blob: 7aea33d476086bdd7ef7a29220019c284278479f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - Initial Implementation
package org.eclipse.ptp.utils.ui.swt;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
* A frame is a customized container for controls with many additional features.
* The frame may be used simply to group controls, without border or additional facilities.
* Or create a multi column layout.
* It may also be created as a frame with a user-reserved area, a description area and a
* hideable user-reserved area. The first one is on the top and the latter is on the bottom.
* @author Richard Maciel, Daniel Felix Ferber
public class Frame extends Composite {
private Composite topUserReservedComposite;
private Composite bottomUserReservedComposite;
private Composite enclosingControl;
private Button expandButton;
private Label descriptionLabel;
private Group enclosingGroup;
private boolean isExpandedLayout;
// Keep all possible button labels
private String expandButtonLabel = "More options";
private String shrinkButtonLabel = "Less options";
private int debugBitmask = SWT.None;//SWT.BORDER;
* Create the full featured frame based on information provided by the mold.
* This is the most complete and most advanced use of the Frame. Used
* typically to create a frame with hideable panel and explanation message.
* <p>
* The frame may have border if corresponding bit is set. The frame has
* margin if border is enabled. The frame has one or more columns.
* @param parent
* @param mold
public Frame(Composite parent, FrameMold mold) {
this(parent, mold.bitmask, mold.columns);
if (mold.description != null) {
if (mold.title != null) {
if ((mold.bitmask & FrameMold.HAS_EXPAND) != 0 &&
mold.expandButtonLabel != null) {
if ((mold.bitmask & FrameMold.HAS_EXPAND) != 0 &&
mold.shrinkButtonLabel != null) {
* Create the full featured frame only based on structural information.
* Intended for classes that extend the frame and provide their own logic
* to configure itself (like its own mold).
* <p>
* The frame may have border if corresponding bit is set. The frame has
* margin if border is enabled. The frame has one or more columns.
* @param parent
* @param bitmask
* @param columns
public Frame(Composite parent, int bitmask, int columns) {
super(parent, SWT.NONE);
createContent(bitmask, columns);
* Create a frame to group controls logically.
* The frame has no border.
* The frame has no margin.
* The frame as one column.
public Frame(Composite parent) {
this(parent, 0, 1);
* Create a frame to group controls logically.
* The frame has no border.
* The frame has no margin.
* The frame as one or more columns.
public Frame(Composite parent, int columns) {
this(parent, 0, columns);
* Create a frame to group controls visually.
* The frame has border.
* The frame has margin.
public Frame(Composite parent, String title) {
this(parent, FrameMold.HAS_FRAME, 1);
protected void createContent(int bitmask, int columns) {
createTopUserComposite(bitmask, columns);
createBottomUserComposite(bitmask, columns);
* Create and setup the Group control that draws the frame with the title.
* Only create the group if necessary.
private void createEnclosingControl(int bitmask) {
if ((bitmask & FrameMold.HAS_FRAME) != 0) {
* Create the group. The FillLayout is used to ensure that
* the Group will stretch over all available space.
FillLayout fillLayout = new FillLayout();
fillLayout.type = SWT.HORIZONTAL;
fillLayout.marginHeight = 0;
fillLayout.marginWidth = 0;
fillLayout.spacing = 0;
enclosingGroup = new Group(this, SWT.NONE | debugBitmask);
enclosingControl = enclosingGroup;
} else {
* If frame is not required, then use the composite itself to hold content.
* This saves ressources by avoinding to create an invisible fake Group.
enclosingControl = this;
* Set the layout for the enclosing control.
