blob: 7c65c375c143a3e8e323aa80666f16a13e70a917 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.analysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.IASTAmbiguousExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.IASTAmbiguousStatement;
import org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.analysis.BarrierExpression.BarrierExpressionOP;
import org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.cdt.graphs.ICallGraph;
import org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.cdt.graphs.ICallGraphNode;
public class MPIBarrierExpr extends ASTVisitor {
protected BarrierTable bTable_;
protected ICallGraph cg_;
/* One stack for each communicator */
protected Hashtable<String,Stack<BarrierExpression>> stacks_;
protected MPICallGraphNode currentNode_;
private static final boolean traceOn=false;
* switch statement may be nested
protected int depth = 0;
* This field is used to recognize the associated case body. The idea is
* the case body should have the same parent with the "case" statement.
* One element in this stack is shared by all cases (and default) in one
* switch statement. This is possible because of the tree structure.
protected Stack<IASTNode> caseParent = null;
* This field is used to record whether the current case has "break"
* statement. Same as above, one element is shared by all cases and default
* in a switch statement.
protected Stack<Boolean> withBreak = null;
/* Each bucket in this hashtable is a List, hashed by communicator.
* The List records the current barrier
* expression for each case statement in the current (nested)switch statement.
* So: Hashtable(for each communicator) -->
* Stack(for each nested switch statement) -->
* ArrayList(for each case body) -->
* Tuple(caseStatement, CaseBarrierExpr)
protected Hashtable<String,Stack<List>> caseBE = null;
public MPIBarrierExpr(BarrierTable btable, ICallGraph cg){
bTable_ = btable;
cg_ = cg;
private void init(){
stacks_ = new Hashtable<String,Stack<BarrierExpression>>();
for(Enumeration<String> e = bTable_.getTable().keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
stacks_.put(comm, new Stack<BarrierExpression>());
depth = 0;
caseParent = new Stack<IASTNode>();
withBreak = new Stack<Boolean>();
caseBE = new Hashtable<String,Stack<List>>();
for(Enumeration<String> e = bTable_.getTable().keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
caseBE.put(comm, new Stack<List>());
public void run(){
if(bTable_.isEmpty()) return;
this.shouldVisitExpressions = true;
this.shouldVisitStatements = true;
this.shouldVisitDeclarations = true;
for(ICallGraphNode n = cg_.botEntry(); n != null; n = n.botNext()){
currentNode_ = (MPICallGraphNode)n;
if(!currentNode_.marked) continue;
if(!currentNode_.barrierRelated()) continue;
//System.out.println("Barrier related function " + currentNode_.getFuncName());
IASTFunctionDefinition func = currentNode_.getFuncDef();
for(Enumeration<String> e = stacks_.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
BarrierExpression be = sk.pop();
if(traceOn)System.out.println(currentNode_.getFuncName() + "(" + comm + "): " + be.prettyPrinter());
if(traceOn)System.out.println(" ");
currentNode_.setBarrierExpr(comm, be);
if(traceOn)System.out.println("Total number of repeat subtrees: " + BarrierExpression.count_repeat);
if(traceOn)System.out.println("Total number of branch subtrees: " + BarrierExpression.count_branch);
if(traceOn)System.out.println("Total number of nodes: " + BarrierExpression.count_node);
BarrierExpression.count_branch = 0;
BarrierExpression.count_repeat = 0;
public int visit(IASTStatement stmt){
if(stmt instanceof IASTSwitchStatement){
for(Enumeration<Stack<List>> e = caseBE.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
Stack<List> caseBEsk = e.nextElement();
caseBEsk.push(new ArrayList<Object>());
withBreak.push(new Boolean(false));
depth ++;
public int leave(IASTStatement stmt){
BarrierExpression be = null;
BarrierExpression operand1 = null;
BarrierExpression operand2 = null;
BarrierExpression condBE = null;
if(stmt instanceof IASTAmbiguousStatement){
else if(stmt instanceof IASTBreakStatement){
IASTBreakStatement bkStmt = (IASTBreakStatement)stmt;
for(Enumeration<String> e = caseBE.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<List> caseBEsk = caseBE.get(comm);
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
List list = caseBEsk.peek();
for(int i=1; i<list.size(); i+=2){
CaseBarrierExpr cbe = (CaseBarrierExpr)list.get(i);
for(Enumeration<String> e = caseBE.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
