blob: 1437ddbba44bbf6470e1e5bedbbd217550e7448c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2007 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
* This material was produced under U.S. Government contract DE-AC52-06NA25396
* for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by the Los Alamos
* National Security, LLC (LANS) for the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government has
* rights to use, reproduce, and distribute this software. NEITHER THE
* to produce derivative works, such modified software should be clearly marked,
* so as not to confuse it with the version available from LANL.
* Additionally, this program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileInfo;
import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileStore;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy;
import org.eclipse.ptp.core.attributes.BigIntegerAttribute;
import org.eclipse.ptp.core.attributes.BigIntegerAttributeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.ptp.core.attributes.IAttribute;
import org.eclipse.ptp.core.attributes.IAttributeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.ptp.core.attributes.IllegalValueException;
import org.eclipse.ptp.core.attributes.IntegerAttribute;
import org.eclipse.ptp.core.attributes.IntegerAttributeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.ptp.core.attributes.StringAttribute;
import org.eclipse.ptp.core.attributes.StringAttributeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.ptp.core.attributes.StringSetAttribute;
import org.eclipse.ptp.core.attributes.StringSetAttributeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.ptp.core.elements.IPQueue;
import org.eclipse.ptp.core.elements.IResourceManager;
import org.eclipse.ptp.launch.ui.extensions.AbstractRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab;
import org.eclipse.ptp.launch.ui.extensions.RMLaunchValidation;
import org.eclipse.ptp.remote.core.IRemoteConnection;
import org.eclipse.ptp.remote.core.IRemoteConnectionManager;
import org.eclipse.ptp.remote.core.IRemoteServices;
import org.eclipse.ptp.remote.core.PTPRemoteCorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.ptp.remote.ui.IRemoteUIFileManager;
import org.eclipse.ptp.remote.ui.IRemoteUIServices;
import org.eclipse.ptp.remote.ui.PTPRemoteUIPlugin;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rmsystem.AbstractResourceManager;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TabFolder;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TabItem;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;
public class IBMLLRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab extends
AbstractRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab {
private static final int INFO_MESSAGE = 0;
private static final int TRACE_MESSAGE = 1;
private static final int WARNING_MESSAGE = 2;
private static final int ERROR_MESSAGE = 3;
private static final int FATAL_MESSAGE = 4;
private static final int ARGS_MESSAGE = 5;
private static int state_trace = 0; /* 0=message off, 1=message on */
private static int state_info = 0; /* 0=message off, 1=message on */
private static int state_warning = 1; /* 0=message off, 1=message on */
private static int state_error = 1; /* 0=message off, 1=message on */
private static int state_args = 0; /* 0=message off, 1=message on */
private static int state_fatal = 1; /* 0=message off, 1=message on */
* The following constants define the names of all attributes which may be
* known by the IBMLL proxy.
private static final String LL_PTP_JOB_COMMAND_FILE = "LL_PTP_JOB_COMMAND_FILE";
private static final String LL_PTP_SUBMIT_MODE = "LL_PTP_SUBMIT_MODE";
private static final String LL_PTP_CLASS = "LL_PTP_CLASS";
private static final String LL_PTP_COMMENT = "LL_PTP_COMMENT";
private static final String LL_PTP_ERROR = "LL_PTP_ERROR";
private static final String LL_PTP_INPUT = "LL_PTP_INPUT";
private static final String LL_PTP_OUTPUT = "LL_PTP_OUTPUT";
private static final String LL_PTP_INITIALDIR = "LL_PTP_INITIALDIR";
private static final String LL_PTP_JOB_NAME = "LL_PTP_JOB_NAME";
private static final String LL_PTP_JOB_TYPE = "LL_PTP_JOB_TYPE";
private static final String LL_PTP_NETWORK_MPI = "LL_PTP_NETWORK_MPI";
private static final String LL_PTP_NETWORK_LAPI = "LL_PTP_NETWORK_LAPI";
private static final String LL_PTP_NETWORK_MPI_LAPI = "LL_PTP_NETWORK_MPI_LAPI";
private static final String LL_PTP_REQUIREMENTS = "LL_PTP_REQUIREMENTS";
private static final String LL_PTP_RESOURCES = "LL_PTP_RESOURCES";
private static final String LL_PTP_SHELL = "LL_PTP_SHELL";
private static final String LL_PTP_TASK_GEOMETRY = "LL_PTP_TASK_GEOMETRY";
private static final String LL_PTP_BULK_XFER = "LL_PTP_BULK_XFER";
private static final String LL_PTP_LARGE_PAGE = "LL_PTP_LARGE_PAGE";
private static final String LL_PTP_NODE_MIN = "LL_PTP_NODE_MIN";
private static final String LL_PTP_NODE_MAX = "LL_PTP_NODE_MAX";
private static final String LL_PTP_BLOCKING = "LL_PTP_BLOCKING";
private static final String LL_PTP_TOTAL_TASKS = "LL_PTP_TOTAL_TASKS";
private static final String LL_PTP_WALLCLOCK_HARD = "LL_PTP_WALLCLOCK_HARD";
private static final String LL_PTP_WALLCLOCK_SOFT = "LL_PTP_WALLCLOCK_SOFT";
private static final String LL_PTP_TASKS_PER_NODE = "LL_PTP_TASKS_PER_NODE";
private static final String LL_PTP_EXECUTABLE = "LL_PTP_EXECUTABLE";
private static final String LL_PTP_ENVIRONMENT = "LL_PTP_ENVIRONMENT";
private static final String LL_PTP_MAX_INT = "LL_PTP_MAX_INT";
* End of attribute name list.
private static final String ENABLE_STATE = "ENABLE_STATE";
private static final RMLaunchValidation success = new RMLaunchValidation(
true, "");
private static final int LL_PTP_JOB_COMMAND_FILE_SELECTOR = 18;
private static final int LL_PTP_SUBMIT_MODE_RADIOBOX = 100;
private static final int LL_PTP_JOB_COMMAND_FILE_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR = 19;
private static final int LL_PTP_JOB_TYPE_SELECTOR = 20;
private static final int KBYTE = 1024;
private static final int MBYTE = 1024 * 1024;
private static final int GBYTE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
private boolean ignoreModifyEvents = false;
private EventMonitor eventMonitor;
private Composite mainPanel;
private TabFolder tabbedPane;
private ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy currentLaunchConfig;
private IResourceManager currentRM;
private BooleanRowWidget llSubmitMode;
private boolean allFieldsValid = true;
private String errorMessage;
private Vector<Object> activeWidgets;
private IRemoteConnection remoteConnection;
private IRemoteServices remoteService;
private IRemoteUIServices remoteUIService;
private Shell parentShell;
private Composite generalTabPane = null;
private Composite schedulingBasicTabPane = null;
private Composite schedulingRequirementsTabPane = null;
private Composite schedulingResourcesTabPane = null;
private Composite runtimeTabPane = null;
private Composite nodesNetworkTabPane = null;
private Composite limitsTabPane = null;
private FileSelectorRowWidget llJobCommandFile = null;
private FileSelectorRowWidget llJobCommandFileTemplate = null;
* Widgets for General Tab
private TextRowWidget llComment = null;
private TextRowWidget llJobName = null;
private ComboRowWidget llJobType = null;
* Widgets for Scheduling (Basic) Tab
private TextRowWidget llClass = null;
private ComboRowWidget llLargePage = null;
* Widgets for Scheduling (Requirements) Tab
private TextRowWidget llRequirements = null;
* Widgets for Scheduling (Resources) Tab
private TextRowWidget llResources = null;
* Widgets for Runtime
private TextRowWidget llError = null;
private TextRowWidget llInput = null;
private TextRowWidget llOutput = null;
private TextRowWidget llInitialDir = null;
private TextRowWidget llShell = null;
private TextRowWidget llExecutable = null;
private TextRowWidget llEnvironment = null;
* Widgets for Nodes/Network Tab
private TextRowWidget llBlocking = null;
private ComboRowWidget llBulkxfer = null;
private TextRowWidget llNetwork_mpi = null;
private TextRowWidget llNetwork_lapi = null;
private TextRowWidget llNetwork_mpi_lapi = null;
private TextRowWidget llNodeMin = null;
private TextRowWidget llNodeMax = null;
private TextRowWidget llTaskGeometry = null;
private TextRowWidget llTasksPerNode = null;
private TextRowWidget llTotalTasks = null;
* Widgets for Limits Tab Note: llWallClockLimitHard and
* llWallClockLimitSoft are duplicated here.
private TextRowWidget llWallClockLimitHard = null;
private TextRowWidget llWallClockLimitSoft = null;
Preferences myPreferences = null;
* Exception class intended for use in validating fields within this panel.
