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% Interactions with CDT
{\scriptsize Revision: \footnotesize \$Id: cha-cdt.ltx-inc,v 1.1 2010/05/21 20:12:20 joverbey Exp $ $ - based on 2008/08/08 nchen}
The C/C++ Development Tools (CDT)\footnote{See
\url{}} provide support for C and C++ development
in Eclipse. CDT uses \textit{make} to compile projects, and it includes an
integrated debugger which is actually a graphical interface to \textit{gdb}.
In 2006, we contributed a patch to CDT\footnote{See
\url{}} which provides an extension point
allowing its core infrastructure to support languages other than C and C++.
This is appropriate for any language for which code is compiled using
\textit{make} and debugged using \textit{gdb}.\footnote{The exact mechanism
is described in J.~Overbey and C.~Rasmussen, ``Instant IDEs: Supporting New
Languages in the CDT,'' \textit{Eclipse Technology eXchange Workshop at
OOPSLA~2005 (eTX 2005),} San Diego, CA, October 17, 2005, and a tutorial
on the topic was given at EclipseCon~2006. The details (and code) are now
outdated, but the concepts are still applicable.}
Photran builds upon the CDT by
\item plugging into this extension point (org.eclipse.cdt.core.language).
This allows CDT to recognize Fortran source files as ``valid'' source
files in C/C++ projects, and it allows Photran to provide the outline
structure for these files which is displayed in the Navigator and the
Outline view (this structure is called the ``model'' and is discussed
\item subclassing many of CDT's user interface elements (or copying and
modifying them when necessary) to provide an IDE for Fortran that
looks and works similarly to CDT.
\item contributing \textit{error parsers} which allow CDT to recognize
error messages from many popular Fortran compilers and display them
in the Problems view.
\item contributing new project templates and toolchains, which are shown
in the New C/C++ Project dialog
(and, of course, the New Fortran Project dialog).
\section{C Projects vs.~Photran Projects}
Prior to version~6.0, C projects and Fortran projects were treated identically.
As of version 6.0, there is an important distinction:
\item every Fortran project is also a C project, but
\item not every C project is a Fortran project.
In technical terms,
Fortran projects are C projects that also have a Fortran nature.
They must be C projects in order to be ``recognized'' by CDT, but
they must also have the Fortran nature so that Photran can display
project properties for them and index them without affecting C/C++
projects that do not contain Fortran code.
\section{CDT Terminology}
The following are CDT terms that will be used extensively when discussing
\item There are two types of projects in CDT:\footnote{In earlier versions of
CDT, these were actually distinct. CDT overhauled their build system in
version~4(?), and these are now treated uniformly in implementation.
Nevertheless, this distinction was made frequently in historical discussions
about CDT, and it is important to be aware of. It is also a useful distinction
to make from the user's perspective, since the idea of hand-writing a makefile
seems to intimidate many Fortran programmers.}
\item \textbf{Standard Make projects} require users to
supply their own Makefile, typically with targets ``clean'' and ``all.''
CDT/Photran cleans and builds the project by running \texttt{make}.
(``Standard Make'' is actually old terminology; recent versions of CDT
call these ``Makefile Projects.'' They are created by choosing
Makefile Project $>$ Empty Project and selecting ``--~Other Toolchain~--''
in the New C/C++ Project dialog.)
\item \textbf{Managed Make projects} are similar to standard make projects,
except that CDT/Photran automatically generates a Makefile and edits the
Makefile automatically when source files are added to or removed from the
project. The \textbf{Managed Build System} (MBS) is the part of CDT that
handles all of this.
\item \textbf{Binary parsers} are able to detect whether a file is a legal
executable for a platform (and extract other information from it). CDT
provides binary parsers for Windows (PE), Linux (ELF), Mac OS X (Mach~O), and
others. Photran does not provide any additional binary parsers.
