blob: 0abc44cf24326592c43db53529bc19f6c116197f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* UIUC - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.refactoring.infrastructure;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextSelection;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatusContext;
import org.eclipse.photran.core.IFortranAST;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.FortranAST;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.FortranCorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.analysis.binding.Definition;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.analysis.binding.ScopingNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.analysis.loops.ASTProperLoopConstructNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.lexer.ASTLexerFactory;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.lexer.IAccumulatingLexer;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.lexer.Terminal;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.lexer.Token;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.lexer.Token.FakeToken;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.ASTAssignmentStmtNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.ASTCallStmtNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.ASTContainsStmtNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.ASTFunctionSubprogramNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.ASTImplicitStmtNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.ASTMainProgramNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.ASTModuleNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.ASTSubroutineSubprogramNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.ASTUseStmtNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.ASTVarOrFnRefNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.GenericASTVisitor;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.IASTListNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.IASTNode;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.IBodyConstruct;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.IExpr;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.IProgramUnit;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.ISpecificationPartConstruct;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.parser.Parser;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.util.IterableWrapper;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.util.Notification;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.vpg.PhotranTokenRef;
import org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.vpg.PhotranVPG;
import org.eclipse.rephraserengine.core.refactorings.IResourceRefactoring;
import org.eclipse.rephraserengine.core.util.OffsetLength;
import org.eclipse.rephraserengine.core.vpg.refactoring.VPGResourceRefactoring;
* This is a base class for all Photran refactorings that apply to multiple files
* @author Jeff Overbey, Timofey Yuvashev
public abstract class FortranResourceRefactoring
extends VPGResourceRefactoring<IFortranAST, Token, PhotranVPG>
implements IResourceRefactoring
// TEMPORARY -- So we can continue working on fixed form refactoring while effectively disabling it in the public 6.0 release
public static final boolean FIXED_FORM_REFACTORING_ENABLED = System.getenv("ENABLE_FIXED_FORM_REFACTORING") != null;
protected final PhotranVPG getVPG()
return PhotranVPG.getInstance();
protected final void preCheckInitialConditions(RefactoringStatus status, IProgressMonitor pm) throws PreconditionFailure
//status.addWarning("C preprocessor directives are IGNORED by the refactoring engine. Use at your own risk.");
for (IFile file : this.selectedFiles)
if (org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.lexer.sourceform.SourceForm.isFixedForm(file))
status.addWarning("Indentation and line length is NOT checked when refactoring FIXED form files. " +
"Use at your own risk.");
protected final String getSourceCodeFromAST(IFortranAST ast)
return SourcePrinter.getSourceCodeFromAST(ast);
protected void ensureProjectHasRefactoringEnabled(RefactoringStatus status) throws PreconditionFailure
if (FortranCorePlugin.inTestingMode()) return;
HashSet<IFile> filesToBeRemoved = new HashSet<IFile>();
for (IFile f : this.selectedFiles)
if (!PhotranVPG.getInstance().doesProjectHaveRefactoringEnabled(f))
if (f.getProject() == null)
status.addWarning("The file " + f.getName() + " cannot be refactored because " +
"it is not inside a Fortran project.");
status.addWarning("Please enable analysis and refactoring in the project " +
"properties for " + f.getProject().getName() + ".");
//Remove files that didn't have Refactoring enabled in their projects
protected void removeFixedFormFilesFrom(Collection<IFile> files, RefactoringStatus status)
Set<IFile> filesToRemove = new HashSet<IFile>();
for (IFile file : files)
if (!filesToRemove.contains(file) && org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.lexer.sourceform.SourceForm.isFixedForm(file))
status.addError("The fixed form file " + file.getName() + " will not be refactored.");
protected void removeCpreprocessedFilesFrom(Collection<IFile> files, RefactoringStatus status)
Set<IFile> filesToRemove = new HashSet<IFile>();
for (IFile file : files)
if (!filesToRemove.contains(file) && org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.lexer.sourceform.SourceForm.isCPreprocessed(file))
status.addError("The C-preprocessed file " + file.getName() + " will not be refactored.");
// U T I L I T Y M E T H O D S
// REFACTORING STATUS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
protected RefactoringStatusContext createContext(Token token)
return createContext(token.getTokenRef());
// CODE EXTRACTION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Parses the given Fortran statement.
