blob: 57265db62fdcfa0be65a72b73f1f09a98be9e4c1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#* Copyright (c) 2011 Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH.
#* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
#* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
#* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
#* Contributors:
#* Wolfgang Frings (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use Storable qw(dclone);
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/";
use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib";
use LML_file_obj;
use LML_gen_table;
use LML_gen_nodedisplay;
my $patint="([\\+\\-\\d]+)"; # Pattern for Integer number
my $patfp ="([\\+\\-\\d.E]+)"; # Pattern for Floating Point number
my $patwrd="([\^\\s]+)"; # Pattern for Work (all noblank characters)
my $patbl ="\\s+"; # Pattern for blank space (variable length)
# get user info / check system
my $UserID = getpwuid($<);
my $Hostname = `hostname`;
my $verbose=1;
my ($filename);
# get command line parameter
# option handling
my $opt_outfile="./test.xml";
my $opt_verbose=0;
my $opt_timings=0;
my $opt_dump=0;
my $opt_layout="./layout.xml";
usage($0) if( ! GetOptions(
'verbose' => \$opt_verbose,
'timings' => \$opt_timings,
'dump' => \$opt_dump,
'layout=s' => \$opt_layout,
'output=s' => \$opt_outfile
) );
#print "@ARGV ($opt_outfile)\n";
if ($#ARGV < 0) {
my $LML_filename = $ARGV[0];
my $system_sysprio=-1;
my $maxtopdogs=-1;
my $filehandler_layout;
my $filehandler_LML;
my $filehandler_out;
$filehandler_layout = LML_file_obj->new($opt_verbose,$opt_timings);
$filehandler_LML = LML_file_obj->new($opt_verbose,$opt_timings);
$filehandler_out = LML_file_obj->new($opt_verbose,$opt_timings);
print "reading file: $LML_filename ...\n" if($opt_verbose);
if($opt_verbose) {
print $filehandler_LML->get_stat();
print "reading file: $opt_layout ...\n" if($opt_verbose);
if($opt_verbose) {
print $filehandler_layout->get_stat();
# determine system type
my $system_type = "unknown";
keys(%{$filehandler_LML->{DATA}->{OBJECT}}); # reset iterator
while(($key,$ref)=each(%{$filehandler_LML->{DATA}->{OBJECT}})) {
if($ref->{type} eq 'system') {
if($ref->{type}) {
printf("scan system: type is %s\n",$system_type);
# process table layout
my ($tid,$tlayoutref);
#print Dumper($filehandler_layout->{DATA}->{TABLELAYOUT});
foreach $tid (keys(%{$filehandler_layout->{DATA}->{TABLELAYOUT}})) {
$table_handler = LML_gen_table->new($opt_verbose,$opt_timings);
print "Table Layout: $tid processed ($numids objects found)\n" if($opt_verbose);
print "Table Layout: objects of $tid copied ($cnt new objects)\n" if($opt_verbose);
print "Table Layout: info objects of $tid copied ($cnt new objects)\n" if($opt_verbose);
print "Table Layout: info data objects of $tid copied ($cnt new objects)\n" if($opt_verbose);
# process nodedisplay layout
#print Dumper($filehandler_layout->{DATA}->{NODEDISPLAYLAYOUT});
my ($nid,$nlayoutref);
foreach $nid (keys(%{$filehandler_layout->{DATA}->{NODEDISPLAYLAYOUT}})) {
$nd_handler = LML_gen_nodedisplay->new($opt_verbose,$opt_timings);
print "Nodedisplay Layout: $nid processed ($numids objects found)\n" if($opt_verbose);
print "Nodedisplay Layout: objects of $nid copied ($cnt new objects)\n" if($opt_verbose);
print "Nodedisplay Layout: info objects of $nid copied ($cnt new objects)\n" if($opt_verbose);
print "Nodedisplay Layout: info data objects of $nid copied ($cnt new objects)\n" if($opt_verbose);
# define defalut objects, like job 'empty'
print "Writing output: $opt_outfile\n";
if($opt_verbose) {
print $filehandler_out->get_stat();
sub copy_objects_of_elements {
my $fh_in=shift;
my $fh_out=shift;
my $idlistref=shift;
my $element=shift;
foreach $id (@{$idlistref}) {
if(exists($fh_in->{DATA}->{$element}->{$id})) {
if(!exists($fh_out->{DATA}->{$element}->{$id})) {
sub define_default_objects {
my $fh_out=shift;
$fh_out->{DATA}->{OBJECT}->{$id}->{type} = 'job';
$fh_out->{DATA}->{OBJECT}->{$id}->{id} = $id;
$fh_out->{DATA}->{OBJECT}->{$id}->{color}= '#FFFFFF';
$fh_out->{DATA}->{OBJECT}->{$id}->{name} = "Empty job";
sub usage {
die "Usage: $_[0] <options> <filenames>
-output <file> : LML output filename
-verbose : verbose