* When a validation error occurs, the validation code should create and
* throw a ValidationException, which is intended to be caught by the top
* level validation method.
public class ValidationException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private ValidationException() {
throw new IllegalAccessError(
"ValidationException default constructor should not be called");
* Create a ValidationException with error message
* @param message
* The error message
public ValidationException(String message) {
* Internal class which handles events of interest to this panel
private class EventMonitor implements ModifyListener, SelectionListener {
public EventMonitor() {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":EventMonitor entered.");
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":EventMonitor returning.");
public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":widgetDefaultSelected entered.");
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":widgetDefaultSelected returning.");
* Handle events sent when registered buttons are clicked
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
Object widgetData;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":widgetSelected entered.");
// Determine which button was clicked based on the data value stored
// in that button object
// and handle processing for that button.
widgetData = e.widget.getData(WidgetAttributes.BUTTON_ID);
if (widgetData == null) {
// A widget other than a file selector browse button was
// clicked. Just call
// fireContentsChanged to drive enabling the Apply/Revert
// buttons. Since the widget is supposed
// to be a button widget, no validation of user data is needed.
} else {
switch (((Integer) widgetData).intValue()) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":widgetSelected returning.");
* Handle events sent when registered Text and Combo widgets have their
* text field modified.
public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":modifyText entered.");
// Text and Combo widgets send ModifyEvents any time their text
// value is modified, including
// when the value is modified by a setText() call. The only time
// ModifyEvents are of interest is
// when the user has entered text. Code which calls setText() on a
// widget should set the
// ignoreModifyEvents before calling setText() and reset
// ignoreModifyEvents after the call.
setFieldValidationRequired((Widget) e.getSource());
if (!ignoreModifyEvents) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":modifyText returning.");
public IBMLLRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab(IResourceManager rm) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":IBMLLRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab entered.");
myPreferences = IBMLLPreferenceManager.getPreferences();
if ((myPreferences.getString(IBMLLPreferenceConstants.GUI_TRACE_MESSAGE)).equals(IBMLLPreferenceConstants.LL_YES)) {
state_trace = 1;
} else {
state_trace = 0;
if ((myPreferences.getString(IBMLLPreferenceConstants.GUI_INFO_MESSAGE)).equals(IBMLLPreferenceConstants.LL_YES)) {
state_info = 1;
} else {
state_info = 0;
if ((myPreferences.getString(IBMLLPreferenceConstants.GUI_WARNING_MESSAGE)).equals(IBMLLPreferenceConstants.LL_YES)) {
state_warning = 1;
} else {
state_warning = 0;
if ((myPreferences.getString(IBMLLPreferenceConstants.GUI_ERROR_MESSAGE)).equals(IBMLLPreferenceConstants.LL_YES)) {
state_error = 1;
} else {
state_error = 0;
if ((myPreferences.getString(IBMLLPreferenceConstants.GUI_ARGS_MESSAGE)).equals(IBMLLPreferenceConstants.LL_YES)) {
state_args = 1;
} else {
state_args = 0;
if ((myPreferences.getString(IBMLLPreferenceConstants.GUI_FATAL_MESSAGE)).equals(IBMLLPreferenceConstants.LL_YES)) {
state_fatal = 1;
} else {
state_fatal = 0;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":IBMLLRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab returning.");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ptp.launch.ui.extensions.IRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab#canSave(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control,
* org.eclipse.ptp.rmsystem.IResourceManager,
* org.eclipse.ptp.core.IPQueue)
public RMLaunchValidation canSave(Control control, IResourceManager rm,
IPQueue queue) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":canSave entered.");
if (allFieldsValid) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":canSave returning.");
return success;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":canSave returning.");
return new RMLaunchValidation(false, errorMessage);
* Get the directory path from the launch configuration
* @param attrName
* Launch configuration attribute name for this directory
* @return Directory path
private String getFileDialogPath(String attrName) {
String dir;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getFileDialogPath entered.");
dir = "/";
if (currentLaunchConfig != null) {
try {
dir = currentLaunchConfig.getAttribute(attrName, "/");
} catch (CoreException e) {
dir = "/";
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getFileDialogPath returning.");
return dir;
* Save directory path in the launch configuration
* @param attrName
* Launch configuration attribute name for this directory
* @param path
* Directory path
private void saveFileDialogPath(String attrName, String path) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":saveFileDialogPath entered.");
if (currentLaunchConfig != null) {
currentLaunchConfig.setAttribute(attrName, path);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":saveFileDialogPath returning.");
* Display a file selector dialog prompting the user for the path of an
* input file. If the user clicks 'open', then set the pathname into the
* text field of the specified FileSelector object.
* @param selector
* The FileSelector object to hold path name
* @param titleID
* Title for the dialog
* @param pathAttrID
* Launch configuration attribute id for saving path info
protected void getInputFile(FileSelectorRowWidget selector, String titleID,
String pathAttrID) {
String selectedFile = null;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getInputFile entered.");
if (remoteUIService != null) {
IRemoteUIFileManager fmgr = remoteUIService.getUIFileManager();
selectedFile = fmgr.browseFile(parentShell, Messages.getString(titleID),
if (selectedFile != null) {
saveFileDialogPath(pathAttrID, selectedFile);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getInputFile returning.");
* Display a file selector dialog prompting the user for the path of an
* output file. If the user clicks 'save', then set the pathname into the
* text field of the specified FileSelector object.
* @param selector
* The FileSelector object to hold path name
* @param titleID
* Title for the dialog
* @param pathAttrID
* Launch configuration attribute id for saving path info
protected void getOutputFile(FileSelectorRowWidget selector,
String titleID, String pathAttrID) {
String selectedFile = null;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getOutputFile entered.");
if (remoteUIService != null) {
IRemoteUIFileManager fmgr = remoteUIService.getUIFileManager();
selectedFile = fmgr.browseFile(parentShell, Messages.getString(titleID),
if (selectedFile != null) {
saveFileDialogPath(pathAttrID, selectedFile);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getOutputFile returning.");
* Display a directory selector dialog prompting the user for the pathname
* of a directory. If the user clocks 'ok', then set the pathname into the
* text field of the specified FileSelector.
* @param selector
* FileSelector object to be updated
* @param titleID
* Title for the dialog
* @param pathAttrID
* Launch configuration attribute id for saving path info
protected void getDirectory(FileSelectorRowWidget selector, String titleID,
String pathAttrID) {
String selectedFile = null;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getDirectory entered.");
if (remoteUIService != null) {
IRemoteUIFileManager fmgr = remoteUIService.getUIFileManager();
selectedFile = fmgr.browseDirectory(parentShell, Messages.getString(titleID),
if (selectedFile != null) {
String parentDir;
parentDir = new File(selectedFile).getParent();
if (parentDir == null) {
saveFileDialogPath(pathAttrID, "/");
} else {
saveFileDialogPath(pathAttrID, parentDir);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getDirectory returning.");
* Mark the validation state for the specified widget to indicate that the
* widget value must be validated.
* @param source
* The widget to validate.
protected void setFieldValidationRequired(Widget source) {
// Iterate thru the list of widgets looking for the widget which needs
// to be validated. When found, set
// that widget's validation state to indicate validation is needed.
// Widget class needs
// to be checked since although these widgets perform similar functions,
// they do not comprise a set of
// logically related widgets that can be easily organized in a class
// hierarchy.
Iterator<Object> i;
i = activeWidgets.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Object widget;
widget =;
if (widget instanceof BooleanRowWidget) {
if (((BooleanRowWidget) widget).isMatchingWidget(source)) {
((BooleanRowWidget) widget).setValidationRequired();
} else if (widget instanceof CheckboxRowWidget) {
if (((CheckboxRowWidget) widget).isMatchingWidget(source)) {
((CheckboxRowWidget) widget).setValidationRequired();
} else if (widget instanceof ComboRowWidget) {
if (((ComboRowWidget) widget).isMatchingWidget(source)) {
((ComboRowWidget) widget).setValidationRequired();
} else if (widget instanceof DualFieldRowWidget) {
if (((DualFieldRowWidget) widget).isMatchingWidget(source)) {
((DualFieldRowWidget) widget).setValidationRequired();
} else if (widget instanceof FileSelectorRowWidget) {
if (((FileSelectorRowWidget) widget).isMatchingWidget(source)) {
((FileSelectorRowWidget) widget).setValidationRequired();
} else if (widget instanceof TextRowWidget) {
if (((TextRowWidget) widget).isMatchingWidget(source)) {
((TextRowWidget) widget).setValidationRequired();
* Mark all widget's validation state to indicate that the widget value has
* changed, meaning validation is required.
private void markAllFieldsChanged() {
Iterator<Object> i;
i = activeWidgets.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Object widget;
widget =;
if (widget instanceof BooleanRowWidget) {
((BooleanRowWidget) widget).setValidationRequired();
} else if (widget instanceof CheckboxRowWidget) {
((CheckboxRowWidget) widget).setValidationRequired();
} else if (widget instanceof ComboRowWidget) {
((ComboRowWidget) widget).setValidationRequired();
} else if (widget instanceof DualFieldRowWidget) {
((DualFieldRowWidget) widget).setValidationRequired();
} else if (widget instanceof FileSelectorRowWidget) {
((FileSelectorRowWidget) widget).setValidationRequired();
} else if (widget instanceof TextRowWidget) {
((TextRowWidget) widget).setValidationRequired();
* Disable the tab pane widget and all children of the tab pane. Calling
* setEnabled(false) on the tab pane widget disables the tab pane and
* prevents interaction with child widgets, but does not change the visible
* state of the child widget. This method changes the state of all widgets
* to correctly indicate they are disabled.