* <p>
* Internally, <code>string</code> is embedded into the following program
* <pre>
* program p
* (string is placed here)
* end program
* </pre>
* which is parsed and its body extracted and returned,
* so <code>string</code> must "make sense" (syntactically) in this context.
* No semantic analysis is done; it is only necessary that the
* program be syntactically correct.
protected static IBodyConstruct parseLiteralStatement(String string)
return parseLiteralStatementSequence(string).get(0);
* Parses the given Fortran statement, or returns <code>null</code> if the
* statement cannot be parsed.
* @see #parseLiteralStatement(String)
protected static IBodyConstruct parseLiteralStatementNoFail(String string)
return parseLiteralStatement(string);
catch (Throwable e)
return null;
* Parses the given Fortran expression.
* <p>
* Internally, <code>string</code> is embedded into the following program
* <pre>
* program p
* x = (string is placed here)
* end program
* </pre>
* which is parsed and the resulting expression extracted and returned,
* so <code>string</code> must "make sense" (syntactically) in this context.
* No semantic analysis is done; it is only necessary that the
* program be syntactically correct.
protected static IExpr parseLiteralExpression(String string)
return ((ASTAssignmentStmtNode)parseLiteralStatement("x = " + string)).getRhs();
* Parses the given list of Fortran statements.
* <p>
* @see parseLiteralStatement
protected static IASTListNode<IBodyConstruct> parseLiteralStatementSequence(String string)
string = "program p\n" + string + "\nend program";
return ((ASTMainProgramNode)parseLiteralProgramUnit(string)).getBody();
/** @return a CONTAINS statement */
protected static ASTContainsStmtNode createContainsStmt()
String string = "program p\ncontains\nsubroutine s\nend subroutine\nend program";
return ((ASTMainProgramNode)parseLiteralProgramUnit(string)).getContainsStmt();
* Parses the given Fortran program unit.
* <p>
* No semantic analysis is done; it is only necessary that the
* program unit be syntactically correct.
protected static IProgramUnit parseLiteralProgramUnit(String string)
IAccumulatingLexer lexer = new ASTLexerFactory().createLexer(
new StringReader(string), null, "(none)");
Parser parser = new Parser();
FortranAST ast = new FortranAST(null, parser.parse(lexer), lexer.getTokenList());
return ast.getRoot().getProgramUnitList().get(0);
catch (Exception e)
throw new Error(e);
// USER INTERACTION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
protected static String describeToken(Token token)
return "\"" + token.getText() + "\" " + describeTokenPos(token);
protected static String describeTokenPos(Token token)
return "(line " + token.getLine() + ", column " + token.getCol() + ")";
// TEXT<->TREE MAPPING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
protected static Definition findUnambiguousDeclaration(Token t)
if(t == null)
return null;
List<Definition> defs = t.resolveBinding();
if(defs.size() <= 0 || defs.size() > 1)
return null;
return defs.get(0);
protected static Token findEnclosingToken(IFortranAST ast, final ITextSelection selection)
Token prevToken = null;
for (Token token : new IterableWrapper<Token>(ast))
if (OffsetLength.contains(token.getFileOffset(), token.getLength(),
selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength()))
String tokenText = token.getText();
//If we get whitespace, that means we want the previous token (cursor was put AFTER
// the identifier we want to rename
if(tokenText.length() == 1 && Character.isWhitespace(tokenText.charAt(0)))
return prevToken;
return token;
prevToken = token;
return null;
protected static IASTNode findEnclosingNode(IFortranAST ast, ITextSelection selection)
Token firstToken = findFirstTokenAfter(ast, selection.getOffset());
Token lastToken = findLastTokenBefore(ast, OffsetLength.getPositionPastEnd(selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength()));
if (firstToken == null || lastToken == null) return null;
for (IASTNode parent = lastToken.getParent(); parent != null; parent = parent.getParent())
if (contains(parent, firstToken))
return parent;
return null;
protected static boolean nodeExactlyEnclosesRegion(IASTNode parent, Token firstToken, Token lastToken)
return parent.findFirstToken() == firstToken && parent.findLastToken() == lastToken;
protected static boolean nodeExactlyEnclosesRegion(IASTNode node, IFortranAST ast, ITextSelection selection)
