blob: 627f1ea07b0b975637cb5085424cddc60be2dda7 [file] [log] [blame]
// $codepro.audit.disable com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.audit.rule.effectivejava.alwaysOverridetoString.alwaysOverrideToString, com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.deserializeabilitySecurity, com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.enforceCloneableUsageSecurity
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012 Ericsson AB and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at>
* Description:
* This class defines various constants used in the R4E UI plugin
* Contributors:
* Sebastien Dubois - Created for Mylyn Review R4E project
* Jacques Bouthillier - Add definition for Report
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* @author Sebastien Dubois
* @authot Jacques Bouthillier
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class R4EUIConstants { // $codepro.audit.disable convertClassToInterface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Field TIME_ZONE_OFFSET. (value is "TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis()")
public final static long TIME_ZONE_OFFSET = TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis());
* Field R4E_CONTEXT_ID. (value is """")
public static final String R4E_CONTEXT_ID = "";
* Field EXCEPTION_MSG. (value is ""Exception: "")
public static final String EXCEPTION_MSG = "Exception: ";
* Field CANCEL_EXCEPTION_MSG. (value is ""Operation cancelled by User"")
public static final String CANCEL_EXCEPTION_MSG = "Operation cancelled by User";
* Field VERSION_APPLICATION_OLDER. (value is -1)
public static final int VERSION_APPLICATION_OLDER = -1;
public static final int VERSION_APPLICATION_NEWER = 1;
* Field SEPARATOR. (value is ""/"")
public static final String SEPARATOR = "/";
* Field LINE_FEED. (value is "\n" or "\r\n") Depends on operating system
public static final String LINE_FEED = System.getProperty("line.separator");
* Field TAB_FEED. (value is ""\t"")
public static final String TAB_FEED = "\t";
* Field LIST_SEPARATOR. (value is "";"")
public static final String LIST_SEPARATOR = ";";
* Field ELLIPSIS_STR. (value is ""..."")
public static final String ELLIPSIS_STR = "...";
* Field R4E_TEMP_PROJECT. (value is ""R4ETemp"")
public static final String R4E_TEMP_PROJECT = "R4ETemp";
* Field R4E_TEMP_FOLDER. (value is ""temp"")
public static final String R4E_TEMP_FOLDER = "temp";
* Field GROUP_FILE_SUFFIX. (value is ""_group_root.xrer"")
public static final String GROUP_FILE_SUFFIX = "_group_root.xrer";
* Field RULE_SET_FILE_SUFFIX. (value is ""_rule_set.xrer"")
public static final String RULE_SET_FILE_SUFFIX = "_rule_set.xrer";
* Field REVIEW_FILE_SUFFIX. (value is ""_review.xrer"")
public static final String REVIEW_FILE_SUFFIX = "_review.xrer";
* Field VALUE_TRUE_STR. (value is ""true"")
public static final String VALUE_TRUE_STR = "true";
* Field NO_OFFSET. (value is 0)
public static final int NO_OFFSET = 0;
* Field LINE_OFFSET. (value is 1)
public static final int LINE_OFFSET = 1;
* Field ANNOTATION_TOOLBAR. (value is ""annotationToolbar"")
* Field REVIEW_GROUP_PATHS_LENGTH. (value is 128)
public static final int REVIEW_GROUP_PATHS_LENGTH = 128;
* Field TOOLTIP_CONTENTS_LENGTH. (value is 25)
public static final int TOOLTIP_CONTENTS_LENGTH = 25;
* Field INVALID_VALUE. (value is -1)
public static final int INVALID_VALUE = -1;
* Field REVIEW_GROUP_LABEL. (value is ""Review Group"")
public static final String REVIEW_GROUP_LABEL = "Review Group";
* Field RULE_SET_LABEL. (value is ""Rule Set"")
public static final String RULE_SET_LABEL = "Rule Set";
* Field REVIEW_LABEL. (value is ""Review")
public static final String REVIEW_LABEL = "Review";
* Field SELECTIONS_LABEL. (value is ""Selections"")
public static final String SELECTIONS_LABEL = "Selections";
* Field DELTAS_LABEL. (value is ""Deltas"")
public static final String DELTAS_LABEL = "Deltas";
* Field ANOMALIES_LABEL_NAME. (value is ""Anomalies"")
public static final String ANOMALIES_LABEL = "Anomalies";
* Field GLOBAL_ANOMALIES_LABEL_NAME. (value is ""Global Anomalies"")
public static final String GLOBAL_ANOMALIES_LABEL = "Global Anomalies";
* Field GLOBAL_ANOMALIES_LABEL_NAME. (value is ""Global Postponed Anomalies"")
public static final String GLOBAL_POSTPONED_ANOMALIES_LABEL = "Global Postponed Anomalies";
* Field ELEMENTS_LABEL_NAME. (value is ""Elements"")
public static final String ELEMENTS_LABEL_NAME = "Elements";
* Field POSTPONED_ELEMENTS_LABEL_NAME. (value is ""Imported Anomalies"")
public static final String IMPORTED_ANOMALIES_LABEL_NAME = "Imported Anomalies";
* Field PARTICIPANTS_LABEL_NAME. (value is ""Participants"")
public static final String PARTICIPANTS_LABEL = "Participants";
* Field CREATE_LABEL. (value is ""Create..."")
public static final String CREATE_LABEL = "Create...";
* Field UPDATE_LABEL. (value is ""Update..."")
public static final String UPDATE_LABEL = "Update...";
* Field CLEAR_LABEL. (value is ""Clear"")
public static final String CLEAR_LABEL = "Clear";
* Field ADD_LABEL. (value is ""Add..."")
public static final String ADD_LABEL = "Add...";
* Field REMOVE_LABEL. (value is ""Remove..."")
public static final String REMOVE_LABEL = "Remove...";
* Field REFRESH_LABEL. (value is ""Refresh"")
public static final String REFRESH_LABEL = "Refresh";
* Field SYNC_LABEL. (value is ""Sync"")
public static final String SYNC_LABEL = "Sync";
* Field LINE_TAG. (value is ""Line "")
public static final String LINE_TAG = "Line ";
* Field LINES_TAG. (value is ""Lines "")
public static final String LINES_TAG = "Lines ";
* Field DEFAULT_LINE_TAG_LENGTH. (value is 28)
public static final int DEFAULT_LINE_TAG_LENGTH = 28;
* Field DIALOG_TITLE_ERROR. (value is ""R4E Error"")
public static final String DIALOG_TITLE_ERROR = "R4E Error";
* Field DIALOG_TITLE_WARNING. (value is ""R4E Warning"")
public static final String DIALOG_TITLE_WARNING = "R4E Warning";
* Field DIALOG_TITLE_INFO. (value is ""R4E Info"")
public static final String DIALOG_TITLE_INFO = "R4E Info";
* Field REVIEW_NOT_COMPLETED_ERROR. (value is ""Review Error"")
public static final String REVIEW_NOT_COMPLETED_ERROR = "Review Error";
* Field SHOW_DISABLED_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""Show disabled elements"")
public static final String SHOW_DISABLED_FILTER_NAME = "Show Disabled Elements";
* Field DIALOG_DEFAULT_HEIGHT. (value is 500)
public static final int DIALOG_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 300;
* Field DIALOG_DEFAULT_WIDTH. (value is 500)
public static final int DIALOG_DEFAULT_WIDTH = 400;
* Field TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_DELAY. (value is 250)
public static final int TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_DELAY = 250; //milliseconds
* Field TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_TIME. (value is 10000)
public static final int TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_TIME = 10000; //milliseconds
* Field TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_OFFSET_X. (value is 5)
public static final int TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_OFFSET_X = 5; //pixels
* Field TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_OFFSET_Y. (value is 5)
public static final int TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_OFFSET_Y = 5; //pixels
* Field DIALOG_YES. (value is 0)
public static final int DIALOG_YES = 0;
* Field DIALOG_NO. (value is 1)
public static final int DIALOG_NO = 1;
* Field OPEN_NORMAL. (value is 0)
public static final int OPEN_NORMAL = 0;
* Field OPEN_READONLY. (value is 1)
public static final int OPEN_READONLY = 1;
* Field BUTTON_ADD_LABEL. (value is ""Add"")
public static final String BUTTON_ADD_LABEL = "Add";
* Field BUTTON_REMOVE_LABEL. (value is ""Remove"")
public static final String BUTTON_REMOVE_LABEL = "Remove";
* Field ANNOTATION_CONTROL_MIN_WIDTH. (value is 200)
public static final int ANNOTATION_CONTROL_MIN_WIDTH = 200;
* Field ANNOTATION_CONTROL_MAX_WIDTH. (value is 600)
public static final int ANNOTATION_CONTROL_MAX_WIDTH = 600;
public static final int ANNOTATION_CONTROL_MAX_HEIGHT = 450;
* Field AVAILABLE_PROJECTS_LABEL. (value is ""Available Projects: "")
public static final String AVAILABLE_PROJECTS_LABEL = "Available Projects: ";
* Field AVAILABLE_COMPONENTS_LABEL. (value is ""Available Components: "")
public static final String AVAILABLE_COMPONENTS_LABEL = "Available Components: ";
* Field DEFAULT_ENTRY_CRITERIA_LABEL. (value is ""Default Entry Criteria: "")
public static final String DEFAULT_ENTRY_CRITERIA_LABEL = "Default Entry Criteria: ";
* Field TABBED_PROPERTY_LABEL_WIDTH. (value is 105)
public static final int TABBED_PROPERTY_LABEL_WIDTH = 150; //pixels
public static final int TABBED_PROPERTY_TEXT_HEIGHT_DEFAULT = 50; //pixels
* Field FILE_LOCATION_LABEL. (value is ""File location: "")
