blob: e7e475d7891fe1eca1a7ff63cd650872317d34fd [file] [log] [blame]
ABS (A) Absolute value function.
ACHAR (I [, KIND]) Converts an ASCII code value to a character.
ACOS (X) Arccosine (inverse cosine) function.
ACOSH (X) Inverse hyperbolic cosine function.
ADJUSTL (STRING) Rotates a string to remove leading blanks.
ADJUSTR (STRING) Rotates a string to remove trailing blanks.
AIMAG (Z) Returns the imaginary part of a complex number.
AINT (A [, KIND]) Converts A to a whole number by truncating toward 0.
ALL (MASK [, DIM]) Reduces a logical array using the AND operation.
ALLOCATED (ARRAY) or (SCALAR) Queries the allocation status of a variable.
ANINT (A [, KIND]) Nearest whole number function.
ANY (MASK [, DIM]) Reduces a logical array using the OR operation.
ASIN (X) Arcsine (inverse sine) function.
ASINH (X) Inverse hyperbolic sine function.
ASSOCIATED (POINTER [, TARGET]) Queries the association status of a pointer.
ATAN (X) or (Y, X) Arctangent (inverse tangent) function.
ATAN2 (Y, X) Arctangent (inverse tangent) function.
ATANH (X) Inverse hyperbolic tangent function.
ATOMIC DEFINE (ATOM, VALUE) Defines a variable atomically.
ATOMIC REF (VALUE, ATOM) References a variable atomically.
BESSEL J0 (X) Bessel function of the 1st kind (order 0).
BESSEL J1 (X) Bessel function of the 1st kind (order 1).
BESSEL JN (N, X) Bessel function of the 1st kind (order N).
BESSEL JN (N1, N2, X) Bessel functions of the 1st kind.
BESSEL Y0 (X) Bessel function of the 2nd kind (order 0).
BESSEL Y1 (X) Bessel function of the 2nd kind (order 1).
BESSEL YN (N, X) Bessel function of the 2nd kind (order N).
BESSEL YN (N1, N2, X) Bessel functions of the 2nd kind.
BGE (I, J) Bitwise greater than or equal to.
BGT (I, J) Bitwise greater than.
BLE (I, J) Bitwise less than or equal to.
BLT (I, J) Bitwise less than.
BIT SIZE (I) Returns the number of bits in the integer model.
BTEST (I, POS) Tests a single bit in an integer.
CEILING (A [, KIND]) Returns the least integer greater than or equal to A.
CHAR (I [, KIND]) Converts a code value to a character.
CMPLX (X [, Y, KIND]) Converts to complex type.
COMMAND ARGUMENT COUNT ( ) Returns the number of command arguments.
CONJG (Z) Returns the conjugate of a complex number.
COS (X) Cosine function.
COSH (X) Hyperbolic cosine function.
COUNT (MASK [, DIM, KIND]) Reduces a logical array by counting true values.
CPU TIME (TIME) Returns the processor time.
CSHIFT (ARRAY, SHIFT [, DIM]) Circular shift function.
DATE AND TIME ([DATE, TIME, ZONE, VALUES]) Returns the date and time.
DBLE (A) Converts to double precision real.
DIGITS (X) Returns the number of significant digits in the numeric model.
DIM (X, Y) Maximum of X - Y and zero.
DOT PRODUCT (VECTOR A, VECTOR B) Returns the dot product of two vectors.
DPROD (X, Y) Returns the double precision real product.
DSHIFTL (I, J, SHIFT) Combined left shift.
DSHIFTR (I, J, SHIFT) Combined right shift.
EOSHIFT (ARRAY, SHIFT [, BOUNDARY, DIM]) End-off shift function.
EPSILON (X) Model number that is small compared to 1.
ERF (X) Error function.
ERFC (X) Complementary error function.
ERFC SCALED (X) Scaled complementary error function.
EXP (X) Exponential function.
EXPONENT (X) Returns the exponent of floating-point number.
EXTENDS TYPE OF (A, MOLD) Queries a dynamic type for extension.
