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<title>Running and Debugging Fortran Programs</title>
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<div><p>To run a Fortran application, right-click the project in the Fortran Projects view, and click Run As &gt; Local Fortran Application. This will build and run the Fortran application, and output will be printed to the console. (Remember, if you are using a custom makefile, the makefile will need to be written correctly for the project to be built.)
</p><p>If you want to manage the run configuration (for example, if you want to pass command line arguments to your Fortran application or set certain environment variables), right-click on the project in the Fortran Projects view, click Run As &gt; Run Configurations... Create a new launch configuration under Fortran Local Application (or edit an existing one) and modify the settings as needed.
</p><p>Debugging programs works similarly, except you can choose Debug As &gt; Local Fortran Application or Debug Configurations from the context menu.
</p><p>Running and debugging Fortran applications is similar to running and debugging C/C++ applications.
<b>For more information on running and debugging binary applications,
</b> click on Help &gt; Help Contents in Eclipse, and navigate to
<b>C/C++ Development User Guide &gt; Tasks &gt; Running and debugging projects.
</p><h1> Setting Breakpoints
</h1><p>There are two ways to set breakpoints in the editor.
</p><p>The easiest way to set a breakpoint in the editor is to double click in the left margin (gray vertical bar) on the line at which you wish to set the breakpoint. A blue dot will appear in the margin on the line where the breakpoint is set. Double clicking again at the same location will remove the breakpoint.
</p><p>You can also set a breakpoint by right-clicking in the left margin on the line where you wish to set the breakpoint and clicking &quot;Toggle Breakpoint.&quot; The blue dot indicating the breakpoint will appear or disappear (if already set) in the left margin of the editor.
<img src="../images/Photran-set-breakpoint.png" alt="Setting Breakpoints"></img></center>
</p><p>When you switch to the Debug perspective, the breakpoints you set will be listed in the Breakpoints view.
</p><p><b>For more information on debugging,
</b> click on Help &gt; Help Contents in Eclipse, and navigate to
<b>C/C++ Development User Guide &gt; Tasks &gt; Running and debugging projects &gt; Debugging.
</b></p><h1> Known Run/Debug Issues
</h1><p>When using Cygwin in Windows, debugging a program can result in a &quot;cannot find gcc source&quot; error as described in
<a href="">Bug 280492
</a>. Note that this error does not have an effect on the running of the program. The program will still run correctly in Debug mode.
</p><h1> Compiler-specific problems
</h1><h3> G95
</h3><p>In debug mode, using the step button to step through the code line-by-line sometimes jumps (&quot;leapfrog&quot; effect) around in the source code editor view. For example, pressing F6 (step) after a breakpoint several times, might sometimes result in a jump to line 1 and stepping again will return to the correct line in the code.
</p><h3> gFortran
</h3><p>No known issues.
</p><h3> Intel Fortran Compiler
</h3><p>No known issues.
</p><h3> IBM XLF
</h3><p>No known issues.