* @param widget
* The widget to be disabled.
private void disableTabPaneWidget(Control widget) {
Control children[];
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":disableTabPaneWidget entered.");
// For any Composite widget, recursively call this method for each child
// of the Composite. This must be
// done before disabling the Composite since disabling the Composite
// also marks its children disabled
// and the real enable/disable state of the child cannot be preserved.
if (widget instanceof Composite) {
children = ((Composite) widget).getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
// Remember the current state of the widget, then disable it.
widget.setData(ENABLE_STATE, Boolean.valueOf(widget.isEnabled()));
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":disableTabPaneWidget returning.");
* Restore widget back to its previous enable/disable state
* @param widget
* The widget whose state is to be restored.
private void restoreTabPaneWidgetState(Control widget) {
Control children[];
Boolean state;
boolean enableFlag;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":restoreTabPaneWidgetState entered.");
// Get widget's previous enable/disable state. If there is no saved
// state, such as when initially
// creating the parallel tab in basic mode, then enable the widget.
state = (Boolean) widget.getData(ENABLE_STATE);
if (state == null) {
enableFlag = true;
} else {
enableFlag = state.booleanValue();
// Recursively call this method to handle children of a Composite
// widget. Note that ordering of processing
// here does not matter since enabling a Composite widget does not
// automatically enable its children.
if (widget instanceof Composite) {
children = ((Composite) widget).getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":restoreTabPaneWidgetState returning.");
* Restore widget back to its previous enable/disable state
* @param widget
* The widget whose state is to be restored.
private void enableTabPaneWidgetState(Control widget) {
Control children[];
Boolean state;
boolean enableFlag;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":enableTabPaneWidgetState entered.");
// Enable the widget.
// Recursively call this method to handle children of a Composite
// widget. Note that ordering of processing
// here does not matter since enabling a Composite widget does not
// automatically enable its children.
if (widget instanceof Composite) {
children = ((Composite) widget).getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":enableTabPaneWidgetState returning.");
* Set launch panel mode based on llSubmitMode setting. If checked, then set
* submit mode, where the user supplies a LL setup script. Otherwise set
* basic mode, where the user chooses LL options from a tabbed dialog panel.
protected void setLaunchPanelMode() {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setLaunchPanelMode entered.");
if (llSubmitMode != null) {
if (llSubmitMode.getValue().equals("Advanced")) {
if (llJobCommandFile != null) {
if (llJobCommandFileTemplate != null) {
} else {
if (llJobCommandFile != null) {
if (llJobCommandFileTemplate != null) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setLaunchPanelMode returning.");
* Create a text widget in the tabbed view. The text field spans columns 2
* and 3 of the tabbed pane. The label and tooltip text are obtained from
* the attribute definition object.
* @param parent
* Parent widget (the pane in the tabbed view)
* @param rm
* Resource manager used by this launch config
* @param id
* Attribute id for rm attribute this widget represents
* @return TextRowWidget entry widget
private TextRowWidget createTextWidget(Composite parent,
IResourceManager rm, String id) {
TextRowWidget widget;
IAttributeDefinition<?, ?, ?> attr;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createTextWidget entered.");
widget = null;
attr = rm.getAttributeDefinition(id);
if (attr != null) {
widget = new TextRowWidget(parent, id, attr);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createTextWidget returning.");
return widget;
* Create a text widget in the tabbed view. The text field spans columns 2
* and 3 of the tabbed pane. The label and tooltip text are obtained from
* the attribute definition object.
* @param parent
* Parent widget (the pane in the tabbed view)
* @param rm
* Resource manager used by this launch config
* @param id1
* Attribute id for first rm attribute this widget represents
* @param id2
* Attribute id for second rm attribute this widget represents
* @return Text entry widget
private DualFieldRowWidget createDualField(Composite parent,
IResourceManager rm, String id1, String id2) {
DualFieldRowWidget widget;
IAttributeDefinition<?, ?, ?> attr1;
IAttributeDefinition<?, ?, ?> attr2;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createDualField entered.");
widget = null;
attr1 = rm.getAttributeDefinition(id1);
attr2 = rm.getAttributeDefinition(id2);
if ((attr1 != null) && (attr2 != null)) {
widget = new DualFieldRowWidget(parent, id1, id2, attr1, attr2);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createDualField returning.");
return widget;
* Create a checkbox widget in the tabbed view. The checkbox is in column 2
* and column 3 is a filler (Label) widget. To ensure consistent alignment,
* this method allocates extra horizontal space to the 2nd column. The label
* and tooltip text are obtained from the attribute definition object.
* @param parent
* Parent widget (the pane in the tabbed view)
* @param rm
* Resource manager used by this launch config
* @param id
* Attribute id for rm attribute this widget represents
* @return Checkbox button for this attribute
private CheckboxRowWidget createCheckbox(Composite parent,
IResourceManager rm, String id) {
CheckboxRowWidget widget;
StringAttributeDefinition attrDef;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createCheckbox entered.");
widget = null;
attrDef = (StringAttributeDefinition) rm.getAttributeDefinition(id);
if (attrDef != null) {
widget = new CheckboxRowWidget(parent, id, attrDef);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createCheckbox returning.");
return widget;
* Create a radio button pair in the tabbed view. The label, button labels,
* and tooltip text are obtained from the attribute definition object.
* @param parent
* Parent widget (the pane in the tabbed view)
* @param rm
* Resource manager used by this launch config
* @param id
* Attribute id for rm attribute this widget represents
* @return Checkbox button for this attribute
private BooleanRowWidget createBooleanOption(Composite parent,
IResourceManager rm, String id) {
BooleanRowWidget widget;
StringSetAttributeDefinition attrDef;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createBooleanOption entered.");
widget = null;
attrDef = (StringSetAttributeDefinition) rm.getAttributeDefinition(id);
if (attrDef != null) {
widget = new BooleanRowWidget(parent, id, attrDef,
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createBooleanOption returning.");
return widget;
* Create a text field and pushbutton in this row. The text field is in
* column 2 and the pushbutton in column 3. The user either fills in the
* text field with a pathname, or clicks the button to pop up a file
* selector dialog that then fills in the text field. To ensure consistent
* alignment, this method allocates extra horizontal space to the 2nd
* column. The label and tooltip text are obtained from the attribute
* definition object.
* @param parent
* Parent widget (the pane in the tabbed view)
* @param rm
* Resource manager used by this launch config
* @param id
* Attribute id for rm attribute this widget represents
* @param selectorID
* Identifier used to identify the browse button associated with
* this widget
* @return Text entry field for this attribute
private FileSelectorRowWidget createFileSelector(Composite parent,
IResourceManager rm, String id, int selectorID) {
FileSelectorRowWidget widget;
StringAttributeDefinition attr;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createFileSelector entered.");
widget = null;
attr = (StringAttributeDefinition) rm.getAttributeDefinition(id);
if (attr != null) {
widget = new FileSelectorRowWidget(parent, id, selectorID, attr);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createFileSelector returning.");
return widget;
* Create a combobox widget in the tabbed view. The widget spans columns 2
* and 3 of the tabbed pane. The label and tooltip text are obtained from
* the attribute definition object.
* @param parent
* Parent widget (the pane in the tabbed view)
* @param rm
* Resource manager used by this launch config
* @param id
* Attribute id for rm attribute this widget represents
* @return ComboRowWidget used by this attribute
private ComboRowWidget createCombobox(Composite parent,
IResourceManager rm, String id, int selector_id) {
ComboRowWidget widget;
IAttributeDefinition<?, ?, ?> attr;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createCombobox entered.");
widget = null;
attr = rm.getAttributeDefinition(id);
if (attr != null) {
widget = new ComboRowWidget(parent, id, attr, true, selector_id);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createCombobox returning.");
return widget;
* Create an editable combobox in the tabbed view. The widget spans columns
* 2 and 3 of the tabbed pane. The label and tooltip text are obtained from
* the attribute definition object.
