blob: 499689fea6b020602e8c485b60604b6dc6412910 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* Contributors:
* Carsten Karbach, FZ Juelich
package org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.nodedisplay;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.ObjectFactory;
import org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.internal.core.elements.SchemeElement;
* Saves a mask for creating implicit names
* calculates the length of the output, which this mask will print out
* @author Carsten Karbach
public class Mask {
private static final String number = "\\s*(-|\\+)?(0x|0X)?([a-fA-F\\d]+)";//Regular expression for a printed integer
private String maskstring;
private String regularMask;//regular expression which printouts must match for this mask
private int outputlength;
private String pre, post;//text-pattern before and behind the printed digit
private String[] names;//null, if no map-attribute specified, otherwise contains explicitly allowed names
private SchemeElement scheme;//scheme-element which contains mask-definition
private int[] numbers = null;//contains numbers of elements defined by scheme (list=1,17,2 => numbers={1,17,2})
* @param pscheme scheme-element which contains the mask-definition
public Mask(SchemeElement pscheme) {
scheme = pscheme;
if (pscheme.getMap() != null) {
names = pscheme.getMap().split(",");
outputlength = -1;//variable, because name lengths can be variable
regularMask = pscheme.getMap().replace(',', '|');
pre = "";
post = "";
maskstring = "";
else {
names = null;
maskstring = pscheme.getMask();
//regular expression in xsd (([^%])*%(\-|\+|\s|\#)*0(\-|\+|\s|\#)*(\d)+d([^%])*)|(([^%])*%(\-|\+|\s|\#)*d([^%])+)
if (maskstring.matches("([^%])*%(\\-|\\+|\\s|\\#)*d([^%])+")) {//length is unknown but there is a separator specified
outputlength = -1;
else {//there must be given a length within the mask
//Find length by printing out the number 1 with that mask
outputlength = String.format(maskstring, 1).length();
//create regular expression for this mask
int percent = maskstring.indexOf('%');
int dpos = maskstring.indexOf('d');
pre = maskstring.substring(0, percent);
post = maskstring.substring(dpos+1, maskstring.length());
regularMask = pre + number + post;
* Tests output against regular expression given by the mask
* Moreover outputlength must match the length of this output
* @param output number-output probably created through this mask
* @return true if output is allowed, false otherwise
public boolean isOutputAllowed(String output) {
if (names == null) {
return output.matches(regularMask) && (outputlength == -1 || outputlength == output.length());
//Just test if output is equal to one of the names
for (String name : names) {
if (name.equals(output)) {
return true;
return false;
* Input is the part of the implicit name printed by this mask
* @param levelstring output part of implicit name
* @return id-nr for current level or -1, if id could not be parsed
public int getNumberOfLevelstring(String levelstring) {
if (names == null) {
if (!isOutputAllowed(levelstring)) {
return -1;//For robustness of this function
levelstring = levelstring.substring(pre.length()); //cut pre-text from inception
levelstring = levelstring.substring(0, levelstring.length()-post.length()); //cut post-text from end of levelstring
char[] chars = levelstring.toCharArray();
int i = 0;
while (i < chars.length && chars[i] < '0' || chars[i] > '9') {
//No digit at all?
if (i == chars.length) {
return -1;
String number = String.valueOf(chars[i]);
while (i < chars.length && chars[i] >= '0' && chars[i] <= '9') {
number += chars[i];
return Integer.parseInt(number);
else{//special names defined, search position of levelstring within names, map position to id
int pos = 0;
for (String name : names) {
if (name.equals(levelstring)) {
if (scheme.getList() != null) {
if (numbers == null) {
numbers = LMLCheck.getNumbersFromNumberlist(scheme.getList());
return numbers[pos];
else {
int min = scheme.getMin().intValue();
int max = min;
if (scheme.getMax() != null) {
max = scheme.getMax().intValue();
int step = scheme.getStep().intValue();
return min + step * pos;
//No matches
return -1;
* Inverse function of getNumberOfLevelstring, id is given and searched is the implicit name
* of the component with that id on this level.
* @param id
* @return implicit name of element with given id
public String getImplicitLevelname(int id) {
return LMLCheck.getLevelName(scheme, id);
public int getOutputLength() {
return outputlength;
public String getMask() {
return maskstring;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ObjectFactory objf = new ObjectFactory();
SchemeElement scheme = objf.createSchemeElement();
Mask m = new Mask(scheme);