public static final String FILE_LOCATION_LABEL = "File Location: ";
* Field NAME_LABEL. (value is ""Name: "")
public static final String NAME_LABEL = "Name: ";
* Field FOLDER_LABEL. (value is ""Folder: "")
public static final String FOLDER_LABEL = "Folder: ";
* Field DESCRIPTION_LABEL. (value is ""Description: "")
public static final String DESCRIPTION_LABEL = "Description: ";
* Field COMPONENTS_LABEL. (value is ""Components: "")
public static final String COMPONENTS_LABEL = "Components: ";
* Field ENTRY_CRITERIA_LABEL. (value is ""Entry Criteria: "")
public static final String ENTRY_CRITERIA_LABEL = "Entry Criteria: ";
* Field OBJECTIVES_LABEL. (value is ""Objectives: "")
public static final String OBJECTIVES_LABEL = "Objectives: ";
* Field REFERENCE_MATERIAL_LABEL. (value is ""Reference Material: "")
public static final String REFERENCE_MATERIAL_LABEL = "Reference Material: ";
* Field EXIT_DECISION_LABEL. (value is ""Exit Decision: "")
public static final String EXIT_DECISION_LABEL = "Exit Decision: ";
* Field CREATION_DATE_LABEL. (value is ""Created: "")
public static final String CREATION_DATE_LABEL = "Creation Date: ";
* Field START_DATE_LABEL. (value is ""Started: "")
public static final String START_DATE_LABEL = "Start Date: ";
* Field PREPARATION_DATE_LABEL. (value is ""Preparation Date: "")
public static final String PREPARATION_DATE_LABEL = "Preparation Date: ";
* Field DECISION_DATE_LABEL. (value is ""Decision Date: "")
public static final String DECISION_DATE_LABEL = "Decision Date: ";
* Field REWORK_DATE_LABEL. (value is ""Rework Date: "")
public static final String REWORK_DATE_LABEL = "Rework Date: ";
* Field END_DATE_LABEL. (value is ""CEnd Date: "")
public static final String END_DATE_LABEL = "End Date: ";
* Field MEETING_DECISION_LABEL. (value is ""Meeting: "")
public static final String DECISION_MEETING_LABEL = "Meeting: ";
* Field DECISION_PARTICIPANTS_LABEL. (value is ""Decision Participants: "")
public static final String DECISION_PARTICIPANTS_LABEL = "Decision Participants: ";
* Field DECISION_TIME_SPENT_LABEL. (value is ""Decision Time Spent: "")
public static final String DECISION_TIME_SPENT_LABEL = "Decision Time Spent: ";
* Field SUBJECT_LABEL. (value is ""Subject: "")
public static final String SUBJECT_LABEL = "Subject: ";
* Field TIME_SPENT_LABEL. (value is ""Time Spent: "")
public static final String TIME_SPENT_LABEL = "Time Spent: ";
* Field TIME_SPENT_TOTAL_LABEL. (value is ""Time Spent (total): "")
public static final String TIME_SPENT_TOTAL_LABEL = "Time Spent (total): ";
* Field EMAIL_LABEL. (value is ""Email: "")
public static final String EMAIL_LABEL = "Email: ";
* Field USER_DETAILS_LABEL. (value is ""User Details: "")
public static final String USER_DETAILS_LABEL = "User Details: ";
* Field ROLES_LABEL. (value is ""Roles: "")
public static final String ROLES_LABEL = "Roles: ";
* Field FOCUS_AREA_LABEL. (value is ""Focus Area: "")
public static final String FOCUS_AREA_LABEL = "Focus Area: ";
* Field PHASE_LABEL. (value is ""Phase: "")
public static final String PHASE_LABEL = "Phase: ";
* Field PHASE_INFO_LABEL. (value is ""Phase Information: "")
public static final String PHASE_INFO_LABEL = "Phase Information: ";
* Field PHASE_MAP_LABEL. (value is ""Phase Map: "")
public static final String PHASE_MAP_LABEL = "Phase Map: ";
* Field PHASE_OWNER_LABEL. (value is ""Owner: "")
public static final String PHASE_OWNER_LABEL = "Owner: ";
public static final String PHASE_PLANNING_LABEL = "PLANNING";
public static final String PHASE_PREPARATION_LABEL = "PREPARATION";
public static final String PHASE_DECISION_LABEL = "DECISION";
* Field REVIEW_PHASE_REWORK. (value is ""REWORK"")
public static final String PHASE_REWORK_LABEL = "REWORK";
public static final String PHASE_COMPLETED_LABEL = "COMPLETED";
* Field DECISION_LABEL. (value is ""Decision: "")
public static final String DECISION_LABEL = "Decision: ";
* Field DECISION_INFO_LABEL. (value is ""Decision Information: "")
public static final String DECISION_INFO_LABEL = "Decision Information: ";
* Field START_TIME_LABEL. (value is ""Starts: "")
public static final String START_TIME_LABEL = "Starts: ";
* Field DURATION_LABEL. (value is ""Duration (minutes): "")
public static final String DURATION_LABEL = "Duration (minutes): ";
* Field LOCATION_LABEL. (value is ""Location: "")
public static final String LOCATION_LABEL = "Location: ";
* Field AUTHOR_LABEL. (value is ""Added by: "")
public static final String AUTHOR_LABEL = "Added By: ";
* Field ID_LABEL. (value is ""Id: "")
public static final String ID_LABEL = "Id: ";
* Field NUM_ITEMS_LABEL. (value is ""Review Items Added: "")
public static final String NUM_ITEMS_LABEL = "Review Items Added: ";
* Field NUM_ANOMALIES_LABEL. (value is ""Anomalies Added: "")
public static final String NUM_ANOMALIES_LABEL = "Anomalies Added: ";
* Field NUM_COMMENTS_LABEL. (value is ""Comments Added: "")
public static final String NUM_COMMENTS_LABEL = "Comments Added: ";
* Field GIT_INVALID_VERSION_ID. (value is ""0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"")
public static final String GIT_INVALID_VERSION_ID = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
* Field NO_VERSION_PROPERTY_MESSAGE. (value is ""(Not present)"")
public static final String NO_VERSION_PROPERTY_MESSAGE = "(Not Present)";
* Field PROJECT_LABEL. (value is ""Project Id: "")
public static final String PROJECT_LABEL = "Project Id: ";
* Field CHANGE_ID_LABEL. (value is ""Change Id: "")
public static final String CHANGE_ID_LABEL = "Change Id: ";
* Field DATE_SUBMITTED_LABEL. (value is ""Date Submitted: "")
public static final String DATE_SUBMITTED_LABEL = "Date Submitted: ";
* Field CHANGES_LABEL. (value is ""Changes"")
public static final String CHANGES_LABEL = "Changes";
* Field PATH_LABEL. (value is ""Path"")
public static final String PATH_LABEL = "Path";
* Field PATH_INFORMATION_LABEL. (value is ""Path Information"")
public static final String PATH_INFORMATION_LABEL = "Path Information";
* Field PATH_REPOSITORY_LABEL. (value is ""Repository: "")
public static final String PATH_REPOSITORY_LABEL = "Repository Path: ";
* Field PATH_ABSOLUTE_LABEL. (value is ""Absolute: "")
public static final String PATH_ABSOLUTE_LABEL = "Absolute Path: ";
* Field PATH_PROJECT_LABEL. (value is ""Project Relative: "")
public static final String PATH_PROJECT_LABEL = "Project Relative Path: ";
* Field VERSION_LABEL. (value is ""Version: "")
public static final String VERSION_LABEL = "Version: ";
* Field FILE_LABEL. (value is ""File: "")
public static final String FILE_LABEL = "File: ";
* Field POSITION_LABEL. (value is ""Position: "")
public static final String POSITION_LABEL = "Position: ";
* Field TITLE_LABEL. (value is ""Title: "")
public static final String TITLE_LABEL = "Title: ";
* Field ORIGINAL_REVIEW_LABEL. (value is ""Original Review: "")
public static final String ORIGINAL_REVIEW_LABEL = "Original Review: ";
* Field PARENT_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_LABEL. (value is ""Parent Item: "")
public static final String PARENT_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_LABEL = "Parent Item: ";
* Field GLOBAL_ANOMALY_PROPERTY_VALUE. (value is ""(Global review anomaly)"")
public static final String GLOBAL_ANOMALY_PROPERTY_VALUE = "(Global Review Anomaly)";
* Field POSTPONED_GLOBAL_ANOMALY_PROPERTY_VALUE. (value is ""(Postponed Global review anomaly. Original Review: "")
public static final String POSTPONED_GLOBAL_ANOMALY_PROPERTY_VALUE = "(Postponed Global review anomaly. Original Review: ";
* Field FILE_NOT_IN_VERSION_CONTROL_MSG. (value is ""(Not version controlled)"")
public static final String FILE_NOT_IN_VERSION_CONTROL_MSG = "(Not Version Controlled)";
* Field IN_PROGRESS_MSG. (value is ""(In Progress)"")
public static final String IN_PROGRESS_MSG = "(In Progress)";
* Field NO_DUE_DATE_MSG. (value is ""(No Due Date)"")
public static final String NO_DUE_DATE_MSG = "(No Due Date)";
* Field DUE_DATE_PASSED_MSG. (value is ""(Overdue) "")
public static final String DUE_DATE_PASSED_MSG = "(Overdue) ";
* Field STATE_LABEL. (value is ""State: "")
public static final String STATE_LABEL = "State: ";
* Field DUE_DATE_LABEL. (value is ""Due Date: "")
public static final String DUE_DATE_LABEL = "Due Date: ";
* Field CLASS_LABEL. (value is ""Class: "")
public static final String CLASS_LABEL = "Class: ";
* Field RANK_LABEL. (value is ""Rank: "")
public static final String RANK_LABEL = "Rank: ";
* Field RULE_ID_LABEL. (value is ""Rule ID: "")
public static final String RULE_ID_LABEL = "Rule ID: ";
* Field ASSIGNED_TO_LABEL. (value is ""Assigned to: "")
public static final String ASSIGNED_TO_LABEL = "Assigned to: ";
* Field ASSIGNED_TO_LABEL2. (value is ""Assigned to"")
public static final String ASSIGNED_TO_LABEL2 = "Assigned to";
* Field NOT_ACCEPTED_REASON_LABEL. (value is ""Reason for Rejection: "")
