blob: ead41d9512000d5cc67d32a0a32fd38a0966cf69 [file] [log] [blame]
LapiArtifactView_lapi_artifact_column_title=LAPI Artifact
LapiArtifactView_lapi_artifacts_plural=LAPI Artifacts
LapiCASTVisitor_lapi_call=LAPI Call
LapiCASTVisitor_lapi_constant=LAPI Constant
LapiIDs_lapi_includes_pref_page_title=LAPI Includes
LAPIPreferencePage_includes_preference_browse_dialog_title=Please choose a directory for LAPI includes:
LAPIPreferencePage_includes_preference_label=LAPI include paths:
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Addr_get=Retrieves a function address that was previously registered using LAPI_Addr_set.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Addr_set=Registers the address of a function.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Address=Returns an unsigned long value for a specified user address.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Address_init=Creates a remote address table.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Address_init64=Creates a 64-bit remote address table.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Amsend=Transfers a user message to a remote task, obtaining the target address on the remote task from a user-specified header handler.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Amsendv=Transfers a user vector to a remote task, obtaining the target address on the remote task from a user-specified header handler.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_c_help_book_title=LAPI C Help Book
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Fence=Enforces order on LAPI calls.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Get=Copies data from a remote task to a local task.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Getcntr=Gets the integer value of a specified LAPI counter.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Getv=Copies vectors of data from a remote task to a local task.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Gfence=Enforces order on LAPI calls across all tasks and provides barrier synchronization among them.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Init=Initializes a LAPI context.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Msg_string=Retrieves the message that is associated with a subroutine return code.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Msgpoll=Allows the calling thread to check communication progress.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Nopoll_wait=Waits for a counter update without polling.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Probe=Transfers control to the communication subsystem to check for arriving messages and to make progress in polling mode.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Purge_totask=Allows a task to cancel messages to a given destination.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Put=Transfers data from a local task to a remote task.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Putv=Transfers vectors of data from a local task to a remote task.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Qenv=Used to query LAPI for runtime task information.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Resume_totask=Re-enables the sending of messages to the task.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Rmw=Provides data synchronization primitives.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Rmw64=Provides data synchronization primitives for 64-bit applications.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Senv=Used to set a runtime variable.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Setcntr=Used to set a counter to a specified value.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Setcntr_wstatus=Used to set a counter to a specified value and to set the associated destination list array and destination status array to the counter.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Term=Terminates and cleans up a LAPI context.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Util=LAPI Utility
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Waitcntr=Waits until a specified counter reaches the value specified.
LapiCHelpBook_LAPI_Xfer=Serves as a wrapper function for LAPI data transfer functions.