* @param parent
* Parent widget (the pane in the tabbed view)
* @param rm
* Resource manager used by this launch config
* @param id
* Attribute id for rm attribute this widget represents
* @return Editable ComboRowWidget used by this attribute
private ComboRowWidget createEditableCombobox(Composite parent,
IResourceManager rm, String id, int selector_id) {
ComboRowWidget widget;
IAttributeDefinition<?, ?, ?> attr;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createEditableCombobox entered.");
widget = null;
attr = rm.getAttributeDefinition(id);
if (attr != null) {
widget = new ComboRowWidget(parent, id, attr, false, selector_id);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createEditableCombobox returning.");
return widget;
* Reset all widgets within this pane to null as part of panel
* initialization. Depending on OS and operation mode (with or without
* LoadLeveler), some widgets will not appear on the panels, where the set
* of attribute definitions sent by the proxy determines that set. New
* widgets will be generated only when a corresponding attribute definition
* is sent by the proxy. Any code which accesses a widget should ensure the
* widget is not null before accessing the widget object.
private void clearAllWidgets() {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":clearAllWidgets entered.");
llComment = null;
llJobName = null;
llJobType = null;
llClass = null;
llLargePage = null;
llWallClockLimitHard = null;
llWallClockLimitSoft = null;
llRequirements = null;
llResources = null;
llError = null;
llInput = null;
llOutput = null;
llInitialDir = null;
llShell = null;
llExecutable = null;
llEnvironment = null;
llBlocking = null;
llBulkxfer = null;
llNetwork_mpi = null;
llNetwork_lapi = null;
llNetwork_mpi_lapi = null;
llNodeMin = null;
llNodeMax = null;
llTaskGeometry = null;
llTasksPerNode = null;
llTotalTasks = null;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":clearAllWidgets returning.");
* Create the layout object for a pane in the TabFolder
* @return Layout for use in the tabbed pane
private Layout createTabPaneLayout() {
GridLayout layout;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createTabPaneLayout entered.");
layout = new GridLayout(4, false);
layout.marginWidth = 4;
layout.horizontalSpacing = 8;
layout.verticalSpacing = 4;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createTabPaneLayout returning.");
return layout;
* Create the tasks tab of the attributes pane
* @param rm
* resource manager associated with this launch configuration
private void createGeneralTab(IResourceManager rm) {
TabItem tab;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createGeneralTab entered.");
tab = new TabItem(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
generalTabPane = new Composite(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
llComment = createTextWidget(generalTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_COMMENT);
llJobName = createTextWidget(generalTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_JOB_NAME);
llJobType = createCombobox(generalTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_JOB_TYPE, LL_PTP_JOB_TYPE_SELECTOR);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createGeneralTab returning.");
* Create the I/O tab of the attributes pane
* @param rm
* resource manager associated with this launch configuration
private void createSchedulingBasicTab(IResourceManager rm) {
TabItem tab;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createSchedulingBasicTab entered.");
tab = new TabItem(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
schedulingBasicTabPane = new Composite(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
llClass = createTextWidget(schedulingBasicTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_CLASS);
llLargePage = createCombobox(schedulingBasicTabPane, rm,
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createSchedulingBasicTab returning.");
* Create the diagnostics tab of the attributes pane
* @param rm
* resource manager associated with this launch configuration
private void createSchedulingRequirementsTab(IResourceManager rm) {
TabItem tab;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createSchedulingRequirementsTab entered.");
tab = new TabItem(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
schedulingRequirementsTabPane = new Composite(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
llRequirements = createTextWidget(schedulingRequirementsTabPane, rm,
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createSchedulingRequirementsTab returning.");
* Create the debug tab of the attributes pane
* @param rm
* resource manager associated with this launch configuration
private void createSchedulingResourcesTab(IResourceManager rm) {
TabItem tab;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createSchedulingResourcesTab entered.");
tab = new TabItem(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
schedulingResourcesTabPane = new Composite(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
llResources = createTextWidget(schedulingResourcesTabPane, rm,
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createSchedulingResourcesTab returning.");
* Create the system resources tab of the attributes pane
* @param rm
* resource manager associated with this launch configuration
private void createRuntimeTab(IResourceManager rm) {
TabItem tab;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createRuntimeTab entered.");
tab = new TabItem(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
runtimeTabPane = new Composite(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
llError = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_ERROR);
llOutput = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_OUTPUT);
llInput = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_INPUT);
llExecutable = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_EXECUTABLE);
llInitialDir = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_INITIALDIR);
llEnvironment = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_ENVIRONMENT);
llShell = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_SHELL);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createRuntimeTab returning.");
* Create the node allocation tab of the attributes pane
* @param rm
* resource manager associated with this launch configuration
private void createNodesNetworkTab(IResourceManager rm) {
TabItem tab;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createNodesNetworkTab entered.");
tab = new TabItem(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
nodesNetworkTabPane = new Composite(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
llBlocking = createTextWidget(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_BLOCKING);
llBulkxfer = createCombobox(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm,
llNetwork_mpi = createTextWidget(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm,
llNetwork_lapi = createTextWidget(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm,
llNetwork_mpi_lapi = createTextWidget(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm,
llNodeMin = createTextWidget(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_NODE_MIN);
llNodeMax = createTextWidget(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_NODE_MAX);
llTaskGeometry = createTextWidget(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm,
llTasksPerNode = createTextWidget(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm,
llTotalTasks = createTextWidget(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm,
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createNodesNetworkTab returning.");
* Create the first performance tab of the attributes pane. Due to the
* number of performance related attributes, there are two performance tabs.
* @param rm
* resource manager associated with this launch configuration
private void createLimitsTab(IResourceManager rm) {
TabItem tab;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createLimitsTab entered.");
tab = new TabItem(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
limitsTabPane = new Composite(tabbedPane, SWT.NONE);
llWallClockLimitHard = createTextWidget(limitsTabPane, rm,
llWallClockLimitSoft = createTextWidget(limitsTabPane, rm,
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createLimitsTab returning.");
* Create a pane containing the submit mode radio box
* @param rm
* The resource manager associated with this launch configuration
private void createModeBox(IResourceManager rm) {
GridData gd;
GridLayout layout;
Composite pane;
pane = new Composite(mainPanel, SWT.NONE);
layout = new GridLayout(4, false);
layout.marginWidth = 4;
layout.horizontalSpacing = 8;
layout.verticalSpacing = 4;
gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL);
gd.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
llSubmitMode = createBooleanOption(pane, rm, LL_PTP_SUBMIT_MODE);
if (llSubmitMode != null) {
llJobCommandFile = createFileSelector(pane, rm,
llJobCommandFileTemplate = createFileSelector(pane, rm,
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createModeBox returning.");
* This method creates all of the GUI elements of the resource-manager
* specific pane within the parallel tab of the launch configuration dialog.
