| ABS (A) Absolute value function. |
| ACHAR (I [, KIND]) Converts an ASCII code value to a character. |
| ACOS (X) Arccosine (inverse cosine) function. |
| ACOSH (X) Inverse hyperbolic cosine function. |
| ADJUSTL (STRING) Rotates a string to remove leading blanks. |
| ADJUSTR (STRING) Rotates a string to remove trailing blanks. |
| AIMAG (Z) Returns the imaginary part of a complex number. |
| AINT (A [, KIND]) Converts A to a whole number by truncating toward 0. |
| ALL (MASK [, DIM]) Reduces a logical array using the AND operation. |
| ALLOCATED (ARRAY) or (SCALAR) Queries the allocation status of a variable. |
| ANINT (A [, KIND]) Nearest whole number function. |
| ANY (MASK [, DIM]) Reduces a logical array using the OR operation. |
| ASIN (X) Arcsine (inverse sine) function. |
| ASINH (X) Inverse hyperbolic sine function. |
| ASSOCIATED (POINTER [, TARGET]) Queries the association status of a pointer. |
| ATAN (X) or (Y, X) Arctangent (inverse tangent) function. |
| ATAN2 (Y, X) Arctangent (inverse tangent) function. |
| ATANH (X) Inverse hyperbolic tangent function. |
| ATOMIC DEFINE (ATOM, VALUE) Defines a variable atomically. |
| ATOMIC REF (VALUE, ATOM) References a variable atomically. |
| BESSEL J0 (X) Bessel function of the 1st kind (order 0). |
| BESSEL J1 (X) Bessel function of the 1st kind (order 1). |
| BESSEL JN (N, X) Bessel function of the 1st kind (order N). |
| BESSEL JN (N1, N2, X) Bessel functions of the 1st kind. |
| BESSEL Y0 (X) Bessel function of the 2nd kind (order 0). |
| BESSEL Y1 (X) Bessel function of the 2nd kind (order 1). |
| BESSEL YN (N, X) Bessel function of the 2nd kind (order N). |
| BESSEL YN (N1, N2, X) Bessel functions of the 2nd kind. |
| BGE (I, J) Bitwise greater than or equal to. |
| BGT (I, J) Bitwise greater than. |
| BLE (I, J) Bitwise less than or equal to. |
| BLT (I, J) Bitwise less than. |
| BIT SIZE (I) Returns the number of bits in the integer model. |
| BTEST (I, POS) Tests a single bit in an integer. |
| CEILING (A [, KIND]) Returns the least integer greater than or equal to A. |
| CHAR (I [, KIND]) Converts a code value to a character. |
| CMPLX (X [, Y, KIND]) Converts to complex type. |
| COMMAND ARGUMENT COUNT ( ) Returns the number of command arguments. |
| CONJG (Z) Returns the conjugate of a complex number. |
| COS (X) Cosine function. |
| COSH (X) Hyperbolic cosine function. |
| COUNT (MASK [, DIM, KIND]) Reduces a logical array by counting true values. |
| CPU TIME (TIME) Returns the processor time. |
| CSHIFT (ARRAY, SHIFT [, DIM]) Circular shift function. |
| DATE AND TIME ([DATE, TIME, ZONE, VALUES]) Returns the date and time. |
| DBLE (A) Converts to double precision real. |
| DIGITS (X) Returns the number of significant digits in the numeric model. |
| DIM (X, Y) Maximum of X - Y and zero. |
| DOT PRODUCT (VECTOR A, VECTOR B) Returns the dot product of two vectors. |
| DPROD (X, Y) Returns the double precision real product. |
| DSHIFTL (I, J, SHIFT) Combined left shift. |
| DSHIFTR (I, J, SHIFT) Combined right shift. |
| EOSHIFT (ARRAY, SHIFT [, BOUNDARY, DIM]) End-off shift function. |
| EPSILON (X) Model number that is small compared to 1. |
| ERF (X) Error function. |
| ERFC (X) Complementary error function. |
| ERFC SCALED (X) Scaled complementary error function. |
| EXP (X) Exponential function. |
| EXPONENT (X) Returns the exponent of floating-point number. |
| EXTENDS TYPE OF (A, MOLD) Queries a dynamic type for extension. |
| FINDLOC (ARRAY, VALUE, DIM [, MASK, KIND, BACK]) or (ARRAY, VALUE [, MASK, KIND, BACK]) Returns the location(s) of a specified value. |
| FLOOR (A [, KIND]) Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to A. |
