blob: 7b6940971313420bb55f93f041d6be8d4da2c23b [file] [log] [blame]
// $codepro.audit.disable com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.audit.rule.effectivejava.alwaysOverridetoString.alwaysOverrideToString, com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.deserializeabilitySecurity, com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.enforceCloneableUsageSecurity
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012 Ericsson AB and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Description:
* This class implements a property tester that is used to see if a dialog is
* currently open
* Contributors:
* Sebastien Dubois - Created for Mylyn Review R4E project
import org.eclipse.core.expressions.PropertyTester;
* @author Sebastien Dubois
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class JobInProgressPropertyTester extends PropertyTester {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Method test.
* @param receiver
* Object
* @param property
* String
* @param args
* Object[]
* @param expectedValue
* Object
* @return boolean
* @see org.eclipse.core.expressions.IPropertyTester#test(Object, String, Object[], Object)
public boolean test(Object receiver, String property, Object[] args, Object expectedValue) {
return !(R4EUIModelController.isJobInProgress());