blob: 2e39434f4c38d65fcb479f5a7c6b33d267ad82ef [file] [log] [blame]
Summary: SCI 64bit Run Time Library
Name: sci_64bit
Version: 2
Release: 0.0.0
Group: IBM HPC
License: IBM Corp.
Packager: IBM
Conflicts: N/A
Vendor: IBM Corp.
Source0: N/A
NoSource: 0
AutoReqProv: no
IBM SCI 64bit Run Time Library
This package contains header files, shared libraries and executables.
%undefine __check_files
# Library, header files, message catalog and README files.
%attr( 755, bin, bin ) %dir /opt/sci
# Header files
%attr( 755, bin, bin ) %dir /opt/sci/include
%attr( 644, bin, bin ) /opt/sci/include/sci.h
# Libraries.
%attr( 755, bin, bin ) %dir /opt/sci/lib64
%attr( 644, bin, bin ) /opt/sci/lib64/
%attr( 644, bin, bin ) /opt/sci/lib64/
%attr( 644, bin, bin ) /opt/sci/lib64/
%attr( 644, bin, bin ) /opt/sci/lib64/
%attr( 644, bin, bin ) /opt/sci/lib64/
%attr( 644, bin, bin ) /opt/sci/lib64/
%attr( 644, bin, bin ) /opt/sci/lib64/
%attr( 644, bin, bin ) /opt/sci/lib64/
%attr( 644, bin, bin ) /opt/sci/lib64/
# Executables
%attr( 755, bin, bin ) %dir /opt/sci/bin
%attr( 755, bin, bin ) /opt/sci/bin/scia64
%attr( 755, bin, bin ) %dir /opt/sci/sbin
%attr( 755, bin, bin ) /opt/sci/sbin/scidv1
# Pre-install script
# Post-install script
# Pre-uninstall script
# Post-uninstall script
# Run the following ONLY when performing uninstall (rpm -e),
# skip if it is an upgrape (rpm -U).