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<title>Creating a Remote Resource Property Page</title>
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<h1>Creating a Remote Resource Property Page</h1>
<p>In this tutorial, you will use the
<samp><A href="../plugin/propertypage.html">org.eclipse.ui.propertyPages</a></samp>
extension point to
create a <a href="propertypage_run_done.gif">property page</a> that will appear
in the Properties dialog for any folder, for any connection to
any system type. The page will be labeled "Folder Contents" and will show the
cumulative size of the contents of the folder, and the number of folders and files within it.
This will show the extension point, plus how to use some of the RSE user interface helpers, as well
as the remote file API for querying information about remote folders and files.
<p><b>Tip:</b> If you prefer your Java code to use lined-up braces, select the
first two options in the <b><A href="preferences_JavaFormatting.gif">Code
Formatter</A></b> preferences page for <b>Java</b>, via <b>Windows-&gt;Preferences</b>.
This will affect code generated by wizards. The source code shown assumes this option has been set, but this is not required.
<h2>Step-by-Step: Creating a Remote Resource Property Page</h2>
<li>If you have not already, first <a href="pdeProject.html">create or prepare a plugin project</a>.
Open the <b>plugin.xml</b> file for editing by right-clicking on it, and selecting
<b>Open With-&gt;Text Editor</b>. Before the ending &lt;/plugin&gt; statement, add the following lines:
&lt;!-- ======================================= --&gt;
&lt;!-- Remote Object Property Pages --&gt;
&lt;!-- ======================================= --&gt;
&lt;extension point=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.propertyPages&quot;&gt;
&lt;page name=&quot;Folder Contents&quot;
&lt;instanceof value=&quot;org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.core.subsystems.IRemoteFile&quot;/&gt;
&lt;filter name=&quot;isDirectory&quot; value=&quot;true&quot;/&gt;
<li>Save and close the file.</li>
Create the Java package: right-click on the <B>src</B> source folder and select <B>New-&gt;Package</B> to get the <B>New
Java Package</B> wizard. Enter <B>&quot;samples.ui.propertypages&quot;</B> for the name of the package and press <B>Finish</B>.</li>
Create the Java class: right-click on the new <B>&quot;samples.ui.propertypages&quot;</B> package folder and select <B>New-&gt;Class</B> to open the <B>New
Java Class</B> wizard. Enter <B>&quot;FolderInfoPropertyPage&quot;</B> for the <b>Name</b>
and <b>&quot;org.eclipse.rse.files.ui.propertypages.SystemAbstractRemoteFilePropertyPageExtensionAction&quot;</b>
for the <b>Superclass</b>. Select the <b>Constructors from superclass</b> check box, as shown
<A href="propertypage_newClass.gif">here</A>.
Press <b>Finish</b> to create the <samp><a href="FolderInfoPropertyPage1.html">FolderInfoPropertyPage</a></samp> class.
<li>Edit the <samp>FolderInfoPropertyPage</samp> class to look like <A href="FolderInfoPropertyPage2.html">this</A>. There are many changes, so you should use
the clipboard to copy and paste.
<li>Edit the <samp>rseSamplesMesssage.xml</samp> file to look like <A href="rseSamplesMessages2.html">this</A>, where the changes are highlighted.
<li>Edit the <samp></samp> file to look like <A href="rseSamplesResources2.html">this</A>.
<p>Thats it! Now, you can try out your new property page. Use <b>Run-&gt;Run As-&gt;Run-time Workbench</b>. Drill
down in the RSE to a folder in a local or remote connection and right-click to <a href="propertypage_see.gif">see</a>
and <a href="propertypage_run_during.gif">run</a> your new property page. This sample is a unique case, in that this operation could potentially run for a long time, as you are recursively walking all
the sub-folders and files to accumulate the size and count information. Because of this, we put this work
in a background thread, and update the GUI as each sub-folder is processed. We also supply a stop button
to the user and watch for them pressing Cancel or closing the dialog. When the thread ends, the
result looks like <a href="propertypage_run_done.gif">this</a>.
<p>Notice how this property page only appears for folders, due to the <b><samp>&lt;filter name="isDirectory&gt;</samp></b> markup
in our extension point xml.