blob: a5b4250050d83df27d0a9c02f85f4edeebc2dd3d [file] [log] [blame]
% Getting the Photran Sources from CVS
{\scriptsize Revision: \footnotesize \$Id$ $}
\emph{BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Make sure you are running \textbf{Eclipse 3.5} (Galileo)
and a \textbf{Java 5} or later JVM. We recommend the
\href{}{Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers Package}.}
\textbf{Part~I. Check out the CDT 6.0 sources from CVS}
\item In Eclipse, switch to the CVS Repository Exploring perspective.
\item Right-click the CVS Repositories view; choose New, Repository Location
\item In the dialog box, enter the following information, then click Finish. \\
Host name: & \\
Repository path: & /cvsroot/tools \\
Username: & anonymous \\
Password: & (no password) \\
Connection type: & pserver \\
\item In the CVS Repositories view
\item Expand ``''
\item Then expand ``HEAD''
\item Right-click on ``org.eclipse.cdt''
\item Select ``Configure Branches and Versions\ldots''
\item Under ``Browse files for tags'', expand ``all'', then expand
``org.eclipse.cdt'', then click on the .project file
\item Under ``New tags found in the selected files'', click on the Deselect
All button, then check cdt\_6\_0 in the list above it
\item Click Add Checked Tags
\item Click OK
\item Now, in the CVS Repositories view
\item Expand ``''
\item Then expand ``Branches''
\item Then expand ``cdt\_6\_0''
\item Then expand ``org.eclipse.cdt cdt\_6\_0''
\item Then expand ``all''
\item Click on the first entry under ``all''
(it should be org.eclipse.cdt), then shift-click on the last entry
under ``all'' (it should be org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests).
All of the intervening plug-ins should now be selected.
Right-click on any of the selected plug-ins, and select
Check Out from the pop-up menu.
(Check out will take several minutes.)
\item You now have the CDT source code. Make sure it compiles successfully
(lots of warnings, but no errors).
\textbf{Part~II. Check out the Photran sources from CVS}
\item Under ``,''
expand HEAD, then expand
org.eclipse.ptp, then expand
\item Click on the first entry under ``photran''
(it should be org.eclipse.photran-dev-docs), then shift-click on the last entry
under ``photran'' (it should be org.eclipse.rephraserengine.ui.vpg).
All of the intervening plug-ins should now be selected.
Right-click on any of the selected plug-ins, and select
Check Out from the pop-up menu.
(Check out will take several minutes.)
The sources should all compile (albeit with lots of warnings).
\noindent\textbf{Part~III. Running the test cases}
\item In Package Explorer view, select the \texttt{org.eclipse.photran.core.vpg.tests} project.
\item Right-click on that project and select Run As $>$ Run Configurations\ldots. A dialog will appear.
\item In that dialog, create a new \textbf{JUnit Plug-in Test} launch configuration. Call it ``Photran-Tests''.
\item For the configuration that you have just created, switch to the ``Arguments'' tab.
Change the ``VM arguments'' field to \texttt{-ea -Xms40m -Xmx512m}
\item Then switch to the ``Environment'' tab and create a new environment variable called ``TESTING'' with a value of 1.
\item Select ``Run'' to run the tests. To run the tests again, just launch the ``Photran-Tests'' configuration from the Eclipse Run menu.
\noindent\textit{\textbf{Note.} If you will be developing refactorings or modifying the parser,
please read the appendix ``Running Photran's Automated Test Suite'' in the \textit{Photran
Developer's Guide.} Also note that some parser tests will attempt to look for closed-source
code that you did not check out as part of this procedure;
a warning will appear in the JUnit runner if this code is not available.}