Token firstInNode = node.findFirstToken();
Token lastInNode = node.findLastToken();
Token firstInSel = findFirstTokenAfter(ast, selection.getOffset());
Token lastInSel = findLastTokenBefore(ast, OffsetLength.getPositionPastEnd(selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength()));
return firstInNode != null
&& lastInNode != null
&& firstInSel != null
&& lastInSel != null
&& firstInNode == firstInSel
&& lastInNode == lastInSel;
// protected IASTNode findEnclosingNode(IFortranAST ast, ITextSelection selection, Nonterminal nodeType, boolean allowNesting)
// {
// IASTNode smallestEnclosure = findEnclosingNode(ast, selection);
// if (smallestEnclosure == null) return null;
// for (IASTNode n = smallestEnclosure; n != null; n = n.getParent())
// {
// if (n.getNonterminal() == nodeType)
// {
// if (allowNesting)
// return n;
// else if (n.getParent() == null)
// return null;
// else if (n.getParent().getNonterminal() != nodeType)
// return n;
// else if (n.getParent().getNonterminal() == nodeType)
// continue;
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
private static boolean contains(IASTNode target, Token token)
for (IASTNode node = token.getParent(); node != null; node = node.getParent())
if (node == target)
return true;
return false;
private static Token findFirstTokenAfter(IFortranAST ast, final int targetFileOffset)
for (Token token : new IterableWrapper<Token>(ast))
if (token.isOnOrAfterFileOffset(targetFileOffset))
return token;
return null;
private static Token findLastTokenBefore(IFortranAST ast, final int targetFileOffset)
Token previousToken = null;
for (Token token : new IterableWrapper<Token>(ast))
if (token.isOnOrAfterFileOffset(targetFileOffset))
return previousToken;
previousToken = token;
return null;
protected static class StatementSequence
public final ScopingNode enclosingScope;
public final IASTListNode<? extends IASTNode> listContainingStmts;
public final int startIndex;
public final int endIndex;
public final List<IASTNode> selectedStmts;
private StatementSequence(ScopingNode enclosingScope, IASTListNode<? extends IASTNode> body, int startIndex, int endIndex)
this.enclosingScope = enclosingScope;
this.listContainingStmts = body;
this.startIndex = startIndex;
this.endIndex = endIndex;
// this.precedingStmts = new ArrayList<IASTNode>();
// for (int i = 1; i < startIndex; i++)
// this.precedingStmts.add(body.get(i));
this.selectedStmts = new ArrayList<IASTNode>();
for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++)
if (body.get(i) != null)
// this.followingStmts = new ArrayList<IASTNode>();
// for (int i = endIndex + 1; i < body.size(); i++)
// this.followingStmts.add(body.get(i));
public IASTNode firstStmt()
return selectedStmts.get(0);
public Token firstToken()
return firstStmt().findFirstToken();
public IASTNode lastStmt()
return selectedStmts.get(selectedStmts.size()-1);
public Token lastToken()
return lastStmt().findLastToken();
protected static ASTProperLoopConstructNode getLoopNode(IFortranAST ast, ITextSelection selection)
/*Token firstToken = this.findFirstTokenAfter(ast, selection.getOffset());
Token lastToken = this.findLastTokenBefore(ast, selection.getOffset()+selection.getLength());
if (firstToken == null || lastToken == null)
return null;
return getLoopNode(firstToken, lastToken);*/
return (ASTProperLoopConstructNode)getNode(ast, selection, ASTProperLoopConstructNode.class);
protected static ASTNode getNode(IFortranAST ast, ITextSelection selection, Class<? extends ASTNode> node)
Token firstToken = findFirstTokenAfter(ast, selection.getOffset());
Token lastToken = findLastTokenBefore(ast, selection.getOffset()+selection.getLength());
if (firstToken == null || lastToken == null)
return null;
return getNode(firstToken, lastToken, node);
protected static ASTNode getNode(Token firstToken, Token lastToken, Class<? extends ASTNode> node)
assert(firstToken != null);
assert(lastToken != null);
ASTNode firstTokenNode = firstToken.findNearestAncestor(node);
ASTNode lastTokenNode = lastToken.findNearestAncestor(node);
if(firstTokenNode == null || lastTokenNode == null || firstTokenNode != lastTokenNode)
return null;
return firstTokenNode;
//return null;
protected static ASTProperLoopConstructNode getLoopNode(Token firstToken, Token lastToken)
/*assert(firstToken != null);
assert(lastToken != null);
ASTProperLoopConstructNode loopContainingFirstToken = firstToken.findNearestAncestor(ASTProperLoopConstructNode.class);