else if(stmt instanceof IASTCaseStatement){
IASTCaseStatement caseStmt = (IASTCaseStatement)stmt;
/* Override the old parent if it exists */
if(!caseParent.empty()) caseParent.pop();
for(Enumeration e = caseBE.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = (String)e.nextElement();
Stack<List> caseBEsk = caseBE.get(comm);
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
List list = caseBEsk.peek();
list.add(new CaseBarrierExpr(be, caseStmt.getExpression()));
/* Toggle the withBreak sign of the previous case */
if(!withBreak.empty()) withBreak.pop();
withBreak.push(new Boolean(false));
else if(stmt instanceof IASTCompoundStatement){
IASTCompoundStatement cmpStmt = (IASTCompoundStatement)stmt;
IASTStatement [] s = cmpStmt.getStatements();
if(s.length == 0) return PROCESS_CONTINUE;
for(Enumeration<String> e = stacks_.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
/* The concatenate operator is left-associative */
int count = 0;
int i;
BarrierExpression[] BElist = new BarrierExpression[s.length];
for(i=0; i<s.length; i++){
if(s[i] == null) continue;
BElist[count] = sk.pop();
count ++;
operand1 = BElist[count-1];
for (i = count-2; i >= 0; i-- ) {
operand2 = BElist[i];
be = BarrierExpression.concatBE(operand1, operand2);
operand1 = be;
fixSwitch(comm, cmpStmt, operand1);
else if(stmt instanceof IASTContinueStatement){
for(Enumeration<String> e = caseBE.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
else if(stmt instanceof IASTDeclarationStatement){
boolean initialized = false;
IASTDeclarationStatement declStmt = (IASTDeclarationStatement)stmt;
IASTDeclaration decl = declStmt.getDeclaration();
if(decl instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration){
IASTSimpleDeclaration simpleDecl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration)decl;
IASTDeclarator[] declarators = simpleDecl.getDeclarators();
for(int i=0; i<declarators.length; i++){
IASTInitializer init = declarators[i].getInitializer();
if(init != null){
initialized = true;
for(Enumeration<String> e = stacks_.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
be = getInitializerBE(sk, init);
for(Enumeration<String> e = stacks_.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
else if(stmt instanceof IASTDefaultStatement){
/* DefaultStatement = CaseStatement + BreakStatement */
IASTDefaultStatement dfStmt = (IASTDefaultStatement)stmt;
/* Override the old parent if it exists */
if(!caseParent.empty()) caseParent.pop();
for(Enumeration<String> e = caseBE.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<List> caseBEsk = caseBE.get(comm);
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
List list = caseBEsk.peek();
list.add(new CaseBarrierExpr(be, null));
else if(stmt instanceof IASTDoStatement){
IASTDoStatement doStmt = (IASTDoStatement)stmt;
for(Enumeration<String> e = stacks_.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
/* condition */
if(doStmt.getCondition() != null)
condBE = (BarrierExpression)sk.pop();
condBE = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
/* loop body */
if(doStmt.getBody() != null)
operand1 = (BarrierExpression)sk.pop();
operand1 = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
/* BE = body . cond. (body . cond)* */
be = BarrierExpression.concatBE(operand1, condBE,
BarrierExpression.concatBE(operand1, condBE),
doStmt.getCondition(), stmt));
fixSwitch(comm, stmt, be);
else if(stmt instanceof IASTExpressionStatement){
for(Enumeration<String> e = stacks_.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
be = sk.pop();
fixSwitch(comm, stmt, be);
else if(stmt instanceof IASTForStatement){
IASTForStatement forStmt = (IASTForStatement)stmt;
BarrierExpression initBE = null;
BarrierExpression iterBE = null;
for(Enumeration<String> e = stacks_.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
/* loop body */
if(forStmt.getBody() != null)
operand1 = sk.pop();
operand1 = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
/* iterator */
if(forStmt.getIterationExpression() != null)
iterBE = sk.pop();
iterBE = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
/* condition */
if(forStmt.getConditionExpression() != null)
condBE = sk.pop();
condBE = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
/* initializer */
if(forStmt.getInitializerStatement() != null)
initBE = sk.pop();
initBE = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
/* BE = init . cond. (body . iter . cond)* */
be = BarrierExpression.concatBE(initBE, condBE,
BarrierExpression.concatBE(operand1, iterBE, condBE),
forStmt.getConditionExpression(), stmt));