* @param parent
* This control's parent
* @param rm
* The resource manager associated with this launch configuration
* @param queue
* Currently selected queue
public void createControl(Composite parent, IResourceManager rm,
IPQueue queue) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createControl entered.");
IBMLLResourceManagerConfiguration config;
IRemoteConnectionManager connMgr;
config = (IBMLLResourceManagerConfiguration) ((AbstractResourceManager) rm)
remoteService = PTPRemoteCorePlugin.getDefault().getRemoteServices(
remoteUIService = PTPRemoteUIPlugin.getDefault().getRemoteUIServices(remoteService);
connMgr = remoteService.getConnectionManager();
remoteConnection = connMgr.getConnection(config.getConnectionName());
parentShell = parent.getShell();
activeWidgets = new Vector<Object>();
eventMonitor = new EventMonitor();
mainPanel = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
mainPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, false));
tabbedPane = new TabFolder(mainPanel, SWT.TOP);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":createControl returning.");
currentRM = rm;
* Add an attribute to the set of launch attributes if not same as default
* sent from proxy
* @param rm
* The resource manager associated with the current launch
* configuration
* @param config
* The current launch configuration
* @param attrs
* The attributes vector containing the set of launch attributes
* @param attrName
* The name of the attribute to be added to launch attributes
private void addAttribute(IResourceManager rm, ILaunchConfiguration config,
Vector<StringAttribute> attrs, String attrName) {
String attrValue;
String defaultValue;
StringAttribute attr;
StringAttributeDefinition attrDef;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":addAttribute entered.");
if (rm.getAttributeDefinition(attrName) != null) {
try {
attrValue = config.getAttribute(attrName, "");
} catch (CoreException e) {
attrValue = "";
defaultValue = getAttrDefaultValue(rm, attrName);
if ((attrValue.trim().length() > 0)
&& ((!attrValue.equals(defaultValue))
|| (attrName.equals("LL_PTP_JOB_TYPE"))
|| (attrName
|| (attrName.equals("LL_PTP_SUBMIT_MODE"))
|| (attrName.equals("LL_PTP_CLASS"))
|| (attrName.equals("LL_PTP_INPUT"))
|| (attrName.equals("LL_PTP_OUTPUT"))
|| (attrName.equals("LL_PTP_ERROR"))
|| (attrName.equals("LL_PTP_ENVIRONMENT"))
|| (attrName.equals("LL_PTP_JOB_TYPE")) || (attrName
.equals("LL_PTP_JOB_COMMAND_FILE")))) {
attrDef = new StringAttributeDefinition(attrName, "", "",
false, "");
attr = new StringAttribute(attrDef, attrValue);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":addAttribute returning.");
* Get the set of attributes to be used as launch attributes
* @param rm
* The resource manager associated with the current launch
* configuration
* @param queue
* The current queue (not used for LL since there is only a
* single queue)
* @param configuration
* The current launch configuration
public IAttribute<String, StringAttribute, StringAttributeDefinition>[] getAttributes(
IResourceManager rm, IPQueue queue,
ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode) throws CoreException {
Vector<StringAttribute> attrs;
StringAttribute attrArray[];
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttributes entered.");
attrs = new Vector<StringAttribute>();
attrArray = new StringAttribute[0];
Map<String, StringAttribute> allAttrs;
Set<String> attrNames;
Iterator<String> i;
String name;
allAttrs = configuration.getAttributes();
attrNames = allAttrs.keySet();
i = attrNames.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
name =;
if (name.startsWith("LL_PTP_")) {
addAttribute(rm, configuration, attrs, name);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttributes returning.");
return attrs.toArray(attrArray);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ptp.launch.ui.extensions.IRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab#getControl()
public Control getControl() {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getControl entered.");
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getControl returning.");
return mainPanel;
* Get the default value for an attribute from the resource manager, giving
* preference to a user override of the default value (which the user does
* by setting of the corresponding environment variable before starting the
* proxy.) The user's override is passed to the front end by the proxy as a
* string attribute where the leading 'MP_' of the attribute name is
* replaced with 'EN_'
* @param rm
* The resource manager currently associated with the launch
* configuration
* @param attrName
* The name of the attribute
* @return The value of the attribute
private String getAttrLocalDefaultValue(IResourceManager rm, String attrName) {
IAttributeDefinition<?, ?, ?> attrDef;
String localDefaultEnv;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrLocalDefaultValue entered.");
localDefaultEnv = attrName.replaceFirst("^MP_", "EN_");
attrDef = rm.getAttributeDefinition(localDefaultEnv);
if (attrDef != null) {
try {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrLocalDefaultValue returning.");
return attrDef.create().getValueAsString();
} catch (IllegalValueException e) {
attrDef = rm.getAttributeDefinition(attrName);
if (attrDef != null) {
try {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrLocalDefaultValue returning.");
return attrDef.create().getValueAsString();
} catch (IllegalValueException e) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrLocalDefaultValue returning.");
return "";
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrLocalDefaultValue returning.");
return "";
* Get the default value for an attribute from the resource manager
* @param rm
* The resource manager currently associated with the launch
* configuration
* @param attrName
* The name of the attribute
* @return The value of the attribute
private String getAttrDefaultValue(IResourceManager rm, String attrName) {
IAttributeDefinition<?, ?, ?> attrDef;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrDefaultValue entered.");
attrDef = rm.getAttributeDefinition(attrName);
if (attrDef != null) {
try {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrDefaultValue returning.");
return attrDef.create().getValueAsString();
} catch (IllegalValueException e) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrDefaultValue returning.");
return "";
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrDefaultValue returning.");
return "";
* Get the attribute value for the specified attribute. If the value is
* stored in the launch configuration, that value is used. Otherwise the
* default value from the resource manager is used.
* @param config
* The current launch configuration
* @param rm
* The resource manager currently associated with the launch
* configuration
* @param attrName
* The name of the attribute
* @return The value of the attribute
private String getAttrInitialValue(ILaunchConfiguration config,
IResourceManager rm, String attrName) {
String value;
IAttributeDefinition<?, ?, ?> rmAttrDef;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrInitialValue entered.");
try {
value = config.getAttribute(attrName, "_no_value_");
} catch (CoreException e) {
value = "_no_value_";
if (value.equals("_no_value_")) {
// Get the default attribute value, where that default may be the
// value
// specified by the user as an override to the LL default value.
value = getAttrLocalDefaultValue(rm, attrName);
// If an attribute is defined as an integer attribute, then determine if
// the attribute is evenly divisible by 1G, 1M or 1K, and if so, then
// convert the
// value accordingly. The tests must be done largest to smallest so that
// the largest conversion factor is used. The attribute value may
// already be
// in the form 999[gGmMkK]. Converting that to a long will result in a
// NumberFormatException, so a try/catch block is required, where the
// string
// value is returned in thecase of a NumberFormatException
rmAttrDef = rm.getAttributeDefinition(attrName);
if (rmAttrDef instanceof IntegerAttributeDefinition
|| rmAttrDef instanceof BigIntegerAttributeDefinition) {
long intVal;
try {
intVal = Long.valueOf(value);
if (intVal != 0) {
if ((intVal % GBYTE) == 0) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< "
+ this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrInitialValue returning.");
return String.valueOf(intVal / GBYTE) + "G";
} else {
if ((intVal % MBYTE) == 0) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< "
+ this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrInitialValue returning.");
return String.valueOf(intVal / MBYTE) + "M";
} else {
if ((intVal % KBYTE) == 0) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< "
+ this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrInitialValue returning.");
return String.valueOf(intVal / KBYTE) + "K";
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrInitialValue returning.");
return value;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getAttrInitialValue returning.");
return value;
* Set checkbox to checked state if attribute has value equal to checkValue
* otherwise set it unchecked
* @param checkbox
* The checkbox to set
* @param attrValue
* The attribute value to check
* @param checkValue
* The value corresponding to a checked checkbox
private void setValue(CheckboxRowWidget checkbox, String attrValue,
String checkValue) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setValue entered.");
if (checkbox != null) {
if (attrValue.equals(checkValue)) {
} else {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setValue returning.");
private void setValue(BooleanRowWidget option, String checkValue) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setValue entered.");
if (option != null) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setValue returning.");
* Set the text value for a Text widget to the specified value if the widget
* is not null.
* @param widget
* The widget to set
* @param value
* The value to be set
private void setValue(TextRowWidget widget, String value) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setValue entered.");
if (widget != null) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setValue returning.");
* Set the text value for a DualField widget to the specified value if the
* widget is not null.
* @param widget
* The widget to set
* @param value1
* The value to be set in field 1
* @param value2
* The value to be set in field 2
private void setValue(DualFieldRowWidget widget, String value1,
String value2) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setValue entered.");
if (widget != null) {
widget.setValue(value1, value2);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setValue returning.");
* Set the text value for a ComboRowWidget to the specified value if the
* widget is not null.
* @param widget
* The widget to set
* @param value
* The value to be set
private void setValue(ComboRowWidget widget, String value) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setValue entered.");
if (widget != null) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setValue returning.");
* Set the pathname for a file selector if the file selector is not null
* @param selector
* File selector to be updated
* @param path
* Pathname
private void setValue(FileSelectorRowWidget selector, String path) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setValue entered.");
if (selector != null) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setValue returning.");
* Set initial values for all widgets
* @param configuration
* The current launch configuration
* @param rm
* The resource manager currently associated with the launch
* configuration
private void setInitialValues(ILaunchConfiguration config,
IResourceManager rm) {
Object widget;
Iterator<Object> i;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setInitialValues entered.");
// All Text and Combo widgets have ModifyListeners registered on them in
// order to invoke field validation
// when contents of the widget's text field change. The ModifyListener
// is invoked for each widget as a
// result of calling the setText() method for the widget. The resulting
// ModifyEvent results in calling
// validateAllFields(), which invokesfireContentsChanged(), which in
// turn results in performApply() being
// invoked. The performApply() method saves all widget's values into the
// current launch configuration.
// Since at the time that setInitialValues is called, widgets may be
// blank, this results in storing
// blanks for all attributes in the launch configuration, wiping out the
// saved values in the launch
// configuration.
// To avoid this, ignoreModifyEvents is set, so that the ModifyListener
// does nothing.
ignoreModifyEvents = true;
i = activeWidgets.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
widget =;
if (widget instanceof FileSelectorRowWidget) {
setValue((FileSelectorRowWidget) widget, getAttrInitialValue(
config, rm, (String) ((FileSelectorRowWidget) widget)
} else if (widget instanceof DualFieldRowWidget) {
setValue((DualFieldRowWidget) widget, getAttrInitialValue(
config, rm, (String) ((DualFieldRowWidget) widget)
.getData1()), getAttrInitialValue(config, rm,
(String) ((DualFieldRowWidget) widget).getData2()));
} else if (widget instanceof TextRowWidget) {
setValue((TextRowWidget) widget, getAttrInitialValue(config,
rm, ((TextRowWidget) widget)
} else if (widget instanceof ComboRowWidget) {
setValue((ComboRowWidget) widget, getAttrInitialValue(config,
rm, ((ComboRowWidget) widget)
} else if (widget instanceof BooleanRowWidget) {
setValue((BooleanRowWidget) widget, getAttrInitialValue(config,
rm, ((BooleanRowWidget) widget).getData()));
} else if (widget instanceof CheckboxRowWidget) {
setValue((CheckboxRowWidget) widget, getAttrInitialValue(
config, rm, ((CheckboxRowWidget) widget)
.getData(WidgetAttributes.ATTR_NAME)), "yes");
// Setup complete, re-enable ModifyListener
ignoreModifyEvents = false;
// All fields need to be validated because a different resource manager
// may have been selected, and therefore
// values saved in the launch configuration, such as pathnames may no
// longer be valid.