\item \textbf{Error parsers} are provided for many compilers. CDT provides a gcc
error parser, for example. Photran provides error parsers for Lahey Fortran, F,
g95, and others. Essentially, error parsers scan the output of \texttt{make} for
error messages for their associated compiler. When they see an error message
that they recognize, they extract the filename, line number, and error message,
and use it to populate the Problems View. See
Appendix~\ref{ap:creating_an_error_parser} for an example on how to create an
error parser.
\item CDT keeps a \textbf{model} of all of the files in a project. The model is
essentially a tree of \textbf{elements}, which all inherit the (CDT Core)
interface \texttt{ICElement}. It is described in the next section.
\section{The Model}
The Fortran Projects view in Photran is essentially a visualization of
the CDT's \textit{model}, a tree data structure describing the contents
of all Fortran Projects in the workspace as well as the high-level contents
(functions, aggregate types, etc.) of source files.
Alain Magloire (CDT) described the model, A.K.A. the \texttt{ICElement}
hierarchy, in the thread ``Patch to create ICoreModel interface'' on the cdt-dev
mailing list (April 1, 2005):
So I'll explain a little about the ICElement and what we get out of it for
The ICElement hierarchy can be separated in two:
(1) - how the Model views the world/resources (all classes above ITranslationUnit)
(2) - how the Model views the world/language (all classes below ITranslationUnit).
How we(C/C++) view the resources:
- ICModel --> [root of the model]
- ICProject --> [IProject with special attributes/natures]
- ISourceRoot --> [Folder with a special attribute]
- ITranslationUnit --> [IFile with special attributes, e.g. extensions *.c]
- IBinary --> [IFile with special attributes, elf signature, coff etc]
- IArchive --> [IFile with special attributes, "<ar>" signature]
- ICContainer -> [folder]
There are also some special helper classes
- ILibraryReference [external files use in linking, libm.a, ...]
- IIncludeReference [external paths use in preprocessing i.e. /usr/include, ...]
- IBinaryContainer [virtual containers regrouping all the binaries found
in the project]
This model of the resources gives advantages:
- navigation of the binaries,
- navigation of the include files not part of the workspace (stdio.h, socket.h, etc)
- adding breakpoints
- search
- contribution on the objects
(2) How we view the language.
Lets be clear this is only a simple/partial/incomplete view of the language. For
example, we do not drill down in blocks, there are no statements(if/else
conditions) etc .... For a complete interface/view of the language, clients
should use the __AST__ interface.
From another of Alain's posts in that thread:
Lets make sure we are on the same length about the ICElement hierarchy.
It was created for a few reasons:
- To provide a simpler layer to the AST. The AST interface is too complex
to handle in most UI tasks.
- To provide objects for UI contributions/actions.
- The glue for the Working copies in the Editor(CEditor), IWorkingCopy class
- The interface for changed events.
- ...
Basically it was created for the UI needs: Outliner, Object action contributions,
C/C++ Project view and more.
The CoreModel uses information taken from:
- the Binary Parser(Elf, Coff, ..)
- the source Parser(AST parser)
- the IPathEntry classes
- the workspace resource tree
- The ResolverModel (*.c, *.cc extensions), ...
to build the hierarchy.
\shabox{The CDT model should \textbf{not} be confused with the Abstract Syntax
Tree (AST) that is discussed in Chapter~\ref{cha:ast-vpg}. They are
\textbf{not} identical. It is helpful to think of the CDT model as containing a
\emph{partial/simplified view} of a program's structure (representing only the
high-level/organizational elements in the source code: program units, subprogram
declarations, etc.) \textbf{as well as} a model of the current workspace
resources (Fortran projects, Fortran source files, binary executables). In
other words, the CDT model knows about the resources and the organizational
units in the source code. The AST,
on the other hand, completely models \emph{everything} in a single source ilfe---including
low-level elements like individual statements and expressions---but knows
nothing about projects, folders, etc.}
By conforming to the CDT model, Photran is able to reuse various UI
elements for \emph{free}. For instance, the Outline View for Photran is managed
by CDT; Photran just needs to provide a CDT-compatible model to represent its
project and source files.
