNEWLINE:
tracker.addFunctionStyleMacroExpansionToken((Token) t.clone());
lastToken= t;
switch(t.getType()) {
case IToken.tEND_OF_INPUT:
assert nesting >= 0;
if (fCompletionMode) {
if (idx < result.length) {
throw new CompletionInMacroExpansionException(ORIGIN, t, result[idx]);
throw new OffsetLimitReachedException(ORIGIN, null);
break loop;
case IToken.tCOMPLETION:
if (idx < result.length) {
throw new CompletionInMacroExpansionException(ORIGIN, t, result[idx]);
throw new OffsetLimitReachedException(ORIGIN, t);
case Lexer.tNEWLINE:
continue loop;
case IToken.tLPAREN:
// the first one sets nesting to zero.
if (++nesting == 0) {
case IToken.tRPAREN:
assert nesting >= 0;
if (--nesting < 0) {
complete= true;
break loop;
case IToken.tCOMMA:
assert nesting >= 0;
if (nesting == 0) {
if (idx < argCount-1) { // next argument
isFirstOfArg= true;
continue loop;
else if (!hasVarargs) {
break loop;
case CPreprocessor.tSCOPE_MARKER:
if (argCount == 0) {
((ExpansionBoundary) t).execute(forbidden);
else {
continue loop;
case CPreprocessor.tSPACE:
case CPreprocessor.tNOSPACE:
if (!isFirstOfArg) {
continue loop;
assert nesting >= 0;
if (argCount == 0) {
break loop;
isFirstOfArg= false;
if (!complete || idx+1 < requiredArgs) {
handleProblem(IProblem.PREPROCESSOR_MACRO_USAGE_ERROR, macro.getNameCharArray());
return lastToken;
private void handleProblem(int problemID, char[] arg) {
fLog.handleProblem(problemID, arg, fStartOffset, fEndOffset);
private void replaceArgs(PreprocessorMacro macro, TokenList[] args, TokenList[] expandedArgs, TokenList result) {
TokenList replacement= clone(macro.getTokens(fDefinitionParser, fLexOptions, this));
Token l= null;
Token n;
Token pasteArg1= null;
for (Token t= replacement.first(); t != null; l=t, t=n) {
n= (Token) t.getNext();
switch(t.getType()) {
case CPreprocessor.tMACRO_PARAMETER:
int idx= ((TokenParameterReference) t).getIndex();
if (idx < args.length) { // be defensive
addSpacemarker(l, t, result); // start argument replacement
if (isKind(n, IToken.tPOUNDPOUND)) {
TokenList arg= clone(args[idx]);
Token firstToken = arg.first();//added by MM
if(firstToken != null)//added by MM
firstToken.setPrecedingWhiteSpace(t.getCharPrecedingWhiteSpace());//added by MM
pasteArg1= arg.last();
if (pasteArg1 != null) {
addSpacemarker(result.last(), pasteArg1, result); // start token paste
else {
TokenList arg= clone(expandedArgs[idx]);
Token firstToken = arg.first();//added by MM
if(firstToken != null)//added by MM
firstToken.setPrecedingWhiteSpace(t.getCharPrecedingWhiteSpace());//added by MM
addSpacemarker(t, n, result); // end argument replacement
case IToken.tPOUND:
addSpacemarker(l, t, result); // start stringify
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
if (isKind(n, CPreprocessor.tMACRO_PARAMETER)) {
idx= ((TokenParameterReference) n).getIndex();
if (idx < args.length) { // be defensive
stringify(args[idx], buf);
t= n;
n= (Token) n.getNext();
final int length= buf.length();
final char[] image= new char[length];
buf.getChars(0, length, image, 0);
Token generated= new TokenWithImage(IToken.tSTRING, null, 0, 0, image);
if (isKind(n, IToken.tPOUNDPOUND)) { // start token paste, same as start stringify
pasteArg1= generated;
else {
addSpacemarker(t, n, result); // end stringify
case IToken.tPOUNDPOUND:
Token pasteArg2= null;
TokenList rest= null;
if (n != null) {
if (n.getType() == CPreprocessor.tMACRO_PARAMETER) {
TokenList arg;
