blob: 0fa3752fdf41082496b2b4a7acf3203dcc5a4fbe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - Initial API and implementation
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
public interface IServiceModelManager extends IAdaptable {
* Associate the service configuration with a project. A project can have multiple
* service configurations. The service configuration will become the active
* configuration for the project.
* @param project the project
* @param conf the configuration
* @throws NullPointerException if project or conf is null
public void addConfiguration(IProject project, IServiceConfiguration conf);
* Adds the given listener for service model events. Has no effect if an
* identical listener is already registered.
* <p>
* Listeners can listen for several types of event as defined in
* <code>IServiceModelEvent</code>. Clients are free to register for
* any number of event types. Clients are guaranteed to only receive
* event types for which they are registered.
* </p>
* @param listener the listener
* @param eventMask the bit-wise OR of all event types of interest to the
* listener
* @see IServiceModelEventListener
* @see IServiceModelEvent
* @see #removeEventListener(IServiceModelEventListener)
public void addEventListener(IServiceModelEventListener listener, int type);
* Get the global "active" service configuration. The "active" configuration is an
* arbitrary configuration can be used by tools that do not operate on a project basis.
* @return active service configuration, or null if no active configuration has been set
public IServiceConfiguration getActiveConfiguration();
* Get the configuration that is currently active for the project. Each project has
* exactly one active configuration, which describes the mapping from services to
* service providers. By default, the first configuration created for a project will
* be the active configuration for that project.
* @param project project for which the configuration will be obtained
* @return the service configuration for this project
* @throws NullPointerException if project is null
* @throws ProjectNotConfiguredException if the project has not been configured
public IServiceConfiguration getActiveConfiguration(IProject project);
* Get the named configuration for this project.
* @param project project for which the configuration will be obtained
* @param name name of the configuration
* @return the service configuration or null if no configurations with the supplied name exist
* @throws NullPointerException if project is null
* @throws ProjectNotConfiguredException if the project has not been configured
public IServiceConfiguration getConfiguration(IProject project, String name);
* Get the configuration with the specified ID.
* @param id ID of the configuration
* @return the service configuration or null if no configurations with the supplied ID exist
public IServiceConfiguration getConfiguration(String id);
* Get all configurations available in the workspace.
* @return all configurations that could be found, or an empty set
public Set<IServiceConfiguration> getConfigurations();
* Get all the configurations that are known by the project
* @param project project containing the configurations
* @return set of configurations known by the project
* @throws NullPointerException if project is null
* @throws ProjectNotConfiguredException if the project has not been configured
public Set<IServiceConfiguration> getConfigurations(IProject project);
* Get the set of projects which use the specified service configuration
* @param serviceConfiguration Service configuration to query set of projects using it
* @return Set of projects using the service configuration
public Set<IProject> getProjectsForConfiguration(IServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration);
* Retrieves the service corresponding to a given id.
* @param id The unique id of the service to retrieve.
* @return IService or null
public IService getService(String id);
* Return a new instance of a service provider based on the descriptor.
* @param desc extension description
* @return service provider
public IServiceProvider getServiceProvider(IServiceProviderDescriptor desc);
* Get all the services that have been registered with the system.
* @return a set of all the services
public Set<IService> getServices();
* Get all the services that are used by a particular project.
* @param project project using the services
* @return set of services
* @throws NullPointerException if project is null
* @throws ProjectNotConfiguredException if the project has not been configured
public Set<IService> getServices(IProject project);
* Get all the services that are associated with a project nature.
* @param nature project nature
* @return set of services or null
public Set<IService> getServices(String natureID);
* Returns true if the given project has a configuration.
public boolean isConfigured(IProject project);
* Obtain a new service configuration with name 'name'. The name
* does not need to be unique.
* @param name name of service configuration
* @return new service configuration
public IServiceConfiguration newServiceConfiguration(String name);
* Removes all the configurations and services associated to the given project.
* If the project has not been configured then this method does nothing.
* @throws NullPointerException if project is null
public void remove(IProject project);
* Removes the service configuration.
* @param conf the configuration
public void remove(IServiceConfiguration conf);
* TODO What happens if you try to remove the active configuration?
* TODO What happens if there are no configurations left after removing the given configuration?
* Remove the service configuration from a project.
* If the configuration was not set up on the project then this method
* does nothing.
* @param project the project
* @param conf the configuration
* @throws NullPointerException if project or conf is null
* @throws ProjectNotConfiguredException if the project has not been configured
public void removeConfiguration(IProject project, IServiceConfiguration conf);
* Removes the given listener for service model events. Has no effect if the
* listener is not registered.
* <p>
* @param listener the listener
* @see IServiceModelEventListener
* @see IServiceModelEvent
* @see #addEventListener(IServiceModelEventListener)
public void removeEventListener(IServiceModelEventListener listener);
* Set the active configuration for a project. By default, the first configuration created
* for a project will be the active configuration for that project.
* @param project project for which the configuration will be obtained
* @param configuration configuration to set as active for this project
* @throws NullPointerException if project or configuration is null
* @throws ProjectNotConfiguredException if the project has not been configured yet
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the configuration was not part of the project
public void setActiveConfiguration(IProject project, IServiceConfiguration configuration);
* Set the global "active" service configuration. The "active" configuration is an
* arbitrary configuration can be used by tools that do not operate on a project basis.
* @param config the service configuration to select as active
public void setActiveConfiguration(IServiceConfiguration config);