ASTProperLoopConstructNode loopContainingLastToken = lastToken.findNearestAncestor(ASTProperLoopConstructNode.class);
if (loopContainingFirstToken == null || loopContainingLastToken == null || loopContainingFirstToken != loopContainingLastToken)
return null;
return loopContainingFirstToken;*/
return (ASTProperLoopConstructNode)getNode(firstToken, lastToken, ASTProperLoopConstructNode.class);
protected static StatementSequence findEnclosingStatementSequence(IFortranAST ast, ITextSelection selection)
Token firstToken = findFirstTokenAfter(ast, selection.getOffset());
Token lastToken = findLastTokenBefore(ast, selection.getOffset()+selection.getLength());
if (firstToken == null || lastToken == null) return null;
IASTListNode<? extends IASTNode> listContainingFirstToken = firstToken.findNearestAncestor(IASTListNode.class);
IASTListNode<? extends IASTNode> listContainingLastToken = lastToken.findNearestAncestor(IASTListNode.class);
if (listContainingFirstToken == null || listContainingLastToken == null || listContainingFirstToken != listContainingLastToken) return null;
IASTListNode<? extends IASTNode> listContainingStmts = listContainingFirstToken;
int startIndex = -1;
int endIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < listContainingStmts.size(); i++)
IASTNode node = listContainingStmts.get(i);
if (contains(node, firstToken))
startIndex = i;
if (contains(node, lastToken))
endIndex = i;
if (startIndex < 0 || endIndex < 0 || endIndex < startIndex)
throw new Error("INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to locate selected statements in IASTListNode");
return new StatementSequence(
// private IASTListNode<? extends IASTNode> findEnclosingBodyNode(Token token)
// {
// ScopingNode scope = token.findNearestAncestor(ScopingNode.class);
// return scope == null ? null : scope.getBody();
// }
// private boolean isBodyNode(IASTNode currentNode)
// {
// return currentNode instanceof ASTBodyNode;
// }
// private boolean isNestedBodyNode(IASTNode currentNode)
// {
// return isBodyNode(currentNode)
// && currentNode.getParent() != null
// && currentNode.getParent() instanceof ASTBodyNode;
// }
protected static int findIndexToInsertTypeDeclaration(IASTListNode<? extends IASTNode> body)
IASTNode node = null;
Iterator<? extends IASTNode> iterator = body.iterator();
node =;
if (!(node instanceof ASTUseStmtNode) && !(node instanceof ASTImplicitStmtNode))
//If there are no other nodes besides use statements and implicit none, then increment the index
if (node instanceof ASTUseStmtNode || node instanceof ASTImplicitStmtNode)
return body.indexOf(node) + 1;
return body.indexOf(node);
protected static int findIndexToInsertStatement(IASTListNode<? extends IASTNode> body)
IASTNode node = null;
Iterator<? extends IASTNode> iterator = body.iterator();
node =;
if (!(node instanceof ISpecificationPartConstruct))
//If there are no other nodes besides those that implement ISpecificationPartConstruct,
//then increment the index
if (node instanceof ISpecificationPartConstruct)
return body.indexOf(node) + 1;
return body.indexOf(node);
// P R E C O N D I T I O N S
protected static boolean isIdentifier(Token token)
return token != null && token.getTerminal() == Terminal.T_IDENT;
protected static boolean isPreprocessed(Token token)
return token.getPreprocessorDirective() != null;
protected static boolean isValidIdentifier(String name)
return Pattern.matches("[A-Za-z$][A-Za-z0-9$_]*", name);
protected static boolean isBoundIdentifier(Token t)
return isIdentifier(t) && !t.resolveBinding().isEmpty();
protected static boolean isUniquelyDefinedIdentifer(Token t)
return isBoundIdentifier(t) && t.resolveBinding().size() == 1;
// Check for conflicting bindings
public static final class Conflict
public final String name;
public final PhotranTokenRef tokenRef;
public Conflict(String name, PhotranTokenRef tokenRef)
{ = name;
this.tokenRef = tokenRef;
public static interface IConflictingBindingCallback
void addConflictError(List<Conflict> conflictingDef);
void addConflictWarning(List<Conflict> conflictingDef);
void addReferenceWillChangeError(String newName, Token reference);
* Given a {@link Definition} and a list of references to that Definition
* (see {@link Definition#findAllReferences(boolean)}), checks if any of
* the <code>newNames</code> will conflict in the scope of any of the given
* references; if so, the given callback is invoked to record an error or
* warning.
