blob: 9547ba199e503c4202a6652b29ce876dfa4d952f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#* Copyright (c) 2011 Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH.
#* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
#* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
#* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
#* Contributors:
#* Wolfgang Frings (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
use strict;
my $patint="([\\+\\-\\d]+)"; # Pattern for Integer number
my $patfp ="([\\+\\-\\d.E]+)"; # Pattern for Floating Point number
my $patwrd="([\^\\s]+)"; # Pattern for Work (all noblank characters)
my $patbl ="\\s+"; # Pattern for blank space (variable length)
# get user info / check system
my $UserID = getpwuid($<);
my $Hostname = `hostname`;
my $verbose=1;
my ($line,%jobs,%jobnr,$key,$value,$count,%notmappedkeys,%notfoundkeys);
#unless( ($Hostname =~ /jugenes\d/) && ($UserID =~ /llstat/) ) {
# die " can only be used as llstat on jugenesX!";
# get command line parameter
if ($#ARGV != 0) {
die " Usage: $0 <filename> $#ARGV\n";
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
my $system_sysprio=-1;
my $maxtopdogs=-1;
my %mapping = (
"Checkpoint" => "",
"Error_Path" => "",
"Hold_Types" => "",
"Job_Name" => "name",
"Job_Owner" => "owner",
"Join_Path" => "",
"Keep_Files" => "",
"Mail_Points" => "",
"Mail_Users" => "",
"Output_Path" => "",
"Priority" => "",
"Rerunable" => "restart",
"Resource_List.cput" => "",
"Resource_List.depend" => "dependency",
"Resource_List.mem" => "",
"Resource_List.nodect" => "",
"Resource_List.nodes" => "totalcores",
"Resource_List.pmem" => "",
"Resource_List.walltime" => "wall",
"Shell_Path_List" => "",
"Walltime.Remaining" => "",
"comment" => "",
"ctime" => "",
"depend" => "",
"etime" => "",
"exec_host" => "nodelist",
"exit_status" => "",
"fault_tolerant" => "",
"interactive" => "",
"job_state" => "state",
"mtime" => "",
"qtime" => "queuedate",
"queue" => "queue",
"resources_used.cput" => "",
"resources_used.mem" => "",
"resources_used.vmem" => "",
"resources_used.walltime" => "",
"server" => "",
"session_id" => "",
"start_count" => "",
"start_time" => "dispatchdate",
"submit_args" => "",
"step" => "step",
"totaltasks" => "totaltasks",
"spec" => "spec",
"Resource_List.signal" => "",
"x" => "",
# unknown attributes
"group" => "group",
open(IN,"/usr/bin/qstat -f |");
my $jobid="-";
my $lastkey="-";
while($line=<IN>) {
if($line=~/Job Id: ([^\s]+)$/) {
# print "line $line\n";
} elsif($line=~/^\s+([^\:]+)\s+\=\s+(.*)$/) {
} else {
# add unknown but manatory attributes to jobs
foreach $jobid (sort(keys(%jobs))) {
$jobs{$jobid}{group} = "unknown" if(!exists($jobs{$jobid}{group}));
$jobs{$jobid}{exec_host} = "-" if(!exists($jobs{$jobid}{exec_host}));
$jobs{$jobid}{totaltasks} = $jobs{$jobid}{"Resource_List.nodes"} if(!exists($jobs{$jobid}{totaltasks}));
$jobs{$jobid}{spec} = $jobs{$jobid}{"Resource_List.nodes"} if(!exists($jobs{$jobid}{spec}));
open(OUT,"> $filename") || die "cannot open file $filename";
printf(OUT "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
printf(OUT "<lml:lgui xmlns:lml=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n");
printf(OUT " xsi:schemaLocation=\" lgui.xsd\"\n");
printf(OUT " version=\"0.7\"\>\n");
printf(OUT "<objects>\n");
foreach $jobid (sort(keys(%jobs))) {
printf(OUT "<object id=\"j%06d\" name=\"%s\" type=\"job\"/>\n",$count,$jobid);
printf(OUT "</objects>\n");
printf(OUT "<information>\n");
foreach $jobid (sort(keys(%jobs))) {
printf(OUT "<info oid=\"j%06d\" type=\"short\">\n",$jobnr{$jobid});
foreach $key (sort(keys(%{$jobs{$jobid}}))) {
if(exists($mapping{$key})) {
if($mapping{$key} ne "") {
if($value) {
printf(OUT " <data %-20s value=\"%s\"/>\n","key=\"".$mapping{$key}."\"",$value);
} else {
} else {
printf(OUT "</info>\n");
printf(OUT "</information>\n");
printf(OUT "</lml:lgui>\n");
foreach $key (sort(keys(%notfoundkeys))) {
printf("%-40s => \"\",\n","\"".$key."\"",$notfoundkeys{$key});
sub modify {
my $ret=$value;
if($mkey eq "owner") {
if($mkey eq "state") {
$ret="Completed" if ($value eq "C");
$ret="Removed" if ($value eq "E");
$ret="System Hold" if ($value eq "H");
$ret="Idle" if ($value eq "Q");
$ret="Idle" if ($value eq "W");
$ret="Idle" if ($value eq "T");
$ret="Running" if ($value eq "R");
$ret="System Hold" if ($value eq "S");
if(($mkey eq "wall") || ($mkey eq "wallsoft")) {
if($value=~/\($patint seconds\)/) {
if($value=~/$patint minutes/) {
if($value=~/^$patint[:]$patint[:]$patint$/) {
if($mkey eq "nodelist") {
if($ret ne "-") {
my @nodes = split(/\+/,$ret);
if($mkey eq "totalcores") {
if($ret=~/$patint[:]ppn=$patint/) {
if($mkey eq "totaltasks") {
if($ret=~/$patint[:]ppn=$patint/) {
if(($mkey eq "comment")) {
if(($mkey eq "bgp_state")) {
# mask & in user input
if($ret=~/\&/) {