blob: 5247a1a69521e44c0612d6c9246a622213efe315 [file] [log] [blame]
<h2 >The <code>upc_local_alloc</code> function &nbsp;&nbsp; <i>deprecated</i> </h2>
#include &lt;upc.h&gt;
shared void *upc_local_alloc(size_t nblocks,
size_t nbytes);
The <code>upc_local_alloc </code> function is deprecated and should not be used. UPC
programs should use the <code>upc_alloc </code> function instead. Support may be removed
in future versions of this specification.
The <code>upc_local_alloc </code> function allocates shared space of at least
<code>nblocks * nbytes </code> bytes with affinity to the calling thread. If
<code>nblocks * nbytes </code> is zero,
the result is a null pointer-to-shared.
<code>upc_local_alloc </code> is similar to malloc() except that it returns a pointer-to-shared
value. It is not a <i>collective</i> function.
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