* <p>
* This is the fundamental precondition check for Photran's Rename refactoring.
protected static void checkForConflictingBindings(
IProgressMonitor pm,
IConflictingBindingCallback callback,
Definition definitionToCheck,
Collection<PhotranTokenRef> allReferences,
String... newNames)
checkForConflictingBindings(pm, callback, definitionToCheck, allReferences, Arrays.asList(newNames));
* Given a {@link Definition} and a list of references to that Definition
* (see {@link Definition#findAllReferences(boolean)}), checks if any of
* the <code>newNames</code> will conflict in the scope of any of the given
* references; if so, the given callback is invoked to record an error or
* warning.
* <p>
* This is the fundamental precondition check for Photran's Rename refactoring.
protected static void checkForConflictingBindings(
IProgressMonitor pm,
IConflictingBindingCallback callback,
Definition definitionToCheck,
Collection<PhotranTokenRef> allReferences,
Collection<String> newNames)
new CheckForConflictBindings(definitionToCheck, allReferences, newNames).check(pm, callback);
* Determines whether a declaration with the given <code>name</code> can be added to the given scope.
protected static boolean checkIfDeclarationCanBeAddedToScope(
String name,
ScopingNode scope,
IProgressMonitor pm)
IConflictingBindingCallback callback = new IConflictingBindingCallback()
public void addConflictError(List<Conflict> conflictingDef)
throw new Notification(Boolean.FALSE);
public void addConflictWarning(List<Conflict> conflictingDef)
throw new Notification(Boolean.FALSE);
public void addReferenceWillChangeError(String newName, Token reference)
throw new Notification(Boolean.FALSE);
new CheckForConflictBindings(scope, Collections.singleton(name)).check(pm, callback);
catch (Notification n)
return (Boolean)n.getResult();
return true;
private static final class CheckForConflictBindings
private IProgressMonitor pm = null;
private Definition definitionToCheck = null;
private ScopingNode scopeOfDefinitionToCheck = null;
private Collection<String> newNames = null;
private Collection<PhotranTokenRef> allReferences = null;
public CheckForConflictBindings(Definition definitionToCheck,
Collection<PhotranTokenRef> allReferences,
Collection<String> newNames)
this.definitionToCheck = definitionToCheck;
this.scopeOfDefinitionToCheck = definitionToCheck.getTokenRef().findToken().getEnclosingScope();
this.allReferences = allReferences;
this.newNames = newNames;
public CheckForConflictBindings(ScopingNode checkInScope,
Collection<String> newNames)
this.definitionToCheck = null;
this.scopeOfDefinitionToCheck = checkInScope;
this.allReferences = Collections.emptySet();
this.newNames = newNames;
public void check(IProgressMonitor pm, IConflictingBindingCallback callback)
{ = pm;
for (PhotranTokenRef ref : findReferencesToShadowedDefinitions())
checkIfReferenceBindingWillChange(callback, ref, false);
for (PhotranTokenRef ref : allReferences)
checkIfReferenceBindingWillChange(callback, ref, true);
/** Check whether the new definition will either conflict with or shadow an existing definition */
private void checkForConflictingDefinitionOrShadowing(IConflictingBindingCallback callback)
List<Conflict> conflictingDef = findAllPotentiallyConflictingDefinitions();
if (!conflictingDef.isEmpty())
conflictingDef = findAllPotentiallyConflictingUnboundSubprogramCalls();
if (!conflictingDef.isEmpty())
private List<Conflict> findAllPotentiallyConflictingDefinitions()
List<Conflict> conflicts = new ArrayList<Conflict>();
if (definitionToCheck != null)
// Cannot call a main program (or function, etc.) X if it has an internal subprogram named X,