idx= ((TokenParameterReference) n).getIndex();
if (idx < args.length) { // be defensive
arg= clone(args[idx]);
pasteArg2= arg.first();
if (pasteArg2 != null && arg.first() != arg.last()) {
rest= arg;
else {
idx= -1;
pasteArg2= n;
t= n;
n= (Token) n.getNext();
final boolean pasteNext= isKind(n, IToken.tPOUNDPOUND);
generated= tokenpaste(pasteArg1, pasteArg2, macro);
pasteArg1= null;
if (generated != null) {
if (pasteNext && rest == null) {
pasteArg1= generated; // no need to mark spaces, done ahead
else {
addSpacemarker(pasteArg2, rest == null ? n : rest.first(), result); // end token paste
if (rest != null) {
if (pasteNext) {
pasteArg1= rest.last();
if (pasteArg1 != null) {
addSpacemarker(result.last(), pasteArg1, result); // start token paste
else {
if (idx >= 0) {
addSpacemarker(t, n, result); // end argument replacement
case IToken.tCOMMA:
if (isKind(n, IToken.tPOUNDPOUND)) {
final Token nn= (Token) n.getNext();
if (isKind(nn, CPreprocessor.tMACRO_PARAMETER)) {
idx= ((TokenParameterReference) nn).getIndex();
// check for gcc-extension preventing the paste operation
if (idx == args.length-1 && macro.hasVarArgs() != FunctionStyleMacro.NO_VAARGS &&
!isKind(nn.getNext(), IToken.tPOUNDPOUND)) {
final Token nnn= (Token) nn.getNext();
TokenList arg= clone(expandedArgs[idx]);
if (arg.isEmpty()) {
addSpacemarker(l, t, result);
addSpacemarker(nn, nnn, result);
else {
addSpacemarker(t, n, result);
addSpacemarker(nn, nnn, result);
t= nn;
n= nnn;
addSpacemarker(l, t, result);
pasteArg1= t;
else {
if (isKind(n, IToken.tPOUNDPOUND)) {
addSpacemarker(l, t, result); // start token paste
pasteArg1= t;
else {
private boolean isKind(final IToken t, final int kind) {
return t!=null && t.getType() == kind;
private BitSet getParamUsage(PreprocessorMacro macro) {
final BitSet result= new BitSet();
final TokenList replacement= macro.getTokens(fDefinitionParser, fLexOptions, this);
Token l= null;
Token n;
for (Token t= replacement.first(); t != null; l=t, t=n) {
n= (Token) t.getNext();
switch(t.getType()) {
case CPreprocessor.tMACRO_PARAMETER:
int idx= 2*((TokenParameterReference) t).getIndex();
if (!isKind(n, IToken.tPOUNDPOUND)) {
case IToken.tPOUND:
if (isKind(n, CPreprocessor.tMACRO_PARAMETER)) {
idx= ((TokenParameterReference) n).getIndex();
t= n; n= (Token) n.getNext();
case IToken.tPOUNDPOUND:
if (isKind(n, CPreprocessor.tMACRO_PARAMETER)) {
idx= ((TokenParameterReference) n).getIndex();
// gcc-extension
if (isKind(l, IToken.tCOMMA) && macro.hasVarArgs() != FunctionStyleMacro.NO_VAARGS &&
idx == macro.getParameterPlaceholderList().length-1 && !isKind(n.getNext(), IToken.tPOUNDPOUND)) {
else {
t= n; n= (Token) n.getNext();
return result;
private void objStyleTokenPaste(PreprocessorMacro macro, TokenList result) {
TokenList replacement= clone(macro.getTokens(fDefinitionParser, fLexOptions, this));
Token l= null;
Token n;
Token pasteArg1= null;
for (Token t= replacement.first(); t != null; l=t, t=n) {
n= (Token) t.getNext();
switch(t.getType()) {
case IToken.tPOUNDPOUND:
if (pasteArg1 != null) {
Token pasteArg2= null;
if (n != null) {
pasteArg2= n;
n= (Token) n.getNext();
t= tokenpaste(pasteArg1, pasteArg2, macro);
if (t != null) {
if (isKind(n, IToken.tPOUNDPOUND)) {
pasteArg1= t;
else {
addSpacemarker(pasteArg2, n, result); // end token paste
if (isKind(n, IToken.tPOUNDPOUND)) {
addSpacemarker(l, t, result); // start token paste
pasteArg1= t;
else {