| FRACTION (X) Returns the fractional part of number. |
| GAMMA (X) Gamma function. |
| GET COMMAND ([COMMAND, LENGTH, STATUS]) Queries the program invocation command. |
| GET COMMAND ARGUMENT (NUMBER [, VALUE, LENGTH, STATUS]) Queries arguments to the program invocation command. |
| GET ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE (NAME [, VALUE, LENGTH, STATUS, TRIM NAME]) Queries an environment variable. |
| HUGE (X) Returns the largest model number. |
| HYPOT (X, Y) Euclidean distance function. |
| IACHAR (C [, KIND]) Returns the ASCII code value for a character. |
| IALL (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Reduces an array using the bitwise AND operation. |
| IAND (I, J) Bitwise AND. |
| IANY (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Reduce an array using the bitwise OR operation. |
| IBCLR (I, POS) Returns I with bit POS replaced by zero. |
| IBITS (I, POS, LEN) Returns the specified sequence of bits. |
| IBSET (I, POS) Returns I with bit POS replaced by one. |
| ICHAR (C [, KIND]) Returns the code value for a character. |
| IEOR (I, J) Bitwise exclusive OR. |
| IMAGE INDEX (COARRAY, SUB) Converts cosubscripts to an image index. |
| INDEX (STRING, SUBSTRING [, BACK, KIND]) Searches for a substring. |
| INT (A [, KIND]) Converts to integer type. |
| IOR (I, J) Bitwise inclusive OR. |
| IPARITY (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Reduces an array with the bitwise exclusive OR operation. |
| ISHFT (I, SHIFT) Logical shift. |
| ISHFTC (I, SHIFT [, SIZE]) Circular shift of the rightmost bits. |
| IS CONTIGUOUS (ARRAY) Tests the contiguity of an array. |
| IS IOSTAT END (I) Tests an IOSTAT value for end-of-file. |
| IS IOSTAT EOR (I) Tests an IOSTAT value for end-of-record. |
| KIND (X) Returns the value of the kind type parameter of X. |
| LBOUND (ARRAY [, DIM, KIND]) Returns the lower bound(s) of an array. |
| LCOBOUND (COARRAY [, DIM, KIND]) Returns the lower cobound(s) of a coarray. |
| LEADZ (I) Returns the number of leading zero bits. |
| LEN (STRING [, KIND]) Returns the length of a character entity. |
| LEN TRIM (STRING [, KIND]) Returns the length without trailing blanks. |
| LGE (STRING A, STRING B) ASCII greater than or equal function. |
| LGT (STRING A, STRING B) ASCII greater than function. |
| LLE (STRING A, STRING B) ASCII less than or equal function. |
| LLT (STRING A, STRING B) ASCII less than function. |
| LOG (X) Natural logarithm. |
| LOG GAMMA (X) Logarithm of the absolute value of the gamma function. |
| LOG10 (X) Common logarithm. |
| LOGICAL (L [, KIND]) Converts between kinds of logical. |
| MASKL (I [, KIND]) Left justified mask. |
| MASKR (I [, KIND]) Right justified mask. |
| MATMUL (MATRIX A, MATRIX B) Matrix multiplication function. |
| MAX (A1, A2 [, A3, ...]) Maximum value function. |
| MAXEXPONENT (X) Returns the maximum exponent of a real model. |
| MAXLOC (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK, KIND, BACK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK, KIND, BACK]) Returns the location(s) of the maximum value in an array. |
| MAXVAL (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Returns the maximum value(s) of array. |
| MERGE (TSOURCE, FSOURCE, MASK) Chooses between two expression values. |
| MERGE BITS (I, J, MASK) Merges bits under the given mask. |
| MIN (A1, A2 [, A3, ...]) Minimum value function. |
| MINEXPONENT (X) Returns the minimum exponent of a real model. |
| MINLOC (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK, KIND, BACK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK, KIND, BACK]) Returns the location(s) of the minimum value in an array. |