GridLayout enclosingControlLayout = new GridLayout();
if ((bitmask & FrameMold.HAS_FRAME) != 0) {
enclosingControlLayout.numColumns = 2;
enclosingControlLayout.marginHeight = LayoutDefinitions.marginHeight;
enclosingControlLayout.marginWidth = LayoutDefinitions.marginWidth;
enclosingControlLayout.marginRight = LayoutDefinitions.marginRight;
enclosingControlLayout.marginLeft = LayoutDefinitions.marginLeft;
enclosingControlLayout.marginBottom = LayoutDefinitions.marginBottom;
enclosingControlLayout.marginTop = LayoutDefinitions.marginTop;
enclosingControlLayout.horizontalSpacing = LayoutDefinitions.horizontalSpacing;
enclosingControlLayout.verticalSpacing = LayoutDefinitions.verticalSpacing;
} else {
enclosingControlLayout.marginHeight = LayoutDefinitions.marginHeight;
enclosingControlLayout.marginWidth = LayoutDefinitions.marginWidth;
enclosingControlLayout.marginRight = 0;
enclosingControlLayout.marginLeft = 0;
enclosingControlLayout.marginBottom = 0;
enclosingControlLayout.marginTop = 0;
enclosingControlLayout.horizontalSpacing = LayoutDefinitions.horizontalSpacing;
enclosingControlLayout.verticalSpacing = LayoutDefinitions.verticalSpacing;
// Make the control fill all available width
Composite parent = this.getParent();
Layout parentLayout = parent.getLayout();
if (parentLayout instanceof GridLayout) {
GridData layoutData = (GridData) this.getLayoutData();
if (layoutData == null) {
layoutData = new GridData();
layoutData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
layoutData.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL;
* Create the main composite.
private void createTopUserComposite(int bitmask, int columns) {
* Only create this composite if a description is present or if the frame is expandable.
* Else, use the enclosing group itself to save ressources.
boolean needComposite = ((bitmask & FrameMold.HAS_DESCRIPTION) != 0) || ((bitmask & FrameMold.HAS_EXPAND) != 0);
if (needComposite) {
topUserReservedComposite = new Composite(enclosingControl, SWT.NONE | debugBitmask);
GridData topUserReservedCompositeLayoutData = new GridData();
topUserReservedCompositeLayoutData.horizontalSpan = 2;
topUserReservedCompositeLayoutData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
topUserReservedCompositeLayoutData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = false;
topUserReservedCompositeLayoutData.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL;
topUserReservedCompositeLayoutData.verticalAlignment = SWT.FILL;
GridLayout userReservedLayout = new GridLayout();
userReservedLayout.marginHeight = LayoutDefinitions.marginHeight;
userReservedLayout.marginWidth = LayoutDefinitions.marginWidth;
userReservedLayout.marginRight = 0;
userReservedLayout.marginLeft = 0;
userReservedLayout.marginBottom = 0;
userReservedLayout.marginTop = 0;
userReservedLayout.horizontalSpacing = LayoutDefinitions.horizontalSpacing;
userReservedLayout.verticalSpacing = LayoutDefinitions.verticalSpacing;
userReservedLayout.numColumns = columns;
} else {
topUserReservedComposite = enclosingControl;
GridLayout layout = (GridLayout) enclosingControl.getLayout();
layout.numColumns = columns;
if ((bitmask & FrameMold.COLUMNS_EQUAL_WIDTH) != 0) {
layout.makeColumnsEqualWidth = true;
* Generate the expandable composite.
* @param mold
private void createBottomUserComposite(int bitmask, int columns) {
if ((bitmask & FrameMold.HAS_EXPAND) != 0) {
* Put the second user-reserved composite.
bottomUserReservedComposite = new Composite(enclosingControl, SWT.NONE | debugBitmask);
GridData bottomUserReservedCompositeLayoutData = new GridData();
bottomUserReservedCompositeLayoutData.horizontalSpan = 2;
bottomUserReservedCompositeLayoutData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
bottomUserReservedCompositeLayoutData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = false;
bottomUserReservedCompositeLayoutData.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL;
bottomUserReservedCompositeLayoutData.verticalAlignment = SWT.FILL;
* Create a grid layout with ne number of required columns
* Note that when no composite was created, the layout for the enclosing control is overriden.
GridLayout userReservedLayout = new GridLayout();
userReservedLayout.marginHeight = LayoutDefinitions.marginHeight;
userReservedLayout.marginWidth = LayoutDefinitions.marginWidth;
userReservedLayout.marginRight = 0;
userReservedLayout.marginLeft = 0;
userReservedLayout.marginBottom = 0;
userReservedLayout.marginTop = 0;
userReservedLayout.horizontalSpacing = LayoutDefinitions.horizontalSpacing;
userReservedLayout.verticalSpacing = LayoutDefinitions.verticalSpacing;
userReservedLayout.numColumns = columns;
if ((bitmask & FrameMold.COLUMNS_EQUAL_WIDTH) != 0) {
userReservedLayout.makeColumnsEqualWidth = true;
* Create the description and the button responsible for showing/hiding the bottom composite.
private void createSeparatorComposite(int bitmask) {
* Put the description.
