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Running PTP UPC Tools
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<h1 id="top"> Running PTP UPC Tools Plug-in</h1>
<p>The basic instructions for running the UPC tools
(finding UPC artifacts, navigating to source code, using Help)
are the same
as for <a href="run.html">running the MPI tools</a>, but the basics
and some differences for UPC are noted here.
<p>Note that UPC features are an <i>optional</i> feature of CDT, and are not in the default installation.
It requires an alternative parser, etc. from the regular CDT C and C++ support.
See <a href="">UPC tools setup</a> on the PTP wiki
for how to install CDT optional features for UPC support.
<p>See also the information on <a href="upc_wizards.html">UPC New Project wizards</a> and toolchains in CDT.
<h2 id="prefs">UPC Preferences</h2>
<p>Set up UPC Preferences. Here you can specify the UPC include file location.
This is used for the PLDT analysis feature (not for building).
It helps to determine whether APIs and other artifacts are related to UPC.
Alternatively, if you leave the checkbox selected indicating "Recognize APIs by prefix (upc_) alone?"
then the header file is not used. This is a much simpler setup and seems less error prone.
So if the checkbox is checked (which is the default), PLDT does not need the header file to find UPC artifacts.
It may still ask for it, but won't be used if this is checked.
<br><img src="images/upcPrefs.png">
<h2 id="langmap">Language Mappings</h2>
<p>By default, files of extention ".upc" are considered UPC files.
See <a href="">UPC tools setup</a> on the PTP wiki
for how to enable UPC support (parsing, editor highlighting, etc.) on other files including files
with extensions of .c, .h, etc.
<h2 id="proj">UPC Project Properties</h2>
<p>Set up UPC project include paths, compiler options, etc. in Project Properties.
Note that if you use one of the CDT <a href="upc_wizards.html">UPC New Project wizards</a> and toolchains,
some of this may already be set up for you.
<br><img src="images/upcProperties.png">
<h2 id="art">Finding UPC artifacts</h2>
<p>Finding UPC artifacts is similar to finding MPI or OpenMP artifacts.
Select the file (or container: project/folder) to search in the Project Explorer view,
and Select "Show UPC Artifacts" from the PLDT menu.
<br><img src="images/menuShowUPCartifacts.png">
<p>UPC artifacts found and shown in the UPC Artifact View. Note that "artifacts" are currently defined
as UPC APIs. Language features such as upc_forall, upc_barrier, THREADS, etc will not be listed in the
UPC Artifact View. Note that they <i>are </i> highlighted with syntax coloring in the editor.
The UPC Preferences page lets you select you to determine UPC artifacts. We recommend using the prefix (upc_) to determine
this, as it is less confusing and less error-prone.
<p><img src="images/upc_editorAndArtifacts.png">
<p>Note that currently only UPC APIs (function calls) are identified as artifacts.
UPC language features are highlighted by CDT.
<p><img src="images/upc_editorVsArtifacts.png">
<h2 id="templates">UPC code templates</h2>
<p>Some code templates for useful UPC idioms and commonly-used language constructs are included with
CDT and PTP.
<p>Note that the optional UPC feature of CDT, as well as the UPC feature of PLDT, must both be installed
to see and use all the UPC templates.
<p>To activate code templates, position your cursor where you want to enter the code,
and press control-space <i>twice.</i>
You will see a possibly long list of templates to insert.
To cull the list to just UPC features, type "upc" or "upc_" before hitting control-space (twice).
The templates that start with the prefix you typed are listed.
<br><img src="images/upc_template1.png">
<p>If you choose the highlighted template above, the content will be inserted into your code:
<br><img src="images/upc_template2.png">
<p>Some variables in the template are replaceable by your own values. These are highlighted in blue
in this example. Type your variable over these and all instances will be changed to match.
<p>Templates can be easily changed and added to by the user.
See the Eclipse Preferences, C/C++ > Editor > Templates for more information.
<br><img src="images/cdtPrefsTemplates.png">
<p>See also <a href="mpiTemplates.html">MPI Code Templates</a>.
<p>If you have ideas for more UPC (or other) templates, please consider contributing these to PTP!
Send email to (<a href="">Developer mailing list</a>).
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