public static final String NOT_ACCEPTED_REASON_LABEL = "Reason for Rejection: ";
* Field DECIDED_BY_LABEL. (value is ""Decided by: "")
public static final String DECIDED_BY_LABEL = "Decided by: ";
* Field FIXED_BY_LABEL. (value is ""Fixed by: "")
public static final String FIXED_BY_LABEL = "Fixed by: ";
* Field FOLLOWUP_BY_LABEL. (value is ""Follow-up by: "")
public static final String FOLLOWUP_BY_LABEL = "Follow-up by: ";
* Field RULE_SETS_LABEL. (value is ""Applied Rule Sets: "")
public static final String RULE_SETS_LABEL = "Applied Rule Sets: ";
* Field DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT. (value is ""yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"")
public static final String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss";
* Field SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT. (value is ""yyyy/MM/dd"")
public static final String SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MMM-dd";
* Field SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT_MINUTES. (value is ""yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm"")
public static final String SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT_MINUTES = "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm";
* Field SPENT_TIME_COLUMN_HEADER. (value is ""Time spent (minutes)"")
public static final String SPENT_TIME_COLUMN_HEADER = "Time spent (minutes)";
* Field ENTRY_TIME_COLUMN_HEADER. (value is ""Time of entry"")
public static final String ENTRY_TIME_COLUMN_HEADER = "Time of entry";
* Field BASIC_PARAMS_HEADER. (value is ""Basic Parameters"")
public static final String BASIC_PARAMS_HEADER = "Basic Parameters";
* Field BASIC_PARAMS_HEADER_DETAILS. (value is ""Enter the mandatory basic parameters for this "")
public static final String BASIC_PARAMS_HEADER_DETAILS = "Enter the mandatory basic parameters for this ";
* Field EXTRA_PARAMS_HEADER. (value is ""Extra Parameters"")
public static final String EXTRA_PARAMS_HEADER = "Extra Parameters";
* Field EXTRA_PARAMS_HEADER_DETAILS. (value is ""Enter the optional extra parameters for this "")
public static final String EXTRA_PARAMS_HEADER_DETAILS = "Enter the optional extra parameters for this ";
* Field ANOMALY_TITLE_LABEL_VALUE. (value is ""Anomaly Title: "")
public static final String ANOMALY_TITLE_LABEL_VALUE = "Anomaly Title: ";
* Field ANOMALY_DESCRIPTION_LABEL_VALUE. (value is ""Anomaly Description: "")
public static final String ANOMALY_DESCRIPTION_LABEL_VALUE = "Anomaly Description: ";
//Review types and phases
* Field REVIEW_TYPE_UNKNOWN. (value is ""Unknown"") NOTE: This is only used when a Parent group is newly upgraded
* and the review has not been opened yet
public static final String REVIEW_TYPE_UNKNOWN = "Unknown";
* Field REVIEW_TYPE_BASIC. (value is ""Basic"")
public static final String REVIEW_TYPE_BASIC = "Basic";
* Field REVIEW_TYPE_INFORMAL. (value is ""Informal"")
public static final String REVIEW_TYPE_INFORMAL = "Informal";
* Field REVIEW_TYPE_FORMAL. (value is ""Formal"")
public static final String REVIEW_TYPE_FORMAL = "Formal";
public static final String REVIEW_PHASE_STARTED = "STARTED";
public static final String REVIEW_PHASE_COMPLETED = "COMPLETED";
//Review item types
* Field REVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_RESOURCE. (value is 0)
public static final int REVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_RESOURCE = 0;
* Field REVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_COMMIT. (value is 1)
public static final int REVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_COMMIT = 1;
* Field REVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_POSTPONED. (value is 2)
public static final int REVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_POSTPONED = 2;
//User Roles
* Field USER_ROLE_LEAD. (value is ""Lead"")
public static final String USER_ROLE_LEAD = "Lead";
* Field USER_ROLE_AUTHOR. (value is ""Author"")
public static final String USER_ROLE_AUTHOR = "Author";
* Field USER_ROLE_REVIEWER. (value is ""Reviewer"")
public static final String USER_ROLE_REVIEWER = "Reviewer";
* Field USER_ROLE_ORGANIZER. (value is ""Organizer"")
public static final String USER_ROLE_ORGANIZER = "Organizer";
public static final List<String> PARTICIPANT_ROLES = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(
//Anomaly Classes & Ranks
* Field ANOMALY_CLASS_ERRONEOUS. (value is ""Erroneous"")
public static final String ANOMALY_CLASS_ERRONEOUS = "Erroneous";
* Field ANOMALY_CLASS_SUPERFLUOUS. (value is ""Superfluous"")
public static final String ANOMALY_CLASS_SUPERFLUOUS = "Superfluous";
* Field ANOMALY_CLASS_IMPROVEMENT. (value is ""Improvement"")
public static final String ANOMALY_CLASS_IMPROVEMENT = "Improvement";
* Field ANOMALY_CLASS_COMMENT. (value is ""Comment"")
public static final String ANOMALY_CLASS_COMMENT = "Comment";
* Field ANOMALY_CLASS_MISSSING. (value is ""Missing"")
public static final String ANOMALY_CLASS_MISSSING = "Missing";
* Field ANOMALY_CLASS_QUESTION. (value is ""Question"")
public static final String ANOMALY_CLASS_QUESTION = "Question";
* Field ANOMALY_RANK_NONE. (value is ""NONE"")
public static final String ANOMALY_RANK_NONE = "NONE";
* Field ANOMALY_RANK_MINOR. (value is ""MINOR"")
public static final String ANOMALY_RANK_MINOR = "MINOR";
* Field ANOMALY_RANK_MAJOR. (value is ""MAJOR"")
public static final String ANOMALY_RANK_MAJOR = "MAJOR";
public static final String[] RANK_VALUES = { R4EUIConstants.ANOMALY_RANK_NONE, R4EUIConstants.ANOMALY_RANK_MINOR,
R4EUIConstants.ANOMALY_RANK_MAJOR }; //NOTE: This has to match R4EAnomalyRank in R4E core plugin
public static final String[] CLASS_VALUES = { R4EUIConstants.ANOMALY_CLASS_ERRONEOUS,
R4EUIConstants.ANOMALY_CLASS_MISSSING }; //NOTE: This has to match CommentType in R4E core plugin
* Field MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEMS_READY. (value is "0")
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEMS_READY = 0;
* Field MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEMS_REMOVED. (value is "1")
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEMS_REMOVED = 1;
* Field MESSAGE_TYPE_PROGRESS. (value is "2")
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_PROGRESS = 2;
* Field MESSAGE_TYPE_COMPLETION. (value is "3")
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_COMPLETION = 3;
* Field MESSAGE_TYPE_QUESTION. (value is "4")
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_QUESTION = 4;
* Field MESSAGE_TYPE_MEETING. (value is "5")
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_MEETING = 5;
* Field POSTPONED_ATTR_STR. (value is ""isPostponed"")
public static final String POSTPONED_ATTR_STR = "isPostponed";
* Field TRUE_ATTR_VALUE_STR. (value is ""true"")
public static final String TRUE_ATTR_VALUE_STR = "true";
* Field POSTPONED_ATTR_ORIG_REVIEW_NAME. (value is ""originalReviewName"")
public static final String POSTPONED_ATTR_ORIG_REVIEW_NAME = "originalReviewName";
* Field POSTPONED_ATTR_ORIG_ANOMALY_ID. (value is ""originalAnomalyId"")
public static final String POSTPONED_ATTR_ORIG_ANOMALY_ID = "originalAnomalyId";
* Field POSTPONED_ATTR_ORIG_COMMENT_ID. (value is ""originalCommentId"")
public static final String POSTPONED_ATTR_ORIG_COMMENT_ID = "originalCommentId";
* Field ACTIVE_REVIEW_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String ACTIVE_REVIEW_COMMAND = "";
* Field JOB_IN_PROGRESS_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String JOB_IN_PROGRESS_COMMAND = "";
* Field TOGGLE_STATE_COMMAND_KEY. (value is ""org.eclipse.ui.commands.toggleState"")
public static final String TOGGLE_STATE_COMMAND_KEY = "org.eclipse.ui.commands.toggleState";
* Field LINK_EDITOR_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String LINK_EDITOR_COMMAND = "";
* Field LINK_PROPERTIES_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String LINK_PROPERTIES_COMMAND = "";
* Field ALPHA_SORTER_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String ALPHA_SORTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field ALPHA_SORTER_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/elcl16/alphasort_menu.gif"")
public static final String ALPHA_SORTER_ICON_FILE = "icons/elcl16/alphasort_menu.gif";
* Field REVIEW_TYPE_SORTER_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String REVIEW_TYPE_SORTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field REVIEW_TYPE_SORTER_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/elcl16/revtypesort_menu.gif"")
public static final String REVIEW_TYPE_SORTER_ICON_FILE = "icons/elcl16/revtypesort_menu.gif";
* Field ANOMALIES_MY_FILTER_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String ANOMALIES_MY_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field ANOMALIES_MY_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""Show My Anomalies"")
