blob: 462813c1792808f9ce5b4399ec11ba1a24f589c3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 University of Illinois All rights reserved. This program
* and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the
* Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
* available at
* Contributors:
* Albert L. Rossi - design and implementation
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.core.IAssign;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.core.IJAXBNonNLSConstants;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.core.messages.Messages;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.core.utils.CoreExceptionUtils;
* Wrapper implementation. A test consists of an if/else condition to be checked
* in relation to the passed in values, plus a set of assignment actions to take
* in the case of success. The values can be constants, references to be
* resolved, or the current value of the target field (indicated by
* "#fieldName").<br>
* <br>
* There are 8 allowable operators, indicated by the following strings: <br>
* <br>
* EQ (=)<br>
* LT (<)<br>
* LE (<=)<br>
* GT (>)<br>
* GE (>=)<br>
* <br>
* LOGICAL:<br>
* AND<br>
* OR<br>
* NOT<br>
* <br>
* In the case of a logical operator, the Test will delegate to its embedded
* Test children, and then apply the operator to the results.<br>
* <br>
* To indicate an alternative action in the case the test fails, "<else>" is
* used.
* @author arossi
public class TestImpl implements IJAXBNonNLSConstants {
private static final short sEQ = 0;
private static final short sLT = 1;
private static final short sGT = 2;
private static final short sLE = 3;
private static final short sGE = 4;
private static final short sAND = 5;
private static final short sOR = 6;
private static final short sNOT = 7;
private final String uuid;
private final short op;
private final List<String> values;
private List<TestImpl> children;
private List<IAssign> ifcond;
private List<IAssign> elsecond;
private Object target;
* @param uuid
* unique id associated with this resource manager operation (can
* be <code>null</code>).
* @param test
* JAXB data element
public TestImpl(String uuid, TestType test) {
this.uuid = uuid;
op = getOp(test.getOp());
values = test.getValue();
List<TestType> tests = test.getTest();
if (!tests.isEmpty()) {
children = new ArrayList<TestImpl>();
for (TestType t : tests) {
children.add(new TestImpl(uuid, t));
List<Object> listif = test.getAddOrAppendOrPut();
if (!listif.isEmpty()) {
ifcond = new ArrayList<IAssign>();
for (Object o : listif) {
AbstractAssign.add(uuid, o, ifcond);
Else listelse = test.getElse();
if (listelse != null) {
elsecond = new ArrayList<IAssign>();
for (Object o : listelse.getAddOrAppendOrPut()) {
AbstractAssign.add(uuid, o, elsecond);
* Applies the test.
* @return whether the test succeeded or not.
* @throws Throwable
public boolean doTest() throws Throwable {
boolean result = false;
switch (op) {
case sEQ:
result = evaluateEquals(values.get(0), values.get(1));
case sLT:
result = evaluateLessThan(values.get(0), values.get(1));
case sGT:
result = evaluateLessThan(values.get(1), values.get(0));
case sLE:
result = evaluateLessThanOrEquals(values.get(0), values.get(1));
case sGE:
result = evaluateLessThanOrEquals(values.get(1), values.get(0));
case sNOT:
return !children.get(0).doTest();
case sAND:
result = true;
for (TestImpl t : children) {
result = result && t.doTest();
if (!result) {
case sOR:
result = false;
for (TestImpl t : children) {
result = result || t.doTest();
if (result) {
if (target != null) {
if (result) {
} else {
return result;
* The parent target to which to apply the actions associated with the test
* in case of success.
* @param target
public void setTarget(Object target) { = target;
if (children != null) {
for (TestImpl t : children) {
* Applies the assignments to the target.
* @param assign
* list of assignment actions.
* @throws Throwable
private void doAssign(List<IAssign> assign) throws Throwable {
if (assign != null) {
for (IAssign a : assign) {
* These will be using only preassigned values, so the tokens[]
* param is null
* Auxiliary. Applies <code>compareTo</code> to <code>Comparable</code>
* objects. Strings are first converted to boolean or integers if
* appropriate.
* @param string1
* to be compared
* @param string2
* to be compared
* @return -1,0 or 1
* @throws Throwable
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private int evaluateComparable(String string1, String string2) throws Throwable {
Object value1 = AbstractAssign.normalizedValue(target, uuid, string1, true);
Object value2 = AbstractAssign.normalizedValue(target, uuid, string2, true);
if (value1 == null || value2 == null) {
return 1;
if (!(value1 instanceof Comparable) || !(value2 instanceof Comparable)) {
return 1;
Comparable c1 = (Comparable) value1;
Comparable c2 = (Comparable) value2;
return c1.compareTo(c2);
* Applies <code>equals</code> to objects. Strings are first converted to
* boolean or integers if appropriate.
* @param string1
* to be compared
* @param string2
* to be compared
* @return whether the two values are equal
* @throws Throwable
private boolean evaluateEquals(String string1, String string2) throws Throwable {
Object value1 = AbstractAssign.normalizedValue(target, uuid, string1, true);
Object value2 = AbstractAssign.normalizedValue(target, uuid, string2, true);
if (value1 == null) {
return value2 == null;
return value1.equals(value2);
* Delegates to {@link #evaluateComparable(String, String)}
* @param string1
* to be compared
* @param string2
* to be compared
* @return true if {@link #evaluateComparable(String, String)} returns -1.
* @throws Throwable
private boolean evaluateLessThan(String string1, String string2) throws Throwable {
return evaluateComparable(string1, string2) < 0;
* Delegates to {@link #evaluateComparable(String, String)}
* @param string1
* to be compared
* @param string2
* to be compared
* @return true if {@link #evaluateComparable(String, String)} returns -1 or
* 0.
* @throws Throwable
private boolean evaluateLessThanOrEquals(String string1, String string2) throws Throwable {
return evaluateComparable(string1, string2) <= 0;
* Translates operator to string equivalent.
* @param op
* @return string equivalent
private String getOp(short op) {
if (sEQ == op) {
return xEQ;
if (sLT == op) {
return xLT;
if (sGT == op) {
return xGT;
if (sLE == op) {
return xLE;
if (sGE == op) {
return xGE;
if (sAND == op) {
return AND;
if (sOR == op) {
return OR;
if (sNOT == op) {
return NOT;
return EQ;
* Translates string representation of operator to numerical value.
* @param op
* string representation
* @return short value
private short getOp(String op) {
if (xEQ.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) {
return sEQ;
if (xLT.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) {
return sLT;
if (xGT.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) {
return sGT;
if (xLE.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) {
return sLE;
if (xGE.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) {
return sGE;
if (AND.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) {
return sAND;
if (OR.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) {
return sOR;
if (NOT.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) {
return sNOT;
return sEQ;
* Checks that the number of values matches the operator.
* @param op
* @throws Throwable
* if number of values is incorrect
private void validate(short op) throws Throwable {
switch (op) {
case sEQ:
case sLT:
case sGT:
case sLE:
case sGE:
if (values == null || values.size() != 2) {
throw CoreExceptionUtils.newException(Messages.MalformedExpressionError + getOp(op), null);
case sNOT:
if (children == null || children.size() != 1) {
throw CoreExceptionUtils.newException(Messages.MalformedExpressionError + getOp(op), null);
case sAND:
case sOR:
if (children == null || children.size() <= 1) {
throw CoreExceptionUtils.newException(Messages.MalformedExpressionError + getOp(op), null);