blob: 2d5c29c1d4ce44e695670055dca4c25a6dc38c1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Debugging ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Prints a textual representation of the global scope (and all nested scopes) */
public void printGlobalSymbolTableOn(PrintStream out)
Scope scope = this;
while (scope.parentScope != null) scope = scope.parentScope;
* Describe the contents of this symbol table.
* @param indent Number of spaces to indent each line. (This is useful when displaying nested
* symbol tables.)
* @return <code>String</code>
public String toString(int indent)
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (internal)
indent(indent, sb);
sb.append("* Internal/contained\n");
if (entriesArePrivateByDefault)
indent(indent, sb);
sb.append("* Default visibility is PRIVATE\n");
// Write out implicit spec if top level table or if it differs from its parent
if (parentScope == null || implicitSpec != parentScope.implicitSpec)
indent(indent, sb);
sb.append("* Implicit ");
sb.append(implicitSpec == null ? "none\n\n" : "enabled\n\n");
// // Write out module import info
// for (ModuleUse useInfo : moduleUseInfo)
// {
// indent(indent, sb);
// sb.append("* Use ");
// sb.append(useInfo.toString());
// sb.append("\n");
// }
// Write out entries
for (int i = 0; i < bindings.size(); i++)
Binding b = bindings.get(i);
if (!(b instanceof Intrinsic))
sb.append(b == null ? "(null binding)" : b.toString(indent));
if (b instanceof Definition)
for (Binding ref : findAllReferences((Definition)b))
indent(indent + 4, sb);
sb.append("Referenced" + ref.describeLocation() + "\n");
// Write out nested scopes
for (int i = 0; i < nestedScopes.size(); i++)
Scope ns = nestedScopes.get(i);
if (ns == null)
sb.append("(null nested scope)");
indent(indent, sb);
sb.append("Nested scope");
if (ns.parentEntry != null) sb.append(" for " + ns.parentEntry);
sb.append(ns.toString(indent + 4));
return sb.toString();
protected void indent(int indent, StringBuffer sb)
for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
sb.append(' ');
* Return a friendly listing of the contents of this symbol table.
public String toString()
return toString(0);