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setInitialValues returning.");
* Set state for widgets based on dependencies between widget values. At the
* point this method is called, all widgets are in enabled state, so it is
* only necessary to disable widgets.
private void setInitialWidgetState() {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setInitialWidgetState entered.");
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setInitialWidgetState returning.");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ptp.launch.ui.extensions.IRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab#initializeFrom(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control,
* org.eclipse.ptp.rmsystem.IResourceManager,
* org.eclipse.ptp.core.IPQueue,
* org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfiguration)
public RMLaunchValidation initializeFrom(Control control,
IResourceManager rm, IPQueue queue,
ILaunchConfiguration configuration) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":initializeFrom entered.");
if (configuration instanceof ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) {
currentLaunchConfig = (ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) configuration;
setInitialValues(configuration, rm);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":initializeFrom returning.");
return success;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ptp.launch.ui.extensions.IRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab#isValid(org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfiguration,
* org.eclipse.ptp.rmsystem.IResourceManager,
* org.eclipse.ptp.core.IPQueue)
public RMLaunchValidation isValid(ILaunchConfiguration configuration,
IResourceManager rm, IPQueue queue) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":isValid entered.");
if (allFieldsValid) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":isValid returning.");
return success;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":isValid returning.");
return new RMLaunchValidation(false, errorMessage);
* Store the value from a Text widget into the specified launch
* configuration if the widget is not null
* @param config
* The launch configuration
* @param rm
* The resource manager currently used by the launch
* configuration
* @param attr
* The name of the attribute
* @param control
* The widget to obtain the value from
private void setConfigAttr(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy config,
IResourceManager rm, String attr, TextRowWidget control) {
IAttributeDefinition<?, ?, ?> attrDef;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setConfigAttr entered.");
if (control != null) {
String attrValue;
attrDef = rm.getAttributeDefinition(attr);
try {
if ((attrDef instanceof IntegerAttributeDefinition)
|| (attrDef instanceof BigIntegerAttributeDefinition)) {
attrValue = getIntegerValue(control.getValue());
} else {
attrValue = control.getValue();
config.setAttribute(attr, attrValue);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// If the field has an invalid numeric value, then don't save it
// in the launch configuration
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setConfigAttr returning.");
* Store the value from a DialField widget into the specified launch
* configuration if the widget is not null
* @param config
* The launch configuration
* @param attr
* The name of the attribute
* @param control
* The widget to obtain the value from
private void setConfigAttr(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy config,
String attr1, String attr2, DualFieldRowWidget control) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setConfigAttr entered.");
if (control != null) {
String value[];
value = control.getValue();
config.setAttribute(attr1, value[0].trim());
config.setAttribute(attr2, value[1].trim());
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setConfigAttr returning.");
* Store the value from a ComboRowWidget into the specified launch
* configuration if the widget is not null
* @param config
* The launch configuration
* @param attr
* The name of the attribute
* @param control
* The widget to obtain the value from
private void setConfigAttr(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy config,
String attr, ComboRowWidget control) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setConfigAttr entered.");
if (control != null) {
config.setAttribute(attr, control.getValue());
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setConfigAttr returning.");
* Store the value from a file selector into the specified launch
* configuration if the file selector is not null
* @param config
* The launch configuration
* @param attr
* The name of the attribute
* @param control
* The widget to obtain the value from
private void setConfigAttr(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy config,
String attr, FileSelectorRowWidget control) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setConfigAttr entered.");
if (control != null) {
config.setAttribute(attr, control.getValue());
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setConfigAttr returning.");
* Store the value from a Button widget into the specified launch
* configuration if the widget is not null
* @param config
* The launch configuration
* @param attr
* The name of the attribute
* @param control
* The widget to obtain the value from
* @param trueVal
* The value to set if the button is selected
private void setConfigAttr(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy config,
String attr, CheckboxRowWidget control, String trueVal,
String falseVal) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setConfigAttr entered.");
if (control != null) {
config.setAttribute(attr, (control.getSelection() ? trueVal
: falseVal));
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setConfigAttr returning.");
private void setConfigAttr(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy config,
String attr, BooleanRowWidget control) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setConfigAttr entered.");
if (control != null) {
config.setAttribute(attr, control.getValue());
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setConfigAttr returning.");
* Save the values entered in this panel in the launch configuration
* @param config
private void saveConfigurationData(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy config,
IResourceManager rm) {
Object widget;
Iterator<Object> i;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":saveConfigurationData entered.");
i = activeWidgets.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
widget =;
if (widget instanceof TextRowWidget) {
setConfigAttr(config, rm, ((TextRowWidget) widget)
(TextRowWidget) widget);
} else if (widget instanceof ComboRowWidget) {
setConfigAttr(config, (String) ((ComboRowWidget) widget)
(ComboRowWidget) widget);
} else if (widget instanceof CheckboxRowWidget) {
setConfigAttr(config, (String) ((CheckboxRowWidget) widget)
(CheckboxRowWidget) widget, "yes", "no");
} else if (widget instanceof BooleanRowWidget) {
setConfigAttr(config, (String) ((BooleanRowWidget) widget)
.getData(), (BooleanRowWidget) widget);
} else if (widget instanceof FileSelectorRowWidget) {
setConfigAttr(config, (String) ((FileSelectorRowWidget) widget)
.getData(), (FileSelectorRowWidget) widget);
} else if (widget instanceof DualFieldRowWidget) {
setConfigAttr(config, (String) ((DualFieldRowWidget) widget)
.getData1(), (String) ((DualFieldRowWidget) widget)
.getData2(), (DualFieldRowWidget) widget);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":saveConfigurationData returning.");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ptp.launch.ui.extensions.IRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab#performApply(org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy,
* org.eclipse.ptp.rmsystem.IResourceManager,
* org.eclipse.ptp.core.IPQueue)
public RMLaunchValidation performApply(
ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy configuration, IResourceManager rm,
IPQueue queue) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":performApply entered.");
currentLaunchConfig = configuration;
saveConfigurationData(configuration, rm);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":performApply returning.");
return new RMLaunchValidation(true, "");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ptp.launch.ui.extensions.IRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab#setDefaults(org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy,
* org.eclipse.ptp.rmsystem.IResourceManager,
* org.eclipse.ptp.core.IPQueue)
public RMLaunchValidation setDefaults(
ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy config, IResourceManager rm,
IPQueue queue) {
IAttribute<?, ?, ?> rmAttrs[];
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setDefaults entered.");
currentLaunchConfig = config;
rmAttrs = rm.getAttributes();
for (int i = 0; i < rmAttrs.length; i++) {
try {
} catch (IllegalValueException e) {
// setDefaultValues(config, rm);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":setDefaults returning.");
return success;
* Handle validation of all fields in the tabbed pane of the launch
* configuration's parallel tab.
protected void validateAllFields() {
// This method is the top level driver for validating the fields in the
// tabbed pane. It is called when a field in the tabbed pane is
// modified, via a ModifyListener registered on
// each text or editable combobox widget It calls a validation method
// for each tab in the pane. Validation
// should be done in tab order, left to right,
// All validation is done in the scope of a try block which catches any
// ValidationException propagated up
// from lower level methods. The idea is to validate the fields within
// tab order left to right, then within each
// tab, from top to bottom. Each validation method will throw a
// ValidationException if that field fails
// validation, where the thrown exception will stop further validation
// of the pane. This structure allows fields
// to be easily moved to another pane, or to reorder fields within a
// pane. Using an exception to terminate
// validation also avoids cluttering the logic of the validation method
// with deeply nested 'if ... else ...'
// logic.
// If all fields are valid, then the allFieldsValid flag is set so that
// the isValid() and canSave() methods can
// easily check panel validity.
// Validation of valid dependencies between fields should be performed
// as a second step after all fields have
// been individually validated for correct values.
