blob: 0aafb724781d41772d0e455966f288730c89bd2e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* Contributors:
* Carsten Karbach, Claudia Knobloch, FZ Juelich
package org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.model;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.core.listeners.ILguiListener;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.core.model.ILguiItem;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.AbslayoutType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.ChartType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.ChartgroupType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.ChartlayoutType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.ColumnlayoutType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.ComponentType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.ComponentlayoutType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.DataType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.GobjectType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.InfoboxType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.InfoboxlayoutType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.LayoutType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.LguiType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.Nodedisplay;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.NodedisplaylayoutType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.ObjectFactory;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.PaneType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.SchemeType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.SplitlayoutType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.TableType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.TablelayoutType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.TextboxType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.UsagebarType;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.UsagebarlayoutType;
* This class provides access to component-layout-definitions.
* Returns layout-objects for standard-lml-objects
* Moreover with this class one is able to manipulate layout definitions
* LML-Models can be transformed into layout-only definitions
* There are functions, which allow to merge layouts to one lml-model
* @author karbach
public class LayoutAccess extends LguiHandler{
private UsagebarlayoutType defaultUsagebar;
private ChartlayoutType defaultChart;
private TablelayoutType defaultTable;
private InfoboxlayoutType defaultInfobox;
private static ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();//create a objectfactory for all functions in this class
* @param lguiItem LML-data-handler, which groups this handler and others to a set
* of LMLHandler. This instance is needed to notify all LMLHandler, if any data of
* the LguiType-instance was changed.
public LayoutAccess(ILguiItem lguiItem, LguiType lgui){
super(lguiItem, lgui);
defaultUsagebar = objectFactory.createUsagebarlayoutType();
defaultChart = objectFactory.createChartlayoutType();
defaultTable = objectFactory.createTablelayoutType();
defaultInfobox = objectFactory.createInfoboxlayoutType();
this.lguiItem.addListener(new ILguiListener() {
public void handleEvent(ILguiUpdatedEvent e) {
* Replace all componentlayouts for a graphical object with given gid through newlayout.getGid()
* with newlayout
* @param newLayout new layout, which is placed into the positions of old layouts
public void replaceComponentLayout(ComponentlayoutType newlayout){
if(newlayout==null) return;
String gid=newlayout.getGid();
List<JAXBElement<?>> allobjects=lgui.getObjectsAndRelationsAndInformation();
boolean replaced=false;
//Over all objects in lml-file
for(JAXBElement<?> aobj: allobjects){
//Over all Componentlayouts
if(aobj.getValue() instanceof ComponentlayoutType){
ComponentlayoutType alayout=(ComponentlayoutType)aobj.getValue();
if( alayout.getGid()!=null && alayout.getGid().equals(gid) ){
if(!replaced){//Insert new layout, if there was nothing to replace
//Takes any componentlayout
JAXBElement<?> newel=null;
//Differ between several layouts, create different JAXBElements
if(newlayout instanceof TablelayoutType){
newel=new JAXBElement<TablelayoutType>( new QName("tablelayout"),
TablelayoutType.class, (TablelayoutType)newlayout );
else if(newlayout instanceof NodedisplaylayoutType){
newel=new JAXBElement<NodedisplaylayoutType>( new QName("nodedisplaylayout"),
NodedisplaylayoutType.class, (NodedisplaylayoutType)newlayout );
* Simply returns the first layout found for a usagebar with the given id
* or a default-layout
* @param usagebarID
* @return defaultlayout for a usagebar or first layout for usagebar with id usagebarid given by lml-file
public UsagebarlayoutType getUsagebarLayout(String usagebarID) {
List<UsagebarlayoutType> usagebarLayouts = getUsagebarLayouts();
//Over all objects in lml-file
for (UsagebarlayoutType usagebarLayout : usagebarLayouts) {
if (usagebarLayout.getGid().equals(usagebarID))
return usagebarLayout;
return defaultUsagebar;
* Simply returns the first layout found for a chart with the given id
* or a default-layout
* @param chartID
* @return defaultlayout for a chart or first layout for chart with id chartid given by lml-file
public ChartlayoutType getChartLayout(String chartID) {
List<ChartlayoutType> chartLayouts = getChartLayouts();
for (ChartlayoutType chartLayout : chartLayouts){
if (chartLayout.getGid().equals(chartID))
return chartLayout;
return defaultChart;
* Simply returns the first layout found for a infobox with the given id
* or a default-layout
* @param infoID
* @return defaultlayout for a table or first layout for table with id tableid given by lml-file
public InfoboxlayoutType getInfoboxLayout(String infoID){
List<InfoboxlayoutType> infoboxLayouts = getInfoboxLayout();
for (InfoboxlayoutType infoboxLayout : infoboxLayouts) {
if (infoboxLayout.getGid().equals(infoID) )
return infoboxLayout;
return defaultInfobox;
private List<InfoboxlayoutType> getInfoboxLayout() {
List<InfoboxlayoutType> infoboxLayouts = new LinkedList<InfoboxlayoutType>();
for (ComponentlayoutType tag : getComponentLayouts()) {
if (tag instanceof InfoboxlayoutType) {
infoboxLayouts.add((InfoboxlayoutType) tag);
return infoboxLayouts;
* This function is only for easier understanding this class
* Textboxlayouts are identical to infoboxlayouts, so you could
* call getInfoboxLayout(textid) and would get the same result.