| MINVAL (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Returns the minimum value(s) of array. |
| MOD (A, P) Remainder function. |
| MODULO (A, P) Modulo function. |
| MOVE ALLOC (FROM, TO) Relocates an allocation. |
| MVBITS (FROM, FROMPOS, LEN, TO, TOPOS) Copies a sequence of bits. |
| NEAREST (X, S) Adjacent machine number function. |
| NEW LINE (A) Returns the newline character. |
| NINT (A [, KIND]) Nearest integer function. |
| NOT (I) Bitwise complement. |
| NORM2 (X [, DIM]) Returns the L2 norm of an array. |
| NULL ([MOLD]) Returns a disassociated pointer or unallocated allocatable entity. |
| NUM IMAGES ( ) Returns the number of images. |
| PACK (ARRAY, MASK [, VECTOR]) Packs an array into a vector. |
| PARITY (MASK [, DIM]) Reduces an array using the .NEQV. operation. |
| POPCNT (I) Returns the number of one bits. |
| POPPAR (I) Returns the parity expressed as 0 or 1. |
| PRECISION (X) Returns the decimal precision of a real model. |
| PRESENT (A) Queries the presence of an optional argument. |
| PRODUCT (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Reduces an array by multiplication. |
| RADIX (X) Returns the base of a numeric model. |
| RANDOM NUMBER (HARVEST) Generates pseudorandom number(s). |
| RANDOM SEED ([SIZE, PUT, GET]) Restarts or queries the pseudorandom number generator. |
| RANGE (X) Returns the decimal exponent range of a numeric model. |
| REAL (A [, KIND]) Converts to real type. |
| REPEAT (STRING, NCOPIES) Repeatedly concatenates a string. |
| RESHAPE (SOURCE, SHAPE [, PAD, ORDER]) Constructs an array of an arbitrary shape. |
| RRSPACING (X) Returns the reciprocal of relative spacing of model numbers. |
| SAME TYPE AS (A, B) Queries dynamic types for equality. |
| SCALE (X, I) Scales a real number by a power of the base. |
| SCAN (STRING, SET [, BACK, KIND]) Searches for any one of a set of characters. |
| SELECTED CHAR KIND (NAME) Selects a character kind. |
| SELECTED INT KIND (R) Selects an integer kind. |
| SELECTED REAL KIND ([P, R, RADIX]) Selects a real kind. |
| SET EXPONENT (X, I) Sets floating-point exponent. |
| SHAPE (SOURCE [, KIND]) Returns the shape of an array or a scalar. |
| SHIFTA (I, SHIFT) Right shift with fill. |
| SHIFTL (I, SHIFT) Left shift. |
| SHIFTR (I, SHIFT) Right shift. |
| SIGN (A, B) Returns the magnitude of A with the sign of B. |
| SIN (X) Sine function. |
| SINH (X) Hyperbolic sine function. |
| SIZE (ARRAY [, DIM, KIND]) Returns the size of an array (or a single extent of an array). |
| SPACING (X) Spacing of model numbers. |
| SPREAD (SOURCE, DIM, NCOPIES) Forms a higher-rank array by replication. |
| SQRT (X) Square root function. |
| STORAGE SIZE (A [, KIND]) Returns the storage size in bits. |
| SUM (ARRAY, DIM [, MASK]) or (ARRAY [, MASK]) Reduces an array by addition. |
| SYSTEM CLOCK ([COUNT, COUNT RATE, COUNT MAX]) Queries the system clock. |
| TAN (X) Tangent function. |
| TANH (X) Hyperbolic tangent function. |
| THIS IMAGE ( ) or (COARRAY [, DIM]) THIS_IMAGE() returns the index of the invoking image; THIS_IMAGE(COARRAY [, DIM]) returns the cosubscript(s) for this image. |
| TINY (X) Returns the smallest positive model number. |
| TRAILZ (I) Returns the number of trailing zero bits. |
| TRANSFER (SOURCE, MOLD [, SIZE]) Transfers physical representation. |
| TRANSPOSE (MATRIX) Transposes an array of rank two. |
| TRIM (STRING) Returns the string without trailing blanks. |
| UBOUND (ARRAY [, DIM, KIND]) Returns the upper bound(s) of an array. |
| UCOBOUND (COARRAY [, DIM, KIND]) Returns the upper cobound(s) of a coarray. |
| UNPACK (VECTOR, MASK, FIELD) Unpacks a vector into an array. |
| VERIFY (STRING, SET [, BACK, KIND]) Searches for a character not in a given set. |