FINDLOC (ARRAY, VALUE, DIM [, MASK, KIND, BACK]) or (ARRAY, VALUE [, MASK, KIND, BACK]) Returns the location(s) of a specified value.
FLOOR (A [, KIND]) Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to A.
FRACTION (X) Returns the fractional part of number.
GAMMA (X) Gamma function.
GET COMMAND ([COMMAND, LENGTH, STATUS]) Queries the program invocation command.
GET COMMAND ARGUMENT (NUMBER [, VALUE, LENGTH, STATUS]) Queries arguments to the program invocation command.
HUGE (X) Returns the largest model number.
HYPOT (X, Y) Euclidean distance function.
IACHAR (C [, KIND]) Returns the ASCII code value for a character.
IALL (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Reduces an array using the bitwise AND operation.
IAND (I, J) Bitwise AND.
IANY (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Reduce an array using the bitwise OR operation.
IBCLR (I, POS) Returns I with bit POS replaced by zero.
IBITS (I, POS, LEN) Returns the specified sequence of bits.
IBSET (I, POS) Returns I with bit POS replaced by one.
ICHAR (C [, KIND]) Returns the code value for a character.
IEOR (I, J) Bitwise exclusive OR.
IMAGE INDEX (COARRAY, SUB) Converts cosubscripts to an image index.
INDEX (STRING, SUBSTRING [, BACK, KIND]) Searches for a substring.
INT (A [, KIND]) Converts to integer type.
IOR (I, J) Bitwise inclusive OR.
IPARITY (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Reduces an array with the bitwise exclusive OR operation.
ISHFT (I, SHIFT) Logical shift.
ISHFTC (I, SHIFT [, SIZE]) Circular shift of the rightmost bits.
IS CONTIGUOUS (ARRAY) Tests the contiguity of an array.
IS IOSTAT END (I) Tests an IOSTAT value for end-of-file.
IS IOSTAT EOR (I) Tests an IOSTAT value for end-of-record.
KIND (X) Returns the value of the kind type parameter of X.
LBOUND (ARRAY [, DIM, KIND]) Returns the lower bound(s) of an array.
LCOBOUND (COARRAY [, DIM, KIND]) Returns the lower cobound(s) of a coarray.
LEADZ (I) Returns the number of leading zero bits.
LEN (STRING [, KIND]) Returns the length of a character entity.
LEN TRIM (STRING [, KIND]) Returns the length without trailing blanks.
LGE (STRING A, STRING B) ASCII greater than or equal function.
LGT (STRING A, STRING B) ASCII greater than function.
LLE (STRING A, STRING B) ASCII less than or equal function.
LLT (STRING A, STRING B) ASCII less than function.
LOG (X) Natural logarithm.
LOG GAMMA (X) Logarithm of the absolute value of the gamma function.
LOG10 (X) Common logarithm.
LOGICAL (L [, KIND]) Converts between kinds of logical.
MASKL (I [, KIND]) Left justified mask.
MASKR (I [, KIND]) Right justified mask.
MATMUL (MATRIX A, MATRIX B) Matrix multiplication function.
MAX (A1, A2 [, A3, ...]) Maximum value function.
MAXEXPONENT (X) Returns the maximum exponent of a real model.
MAXLOC (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK, KIND, BACK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK, KIND, BACK]) Returns the location(s) of the maximum value in an array.
MAXVAL (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Returns the maximum value(s) of array.
MERGE (TSOURCE, FSOURCE, MASK) Chooses between two expression values.
MERGE BITS (I, J, MASK) Merges bits under the given mask.
MIN (A1, A2 [, A3, ...]) Minimum value function.
MINEXPONENT (X) Returns the minimum exponent of a real model.
MINLOC (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK, KIND, BACK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK, KIND, BACK]) Returns the location(s) of the minimum value in an array.
MINVAL (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Returns the minimum value(s) of array.
MOD (A, P) Remainder function.
MODULO (A, P) Modulo function.