// even if that subprogram is never used (in which case it wouldn't be caught below)
if (definitionToCheck.isMainProgram()
|| definitionToCheck.isSubprogram()
|| definitionToCheck.isModule())
for (String newName : newNames)
if (definitionToCheck.isInternalSubprogramDefinition()
&& scopeContainingInternalSubprogram().isNamed(newName))
new Conflict(
for (ScopingNode importingScope : scopeItselfAndAllScopesThatImport(scopeOfDefinitionToCheck))
pm.subTask("Checking for conflicting definitions in " + importingScope.describe());
findAllPotentiallyConflictingDefinitionsInScope(conflicts, importingScope, true);
return conflicts;
private ScopingNode scopeContainingInternalSubprogram()
return definitionToCheck.getTokenRef().findToken().getEnclosingScope();
* Cannot call a function X if it is defined in or imported into a scope with a function X already defined
* <p>
* The third parameter indicates whether or not we should check that the definition to check is actually imported
* into the target scope (it may not be if there is a USE statement with a Rename or ONLY list).
private void findAllPotentiallyConflictingDefinitionsInScope(List<Conflict> conflicts, ScopingNode importingScope, boolean shouldCheckIfDefinitionImportedIntoScope)
for (String newName : newNames)
List<PhotranTokenRef> definitionsLocalToScope = collectLocalDefinitions(importingScope);
if (isProgramOrSubprogramOrModuleScope(importingScope) && shouldCheckIfDefinitionImportedIntoScope)
// Cannot call a variable X inside a function named X
if (importingScope.isNamed(newName))
if (definitionToCheck == null || definitionsLocalToScope.contains(definitionToCheck.getTokenRef()))
conflicts.add(new Conflict(newName, importingScope.getNameToken().getTokenRef()));
// Cannot call a variable X inside a function named Y inside a module named X
ScopingNode parent = importingScope.findNearestAncestor(ScopingNode.class);
if (parent != null && parent.isNamed(newName))
List<PhotranTokenRef> definitionsLocalToParent = collectLocalDefinitions(parent);
if (definitionToCheck == null || definitionsLocalToParent.contains(definitionToCheck.getTokenRef()))
conflicts.add(new Conflict(newName, parent.getNameToken().getTokenRef()));
// Cannot call a function X if it is defined in or imported into a scope with a function X already defined
Token newNameToken = definitionToCheck == null ? new FakeToken(scopeOfDefinitionToCheck, newName) : new FakeToken(definitionToCheck.getTokenRef().findToken(), newName);
for (PhotranTokenRef conflict : importingScope.manuallyResolveInLocalScope(newNameToken))
if (definitionsLocalToScope.contains(conflict))
if (shouldCheckIfDefinitionImportedIntoScope)
if (definitionToCheck == null
|| definitionsLocalToScope.contains(definitionToCheck.getTokenRef()))
conflicts.add(new Conflict(newName, conflict));
conflicts.add(new Conflict(newName, conflict));
/** Check whether the new definition will either conflict with or shadow an existing definition */
private List<PhotranTokenRef> findReferencesToShadowedDefinitions()
List<PhotranTokenRef> referencesToShadowedDefinitions = new LinkedList<PhotranTokenRef>();
for (String newName : newNames)
Token token = definitionToCheck == null ? new FakeToken(scopeOfDefinitionToCheck, newName) : new FakeToken(definitionToCheck.getTokenRef().findToken(), newName);
List<PhotranTokenRef> shadowedDefinitions = scopeOfDefinitionToCheck.manuallyResolve(token);
// TODO: Does not consider rename or only lists (need to tell if this SPECIFIC definition will be imported)
for (ScopingNode importingScope : scopeOfDefinitionToCheck.findImportingScopes())
pm.subTask("Checking for references to " + newName + " in " + importingScope.describe());
for (PhotranTokenRef def : shadowedDefinitions)