public static final String ANOMALIES_MY_FILTER_NAME = "Show My Anomalies";
* """")
public static final String REVIEWS_COMPLETED_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field REVIEWS_COMPLETED_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""Hide Completed Reviews"")
public static final String REVIEWS_COMPLETED_FILTER_NAME = "Hide Completed Reviews";
* Field REVIEWS_ONLY_FILTER_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String REVIEWS_ONLY_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field REVIEWS_ONLY_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""Show reviews only"")
public static final String REVIEWS_ONLY_FILTER_NAME = "Show Reviews Only";
* Field REVIEWS_MY_FILTER_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String REVIEWS_MY_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field REVIEWS_MY_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""Show my reviews"")
public static final String REVIEWS_MY_FILTER_NAME = "Show My Reviews";
* """")
public static final String REVIEWS_PARTICIPANT_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field REVIEWS_PARTICIPANT_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""Show reviews for participant... "")
public static final String REVIEWS_PARTICIPANT_FILTER_NAME = "Show Reviews for Participant... ";
* Field REVIEWS_PARTICIPANT_FILTER_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Show reviews the given participant is participating in"")
public static final String REVIEWS_PARTICIPANT_FILTER_TOOLTIP = "Show Reviews the Given Participant is Participating In";
public static final String REVIEWS_PARTICIPANT_FILTER_MNEMONIC = "P";
* Field ASSIGN_MY_FILTER_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String ASSIGN_MY_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field ASSIGN_MY_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""Show My Assigned Elements"")
public static final String ASSIGN_MY_FILTER_NAME = "Show My Assigned Elements";
* Field ASSIGN_FILTER_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String ASSIGN_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field ASSIGN_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""Show Assigned Elements for Participant... "")
public static final String ASSIGN_FILTER_NAME = "Show Assigned Elements for Participant... ";
* Field UNASSIGN_FILTER_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String UNASSIGN_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field UNASSIGN_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""Show Unassigned Elements"")
public static final String UNASSIGN_FILTER_NAME = "Show Unassigned Elements";
* Field ANOMALIES_FILTER_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String ANOMALIES_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field ANOMALIES_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""Hide selections"")
public static final String ANOMALIES_FILTER_NAME = "Show Anomalies Only";
* """")
public static final String REVIEWED_ELEMS_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field REVIEWED_ELEMS_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""Hide reviewed elements"")
public static final String REVIEWED_ELEMS_FILTER_NAME = "Hide Reviewed Elements";
* """")
public static final String HIDE_RULE_SETS_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field HIDE_RULE_SETS_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""HideRuleSets"")
public static final String HIDE_RULE_SETS_FILTER_NAME = "Hide Rule Sets";
* Field HIDE_DELTAS_FILTER_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String HIDE_DELTAS_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field HIDE_DELTAS_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""HideDeltas"")
public static final String HIDE_DELTAS_FILTER_NAME = "Hide Deltas";
* Field ASSIGN_FILTER_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Show Review Elements Assigned to Participant"")
public static final String ASSIGN_FILTER_TOOLTIP = "Show Review Elements Assigned to Participant";
* Field ASSIGN_FILTER_MNEMONIC. (value is ""A"")
public static final String ASSIGN_FILTER_MNEMONIC = "A";
* Field GO_INTO_FILTER_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String GO_INTO_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field GO_INTO_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""Go Into"")
public static final String GO_INTO_FILTER_NAME = "Go Into";
* Field REMOVE_ALL_FILTER_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String REMOVE_ALL_FILTER_COMMAND = "";
* Field REMOVE_ALL_FILTER_NAME. (value is ""Remove all filters"")
public static final String REMOVE_ALL_FILTER_NAME = "Remove All Filters";
* Field NEW_LINKED_ANOMALY_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String NEW_LINKED_ANOMALY_COMMAND = "";
* Field NEW_LINKED_ANOMALY_NAME. (value is ""New Linked Anomaly..."")
public static final String NEW_LINKED_ANOMALY_NAME = "New Linked Anomaly...";
* Field NEW_LINKED_ANOMALY_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Add a new anomaly that is linked to this selection"")
public static final String NEW_LINKED_ANOMALY_TOOLTIP = "Add a New Anomaly that is Linked to this Content";
* Field NEW_LINKED_ANOMALY_MNEMONIC. (value is ""L"")
public static final String NEW_LINKED_ANOMALY_MNEMONIC = "L";
* Field OPEN_EDITOR_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String OPEN_EDITOR_COMMAND = "";
* Field OPEN_EDITOR_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/elcl16/openfile_menu.gif"")
public static final String OPEN_EDITOR_ICON_FILE = "icons/elcl16/openfile_menu.gif";
* Field OPEN_EDITOR_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Open file in editor"")
public static final String OPEN_EDITOR_COMMAND_NAME = "Open File in Editor";
* Field OPEN_EDITOR_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Open the File with the associated Editor and Locate Element"")
public static final String OPEN_EDITOR_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Open the File with the associated Editor and Locate Element";
* Field OPEN_EDITOR_COMMAND_MNEMONIC. (value is ""E"")
public static final String OPEN_EDITOR_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "E";
* Field CHANGE_REVIEW_STATE_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String CHANGE_REVIEW_STATE_COMMAND = "";
* Field CHANGE_REVIEW_STATE_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/obj16/done_tsk.gif"")
public static final String CHANGE_REVIEW_STATE_ICON_FILE = "icons/obj16/done_tsk.gif";
* Field MARK_REVIEW_STATE_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Mark as User Reviewed"")
public static final String MARK_REVIEW_STATE_COMMAND_NAME = "Mark as User Reviewed";
* Field MARK_REVIEW_STATE_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Mark this Element as Reviewed by Participant"")
public static final String MARK_REVIEW_STATE_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Mark this Element as Reviewed by Participant";
* Field UNMARK_REVIEW_STATE_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Unmark User Reviewed"")
public static final String UNMARK_REVIEW_STATE_COMMAND_NAME = "Unmark User Reviewed";
* Field UNMARK_REVIEW_STATE_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Unmark this Element as Reviewed by Participant"")
public static final String UNMARK_REVIEW_STATE_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Unmark this Element as Reviewed by Participant";
public static final String CHANGE_REVIEW_STATE_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "U";
* Field ASSIGN_TO_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String ASSIGN_TO_COMMAND = "";
* Field ASSIGN_TO_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/obj16/assign_tsk.png"")
public static final String ASSIGN_TO_ICON_FILE = "icons/obj16/assign_tsk.png";
* Field ASSIGN_TO_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Assign to Participant..."")
public static final String ASSIGN_TO_COMMAND_NAME = "Assign to Participant...";
* Field ASSIGN_TO_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Assign Review Element to Participant(s)"")
public static final String ASSIGN_TO_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Assign Review Element to Participant(s)";
* Field ASSIGN_TO_COMMAND_MNEMONIC. (value is ""A"")
public static final String ASSIGN_TO_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "A";
* Field UNASSIGN_TO_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String UNASSIGN_TO_COMMAND = "";
* Field UNASSIGN_TO_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/obj16/unassign_tsk.png"")
public static final String UNASSIGN_TO_ICON_FILE = "icons/obj16/unassign_tsk.png";
* Field UNASSIGN_TO_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Unassign Participant..."")