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateAllFields entered.");
try {
if (llSubmitMode.getValue().equals("Advanced")) {
validateInputPath(llJobCommandFile, "Invalid.llJobCommandFile");
} else {
allFieldsValid = true;
} catch (ValidationException e) {
errorMessage = e.getMessage();
allFieldsValid = false;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateAllFields returning.");
* Validate fields in task specification tab
* @throws ValidationException
private void validateGeneralTab() throws ValidationException {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateGeneralTab entered.");
validateAlphaNumeric(llJobName, "Invalid.llJobName");
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateGeneralTab returning.");
* Validate all text and editable combobox fields in the I/O tab, top to
* bottom
* @throws ValidationException
private void validateSchedulingBasicTab() throws ValidationException {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateSchedulingBasicTab entered.");
validateAlphaNumeric(llClass, "Invalid.llClass");
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateSchedulingBasicTab returning.");
* Validate all text and editable combobox fields in diagnostic tab, top to
* bottom
* @throws ValidationException
private void validateSchedulingRequirementsTab() throws ValidationException {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateSchedulingRequirementsTab entered.");
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateSchedulingRequirementsTab returning.");
* Validate all text and editable combobox fields in the debug tab, top to
* bottom
* @throws ValidationException
private void validateSchedulingResourcesTab() throws ValidationException {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateSchedulingResourcesTab entered.");
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateSchedulingResourcesTab returning.");
* Validate all text and editable combobox fields in the system resources
* tab, top to bottom
* @throws ValidationException
private void validateRuntimeTab() throws ValidationException {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateRuntimeTab entered.");
//no checks will be performed on the following widgets at this time
// llError = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_ERROR);
// llOutput = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_OUTPUT);
// llInput = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_INPUT);
// llExecutable = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_EXECUTABLE);
// llInitialDir = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_INITIALDIR);
// llEnvironment = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_ENVIRONMENT);
// llShell = createTextWidget(runtimeTabPane, rm, LL_PTP_SHELL);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateRuntimeTab returning.");
* Validate all text and editable combobox fields in the node allocation
* tab, top to bottom
* @throws ValidationException
private void validateNodesNetworkTab() throws ValidationException {
String tpn = "";
String tpn_default = "";
String tt = "";
String tt_default = "";
String jt = "";
String jt_default = "";
String nm = "";
String nm_default = "";
String nmx = "";
String nmx_default = "";
String b = "";
String b_default = "";
String tg = "";
String tg_default = "";
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateNodesNetworkTab entered.");
if (llTaskGeometry != null) {
tg = llTaskGeometry.getValue();
if (tg.length() > 0) {
tg_default = llTaskGeometry.getDefaultValue();
if (llTasksPerNode != null) {
tpn = llTasksPerNode.getValue();
if (tpn.length() > 0) {
tpn_default = llTasksPerNode.getDefaultValue();
if (llTotalTasks != null) {
tt = llTotalTasks.getValue();
if (tt.length() > 0) {
tt_default = llTotalTasks.getDefaultValue();
if (llJobType != null) {
jt = llJobType.getValue();
if (jt.length() > 0) {
jt_default = llJobType.getDefaultValue();
if (llNodeMin != null) {
nm = llNodeMin.getValue();
if (nm.length() > 0) {
nm_default = llNodeMin.getDefaultValue();
if (llNodeMax != null) {
nmx = llNodeMax.getValue();
if (nmx.length() > 0) {
nmx_default = llNodeMax.getDefaultValue();
if (llBlocking != null) {
b = llBlocking.getValue();
if (b.length() > 0) {
b_default = llBlocking.getDefaultValue();
if ((tpn.equals(tpn_default) == false) &&
(tt.equals(tt_default) == false)) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString("Invalid.llTasksPerNode_llTotalTasks"));
if ((tg.equals(tg_default) == false) &&
(jt.equalsIgnoreCase("Parallel") == false)) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString("Invalid.llTaskGeometry_llJobType"));
if ((tg.equals(tg_default) == false) &&
(tpn.equals(tpn_default) == false)) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString("Invalid.llTaskGeometry_llTasksPerNode"));
if ((tg.equals(tg_default) == false) &&
(tt.equals(tt_default) == false)) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString("Invalid.llTaskGeometry_llTotalTasks"));
if ((tg.equals(tg_default) == false) &&
(nm.equals(nm_default) == false)) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString("Invalid.llTaskGeometry_llNodeMin"));
if ((tg.equals(tg_default) == false) &&
(nmx.equals(nmx_default) == false)) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString("Invalid.llTaskGeometry_llNodeMax"));
if ((tg.equals(tg_default) == false) &&
(b.equals(b_default) == false)) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString("Invalid.llTaskGeometry_llBlocking"));
//no checks will be performed on the following widgets at this time
// llNetwork_mpi = createTextWidget(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm,
// llNetwork_lapi = createTextWidget(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm,
// llNetwork_mpi_lapi = createTextWidget(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm,
// validateNumericRange(llNodeMin, LL_PTP_NODE_MIN, "Invalid.llNodeMin");
// validateNumericRange(llNodeMax, LL_PTP_NODE_MAX, "Invalid.llNodeMax");
//no checks will be performed on the following widgets at this time
// llTaskGeometry = createTextWidget(nodesNetworkTabPane, rm,
validateNumericMinMax(llNodeMin, LL_PTP_NODE_MIN, "Invalid.llNodeMin", llNodeMax, LL_PTP_NODE_MAX, "Invalid.llNodeMax");
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateNodesNetworkTab returning.");
* Validate all text and editable combobox fields in performance tab 1, top
* to bottom
* @throws ValidationException
private void validateLimitsTab() throws ValidationException {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateLimitsTab entered.");
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateLimitsTab returning.");
* Validate that an input file is accessible
* @param selector
* The file selector containing the pathname
* @param errorID
* id of the error string used if file is inaccessible
* @throws ValidationException
private void validateInputPath(FileSelectorRowWidget selector,
String errorID) throws ValidationException {
String path;
if ((selector != null) && selector.isEnabled()
&& selector.isValidationRequired()) {
path = selector.getValue();
if (path.length() == 0) {
try {
validateInputPath(path, errorID);
} catch (ValidationException e) {
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* Validate that an output file is accessible
* @param selector
* The file selector containing the pathname
* @param errorID
* id of the error string used if the file is inaccessible
* @throws ValidationException
// private void validateOutputPath(FileSelectorRowWidget selector,
// String errorID) throws ValidationException {
// String path;
// if ((selector != null) && selector.isEnabled()
// && selector.isValidationRequired()) {
// path = selector.getValue();
// if (path.length() == 0) {
// selector.resetValidationState();
// return;
// }
// try {
// validateOutputPath(path, errorID);
// selector.resetValidationState();
// } catch (ValidationException e) {
// selector.setFieldInError();
// throw e;
// }
// }
// }
* Validate that in input file is accessible
* @param path
* Pathname of the input file
* @param errorID
* id of the error string used if the file is inaccessible
* @throws ValidationException
* @throws IOException
private void validateInputPath(String path, String errorID)
throws ValidationException, IOException {
IPath testPath;
IFileStore remoteResource;
IFileInfo fileInfo;
testPath = new Path(path);
if (!testPath.isValidPath(path)) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
remoteResource = remoteService.getFileManager(remoteConnection)
.getResource(testPath, new NullProgressMonitor());
fileInfo = remoteResource.fetchInfo();
if ((!fileInfo.exists()) || (fileInfo.isDirectory())) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
* Validate that an output file is accessible
* @param path
* Pathname of the output file
* @param errorID
* id of the error string used if the file is not accessible
* @throws ValidationException
* @throws IOException
private void validateOutputPath(String path, String errorID)
throws ValidationException, IOException {
IPath testPath;
IFileStore remoteResource;
IFileInfo fileInfo;
testPath = new Path(path);
if (!testPath.isValidPath(path)) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
remoteResource = remoteService.getFileManager(remoteConnection)
.getResource(testPath, new NullProgressMonitor());
fileInfo = remoteResource.fetchInfo();
if (fileInfo.isDirectory()) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
* Validate that the directory pathname is valid
* @param selector
* File selector containing the directory name
* @param errorID
* id of the error string used if the directory is invalid
* @throws ValidationException
* @throws IOException
private void validateDirectory(FileSelectorRowWidget selector,
String errorID) throws ValidationException, IOException {
String path;
IPath testPath;
IFileStore remoteResource;
IFileInfo fileInfo;
if ((selector != null) && selector.isEnabled()
&& selector.isValidationRequired()) {
path = selector.getValue();
try {
if (path.length() == 0) {
testPath = new Path(path);
if (!testPath.isValidPath(path)) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
remoteResource = remoteService.getFileManager(remoteConnection)
.getResource(testPath, new NullProgressMonitor());
fileInfo = remoteResource.fetchInfo();
if (!fileInfo.isDirectory()) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages
} catch (ValidationException e) {
throw e;
* Verify that the value selected or entered in an editable combobox is a
* valid value, as determined by checking the attribute definition for the
* attribute.
* @param widget
* The combobox to be checked
* @param attrName
* The attribute name
* @return true if the value is a valid selection, false otherwise
private boolean isValidListSelection(ComboRowWidget widget, String attrName) {
StringSetAttributeDefinition attrDef;
StringSetAttribute attr;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":isValidListSelection entered.");
attrDef = (StringSetAttributeDefinition) currentRM
if (attrDef != null) {
try {
attr = attrDef.create(widget.getValue());
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":isValidListSelection returning.");
return true;
} catch (IllegalValueException e) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":isValidListSelection returning.");
return false;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":isValidListSelection returning.");
return true;
* Validate that the minValue is less than or equal to the maxValue.
