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Setup for PTP PLDT OpenMP Tools
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<h1> Setup for PTP OpenMP Tools </h1>
<p>The basic setup for the OpenMP tools is the same
as for the <a href="setup.html">MPI tools setup</a>.
Essentially, point CDT at the header files and at the command
to call your compiler with the OpenMP information.
<p>The OpenMP preferences should be set to point to your OpenMP header file
<br><img src="images/openmpPrefs.gif">
<p>The PLDT new project wizards now contain wizards for creating OpenMP projects as well.
<br><img src="images/newProjOpenMP.gif">
<p>Be sure on the project settings page that everything is filled in, including the build command.
<br><img src="images/newProjOpenMPsettings.gif">
<br>You may need to manually alter the project build properties (in the project properties) to add compiler flags
specific to OpenMP to your project.
<p>Note the header file name in your system, e.g. <code>openmp.h</code> vs <code>omp.h</code>; you may need to adjust the include file
line in the sample source file to match your system.
<p>Now set up to <a href="runOMP.html">run the OpenMP features</a>.
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