public static final String UNASSIGN_TO_COMMAND_NAME = "Unassign Participant...";
* Field UNASSIGN_TO_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Unassign Review Element from Participant(s)"")
public static final String UNASSIGN_TO_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Unassign Review Element from Participant(s)";
* Field UNASSIGN_TO_COMMAND_MNEMONIC. (value is ""U"")
public static final String UNASSIGN_TO_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "U";
* Field OPEN_ELEMENT_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String OPEN_ELEMENT_COMMAND = "";
* Field OPEN_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/obj16/open_tsk.gif"")
public static final String OPEN_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE = "icons/obj16/open_tsk.gif";
* Field OPEN_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Open element"")
public static final String OPEN_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME = "Open Element";
* Field OPEN_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Open and Load Data for this Element"")
public static final String OPEN_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Open and Load Data for this Element";
public static final String OPEN_ELEMENT_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "O";
* Field REPORT_ELEMENT_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String REPORT_ELEMENT_COMMAND = "";
* Field REPORT_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/obj16/report_tsk.gif"")
public static final String REPORT_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE = "icons/obj16/report_tsk.gif";
* Field REPORT_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Generate Report"")
public static final String REPORT_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME = "Generate Report";
* Field REPORT_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Generate a Report for this Element"")
public static final String REPORT_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Generate a Report for this Element";
public static final String REPORT_ELEMENT_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "R";
* Field CLOSE_ELEMENT_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String CLOSE_ELEMENT_COMMAND = "";
* Field CLOSE_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/obj16/close_tsk.gif"")
public static final String CLOSE_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE = "icons/obj16/close_tsk.gif";
* Field CLOSE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Close element"")
public static final String CLOSE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME = "Close Element";
* Field CLOSE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Close and Unload Data for this Element"")
public static final String CLOSE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Close and Unload Data for this Element";
public static final String CLOSE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "C";
* Field COPY_ELEMENT_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String COPY_ELEMENT_COMMAND = "";
* Field COPY_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/obj16/copy_tsk.gif"")
public static final String COPY_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE = "icons/obj16/copy_tsk.gif";
* Field COPY_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Copy"")
public static final String COPY_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME = "Copy";
* Field COPY_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Copy current element to Clipboard"")
public static final String COPY_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Copy current element to Clipboard";
public static final String COPY_ELEMENT_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "C";
* Field PASTE_ELEMENT_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String PASTE_ELEMENT_COMMAND = "";
* Field PASTE_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/obj16/paste_tsk.gif"")
public static final String PASTE_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE = "icons/obj16/paste_tsk.gif";
* Field PASTE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Paste"")
public static final String PASTE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME = "Paste";
* Field PASTE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Paste clipboard contents to currently selected element"")
public static final String PASTE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Paste clipboard contents to currently selected element";
public static final String PASTE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "V";
* Field NEXT_STATE_ELEMENT_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String NEXT_STATE_ELEMENT_COMMAND = "";
* Field NEXT_STATE_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/elcl16/nxtstate_menu.gif"")
public static final String NEXT_STATE_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE = "icons/elcl16/nxtstate_menu.gif";
* Field NEXT_STATE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Progress State"")
public static final String NEXT_STATE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME = "Progress State";
* Field NEXT_STATE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Progress the element to one of its Next logical state"")
public static final String NEXT_STATE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Progress the element to one of its Next logical state";
public static final String NEXT_STATE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "N";
public static final String PREVIOUS_STATE_ELEMENT_COMMAND = "";
* Field PREVIOUS_STATE_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/elcl16/prevstate_menu.gif"")
public static final String PREVIOUS_STATE_ELEMENT_ICON_FILE = "icons/elcl16/prevstate_menu.gif";
* Field PREVIOUS_STATE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Regress State"")
public static final String PREVIOUS_STATE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME = "Regress State";
* Field PREVIOUS_STATE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Regress the element to its Previous logical State"")
public static final String PREVIOUS_STATE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Regress the element to its Previous logical State";
* Field NEW_CHILD_ELEMENT_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String NEW_CHILD_ELEMENT_COMMAND = "";
* Field NEW_CHILD_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""New Child Element"")
public static final String NEW_CHILD_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME = "New Child Element";
* Field NEW_CHILD_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Add a New Child Element"")
public static final String NEW_CHILD_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Add a New Child Element";
* Field NEW_REVIEW_GROUP_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""New Review Group..."")
public static final String NEW_REVIEW_GROUP_COMMAND_NAME = "New Review Group...";
* Field NEW_REVIEW_GROUP_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Add a New Review Group Element"")
public static final String NEW_REVIEW_GROUP_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Add a New Review Group Element";
public static final String NEW_CHILD_ELEMENT_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "A";
* Field NEW_RULE_SET_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String NEW_RULE_SET_COMMAND = "";
* Field REMOVE_ELEMENT_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String REMOVE_ELEMENT_COMMAND = "";
* Field REMOVE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Disable Element"")
public static final String REMOVE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME = "Disable Element";
* Field REMOVE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Disable this Element"")
public static final String REMOVE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Disable this Element";
public static final String REMOVE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "D";
* Field RESTORE_ELEMENT_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String RESTORE_ELEMENT_COMMAND = "";
* Field RESTORE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Restore element"")
public static final String RESTORE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_NAME = "Restore Element";
* Field RESTORE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Restore this disabled element"")
public static final String RESTORE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Restore this Disabled Element";
public static final String RESTORE_ELEMENT_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "R";
* Field SEND_EMAIL_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String SEND_EMAIL_COMMAND = "";
* Field SEND_EMAIL_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/view16/sendmail_tsk.gif"")
public static final String SEND_EMAIL_ICON_FILE = "icons/view16/sendmail_tsk.gif";
* Field SEND_EMAIL_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Send Email/Notification..."")
public static final String SEND_EMAIL_COMMAND_NAME = "Send Email/Notification...";
* Field SEND_EMAIL_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Send Email or Notification"")
public static final String SEND_EMAIL_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Send Email or Notification";
* Field SEND_EMAIL_COMMAND_MNEMONIC. (value is ""N"")
public static final String SEND_EMAIL_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "N";
* Field IMPORT_POSTPONED_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String IMPORT_POSTPONED_COMMAND = "";
* Field IMPORT_POSTPONED_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/view16/importpost_tsk.gif"")
public static final String IMPORT_POSTPONED_ICON_FILE = "icons/view16/importpost_tsk.gif";
* Field IMPORT_POSTPONED_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Import Postponed Elements"")
public static final String IMPORT_POSTPONED_COMMAND_NAME = "Import Postponed Anomalies";
* Field IMPORT_POSTPONED_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Import Anomalies that were set to Postponed in previous
* Reviews for the current Files "")
public static final String IMPORT_POSTPONED_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Import Anomalies that were set to Postponed in previous Reviews for the current Files ";
public static final String IMPORT_POSTPONED_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "I";
* Field NEW_REVIEW_ITEM_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String NEW_REVIEW_ITEM_COMMAND = "";
* Field SHOW_PROPERTIES_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String SHOW_PROPERTIES_COMMAND = "";
* Field SHOW_PROPERTIES_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/obj16/showProps_tsk.gif"")
public static final String SHOW_PROPERTIES_ICON_FILE = "icons/obj16/showProps_tsk.gif";
* Field SHOW_PROPERTIES_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Show Properties"")
public static final String SHOW_PROPERTIES_COMMAND_NAME = "Show Properties";
* Field SHOW_PROPERTIES_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Show Element Properties in Properties View"")
public static final String SHOW_PROPERTIES_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Show Element Properties in Properties View";
public static final String SHOW_PROPERTIES_COMMAND_MNEMONIC = "P";
* Field CHANGE_DISPLAY_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String CHANGE_DISPLAY_COMMAND = "";
* Field DEFAULT_DISPLAY_COMMAND. (value is """")
public static final String DEFAULT_DISPLAY_COMMAND = "";
* """")
public static final String NEXT_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_COMMAND = "";
* Field NEXT_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/elcl16/nxtanmly_menu.gif"")
public static final String NEXT_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_ICON_FILE = "icons/elcl16/nxtanmly_menu.png";
* Field NEXT_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Next Anomaly"")
public static final String NEXT_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_COMMAND_NAME = "Next Anomaly";
* Field NEXT_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Go To Next Open Anomaly Annotation"")
public static final String NEXT_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Go To Next Open Anomaly Annotation";
* """")
public static final String PREVIOUS_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_COMMAND = "";
* Field PREVIOUS_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_ICON_FILE. (value is ""icons/elcl16/prevanmly_menu.gif"")
public static final String PREVIOUS_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_ICON_FILE = "icons/elcl16/prevanmly_menu.png";