* @param controlMin
* The min Text widget to be verified
* @param attrNameMin
* The name of the min attribute
* @param errorIDMin
* The id of the error message used if controlMin validation fails
* @param controlMax
* The max Text widget to be verified
* @param attrNameMax
* The name of the max attribute
* @param errorIDMax
* The id of the error message used if controlMax validation fails
* @throws ValidationException
* Indicates that Text widget failed validation
private void validateNumericMinMax(TextRowWidget controlMin, String attrNameMin, String errorIDMin,
TextRowWidget controlMax, String attrNameMax,
String errorIDMax) throws ValidationException {
String strMin = "", strMax = "";
int iMin = 0, iMax = 0;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateNumericMinMax entered.");
if (controlMin != null) {
strMin = controlMin.getValue();
if (strMin.length() > 0) {
iMin = validatePositiveNumeric(strMin, errorIDMin);
if (controlMax != null) {
strMax = controlMax.getValue();
if (strMax.length() > 0) {
iMax = validatePositiveNumeric(strMax, errorIDMax);
if ((strMin.length() > 0) && (strMax.length() > 0)) {
if (iMin > iMax) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString("Invalid.llNodeMinMax"));
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateNumericMinMax returning.");
* Validate that an integer value is within the range allowed for the
* attribute.
* @param control
* The Text widget to be verified
* @param attrName
* The name of the attribute
* @param errorID
* The id of the error message used if validation fails
* @throws ValidationException
* Indicates that Text widget failed validation
private void validateNumericRange(TextRowWidget control, String attrName,
String errorID) throws ValidationException {
String value;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateNumericRange entered.");
if (control != null) {
value = control.getValue();
if (value.length() > 0) {
validateNumericRange(value, attrName, errorID);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateNumericRange returning.");
* Validate that an integer value is within the range allowed for the
* attribute.
* @param value
* The value to be verified
* @param attrName
* The name of the attribute
* @param errorID
* The id of the error message used if validation fails
* @throws ValidationException
* Indicates that Text widget failed validation
private void validateNumericRange(String value, String attrName,
String errorID) throws ValidationException {
int testValue;
int len;
char suffix;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateNumericRange entered.");
len = value.length();
suffix = value.charAt(len - 1);
if (Character.isDigit(suffix)) {
try {
testValue = Integer.valueOf(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
} else {
try {
testValue = Integer.valueOf(value.substring(0, len - 1));
if ((suffix == 'G') || (suffix == 'g')) {
testValue = testValue * GBYTE;
} else if ((suffix == 'M') || (suffix == 'm')) {
testValue = testValue * MBYTE;
} else if ((suffix == 'K') || (suffix == 'k')) {
testValue = testValue * KBYTE;
} else {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
validateNumericRange(testValue, attrName, errorID);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateNumericRange returning.");
* Validate that an integer value is within the range allowed for the
* attribute.
* @param value
* The value to be verified
* @param attrName
* The name of the attribute
* @param errorID
* The id of the error message used if validation fails
* @throws ValidationException
* Indicates that Text widget failed validation
private void validateNumericRange(int value, String attrName, String errorID)
throws ValidationException {
IntegerAttributeDefinition attrDef;
IntegerAttribute attr;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateNumericRange entered.");
attrDef = (IntegerAttributeDefinition) currentRM
try {
attr = attrDef.create(value);
} catch (IllegalValueException e) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateNumericRange returning.");
* Convert a string which may have a suffix 'k', 'm' or 'g' to it's actual
* numeric value, multiplying by the appropriate multiplier
* @param value
* The number to be converted
* @return The converted number
private String getIntegerValue(String value) {
int testValue;
int len;
char suffix;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getIntegerValue entered.");
testValue = 0;
len = value.length();
if (len == 0) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getIntegerValue returning.");
return "";
} else {
suffix = value.charAt(len - 1);
if (Character.isDigit(suffix)) {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getIntegerValue returning.");
return value;
} else {
if (len >= 2) {
testValue = Integer.valueOf(value.substring(0, len - 1));
if ((suffix == 'G') || (suffix == 'g')) {
testValue = testValue * GBYTE;
} else if ((suffix == 'M') || (suffix == 'm')) {
testValue = testValue * MBYTE;
} else if ((suffix == 'K') || (suffix == 'k')) {
testValue = testValue * KBYTE;
} else {
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< "
+ this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getIntegerValue returning.");
return "";
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":getIntegerValue returning.");
return String.valueOf(testValue);
* Validate that a BigInteger value is within the range allowed for the
* attribute.
* @param value
* The value to be verified
* @param attrName
* The name of the attribute
* @param errorID
* The id of the error message used if validation fails
* @throws ValidationException
* Indicates that Text widget failed validation
private void validateLongNumericRange(String value, String attrName,
String errorID) throws ValidationException {
BigIntegerAttributeDefinition attrDef;
BigIntegerAttribute attr;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateLongNumericRange entered.");
attrDef = (BigIntegerAttributeDefinition) currentRM
try {
attr = attrDef.create(value);
} catch (IllegalValueException e) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateLongNumericRange returning.");
* Validate a String's value to verify it is within the allowed range
* @param value
* String to be verified
* @param lowLimit
* Low limit of range
* @param highLimit
* High limit of range
* @param errorID
* id of the error message used if value is not in allowable
* range
* @throws ValidationException
private void validateNumericRange(String value, int lowLimit,
int highLimit, String errorID) throws ValidationException {
int n;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateNumericRange entered.");
try {
n = Integer.valueOf(value);
if ((n < lowLimit) || (n > highLimit)) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateNumericRange returning.");
* Print a message: Info, Trace, Arg and Warning messages go to stdout.
* Error and Fatal messages go to stderr. *
private void print_message(int type, String message) {
switch (type) {
if (state_info == 1) {
System.out.println("Info: " + message);
if (state_trace == 1) {
System.out.println("Trace: " + message);
if (state_warning == 1) {
System.out.println("Warning: " + message);
if (state_args == 1) {
System.out.println("Args: " + message);
if (state_error == 1) {
System.err.println("Error: " + message);
if (state_fatal == 1) {
System.err.println("Fatal " + message);
private void validateAlphaNumeric(TextRowWidget control, String errorID) throws ValidationException {
String value;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateAlphaNumeric entered.");
if (control != null) {
value = control.getValue();
if (value.length() > 0) {
validateAlphaNumeric(value, errorID);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateAlphaNumeric returning.");
private void validateAlphaNumeric(String value, String errorID) throws ValidationException {
int i;
String stripped = value.trim();
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateAlphaNumeric entered.");
for (i=0; i<stripped.length(); i++) {
if (stripped.matches("[a-zA-Z_0-9]*") == false) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateAlphaNumeric returning.");
private void validatePositiveOrUnlimitedNumeric(TextRowWidget control, String errorID) throws ValidationException {
String value;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validatePositiveOrUnlimitedNumeric entered.");
if (control != null) {
value = control.getValue();
if (value.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("unlimited")) {
// nothing to do - unlimited is valid value
} else {
if (value.length() > 0) {
validatePositiveOrUnlimitedNumeric(value, errorID);
} }
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validatePositiveOrUnlimitedNumeric returning.");
private void validatePositiveOrUnlimitedNumeric(String value, String errorID) throws ValidationException {
int n;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validatePositiveOrUnlimitedNumeric entered.");
try {
n = Integer.valueOf(value);
if ((n < 1) || (n > Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validatePositiveOrUnlimitedNumeric returning.");
private void validatePositiveNumeric(TextRowWidget control, String errorID) throws ValidationException {
String value;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validatePositiveNumeric entered.");
if (control != null) {
value = control.getValue();
if (value.length() > 0) {
validatePositiveNumeric(value, errorID);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validatePositiveNumeric returning.");
private int validatePositiveNumeric(String value, String errorID) throws ValidationException {
int n = 0;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validatePositiveNumeric entered.");
try {
n = Integer.valueOf(value);
if ((n < 0) || (n > Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validatePositiveNumeric returning.");
return n;
private void validateClockValue(TextRowWidget control, String errorID) throws ValidationException {
String value;
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateClockValue entered.");
if (control != null) {
value = control.getValue();
if (value.length() > 0) {
validateClockValue(value, errorID);
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateClockValue returning.");
private void validateClockValue(String value, String errorID) throws ValidationException {
int i;
String stripped = value.trim();
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, ">>> " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateClockValue entered.");
for (i=0; i<stripped.length(); i++) {
if (stripped.matches("[0-9]+(:[0-9]+){0,2}") == false) {
throw new ValidationException(Messages.getString(errorID));
print_message(TRACE_MESSAGE, "<<< " + this.getClass().getName()
+ ":validateClockValue returning.");