blob: 42aa596a6c5982695862fd543f473682075c9c75 [file] [log] [blame]
<h2>The <code>upc_lock_t</code> type</h2>
<p>The type declared is
The type <code>upc_lock_t </code> is an opaque UPC type. <code>upc_lock_t </code> is a shared
datatype with incomplete type (as defined in [ISO/IEC00 Sec 6.2.5]).
of type <code>upc_lock_t </code> may therefore only be manipulated through pointers.
Such objects have two states called locked and unlocked.
<p>Two pointers to that reference the same lock object will compare as equal.
The results of applying upc_phaseof(), upc_threadof(), and upc_addrfield()
to such pointers are undefined.
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