Definition definition = PhotranVPG.getInstance().getDefinitionFor(def);
if (definition != null)
return referencesToShadowedDefinitions;
private void checkIfReferenceBindingWillChange(IConflictingBindingCallback callback, PhotranTokenRef ref, boolean shouldReferenceRenamedDefinition)
pm.subTask("Checking for binding conflicts in " + PhotranVPG.lastSegmentOfFilename(ref.getFilename()));
Token reference = ref.findToken();
if (definitionToCheck != null)
ScopingNode scopeOfDefinitionToRename = reference.findScopeDeclaringOrImporting(definitionToCheck);
if (scopeOfDefinitionToRename == null) return;
for (String newName : newNames)
for (PhotranTokenRef existingBinding : new FakeToken(reference, newName).manuallyResolveBinding())
ScopingNode scopeOfExistingBinding = existingBinding.findToken().getEnclosingScope();
boolean willReferenceRenamedDefinition = scopeOfExistingBinding.isParentScopeOf(scopeOfDefinitionToRename);
if (shouldReferenceRenamedDefinition != willReferenceRenamedDefinition)
callback.addReferenceWillChangeError(newName, reference);
if (scopeOfDefinitionToCheck == reference.getLocalScope()
|| scopeOfDefinitionToCheck.isParentScopeOf(reference.getLocalScope()))
for (String newName : newNames)
for (PhotranTokenRef existingBinding : new FakeToken(reference, newName).manuallyResolveBinding())
ScopingNode scopeOfExistingBinding = existingBinding.findToken().getEnclosingScope();
boolean willReferenceRenamedDefinition = scopeOfExistingBinding.isParentScopeOf(scopeOfDefinitionToCheck);
if (shouldReferenceRenamedDefinition != willReferenceRenamedDefinition)
callback.addReferenceWillChangeError(newName, reference);
private List<Conflict> findAllPotentiallyConflictingUnboundSubprogramCalls()
final List<Conflict> conflictingDef = new ArrayList<Conflict>();
for (ScopingNode importingScope : scopeItselfAndAllScopesThatImport(scopeOfDefinitionToCheck))
pm.subTask("Checking for subprogram binding conflicts in " + importingScope.describe());
importingScope.accept(new GenericASTVisitor()
@Override public void visitASTVarOrFnRefNode(ASTVarOrFnRefNode node)
if (node.getName() != null && node.getName().getName() != null)
@Override public void visitASTCallStmtNode(ASTCallStmtNode node)
if (node.getSubroutineName() != null)
private void checkForConflict(Token name)
if (name.getLogicalFile() != null)
for (String newName : newNames)
if (name != null && name.getText().equals(newName) && name.resolveBinding().isEmpty())
conflictingDef.add(new Conflict(newName, name.getTokenRef()));
return conflictingDef;
private Iterable<ScopingNode> scopeItselfAndAllScopesThatImport(final ScopingNode scope)
if (scope == null) return Collections.emptySet();
return new Iterable<ScopingNode>()
public Iterator<ScopingNode> iterator()
return new Iterator<ScopingNode>()
private ScopingNode first = scope;
private Iterator<ScopingNode> rest = scope.findImportingScopes().iterator();
public boolean hasNext()
if (first != null)
return true;
return rest.hasNext();
public ScopingNode next()
if (first != null)
ScopingNode result = first;
first = null;
return result;
else return;
public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
private List<PhotranTokenRef> collectLocalDefinitions(ScopingNode importingScope)
List<PhotranTokenRef> definitionsLocalToScope = new ArrayList<PhotranTokenRef>();
for (Definition def : importingScope.getAllDefinitions())
if (!def.isIntrinsic())
return definitionsLocalToScope;
private boolean isProgramOrSubprogramOrModuleScope(ScopingNode scope)
return scope instanceof ASTMainProgramNode
|| scope instanceof ASTFunctionSubprogramNode
|| scope instanceof ASTSubroutineSubprogramNode
|| scope instanceof ASTModuleNode;