* @param textID id of a textbox
* @return layout for a textbox with an info-tag in it
public InfoboxlayoutType getTextboxLayout(String textID){
return getInfoboxLayout(textID);
* @param data model of lml-data, contingently with layout-information, this object will be modified and returned
* @param layout more important layout-data, overwrite componentlayouts of data-model, but add additional abs/-splitlayouts
* @return merged lml-model
public static LguiType mergeLayouts(LguiType data, LguiType layout){
if(data==null || layout==null) return data;
LguiItem lgui = new LguiItem(data);
LayoutAccess la=new LayoutAccess(lgui, lgui.getLguiType());
//Replace component-layouts
for(JAXBElement<?> el:layout.getObjectsAndRelationsAndInformation()){
if(el.getValue() instanceof ComponentlayoutType){
/** really merge layouts, do not overwrite
//Collect existing layout-ids
HashSet<String> layoutids=new HashSet<String>();
for(JAXBElement<?> el:data.getObjectsAndRelationsAndInformation()){
if(el.getValue() instanceof LayoutType){
LayoutType lay=(LayoutType) el.getValue();
//Generate new ids if layout-ids already exist in data, then add new layout to data
for(JAXBElement<?> el:layout.getObjectsAndRelationsAndInformation()){
if(el.getValue() instanceof LayoutType){
LayoutType lay=(LayoutType) el.getValue();
String newid=lay.getId();
while(layoutids.contains( newid )){
//Add this layout with new id to data-instance
//Overwrite layouts with the same name
for(JAXBElement<?> el:layout.getObjectsAndRelationsAndInformation()){
if(el.getValue() instanceof LayoutType){
if( ! replaceGlobalLayout( (LayoutType)el.getValue(), data) ){//If not replaced, insert it
return data;
* Replace a global layout within the lml-model by a new one
* @param newlayout new layout, which replaces the old in model with the same id
* @param model lgui-instance, which is changed
public static boolean replaceGlobalLayout(LayoutType newlayout, LguiType model){
List<JAXBElement<?>> all=model.getObjectsAndRelationsAndInformation();
//Go through all objects, search for layouttypes with newlayout.getId as id and replace them with this layout
for(int i=0; i<all.size(); i++){
JAXBElement<?> aobj=all.get(i);
if(aobj.getValue() instanceof LayoutType){
LayoutType old=(LayoutType) aobj.getValue();
( (JAXBElement<LayoutType>)aobj).setValue( newlayout );
return true;
return false;
* Search for gid-attributes of a pane and put it into neededComponents
* Recursively search all graphical objects referenced by this pane
* @param p part of SplitLayout, which is scanned for gid-attributes
* @param neededComponents resulting Hashset
private static void collectComponents(PaneType p, HashSet<String> neededComponents){
//top and bottom components?