private TokenList clone(TokenList tl) {
TokenList result= new TokenList();
for (Token t= tl.first(); t != null; t= (Token) t.getNext()) {
result.append((Token) t.clone());
return result;
private Token tokenpaste(Token arg1, Token arg2, PreprocessorMacro macro) {
if (arg1 == null) {
return arg2;
if (arg2 == null) {
return arg1;
final char[] image1= arg1.getCharImage();
final char[] image2= arg2.getCharImage();
final int l1 = image1.length;
final int l2 = image2.length;
final char[] image= new char[l1+l2];
System.arraycopy(image1, 0, image, 0, l1);
System.arraycopy(image2, 0, image, l1, l2);
Lexer lex= new Lexer(image, fLexOptions, ILexerLog.NULL, null);
try {
Token t1= lex.nextToken();
Token t2= lex.nextToken();
if (t1.getType() != IToken.tEND_OF_INPUT && t2.getType() == IToken.tEND_OF_INPUT) {
t1.setOffset(arg1.getOffset(), arg2.getEndOffset());
return t1;
} catch (OffsetLimitReachedException e) {
handleProblem(IProblem.PREPROCESSOR_MACRO_PASTING_ERROR, macro.getNameCharArray());
return null;
private void stringify(TokenList tokenList, StringBuilder buf) {
Token t= tokenList.first();
if (t == null) {
Token l= null;
Token n;
boolean space= false;
for (; t != null; l=t, t=n) {
n= (Token) t.getNext();
if (!space && hasImplicitSpace(l, t)) {
buf.append(' ');
space= true;
switch(t.getType()) {
case IToken.tSTRING:
case IToken.tLSTRING:
case IToken.tCHAR:
case IToken.tLCHAR:
final char[] image= t.getCharImage();
for (final char c : image) {
if (c == '"' || c == '\\') {
space= false;
case CPreprocessor.tSPACE:
if (!space && l != null && n != null) {
buf.append(' ');
space= true;
case CPreprocessor.tNOSPACE:
space= false;
public IASTName[] clearImplicitExpansions() {
IASTName[] result= fImplicitMacroExpansions.toArray(new IASTName[fImplicitMacroExpansions.size()]);
return result;
public ImageLocationInfo[] clearImageLocationInfos() {
ImageLocationInfo[] result= fImageLocationInfos.toArray(new ImageLocationInfo[fImageLocationInfos.size()]);
return result;
private void postProcessTokens(TokenList replacement) {
final boolean createImageLocations= fLexOptions.fCreateImageLocations;
int offset= 0;
Token l= null;
for (Token t= replacement.first(); t!=null; t= (Token) t.getNext()) {
switch(t.getType()) {
case CPreprocessor.tEXPANDED_IDENTIFIER:
if (createImageLocations) {
ImageLocationInfo info= createImageLocationInfo(t);
if (info != null) {
info.fTokenOffsetInExpansion= offset;
case IToken.tIDENTIFIER:
if (createImageLocations) {
ImageLocationInfo info= createImageLocationInfo(t);
if (info != null) {
info.fTokenOffsetInExpansion= offset;
case CPreprocessor.tSCOPE_MARKER:
case CPreprocessor.tSPACE:
case CPreprocessor.tNOSPACE:
case IToken.tCOMPLETION:
// we need to preserve the length of the completion token.
t.setOffset(offset, offset+t.getLength());
t.setOffset(offset, ++offset);
l= t;
int getCurrentLineNumber() {
if (fFixedInput != null) {
return fFixedLineNumber + countNewlines(fFixedInput);
if (fLocationMap != null) {
return fLocationMap.getCurrentLineNumber(fEndOffset);
return 0;
private int countNewlines(char[] input) {
int nl= 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.length && i<fEndOffset; i++) {
if (input[i] == '\n') {
return nl;
String getCurrentFilename() {
if (fFixedCurrentFilename != null) {
return fFixedCurrentFilename;
if (fLocationMap != null) {
return fLocationMap.getCurrentFilePath();
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$