MOVE ALLOC (FROM, TO) Relocates an allocation.
MVBITS (FROM, FROMPOS, LEN, TO, TOPOS) Copies a sequence of bits.
NEAREST (X, S) Adjacent machine number function.
NEW LINE (A) Returns the newline character.
NINT (A [, KIND]) Nearest integer function.
NOT (I) Bitwise complement.
NORM2 (X [, DIM]) Returns the L2 norm of an array.
NULL ([MOLD]) Returns a disassociated pointer or unallocated allocatable entity.
NUM IMAGES ( ) Returns the number of images.
PACK (ARRAY, MASK [, VECTOR]) Packs an array into a vector.
PARITY (MASK [, DIM]) Reduces an array using the .NEQV. operation.
POPCNT (I) Returns the number of one bits.
POPPAR (I) Returns the parity expressed as 0 or 1.
PRECISION (X) Returns the decimal precision of a real model.
PRESENT (A) Queries the presence of an optional argument.
PRODUCT (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Reduces an array by multiplication.
RADIX (X) Returns the base of a numeric model.
RANDOM NUMBER (HARVEST) Generates pseudorandom number(s).
RANDOM SEED ([SIZE, PUT, GET]) Restarts or queries the pseudorandom number generator.
RANGE (X) Returns the decimal exponent range of a numeric model.
REAL (A [, KIND]) Converts to real type.
REPEAT (STRING, NCOPIES) Repeatedly concatenates a string.
RESHAPE (SOURCE, SHAPE [, PAD, ORDER]) Constructs an array of an arbitrary shape.
RRSPACING (X) Returns the reciprocal of relative spacing of model numbers.
SAME TYPE AS (A, B) Queries dynamic types for equality.
SCALE (X, I) Scales a real number by a power of the base.
SCAN (STRING, SET [, BACK, KIND]) Searches for any one of a set of characters.
SELECTED CHAR KIND (NAME) Selects a character kind.
SELECTED INT KIND (R) Selects an integer kind.
SELECTED REAL KIND ([P, R, RADIX]) Selects a real kind.
SET EXPONENT (X, I) Sets floating-point exponent.
SHAPE (SOURCE [, KIND]) Returns the shape of an array or a scalar.
SHIFTA (I, SHIFT) Right shift with fill.
SHIFTL (I, SHIFT) Left shift.
SHIFTR (I, SHIFT) Right shift.
SIGN (A, B) Returns the magnitude of A with the sign of B.
SIN (X) Sine function.
SINH (X) Hyperbolic sine function.
SIZE (ARRAY [, DIM, KIND]) Returns the size of an array (or a single extent of an array).
SPACING (X) Spacing of model numbers.
SPREAD (SOURCE, DIM, NCOPIES) Forms a higher-rank array by replication.
SQRT (X) Square root function.
STORAGE SIZE (A [, KIND]) Returns the storage size in bits.
SUM (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Reduces an array by addition.
SYSTEM CLOCK ([COUNT, COUNT RATE, COUNT MAX]) Queries the system clock.
TAN (X) Tangent function.
TANH (X) Hyperbolic tangent function.
THIS IMAGE ( ) or (COARRAY [, DIM]) THIS_IMAGE() returns the index of the invoking image; THIS_IMAGE(COARRAY [, DIM]) returns the cosubscript(s) for this image.
TINY (X) Returns the smallest positive model number.
TRAILZ (I) Returns the number of trailing zero bits.
TRANSFER (SOURCE, MOLD [, SIZE]) Transfers physical representation.
TRANSPOSE (MATRIX) Transposes an array of rank two.
TRIM (STRING) Returns the string without trailing blanks.
UBOUND (ARRAY [, DIM, KIND]) Returns the upper bound(s) of an array.
UCOBOUND (COARRAY [, DIM, KIND]) Returns the upper cobound(s) of a coarray.
UNPACK (VECTOR, MASK, FIELD) Unpacks a vector into an array.
VERIFY (STRING, SET [, BACK, KIND]) Searches for a character not in a given set.