collectComponents(p.getBottom(), neededComponents);
collectComponents(p.getTop(), neededComponents);
else{//Left and right
collectComponents(p.getLeft(), neededComponents);
collectComponents(p.getRight(), neededComponents);
* @param gobj
* @return a copy of gobj with minimal size, only attributes in GobjectType are copied
* and lower special elements which are needed to make lml-model valid
private static JAXBElement<GobjectType> minimizeGobjectType(GobjectType gobj){
String qname="table";
Class<GobjectType> c=(Class<GobjectType>)gobj.getClass();
GobjectType value=objectFactory.createGobjectType();
if( gobj instanceof TableType ){
TableType tt=objectFactory.createTableType();
else if(gobj instanceof UsagebarType){
UsagebarType ut=objectFactory.createUsagebarType();
else if(gobj instanceof TextboxType){
TextboxType ut=objectFactory.createTextboxType();
else if(gobj instanceof InfoboxType){
InfoboxType ut=objectFactory.createInfoboxType();
else if(gobj instanceof Nodedisplay){//Create minimal nodedisplay
Nodedisplay ut=objectFactory.createNodedisplay();
SchemeType scheme=objectFactory.createSchemeType();
DataType dat=objectFactory.createDataType();
else if(gobj instanceof ChartType){
ChartType ut=objectFactory.createChartType();
else if(gobj instanceof ChartgroupType){
ChartgroupType ut=objectFactory.createChartgroupType();
JAXBElement<GobjectType> res=new JAXBElement<GobjectType>(new QName(qname), c, value );
return res;
* Remove all important data from modell
* return only layout-information and data, which is needed to make
* lml-model valid
* @param modell lml-modell with data and layout-information
* @return
public static LguiType getLayoutFromModell(LguiType modell){
LguiType res=objectFactory.createLguiType();
HashSet<String> neededComponents=new HashSet<String>();
for(JAXBElement<?> tag: modell.getObjectsAndRelationsAndInformation()){
Object value=tag.getValue();
//add normal global layouts
if(value instanceof LayoutType){
if(value instanceof SplitlayoutType){
SplitlayoutType splitlayout=(SplitlayoutType)value;
//Collect needed components from layout recursively
collectComponents(splitlayout.getLeft(), neededComponents);
collectComponents(splitlayout.getRight(), neededComponents);
else if(value instanceof AbslayoutType){
AbslayoutType abslayout=(AbslayoutType)value;
//Just traverse comp-list for gid-attributes
for(ComponentType comp: abslayout.getComp()){
else if(value instanceof ComponentlayoutType){
ComponentlayoutType complayout=(ComponentlayoutType)value;
HashMap<String, GobjectType> idtoGobject=new HashMap<String, GobjectType>();
//Search needed components in data-tag to discover, which type the needed components have
for(JAXBElement<?> tag: modell.getObjectsAndRelationsAndInformation()){
Object value=tag.getValue();
//is it a graphical object?
if(value instanceof GobjectType){
GobjectType gobj=(GobjectType)value;
idtoGobject.put(gobj.getId(), gobj);
//Add all gobjects in idtoGobject to the result, so that lml-modell is valid
for(GobjectType gobj: idtoGobject.values()){
JAXBElement<GobjectType> min=minimizeGobjectType(gobj);
//Set layout-attribute
return res;
* @param obj LguiType-instance
* @param output OutputStream to save xml-representation of obj in
* @throws JAXBException
public static void objToLML(LguiType obj, OutputStream output) throws JAXBException {
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("lml");
Marshaller mar=jc.createMarshaller();
mar.setProperty("jaxb.schemaLocation", " lgui.xsd");
QName tagname=new QName("", "lgui", "lml");
JAXBElement<LguiType> rootel=new JAXBElement<LguiType>(tagname, LguiType.class, obj);
mar.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
mar.marshal(rootel, output);
* Search in component-layouts for layout for the graphical object with id gid.
* @param gid id of corresponding graphical object, for which layouts are searched
* @return list of componentlayouts corresponding to the graphical object id gid
public List<ComponentlayoutType> getComponentLayoutByGID(String gid){
List<ComponentlayoutType> complayouts= getComponentLayouts();
ArrayList<ComponentlayoutType> res=new ArrayList<ComponentlayoutType>();
for(ComponentlayoutType alayout: complayouts){
if( alayout.getGid()!=null && alayout.getGid().equals(gid) ){
return res;
* Add a new created layout to the model
* @param layout absolute or splitlayout
public void addLayoutTag(LayoutType layout){
JAXBElement<? extends LayoutType> jaxbel=null;
//Create jaxbelement corresponding to the class-type
if(layout instanceof AbslayoutType){
AbslayoutType abslayout=(AbslayoutType)layout;
jaxbel=new JAXBElement<AbslayoutType>(new QName("abslayout"), AbslayoutType.class, abslayout);
if(layout instanceof SplitlayoutType){
SplitlayoutType splitlayout=(SplitlayoutType)layout;
jaxbel=new JAXBElement<SplitlayoutType>(new QName("splitlayout"), SplitlayoutType.class, splitlayout);
this.lgui.getObjectsAndRelationsAndInformation().add( jaxbel );
if( lguiItem instanceof LguiItem){
LguiItem internal=(LguiItem) lguiItem;
* Generates an absolute layout without needing a layout tag. Active components
* are placed in a grid on the screen. Use this function, if no layout was specified
* by the lml-file.