* Field PREVIOUS_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_COMMAND_NAME. (value is ""Previous Anomaly"")
public static final String PREVIOUS_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_COMMAND_NAME = "Previous Anomaly";
* Field PREVIOUS_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_COMMAND_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Go To Previous Open Anomaly Annotation"")
public static final String PREVIOUS_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_COMMAND_TOOLTIP = "Go To Previous Open Anomaly Annotation";
* Field OVER_DUE_ICON_FILE (value is ""icons/ovr16/duedateovr_tsk.gif"")
public static final String OVER_DUE_ICON_FILE = "icons/ovr16/duedateovr_tsk.gif";
* Field ANNOTATION_COMMAND_PARAM. (value is ""editor"")
public static final String ANNOTATION_COMMAND_PARAM = "editor";
* Field START_STRING_INDEX. (value is 0)
public static final int START_STRING_INDEX = 0;
* Field END_STRING_NAME_INDEX. (value is 10)
public static final int END_STRING_NAME_INDEX = 10;
* Field ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR. (value is 'A')
public static final char ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR = 'A';
* Field RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR. (value is 'R')
public static final char RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR = 'R';
* Field LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR. (value is 'L')
public static final char LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR = 'L';
//Tooltips for dialogs and property views
* Field ANOMALY_TITLE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""A Title that Identifies this Anomaly"")
public static final String ANOMALY_TITLE_TOOLTIP = "A Title that Identifies this Anomaly";
* Field ANOMALY_DESCRIPTION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""A Detailed Description of the Anomaly"")
public static final String ANOMALY_DESCRIPTION_TOOLTIP = "A Detailed Description of the Anomaly";
* Field ANOMALY_AUTHOR_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Id of the Participant that created this Anomaly"")
public static final String ANOMALY_AUTHOR_TOOLTIP = "The Id of the Participant that created this Anomaly";
* Field ANOMALY_CREATION_DATE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Creation Date for this Anomaly"")
public static final String ANOMALY_CREATION_DATE_TOOLTIP = "The Creation Date for this Anomaly";
* Field ANOMALY_POSITION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Position in the Parent File of the Contents for this Anomaly"")
public static final String ANOMALY_POSITION_TOOLTIP = "The Position in the Parent File of the Contents for this Anomaly";
* Field ANOMALY_STATE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Current State of the Anomaly"")
public static final String ANOMALY_STATE_TOOLTIP = "The Current State of the Anomaly";
* Field ANOMALY_CLASS_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Class of this Anomaly"")
public static final String ANOMALY_CLASS_TOOLTIP = "The Class of this Anomaly";
* Field ANOMALY_RANK_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Rank (or Severity) of this Anomaly"")
public static final String ANOMALY_RANK_TOOLTIP = "The Rank (or Severity) of this Anomaly";
* Field ANOMALY_RULE_ID_TOOLTIP. (value is ""An Identifier for the Design Rule Violation reported by this
* Anomaly"")
public static final String ANOMALY_RULE_ID_TOOLTIP = "An Identifier for the Design Rule Violation reported by this Anomaly";
* Field ANOMALY_DUE_DATE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Target Date to Address this Anomaly"")
public static final String ANOMALY_DUE_DATE_TOOLTIP = "The Target Date to Address this Anomaly";
* Field ANOMALY_DECIDED_BY_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Participant that Analyzed this reported Anomaly"")
public static final String ANOMALY_DECIDED_BY_TOOLTIP = "The Participant that Analyzed this reported Anomaly";
* Field ANOMALY_FIXED_BY_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Participant that Fixed the Issue Reported in this Anomaly"")
public static final String ANOMALY_FIXED_BY_TOOLTIP = "The Participant that Fixed the Issue Reported in this Anomaly";
* Field ANOMALY_FOLLOWUP_BY_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Participant that Verified the Fix for the Issue Reported in
* this Anomaly"")
public static final String ANOMALY_FOLLOWUP_BY_TOOLTIP = "The Participant that Verified the Fix for the Issue Reported in this Anomaly";
* Field ANOMALY_NOT_ACCEPTED_REASON_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Reason why this Anomaly is Rejected"")
public static final String ANOMALY_NOT_ACCEPTED_REASON_TOOLTIP = "The Reason why this Anomaly is Rejected";
* Field COMMENT_DESCRIPTION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Comment Description"")
public static final String COMMENT_DESCRIPTION_TOOLTIP = "The Comment Description";
* Field COMMENT_AUTHOR_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Participant that Adds this Comment"")
public static final String COMMENT_AUTHOR_TOOLTIP = "The Participant that Adds this Comment";
* Field COMMENT_CREATION_DATE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Creation Time of this Comment"")
public static final String COMMENT_CREATION_DATE_TOOLTIP = "The Creation Time of this Comment";
* Field FILECONTEXT_BASE_FILE_NAME_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The base (or Reference File) Name for the File to Review"")
public static final String FILECONTEXT_BASE_FILE_NAME_TOOLTIP = "The base (or Reference File) Name for the File to Review";
* Field FILECONTEXT_BASE_FILE_PATH_REPOSITORY_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The base (or Reference File) Repository Path for
* the File to Review"")
public static final String FILECONTEXT_BASE_FILE_PATH_REPOSITORY_TOOLTIP = "The base (or Reference File) Repository Path for the File to Review";
* Field FILECONTEXT_BASE_FILE_PATH_ABSOLUTE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The base (or Reference File) Absolute Path for the
* File to Review"")
public static final String FILECONTEXT_BASE_FILE_PATH_ABSOLUTE_TOOLTIP = "The base (or Reference File) Absolute Path for the File to Review";
* Field FILECONTEXT_BASE_FILE_PATH_PROJECT_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The base (or Reference File) Project Relative Path
* for the File to Review"")
public static final String FILECONTEXT_BASE_FILE_PATH_PROJECT_TOOLTIP = "The base (or Reference File) Project Relative Path for the File to Review";
* Field FILECONTEXT_BASE_FILE_VERSION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The base (or Reference File) Version for the File to
* Review"")
public static final String FILECONTEXT_BASE_FILE_VERSION_TOOLTIP = "The base (or Reference File) Version for the File to Review";
* Field FILECONTEXT_TARGET_FILE_NAME_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The target (or current File) Name for the File to
* Review"")
public static final String FILECONTEXT_TARGET_FILE_NAME_TOOLTIP = "The target (or current File) Name for the File to Review";
* Field FILECONTEXT_TARGET_FILE_PATH_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The target (or current File) Path for the File to
* Review"")
public static final String FILECONTEXT_TARGET_FILE_PATH_TOOLTIP = "The target (or current File) Path for the File to Review";
* Field FILECONTEXT_TARGET_FILE_VERSION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The target (or current File) Version for the File to
* Review"")
public static final String FILECONTEXT_TARGET_FILE_VERSION_TOOLTIP = "The target (or current File) Version for the File to Review";
* Field PARTICIPANT_ID_TOOLTIP. (value is ""A Tag that Identifies this Participant"")
public static final String PARTICIPANT_ID_TOOLTIP = "A Tag that Identifies this Participant";
* Field PARTICIPANTS_ADD_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Add User to Participant List"")
public static final String PARTICIPANTS_ADD_TOOLTIP = "Add User to Participant List";
* Field PARTICIPANTS_ADDED_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Participants that will be added to the Review"")
public static final String PARTICIPANTS_ADDED_TOOLTIP = "Participants that will be added to the Review";
* Field PARTICIPANTS_REMOVE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Remove selected Participants from list"")
public static final String PARTICIPANT_REMOVE_TOOLTIP = "Remove selected Participants from list";
* Field PARTICIPANTS_CLEAR_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Clear Participants list"")
public static final String PARTICIPANTS_CLEAR_TOOLTIP = "Clear Participants list";
* Field PARTICIPANT_ADD_USER_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Semicolon-separated List of Users to be added to the Participant
* List"")
public static final String PARTICIPANT_ADD_USER_TOOLTIP = "Semicolon-separated List of Users to be added to the Participant List";
* Field PARTICIPANT_FIND_USER_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Search for Users..."")
public static final String PARTICIPANT_FIND_USER_TOOLTIP = "Search for Users...";
* Field PARTICIPANT_EMAIL_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Email Address for the Participant"")
public static final String PARTICIPANT_EMAIL_TOOLTIP = "The Email Address for the Participant";
* Field PARTICIPANT_DETAILS_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Extra Information about this Participant"")
public static final String PARTICIPANT_DETAILS_TOOLTIP = "Extra Information about this Participant";
* Field PARTICIPANT_ROLES_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Roles this Participant holds for the Current Review. " +
* "Roles are used to Manage the Actions the Participant can do"")
public static final String PARTICIPANT_ROLES_TOOLTIP = "The Roles this Participant holds for the Current Review. "
+ "Roles are used to Manage the Actions the Participant can do";
* Field PARTICIPANT_FOCUS_AREA_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Focus Area for this Participant. " +
* "A Focus Area is Defined by Specific Aspects of the Review this Participant should Focus his Attention to"")
public static final String PARTICIPANT_FOCUS_AREA_TOOLTIP = "The Focus Area for this Participant. "
+ "A Focus Area is Defined by Specific Aspects of the Review this Participant should Focus his Attention to";
* Field PARTICIPANT_NUM_ITEMS_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Number of Review Items added by this Participant"")
public static final String PARTICIPANT_NUM_ITEMS_TOOLTIP = "Number of Review Items added by this Participant";
* Field PARTICIPANT_NUM_ANOMALIES_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Number of Anomlaies added by this Participant"")
public static final String PARTICIPANT_NUM_ANOMALIES_TOOLTIP = "Number of Anomlaies added by this Participant";
* Field PARTICIPANT_NUM_COMMENTS_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Number of Comments (other than Anomalies) added by this
* Participant"")
public static final String PARTICIPANT_NUM_COMMENTS_TOOLTIP = "Number of Comments (other than Anomalies) added by this Participant";
* Field PARTICIPANT_TIME_SPENT_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The time the Participant spent working on this Review"")
public static final String PARTICIPANT_TIME_SPENT_TOOLTIP = "The time the Participant spent working on this Review";
* Field REVIEW_GROUP_NAME_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Name that Identifies the Review Group"")
public static final String REVIEW_GROUP_NAME_TOOLTIP = "The Name that Identifies the Review Group";
* Field REVIEW_GROUP_FOLDER_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Browse Folders..."")
public static final String REVIEW_GROUP_FOLDER_TOOLTIP = "Browse Folders...";
* Field REVIEW_GROUP_FILE_PATH_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Location (Folder) where the Review Group Information is
* Stored. " + "Review Group Information is stored in files that have a _group_root.xrer suffix"")
public static final String REVIEW_GROUP_FILE_PATH_TOOLTIP = "The Location (Folder) where the Review Group Information is Stored. "
+ "Review Group Information is stored in files that have a _group_root.xrer suffix";
* Field REVIEW_GROUP_DESCRIPTION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""A Brief Description of ths REview Group"")
public static final String REVIEW_GROUP_DESCRIPTION_TOOLTIP = "A Brief Description of ths Review Group";
* Field REVIEW_GROUP_PROJECTS_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Projects that are available for Review in this Review Group.