fixSwitch(comm, stmt, be);
else if(stmt instanceof IASTGotoStatement){
/* TODO */
else if(stmt instanceof IASTIfStatement){
IASTIfStatement ifStmt = (IASTIfStatement)stmt;
for(Enumeration<String> e = stacks_.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
/* else clause */
if(ifStmt.getElseClause() != null)
operand2 = sk.pop();
operand2 = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
/* then clause */
if(ifStmt.getThenClause() != null)
operand1 = sk.pop();
operand1 = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
/* condition*/
if(ifStmt.getConditionExpression() != null)
condBE = sk.pop();
condBE = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
/* BE = cond. (then | else) */
be = BarrierExpression.concatBE(condBE,
BarrierExpression.branchBE(operand1, operand2,
ifStmt.getConditionExpression(), stmt));
fixSwitch(comm, stmt, be);
else if(stmt instanceof IASTLabelStatement){
/* TODO */
else if(stmt instanceof IASTNullStatement){
for(Enumeration<Stack<BarrierExpression>> e = stacks_.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = e.nextElement();
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
else if(stmt instanceof IASTProblemStatement){
for(Enumeration<Stack<BarrierExpression>> e = stacks_.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = e.nextElement();
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
else if(stmt instanceof IASTReturnStatement){
IASTReturnStatement rStmt = (IASTReturnStatement)stmt;
if(rStmt.getReturnValue() == null){
for(Enumeration<Stack<BarrierExpression>> e = stacks_.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = e.nextElement();
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
} else {
for(Enumeration<String> e = caseBE.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
be = sk.pop();
withBreak.push(new Boolean(true));
fixSwitch(comm, rStmt, be);
else if(stmt instanceof IASTSwitchStatement){
IASTSwitchStatement swStmt = (IASTSwitchStatement)stmt;
for(Enumeration<String> e = caseBE.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<List> caseBEsk = caseBE.get(comm);
List list = caseBEsk.pop();
CaseBarrierExpr cbe = (CaseBarrierExpr)list.get(1);
operand1 = (BarrierExpression)cbe.getBE();
for(int i=3; i<list.size(); i+=2){
cbe = (CaseBarrierExpr)list.get(i);
operand2 = (BarrierExpression)cbe.getBE();
be = BarrierExpression.branchBE(operand1, operand2,
swStmt.getControllerExpression(), stmt);
operand1 = be;
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
depth --;
else if(stmt instanceof IASTWhileStatement){
IASTWhileStatement whStmt = (IASTWhileStatement)stmt;
for(Enumeration<String> e = stacks_.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
/* loop body */
if(whStmt.getBody() != null)
operand1 = sk.pop();
operand1 = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
/* condition */
if(whStmt.getCondition() != null)
condBE = sk.pop();
condBE = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
/* BE = cond . (body . cond)* */
be = BarrierExpression.concatBE(condBE,
BarrierExpression.concatBE(operand1, condBE),
whStmt.getCondition(), stmt));
fixSwitch(comm, stmt, be);
* If the current statement is a case body
private void fixSwitch(String key, IASTStatement stmt, BarrierExpression BE){
if(depth <= 0) return;
if(stmt.getParent() == caseParent.peek()){
Stack<List> caseBEsk = caseBE.get(key);
List list = caseBEsk.peek();
boolean flag = ((Boolean)withBreak.peek()).booleanValue();
for(int i = 1; i<list.size(); i+=2){
CaseBarrierExpr cbe = (CaseBarrierExpr)list.get(i);
private boolean inCaseStmt(IASTBreakStatement stmt){
IASTNode parent = stmt.getParent();
while(parent != null){
if(parent instanceof IASTForStatement ||
parent instanceof IASTDoStatement ||
parent instanceof IASTWhileStatement)
return false;
else if(parent instanceof IASTSwitchStatement)
return true;
else if(parent instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition)
return false;
parent = parent.getParent();
return false;
private BarrierExpression getInitializerBE(Stack sk, IASTInitializer init){
BarrierExpression BE = null;
if(init instanceof IASTInitializerExpression){
BE = (BarrierExpression)sk.pop();
else if(init instanceof IASTInitializerList){
IASTInitializerList list = (IASTInitializerList)init;
IASTInitializer[] inits = list.getInitializers();
for(int j = 0; j<inits.length; j++){
if(BE == null)
BE = getInitializerBE(sk, inits[j]);
BE = BarrierExpression.concatBE(BE,
getInitializerBE(sk, inits[j]));
return BE;
* An expression which doesn't have any "expression"
* field is a terminal.
