blob: 2698b477d4d9e820e9ebaa2ca71c1d47b89e7123 [file] [log] [blame]
UPCCHelpBook_upc_addrfield=Returns an implementation-defined value reflecting the <q>local address</q>of the object pointed to by the pointer-to-shared argument.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_affinitysize=A convenience function which calculates the exact size of the local portion of the data in a shared object with affinity to <code>threadid</code>.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_all_alloc=Allocates shared space
UPCCHelpBook_upc_all_broadcast=Copies a block of memory with affinity to a single thread to a block of shared memory on each thread.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_all_exchange=Copies the ith block of memory from a shared memory area that has affinity to thread j to the jth block of a shared memory area that has affinity to thread i
UPCCHelpBook_upc_all_gather=Copies a block of shared memory that has affinity to the ith thread to the ith block of a shared memory area that has affinity to a single thread.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_all_gather_all=Copies a block of memory from one shared memory area with affinity to the ith thread to the ith block of a shared memory area on each thread.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_all_lock_alloc=Dynamically allocates a lock and returns a pointer to it. The lock is created in an unlocked state.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_all_permute=Copies a block of memory from a shared memory area that has affinity to the ith thread to a block of a shared memory that has affinity to thread perm[i].
UPCCHelpBook_upc_all_scatter=Copies the ith block of an area of shared memory with affinity to a single thread to a block of shared memory with affinity to the ith thread.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_alloc=Allocates shared space of at least nbytes with affinity to the calling thread.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_c_help_book_title=UPC C Help Book
UPCCHelpBook_upc_description=\ description
UPCCHelpBook_upc_free=Frees dynamically allocated shared storage
UPCCHelpBook_upc_global_alloc=Allocates shared space
UPCCHelpBook_upc_global_exit=Flushes all I/O, releases all storage, and terminates the execution for all active threads.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_global_lock_alloc=Dynamically allocates a lock and returns a pointer to it. The lock is created in an unlocked state.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_local_alloc=Deprecated. Use upc_alloc instead.\nAllocates shared space.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_lock=Sets the state of a lock to locked.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_lock_attempt=Attempts to set the state of a lock to locked. Return code indicates previous state.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_lock_free=Frees all resources associated with a lock.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_lock_t=UPC type for a lock
UPCCHelpBook_upc_memcpy=Copies n characters from a shared object having affinity with one thread to a shared object having affinity with the same or another thread.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_memget=Copies n characters from a shared object with affinity to any single thread to an object on the calling thread.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_memset=Copies a value, converted to an unsigned char, to a shared object with affinity to any single thread.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_phaseof=Returns the phase component of the pointer-to-shared argument.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_resetphase=Returns a pointer-to-shared which is identical to its input except that it has zero phase
UPCCHelpBook_upc_shared=this is a shared UPC keyword
UPCCHelpBook_upc_threadof=Returns the index of the thread that has affinity to the shared object pointed to by the argument.
UPCCHelpBook_upc_unlock=Sets the state of a lock to unlocked.
UPCArtifactView_upc_artifact=UPC Artifact
UPCArtifactView_upc_artifacts=UPC Artifacts
UPCCASTVisitor_upc_call=UPC Call
UPCCASTVisitor_upc_constant=UPC Constant
UPCIDs_upc_includes=UPC Includes
UPCPreferencePage_location_of_upc_help_files=Location of UPC help files:
UPCPreferencePage_please_choose_a_directory=Please choose a directory:
UPCPreferencePage_preference_label_upc_include_paths=UPC include paths:
UPCPreferencePage_use_default=Use default
UPCPreferencePage_recognize_APIs_by_prefix_alone=Recognize APIs by prefix (upc_) alone?