* " + "Take Note that these Project can have Arbitrary Names, not only Eclipse Project Names"")
public static final String REVIEW_GROUP_PROJECTS_TOOLTIP = "The Projects that are available for Review in this Review Group. "
+ "Take Note that these Project can have Arbitrary Names, not only Eclipse Project Names";
* Field REVIEW_GROUP_COMPONENTS_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Components (Subsystems, Sub-Projects etc.) that are
* available for Review in this Review Group. " + "These can have Arbitrary Names"")
public static final String REVIEW_GROUP_COMPONENTS_TOOLTIP = "The Components (Subsystems, Sub-Projects etc.) that are available for Review in this Review Group. "
+ "These can have Arbitrary Names";
* Field REVIEW_GROUP_ENTRY_CRITERIA_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Entry Criteria that will be used for all Reviews
* created under this Review Group"")
public static final String REVIEW_GROUP_ENTRY_CRITERIA_TOOLTIP = "The Entry Criteria that will be used for all Reviews created under this Review Group";
* Field REVIEW_GROUP_RULESET_REFERENCE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Location of the RuleSet definition Files that can
* be used for Reviews created under this Review Group"")
public static final String REVIEW_GROUP_RULESET_REFERENCE_TOOLTIP = "The Location of the RuleSet definition Files that can be used for Reviews created under this Review Group";
* Field REVIEW_TYPE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The type of the Review: " +
* "Basic Reviews are the Simplest and most Flexible ones. " +
* "Informal Reviews introduces State Tracking for Anomalies. " +
* "Formal Reviews are Structured Reviews that Conforms to the IEEE standard 1028"")
public static final String REVIEW_TYPE_TOOLTIP = "The type of the Review: "
+ "Basic Reviews are the Simplest and most Flexible ones. "
+ "Informal Reviews introduces State Tracking for Anomalies. "
+ "Formal Reviews are Structured Reviews that Conforms to the IEEE standard 1028";
* Field REVIEW_NAME_TOOLTIP. (value is ""A Name that Identifies this Review"")
public static final String REVIEW_NAME_TOOLTIP = "A Name that Identifies this Review";
* Field REVIEW_DESCRIPTION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""A Description of the Review"")
public static final String REVIEW_DESCRIPTION_TOOLTIP = "A Description of the Review";
* Field REVIEW_PROJECT_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Project the Reviewed Code belongs to"")
public static final String REVIEW_PROJECT_TOOLTIP = "The Project the Reviewed Code belongs to";
* Field REVIEW_COMPONENTS_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Components for the Elements being Reviewed"")
public static final String REVIEW_COMPONENTS_TOOLTIP = "The Components for the Elements being Reviewed";
* Field REVIEW_ENTRY_CRITERIA_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Entry Criteria for this Review. " +
* "This is automatically set to the Parent Review Group Default Value"")
public static final String REVIEW_ENTRY_CRITERIA_TOOLTIP = "The Entry Criteria for this Review. "
+ "This is automatically set to the Parent Review Group Default Value";
* Field REVIEW_OBJECTIVES_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Objectives of this Review"")
public static final String REVIEW_OBJECTIVES_TOOLTIP = "The Objectives of this Review";
* Field REVIEW_REFERENCE_MATERIAL_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Reference Materials to be used for This Review"")
public static final String REVIEW_REFERENCE_MATERIAL_TOOLTIP = "The Reference Materials to be used for This Review";
* Field REVIEW_PHASE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Current Review Phase. " +
* "Review Phases are used mainly for Formal Reviews"")
public static final String REVIEW_PHASE_TOOLTIP = "The Current Review Phase. "
+ "Review Phases are used mainly for Formal Reviews";
* Field REVIEW_START_DATE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Start Date for this Review"")
public static final String REVIEW_START_DATE_TOOLTIP = "The Start Date for this Review";
* Field REVIEW_END_DATE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Closing Date for this Review"")
public static final String REVIEW_END_DATE_TOOLTIP = "The Closing Date for this Review";
* Field REVIEW_DUE_DATE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Due Date for this Review"")
public static final String REVIEW_DUE_DATE_TOOLTIP = "The Due Date for this Review";
* Field REVIEW_ASSIGN_DUE_DATE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Assign a due date for Review."")
public static final String REVIEW_ASSIGN_DUE_DATE_TOOLTIP = "Assign a due date for Review.";
* Field REVIEW_PHASE_TABLE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Review Phase Map that show the Review Progression"")
public static final String REVIEW_PHASE_TABLE_TOOLTIP = "The Review Phase Map that show the Review Progression";
* Field REVIEW_PHASE_OWNER_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Owner of the Review Phase. " +
* "Only the Owner can Change the Current Review Phase"")
public static final String REVIEW_PHASE_OWNER_TOOLTIP = "The Owner of the Review Phase. "
+ "Only the Owner can Change the Current Review Phase";
* Field REVIEW_MEETING_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Review Decision Meeting Details, as sent in the Meeting Request
* Email"")
public static final String REVIEW_MEETING_TOOLTIP = "The Review Decision Meeting Details, as sent in the Meeting Request Email";
* Field REVIEW_MEETING_SUBJECT_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Review Decision Meeting Subject, as sent in the Meeting
* Request Email"")
public static final String REVIEW_MEETING_SUBJECT_TOOLTIP = "The Review Decision Meeting Subject, as sent in the Meeting Request Email";
* Field REVIEW_MEETING_UPDATE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Update Meeting Details and re-send the New Meeting Request
* Email"")
public static final String REVIEW_MEETING_UPDATE_TOOLTIP = "Update Meeting Details and re-send the New Meeting Request Email";
* Field REVIEW_MEETING_TIME_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Review Decision Meeting Time, as sent in the Meeting Request
* Email"")
public static final String REVIEW_MEETING_TIME_TOOLTIP = "The Review Decision Meeting Time, as sent in the Meeting Request Email";
* Field REVIEW_MEETING_DURATION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Review Decision Meeting Duration, as sent in the Meeting
* Request Email"")
public static final String REVIEW_MEETING_DURATION_TOOLTIP = "The Review Decision Meeting Duration, as sent in the Meeting Request Email";
* Field REVIEW_MEETING_LOCATION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Review Decision Meeting Location, as sent in the Meeting
* Request Email"")
public static final String REVIEW_MEETING_LOCATION_TOOLTIP = "The Review Decision Meeting Location, as sent in the Meeting Request Email";
* Field REVIEW_EXIT_DECISION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Exit Decision for this Review"")
public static final String REVIEW_EXIT_DECISION_TOOLTIP = "The Exit Decision for this Review";
* Field REVIEW_EXIT_DECISION_PARTICIPANTS_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Participants that were part of the Exit
* Decision"")
public static final String REVIEW_EXIT_DECISION_PARTICIPANTS_TOOLTIP = "The Participants that were part of the Exit Decision";
* Field REVIEW_EXIT_DECISION_TIME_SPENT_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Time Spent for the Review Exit Decision"")
public static final String REVIEW_EXIT_DECISION_TIME_SPENT_TOOLTIP = "The Time Spent for the Review Exit Decision";
* Field REVIEW_ITEM_AUTHOR_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Participant that Adds this Review Item"")
public static final String REVIEW_ITEM_AUTHOR_TOOLTIP = "The Participant that Adds this Review Item";
* Field REVIEW_ITEM_AUTHOR_REP_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Email of the Participant that Created the Change"")
public static final String REVIEW_ITEM_AUTHOR_REP_TOOLTIP = "The Email of the Participant that Created the Change";
* Field REVIEW_ITEM_PROJECT_IDS_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Projects the Children Files of this Review Items belong
* to"")
public static final String REVIEW_ITEM_PROJECT_IDS_TOOLTIP = "The Projects the Children Files of this Review Items belong to";
* Field REVIEW_ITEM_CHANGE_ID_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Change ID for this Change, as tagged by the Revision Control
* System (if applicable)"")
public static final String REVIEW_ITEM_CHANGE_ID_TOOLTIP = "The Change ID for this Change, as tagged by the Revision Control System (if applicable)";
* Field REVIEW_ITEM_DATE_SUBMITTED_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Date this Change was put under Source Control (if
* applicable)"")
public static final String REVIEW_ITEM_DATE_SUBMITTED_TOOLTIP = "The Date this Change was put under Source Control (if applicable)";
* Field REVIEW_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""A Brief Dexcription of this Review Item. " +
* "This can be entered by the User or it could be coming from the Version Control System"")
public static final String REVIEW_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_TOOLTIP = "A Brief Dexcription of this Review Item. "
+ "This can be entered by the User or it could be coming from the Version Control System";
* Field RULE_AREA_NAME_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Area covered by the Children Design Rules (e.g. Java, C++ or any
* arbitrary division)"")
public static final String RULE_AREA_NAME_TOOLTIP = "The Area covered by the Children Design Rules (e.g. Java, C++ or any arbitrary division)";
* Field RULE_ID_TOOLTIP. (value is ""An Tag that Identifies this Design Rule"")
public static final String RULE_ID_TOOLTIP = "An Tag that Identifies this Design Rule";
* Field RULE_TITLE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Design Rule Title"")
public static final String RULE_TITLE_TOOLTIP = "The Design Rule Title";
* Field RULE_DESCRIPTION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""A Description of the Design Rule"")
public static final String RULE_DESCRIPTION_TOOLTIP = "A Description of the Design Rule";
* Field RULE_CLASS_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Class for this Design Rule. " +
* "It will be automatically set in Anomalies that refers to this Rule"")
public static final String RULE_CLASS_TOOLTIP = "The Class for this Design Rule. "
+ "It will be automatically set in Anomalies that refers to this Rule";
* Field RULE_RANK_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Rank (or Severity) for this Design Rule. " +
* "It will be automatically set in Anomalies that refers to this Rule"")
public static final String RULE_RANK_TOOLTIP = "The Rank (or Severity) for this Design Rule. "
+ "It will be automatically set in Anomalies that refers to this Rule";
* Field RULESET_VERSION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Version for this Rule Set"")
public static final String RULESET_VERSION_TOOLTIP = "The Version for this Rule Set";
* Field RULESET_NAME_TOOLTIP. (value is ""A Name that Identifies this Rule Set." +
* "A Rule Set is a Collection of Related Design Rules bundled together"")
public static final String RULESET_NAME_TOOLTIP = "A Name that Identifies this Rule Set."
