blob: 5515e089d9d86b41f3b91836424a4bce71cb69f7 [file] [log] [blame]
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<title>Makefile Support</title>
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<img src="images/trident_transparent.png">
<h1>Makefile Support</h1>
The GEM Plug-in supports CDT C/C++ Makefile projects with a minimum effort required on the part of the programmer.
Just some minor modifications to your project's Makefiles and you'll be able to use GEM with your Makefile
Projects as well as your Managed Build Projects.
<h2>Makefile Modification Steps</h2>
The following are the necessary procedures to modify your CDT Makefile Project so that it can be verified and
analyzed by the GEM Plug-in. If you are creating a project from scratch, make sure to start with a new <b>Makefile Project</b>
and not a <b>Managed-Build Project</b>!
<b>Change the compiler to ispcc forC or ispCC for C++. This is a wrapper for mpicc that allow ISP's Profiler to intercept MPI calls at runtime</b>
# Which compiler to use
# CC = mpicc <-- comment this out
# For MPI C applications
CC = ispcc
# For MPI C++ applications
CC = ispCC
The GEM Plug-in requires the fully qualified path to all source code in order to do the code analyzing. ISP itself uses
the __FILE__ and __LINE__ macros in generating a runtime log. Your Makefiles will have to pass the source files to
ispcc/ispCC (gcc) at compile time in order to get that back in the same form. This is accomplished by the following being
added to your Makefiles
SOURCEPATH = $(shell pwd) # defining this will make the present working directory available for use
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(SOURCEPATH)/$*.c # add this to your build rules
<b>Change the extension of the generated executables to <i>".gem"</i></b>
<h2>Setting Your Projects up to Build</h2>
Create make targets for your Makefile Project
<img src="images/makeTargets.png">
Now simply double click the make target you need.<br>
<i>You may have to do a little debugging to get everything just right</i>
<h2>Running GEM on the Generated Executables</h2>
Locate the executable(s) with ".gem" extension in the Project Explorer
<img src="images/gemExtension.png">
Set the number of processes for the next run of GEM.<br>
Find these instructions in the section in the corresponding section
of the <a href="analyzerView.html">Analyzer View Help page</a>
Right click on an executable with ".gem" extension in the Project Explorer
<img src="images/executablePopUp.png">
This should bring up the Analyzer View if it isn't already, as it does with any CDT Managed Build Project.<br>
Please see the <a href="analyzerView.html">Analyzer View Help page</a> from info.
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School of Computing * 50 S. Central Campus Dr. Rm. 3190 * Salt Lake City, UT
84112 * <A href=""></a><br>
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