* @param width width in pixels of the area, on which this layout is shown
* @param height height in pixels of the area, on which this layout is shown
* @return default absolute layout with all active components in it
public AbslayoutType generateDefaultAbsoluteLayout(int width, int height){
//Collect active components
List<GobjectType> gobjects=lguiItem.getOverviewAccess().getGraphicalObjects();
ArrayList<GobjectType> activeobjects=new ArrayList<GobjectType>();
//Go through all graphical objects
for(GobjectType gobj: gobjects){
//Get layouts for this object, normally there is only one
List<ComponentlayoutType> layouts=getComponentLayoutByGID(gobj.getId());
if(layouts.size()==0){//assume gobj to be active if there is no componentlayout
//Search for a componentlayout which declares gobj to be active
for(ComponentlayoutType complayout: layouts){
if( complayout.isActive() ){
//Now activeobjects contains all active graphical objects, which have to be arranged on the screen
AbslayoutType res=objectFactory.createAbslayoutType();
//Try to create as many columns as rows
int columns=(int)Math.round( Math.sqrt( activeobjects.size() ) );
int rows=(int)Math.ceil( (double)activeobjects.size()/columns );
//Calculate width and height of graphical objects
int index=0;
int rectwidth=width/columns;
int rectheight=height/rows;
for(GobjectType gobj:activeobjects){
ComponentType pos=objectFactory.createComponentType();
//Positioning the component
pos.setX( BigInteger.valueOf( (index%columns)*rectwidth )) ;
pos.setY( BigInteger.valueOf( (index/columns)*rectheight )) ;
//Add this component position to the layout
return res;
public TablelayoutType getDefaultTableLayout(TableType table) {
String id = table.getId();
if (getTableLayout(id) == null || getTableLayout(id).getColumn().size() <= 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumn().size(); i++) {
ColumnlayoutType column = new ColumnlayoutType();
column.setCid(BigInteger.valueOf(i + 1));
return getTableLayout(id);
* Getting a list of all elements of type ComponentlayoutType from LguiType.
* @return list of elements(ComponentlayoutType)
List<ComponentlayoutType> getComponentLayouts() {
List<ComponentlayoutType> layouts = new LinkedList<ComponentlayoutType>();
for (JAXBElement<?> tag : lgui.getObjectsAndRelationsAndInformation()) {
if (tag.getValue() instanceof ComponentlayoutType) {
layouts.add((ComponentlayoutType) tag.getValue());
return layouts;
* Getting a list of elements of type NodedisplaylayoutType.
* @return list of elements(NodedisplaylayoutType)
List<NodedisplaylayoutType> getNodedisplayLayouts() {
List<NodedisplaylayoutType> nodedisplayLayouts = new LinkedList<NodedisplaylayoutType>();
for (ComponentlayoutType tag : getComponentLayouts()) {
if (tag instanceof NodedisplaylayoutType) {
nodedisplayLayouts.add((NodedisplaylayoutType) tag);
return nodedisplayLayouts;
* Getting a list of all elements of type TablelayoutType.
* @return list of elements(TablelayoutType)
List<TablelayoutType> getTableLayouts() {
List<TablelayoutType> tableLayouts = new LinkedList<TablelayoutType>();
for (ComponentlayoutType tag : getComponentLayouts()) {
if (tag instanceof TablelayoutType) {
tableLayouts.add((TablelayoutType) tag);
return tableLayouts;
* Getting the layout of a given table, the identifier of the layout is the shared ID of table and layout.
* @param tablelayoutID ID of the desired tablelayout
* @return Corresponding layout of a table
public TablelayoutType getTableLayout(String tablelayoutID) {
for (TablelayoutType tag : getTableLayouts()) {
if (tag.getGid().equals(tablelayoutID)) {
return tag;
return defaultTable;
List<UsagebarlayoutType> getUsagebarLayouts() {
List<UsagebarlayoutType> usagebarLayouts = new LinkedList<UsagebarlayoutType>();
for (ComponentlayoutType tag : getComponentLayouts()) {
if (tag instanceof UsagebarlayoutType) {
usagebarLayouts.add((UsagebarlayoutType) tag);
return usagebarLayouts;
List<ChartlayoutType> getChartLayouts() {
List<ChartlayoutType> chartLayouts = new LinkedList<ChartlayoutType>();
for (ComponentlayoutType tag : chartLayouts) {
if (tag instanceof ChartlayoutType) {
chartLayouts.add((ChartlayoutType) tag);
return chartLayouts;