public int leave(IASTExpression expr){
BarrierExpression be = null;
BarrierExpression operand1 = null;
BarrierExpression operand2 = null;
BarrierExpression operand3 = null;
if(expr instanceof IASTAmbiguousExpression){
/* nothing */
else if(expr instanceof IASTArraySubscriptExpression){
for(Enumeration<Stack<BarrierExpression>> e = stacks_.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = e.nextElement();
operand2 = sk.pop(); //subscript
operand1 = sk.pop(); //array
be = BarrierExpression.concatBE(operand1, operand2);
else if(expr instanceof IASTBinaryExpression){
for(Enumeration<Stack<BarrierExpression>> e = stacks_.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = e.nextElement();
operand2 = sk.pop();
operand1 = sk.pop();
be = BarrierExpression.concatBE(operand1, operand2);
else if(expr instanceof IASTCastExpression){
/* Has only one operator, leave it there */
else if(expr instanceof IASTConditionalExpression){
IASTConditionalExpression cExpr = (IASTConditionalExpression)expr;
IASTNode parent = expr.getParent();
while(! (parent instanceof IASTStatement) )
parent = parent.getParent();
for(Enumeration<Stack<BarrierExpression>> e = stacks_.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = e.nextElement();
operand2 = sk.pop(); /* negative */
operand1 = sk.pop(); /* positive */
operand3 = sk.pop(); /* condition */
/* E = C ( P | N ) */
be = BarrierExpression.concatBE(operand3,
BarrierExpression.branchBE(operand1, operand2,
else if(expr instanceof IASTExpressionList){
IASTExpressionList exprList = (IASTExpressionList)expr;
IASTExpression[] exps = exprList.getExpressions();
if(exps.length == 0) return PROCESS_CONTINUE;
for(Enumeration<Stack<BarrierExpression>> e = stacks_.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = e.nextElement();
int count = 0;
int i;
BarrierExpression[] BElist = new BarrierExpression[exps.length];
for(i=0; i<exps.length; i++){
if(exps[i] == null) continue;
BElist[count] = sk.pop();
count ++;
operand1 = BElist[count-1];
for (i = count-2; i >= 0; i-- ) {
operand2 = BElist[i];
be = BarrierExpression.concatBE(operand1, operand2);
operand1 = be;
else if(expr instanceof IASTFieldReference){
for(Enumeration e = stacks_.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
Stack sk = (Stack)e.nextElement();
operand2 = (BarrierExpression)sk.pop(); //name
operand1 = (BarrierExpression)sk.pop(); //owner
be = BarrierExpression.concatBE(operand1, operand2);
else if(expr instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression){
IASTFunctionCallExpression fExpr = (IASTFunctionCallExpression)expr;
IASTExpression funcname = fExpr.getFunctionNameExpression();
IASTExpression parameter = fExpr.getParameterExpression();
String signature = funcname.getRawSignature();
int id = bTable_.isBarrier(fExpr);
if(id != -1){ /* barrier */
be = new BarrierExpression(id);
String comm = bTable_.getComm(id);
for(Enumeration<String> e = stacks_.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String commkey = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(commkey);
if(parameter != null) sk.pop(); //parameter
sk.pop(); //functionName
if(commkey.equals(comm)) sk.push(be);
else sk.push(new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot));
MPICallGraphNode node = (MPICallGraphNode)cg_.getNode(currentNode_.getFileName(), signature);
if(node != null && node.barrierRelated()){
/* a function (directly or indirectly) with barriers */
for(Enumeration<String> e = stacks_.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = stacks_.get(comm);
BarrierExpression funcBE = node.getBarrierExpr().get(comm);
if(parameter != null) sk.pop(); //parameter
sk.pop(); //functionName
if(node == currentNode_){ //recursive functions
be = new BarrierExpression(node.getFuncName());