The \texttt{FortranLanguage} class (in the org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface
project) is responsible for initializing concrete
classes that will build up the model that CDT expects.
There are \textbf{two} options for creating suitable \emph{model builders}:
\item The org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface plug-in project defines the
\\ \texttt{org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface.modelbuilder} extension point that
other plug-ins can extend. Plug-ins extending that extension point are
responsible for providing a suitable model builder. Using this option, it is
possible to have multiple model builders. The model builder to use can be
selected in the workspace preferences (under Fortran $>$ CDT Interface).
\item If there are no plug-ins that extend the
\texttt{org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface.modelbuilder} extension point, then
Photran falls back on a default implementation provided by the
\texttt{EmptyFortranModelBuilder} class (which, not surprisingly, builds
an empty model).
The Photran VPG (see Section~\ref{sec:virtual_program_graph}) inside the
org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface.vpg project uses the first option to
contribute a model builder. The relevant classes are under the
\texttt{org.eclipse.photran.internal.core.model} package (notably,
As mentioned in the post by Alain, all model elements must implement the
\texttt{ICElement} interface for CDT to recognize them. In Photran, the
\texttt{FortranElement} class implements the \texttt{ICElement} interface and
serves as the base class for all Fortran elements such as subroutines,
functions, modules, variables, etc. Each subclass of \texttt{FortranElement}
corresponds to an element that can be displayed in the Outline View.
\section{Reusing UI Elements}
Various UI elements in Photran are also reused from the CDT.
\item Many elements are reused directly.
\item Photran frequently instantiates or references
classes from CDT and uses them as-is. For example,
the \texttt{FortranProjectWizard} uses CDT's
\item It is also common for plugin.xml
files in Photran to reference contributions from CDT. For example, the
XML declaration for the Fortran perspective includes the line \\
<actionSet id="org.eclipse.cdt.make.ui.makeTargetActionSet"/>
}} \\
which adds some build-related CDT actions to the menus and toolbars in
the Fortran perspective.
\item In many cases, the XML describing a particular element in Photran
is essentially the same as the corresponding XML in CDT, except the
name and/or icon is changed. This is the case for, e.g., the
\textit{Local Fortran Application} launch configuration.
\item Many elements are reused through subclassing. For example, Photran's
\texttt{NewSourceFolderCreationWizard} subclasses an equivalent class in CDT
but overrides a method in order to change the title and icon for the wizard.
\item As a last resort, some parts of Photran are copied from CDT and then
modified as necessary. This is the case with the
\texttt{FortranPerspectiveFactory} class, for example: There was no way to
accomplish the desired effect through subclassing (without modifying CDT),
so we (unfortunately) had to copy a class from CDT and then modify it
appropriately for Photran.
\section{The CDT Debugger and \texttt{gdb}}
Currently, Photran re-uses the CDT debugger as-is and does not contribute any
enhancements to it. Here is a brief summary of how the debugger works:
\item The so-called CDT debugger is actually just a graphical interface to
\texttt{gdb}, or more specifically to \texttt{gdb/mi}. So, if something doesn't
appear to work, it is advisable to try it in \texttt{gdb} directly or to use
another \texttt{gdb}-based tool such as DDD.
\item The debugger UI ``contributes'' breakpoint markers and actions to the
editor. The ``set breakpoint'' action, and the breakpoint markers that appear in
the ruler of the CDT (and Photran) editors are handled \textbf{entirely} by the
CDT debug UI; there is no code for this in Photran. The ``set breakpoint''
action is enabled by calling \lstinline!setRulerContextMenuId("#CEditorRulerContext");!
in the \texttt{AbstractFortranEditor} constructor.
\item \texttt{gdb} reads debug symbols from the executable it is debugging.
That is how it knows what line it's on, what file to open, etc. Photran
has \textit{nothing} to do with this: These symbols are written entirely
by the compiler. Moreover, the compiler determines what shows up in the
Variables View. If the debugger views seem to be a mess, it is the
compiler's fault, not Photran's.