if ((bitmask & FrameMold.HAS_DESCRIPTION) != 0) {
descriptionLabel = new Label(enclosingControl, SWT.NONE | SWT.WRAP | debugBitmask);
GridData descriptionLabeLayoutData = new GridData();
descriptionLabeLayoutData.horizontalSpan = ((bitmask & FrameMold.HAS_EXPAND) != 0 ? 1 : 2);
descriptionLabeLayoutData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
descriptionLabeLayoutData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = false;
descriptionLabeLayoutData.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL;
descriptionLabeLayoutData.verticalAlignment = SWT.FILL;
* Put the expand button.
if ((bitmask & FrameMold.HAS_EXPAND) != 0) {
expandButton = new Button(enclosingControl, SWT.BUTTON1);
GridData buttonLayoutData = new GridData();
buttonLayoutData.horizontalSpan = ((bitmask & FrameMold.HAS_DESCRIPTION) != 0 ? 1 : 2);
buttonLayoutData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = false;
buttonLayoutData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = false;
buttonLayoutData.horizontalAlignment = SWT.RIGHT;
buttonLayoutData.verticalAlignment = SWT.BOTTOM;
new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
changeExpandLayout( ! isExpandedLayout);
* Show (or hide) bottom composite according to visible parameter.
* @param visible boolean Defines if the composite will be visible or not.
private void changeExpandLayout(boolean visible) {
if (bottomUserReservedComposite == null) {
if (expandButton == null) {
isExpandedLayout = visible;
GridData bottomUserReservedCompositeLayoutData = (GridData) bottomUserReservedComposite.getLayoutData();
if(isExpandedLayout) {
// Show it
bottomUserReservedCompositeLayoutData.exclude = false;
} else {
// Hide it
bottomUserReservedCompositeLayoutData.exclude = true;
private void updateExpandButton() {
if (expandButton == null) {
String newLabel = null;
if (isExpandedLayout) {
newLabel = shrinkButtonLabel;
} else {
newLabel = expandButtonLabel;
if (newLabel != null) {
} else {
expandButton.setText(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
private void adjustShellSizeToFrame() {
Point newSize = enclosingControl.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT);
Point currentSize = enclosingControl.getSize();
int deltaY = newSize.y - currentSize.y;
Point shellSize = getShell().getSize();
shellSize.y += deltaY;
getShell().layout(true, true);
* Get a composite control that represents a reserved space to the user add
* his controls. This method returns the top composite control
* @return Composite Composite control.
public Composite getTopUserReservedComposite() {
return topUserReservedComposite;
* Facility getter for {@link #getTopUserReservedComposite()}.
* @return
public Composite getComposite() {
return topUserReservedComposite;
* Get a composite control that represents a reserved space to the user add
* his controls. This method returns the bottom, hideable composite control.
* @return Composite Composite control.
public Composite getBottomUserReservedComposite() {
return bottomUserReservedComposite;
public boolean isExpanded() {
return isExpandedLayout;
* Set the user-reserved bottom composite visible state
* @param expanded boolean True if composite will be visible. False, otherwise.
public void setExpanded(boolean expanded) {
public String getExpandButtonLabel() {
return expandButtonLabel;
public void setExpandButtonLabel(String expandButtonLabel) {
if (expandButton == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.Frame_NoExpandButton);
this.expandButtonLabel = expandButtonLabel;
public String getShrinkButtonLabel() {
return shrinkButtonLabel;
public void setShrinkButtonLabel(String shrinkButtonLabel) {
if (expandButton == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.Frame_NoExpandButton);
this.shrinkButtonLabel = shrinkButtonLabel;
public String getTitle() {
if (enclosingGroup != null) {
return enclosingGroup.getText();
} else {
return null;
public void setTitle(String label) {
if (enclosingGroup != null) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.Frame_NoEnclosingGroup);
public String getDescription() {
if (descriptionLabel != null) {
return descriptionLabel.getText();
} else {
return null;
public void setDescription(String description) {
if (descriptionLabel != null) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.Frame_NoDescriptionSet);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Display display = new Display();
Shell shell = new Shell(display);
FillLayout fillLayout = new FillLayout();
fillLayout.marginHeight = 10;
fillLayout.marginWidth = 10;
FrameMold mold = new FrameMold("Frame 1", true); //$NON-NLS-1$
// mold.setDescription("This frame illustrates a frame with some random stuff and a long description.");
Frame frame = new Frame(shell, mold);
while (!shell.isDisposed()) {
if (!display.readAndDispatch()) {