else if(funcBE.isBot()){
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
be = new BarrierExpression(signature);
} else { //not a barrier related function
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
for(Enumeration<Stack<BarrierExpression>> e = stacks_.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = e.nextElement();
if(parameter != null) sk.pop(); //parameter
sk.pop(); //functionName
else if(expr instanceof IASTIdExpression){ //terminal
for(Enumeration<Stack<BarrierExpression>> e = stacks_.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = e.nextElement();
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
else if(expr instanceof IASTLiteralExpression){ //terminal
for(Enumeration<Stack<BarrierExpression>> e = stacks_.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = e.nextElement();
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
else if(expr instanceof IASTProblemExpression){
else if(expr instanceof IASTTypeIdExpression){
for(Enumeration<Stack<BarrierExpression>> e = stacks_.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
Stack<BarrierExpression> sk = e.nextElement();
be = new BarrierExpression(BarrierExpression.BE_bot);
else if(expr instanceof IASTUnaryExpression){
/* has only one operand, leave it there */
else if(expr instanceof ICASTTypeIdInitializerExpression){
class CaseBarrierExpr{
protected BarrierExpression BE;
protected boolean closed;
protected IASTExpression cond;
CaseBarrierExpr(BarrierExpression be, IASTExpression cond){
BE = be;
closed = false;
this.cond = cond;
public void close() { closed = true; }
public BarrierExpression getBE() {return BE;}
public IASTExpression getCond() {return cond;}
public void addBEElement(BarrierExpression be){
if(closed) return;
if(BE == null){
BE = be;
} else {
BE = BarrierExpression.concatBE(BE, be);
public void addFinalBEElement(BarrierExpression be){
protected void checkBarrierRecursion(){
for(Iterator<List<ICallGraphNode>> i=cg_.getCycles().iterator(); i.hasNext();){
List<ICallGraphNode> cycle =;
boolean barrierRelated = false;
for(Iterator<ICallGraphNode> ii = cycle.iterator(); ii.hasNext();){
MPICallGraphNode node = (MPICallGraphNode);
barrierRelated = true;
if(!barrierRelated) continue;
if(cycle.size() > 1){
System.out.println("Multi-Function barrier related cycles");
currentNode_ = (MPICallGraphNode)cycle.get(0);
for(Enumeration<String> e = currentNode_.getBarrierExpr().keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){
String comm = e.nextElement();
BarrierExpression BE = currentNode_.getBarrierExpr().get(comm);
if(recursion(BE) == recursionError){
System.out.println("Recursion Error in " + comm);
protected final int recursionCorrect = 0;
protected final int recursionError = 1;
protected final int noRecursion = 2;
protected int recursion(BarrierExpression BE){
BarrierExpressionOP OP = BE.getOP();
if(OP == null){
if(BE.isFunc()){ //function call
String funcName = BE.getFuncName();
MPICallGraphNode fnode = (MPICallGraphNode)cg_.getNode(currentNode_.getFileName(), funcName);
if(fnode == currentNode_)
return recursionCorrect;
return noRecursion;
return noRecursion;
else if(OP.getOperator() == BarrierExpressionOP.op_concat){
int v1 = recursion(BE.getOP1());
int v2 = recursion(BE.getOP2());
if(v1 == recursionError || v2 == recursionError)
return recursionError;
else if(v1 == recursionCorrect || v2 == recursionCorrect)
return recursionCorrect;
return noRecursion;
else if(OP.getOperator() == BarrierExpressionOP.op_branch){
int v1 = recursion(BE.getOP1());
int v2 = recursion(BE.getOP2());
if(v1 == noRecursion && v2 == noRecursion)
return noRecursion;
return recursionError;
else { //BarrierExpressionOP.op_repeat
return recursion(BE.getOP1());