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<title>Remote C/C++ Development Perspective</title>
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<h1>Remote C/C++ Development Perspective</h1>
<p>A perspective is a layout of <a href="remote_c_views.html">views</a> (development tools) in the Workbench window.
Each type of perspective is a combination of views, menus, and toolbars that enable you to perform a particular task.
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<b>Selecting / Opening Views:</b>
<li>You can add views to a perspective. From the menu bar choose <b>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other</b> and select a new view from the <b>Show View</b> dialog.</li>
<li>To reset the current perspective to its original layout, from the menu bar choose <b>Window &gt; Reset Perspective</b>.</li>
<p>The Remote C/C++ development tools contribute the following perspective to the workbench:
<h3>Remote C/C++ Development perspective views</h3>
<p>This perspective is tuned for working with remote C/C++ projects.
By default it consists of an editor area and the following views:
<li>Project Explorer</li>
<li>Remote Systems</li>
<li>Remote Shell</li>
<li>Remote Call Hierarchy</li>
<li>Remote Type Hierarchy</li>
<b>Related reference</b>
<a href="../reference/remote_c_views.html">Remote C/C++ Views and Editors</a>