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Setup for PTP PLDT OpenMP Tools
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<h1> Setup for PTP OpenMP Tools </h1>
<p>The basic setup for the OpenMP tools is the same
as for the <a href="setup.html">MPI tools setup</a>.
Essentially, point CDT at the header files and at the command
to call your compiler with the OpenMP information.
<p>The OpenMP preferences should be set to point to your OpenMP header file.
If you don't set this up prior to using the New Project Wizard to make an
OpenMP project, you will be prompted to do so at that time.
<br><img src="images/openmpPrefs.gif">
<p>The PLDT new project wizards now contain wizards for creating OpenMP projects as well.
<br><img src="images/newProjOpenMP.gif">
<p>Be sure on the project settings page that everything is filled in, including the build command.
Most of these values are calculated based on your entries in the PLDT preferences pages.
<br><img src="images/newProjOpenMPsettings.gif">
<br>You may need to manually alter the project build properties (in the project properties) to add compiler flags
specific to OpenMP to your project.
<br><img src="images/ompCompilerOpt.png">
<p>You probably need to do this for the Linker as well as the Compiler option.
<p>Note the header file name in your system, e.g. <code>openmp.h</code> vs <code>omp.h</code>; you may need to adjust the include file
line in the sample source file to match your system.
<br><img src="images/headerOMP.png"
<p>Now set up to <a href="runOMP.html">run the OpenMP features</a>.
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