+ "A Rule Set is a Collection of Related Design Rules bundled together";
* Field RULESET_FOLDER_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Browse Folders..."")
public static final String RULESET_FOLDER_TOOLTIP = "Browse Folders...";
* Field RULESET_FILE_PATH_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Location (Folder) where the Rule Set Information is Stored. " +
* "Rule Set Information is stored in files that have a _rule_set.xrer suffix"")
public static final String RULESET_FILE_PATH_TOOLTIP = "The Location (Folder) where the Rule Set Information is Stored. "
+ "Rule Set Information is stored in files that have a _rule_set.xrer suffix";
* Field RULE_VIOLATION_NAME_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Violation Highlighted by the Children Design Rules"")
public static final String RULE_VIOLATION_NAME_TOOLTIP = "The Violation Highlighted by the Children Design Rules";
* Field CONTENTS_POSITION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Position in the Parent File of the Selected Contents"")
public static final String CONTENTS_POSITION_TOOLTIP = "The Position in the Parent File of the Selected Contents";
* Field USER_ID_TOOLTIP. (value is ""A Tag that Identifies this User"")
public static final String USER_ID_TOOLTIP = "A Tag that Identifies this User";
* Field USER_NAME_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Actual Name of this User"")
public static final String USER_NAME_TOOLTIP = "The Actual Name of this User";
* Field USER_OFFICE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The location of this User"")
public static final String USER_OFFICE_TOOLTIP = "The location of this User";
* Field USER_COMPANY_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Organization this User is Part of"")
public static final String USER_COMPANY_TOOLTIP = "The Organization this User is Part of";
* Field USER_DEPARTMENT_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Department this User is Part of"")
public static final String USER_DEPARTMENT_TOOLTIP = "The Department this User is Part of";
* Field USER_CITY_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The City where the User's Organization is located"")
public static final String USER_CITY_TOOLTIP = "The City where the User's Organization is located";
* Field USER_COUNTRY_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Country where the User's Organization is located"")
public static final String USER_COUNTRY_TOOLTIP = "The Country where the User's Organization is located";
* Field USER_SEARCH_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Search for Users matching the Criteria(s)"")
public static final String USER_SEARCH_TOOLTIP = "Search for Users matching the Criteria(s)";
* Field USER_CLEAR_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Clear Serach Results"")
public static final String USER_CLEAR_TOOLTIP = "Clear Serach Results";
* Field USER_NUM_ENTRIES_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Number of Matches Found"")
public static final String USER_NUM_ENTRIES_TOOLTIP = "Number of Matches Found";
* Field USER_ADD_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Add Selected Users"")
public static final String USER_ADD_TOOLTIP = "Add Selected Users";
* Field USER_ADDED_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Semicolon separated List of Users to be added"")
public static final String USER_ADDED_TOOLTIP = "Semicolon-separated List of Users to be added";
* Field USER_GROUP_ADD_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Add Users to User Group"")
public static final String USER_GROUP_ADD_TOOLTIP = "Add Users to User Group";
* Field USER_GROUP_ADDED_TOOLTIP. (value is ""User Group to add Users to"")
public static final String USER_GROUP_ADDED_TOOLTIP = "User Group to add Users to";
* Field NOTIFICATION_COMPLETION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Send an Automatic Email to Report that we are done reviewing
* the Utems for the Current Review"")
public static final String NOTIFICATION_COMPLETION_TOOLTIP = "Send an Automatic Email to Report that we are done reviewing the Utems for the Current Review";
* Field NOTIFICATION_ITEMS_UPDATED_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Send an Automatic Email to Report Modifications to the
* Items to Review for the Current Review"")
public static final String NOTIFICATION_ITEMS_UPDATED_TOOLTIP = "Send an Automatic Email to Report Modifications to the Items to Review for the Current Review";
* Field NOTIFICATION_PROGRESS_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Send an Automatic Email to Report about our Progress Reviewing
* the Items for the Current Review"")
public static final String NOTIFICATION_PROGRESS_TOOLTIP = "Send an Automatic Email to Report about our Progress Reviewing the Items for the Current Review";
* Field NOTIFICATION_QUESTION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Send an Automatic Email to ask a Question about the Selected
* Element or Text"")
public static final String NOTIFICATION_QUESTION_TOOLTIP = "Send an Automatic Email to ask a Question about the Selected Element or Text";
* Field MEETING_REQUEST_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Send a new Meeting Request Notification"")
public static final String MEETING_REQUEST_TOOLTIP = "Send a new Meeting Request Notification";
* Field PARENT_REVIEW_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The name of the review where the original postponed anomaly was
* raised"")
public static final String PARENT_REVIEW_TOOLTIP = "The name of the review where the original postponed anomaly was raised";
* Field POSTPONED_FILE_NAME_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Name of the file where the original postponed anomaly was
* raised"")
public static final String POSTPONED_FILE_NAME_TOOLTIP = "The Name of the file where the original postponed anomaly was raised";
* Field POSTPONED_FILE_PATH_REPOSITORY_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Repository Path to the file where the original
* postponed anomaly was raised"")
public static final String POSTPONED_FILE_PATH_REPOSITORY_TOOLTIP = "The Repository Path to the file where the original postponed anomaly was raised";
* Field POSTPONED_FILE_PATH_ABSOLUTE_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Absolute Path to the file where the original
* postponed anomaly was raised"")
public static final String POSTPONED_FILE_PATH_ABSOLUTE_TOOLTIP = "The Absolute Path to the file where the original postponed anomaly was raised";
* Field POSTPONED_FILE_PATH_PROJECT_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Project Relative Path to the file where the original
* postponed anomaly was raised"")
public static final String POSTPONED_FILE_PATH_PROJECT_TOOLTIP = "The Project Relative Path to the file where the original postponed anomaly was raised";
* Field POSTPONED_FILE_VERSION_TOOLTIP. (value is ""The Version of the file where the original postponed anomaly
* was raised"")
public static final String POSTPONED_FILE_VERSION_TOOLTIP = "The Version of the file where the original postponed anomaly was raised";
* Field PARTICIPANTS_LISTS_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Participants Lists. Participants Lists are a bundle of users that
* can be added at once to the reviews"")
public static final String PARTICIPANTS_LISTS_TOOLTIP = "Participants Lists. Participants Lists are a bundle of users that can be added at once to the reviews";
* Field PARTICIPANTS_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Users that are part of the selected Participants List."")
public static final String PARTICIPANTS_TOOLTIP = "Users that are part of the selected Participants List.";
* Field ASSIGNED_TO_TOOLTIP. (value is ""Participant assigned to Review this element."")
public static final String ASSIGNED_TO_TOOLTIP = "Participant assigned to Review this element.";
//Listeners change types
* Field CHANGE_TYPE_ADD. (value is 0)
public static final int CHANGE_TYPE_ADD = 0;
* Field CHANGE_TYPE_REMOVE. (value is 1)
public static final int CHANGE_TYPE_REMOVE = 1;
* Field CHANGE_TYPE_OPEN. (value is 2)
public static final int CHANGE_TYPE_OPEN = 2;
* Field CHANGE_TYPE_CLOSE. (value is 3)
public static final int CHANGE_TYPE_CLOSE = 3;
* Field CHANGE_TYPE_REVIEWED_STATE. (value is 4)
public static final int CHANGE_TYPE_REVIEWED_STATE = 4;
//Test Constants
public static final String R4E_UI_JOB_FAMILY = "R4EUI";
//Inline Markers
public static final String ANOMALY_OPEN_ANNOTATION_ID = "";
public static final String ANOMALY_CLOSED_ANNOTATION_ID = "";
public static final String ANOMALY_DISABLED_ANNOTATION_ID = "";
public static final String DELTA_ANNOTATION_ID = "";
public static final String DELTA_REVIEWED_ANNOTATION_ID = "";
public static final String DELTA_DISABLED_ANNOTATION_ID = "";
public static final String SELECTION_ANNOTATION_ID = "";
public static final String SELECTION_REVIEWED_ANNOTATION_ID = "";
public static final String SELECTION_DISABLED_ANNOTATION_ID = "";
public static final String COMMENT_ANNOTATION_ID = "";
public static final String COMMENT_DISABLED_ANNOTATION_ID = "";