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<title>Console View</title>
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<img src="images/trident_transparent.png">
<h1>Console View</h1>
<h2>Using the Console View</h2>
Before formally verifying an MPI C/C++ application, the number of processes needs to be set
for the verification run. You will also need to know how to run GEM itself. The links below
detail these processes:
<a href="gettingStarted.html">Getting Started</a>
<a href="setNumProcs.html">Setting the Number of Processes</a>
<a href="gettingStarted.html#rungem">Running GEM</a>.
<h2>Console Overview</h2>
When GEM has finished the verification of your MPI C/C++ application, the Console, Browser and
Analyzer Views will all be opened and depending on what is specified in the
<a href="preferences.html#gemprefs">GEM Preference Page</a>, one of these views will be
brought to the foreground and given the active focus.
The Console View serves as an informal progress monitor while GEM is running &nbsp;&#8212;&nbsp;a status bar of sorts.
The actual time to formally verify any MPI application is essentially unknown and hence no actual Progress Monitor object.
It may be useful to see <b>STDOUT</b> &#38; <b>STDERR</b> to know when a verification run is complete. The Console
View also gives the user the opportunity to cancel stalled or long-running operations with the standard Eclipse
cancel button <img src="images/terminate.gif">.
<h3>Understanding Output</h3>
Please reference the <a href="output.html">Understanding GEM Console Output</a> help page.
<i>The image below shows what the Console View might look like followed by an explanation of its components.</i>
<img src="images/consoleIntegration.png" width="800" height="607"/>
<b>Note:</b>&nbsp; On the <a href="preferences.html#gemprefs">GEM Preference Page</a>, you can specify whether you
want new output to replace the older, or if new output should be appended to the older output.
<h2>Menu &#38; Toolbar Options</h2>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/terminate.gif">
Terminate Operation - Forcibly terminates the current GEM operation
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img height="16" src="images/clear-console.gif" width="16">
Clear Console - Removes all entries from the consoles, leaving it blank.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img height="16" src="images/save-file.gif" width="16">
Save Output to File - Launches a window that lets you save the current contents as a .txt file anywhere you want.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img height="16" src="images/help-contents.gif" width="16">
Get GEM Console Help - Opens the Eclipse help topic related to the GEM Console View.
<b>Note:</b> This same functionality can be obtained through the Console View context and pull-down menus.
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