blob: 0106c5296a7a94efb54878fd63948f2e2c5ba2bb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ericsson
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Description:
* This class implements some utility for the Gerrit servers.
* Contributors:
* Jacques Bouthillier - Initial Implementation of the server selection
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.RepositoryCache;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.RepositoryUtil;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ConfigConstants;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.gerrit.core.GerritConnector;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.core.RepositoryTemplateManager;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.core.TaskRepositoryManager;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.ui.TasksUiPlugin;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.RepositoryTemplate;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.TaskRepository;
* @author Jacques Bouthillier
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class R4EGerritServerUtility {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Field GERRIT_PORT. (value is "":29418"")
private static final String GERRIT_PORT = ":29418";
* Field AT. (value is ""@"")
private static final String AT = "@";
* Field AT. (value is ""https://"")
private static final String HTTPS = "https://";
* Field LAST_GERRIT_FILE. (value is ""lastGerrit.txt"")
private static final String LAST_GERRIT_FILE = "lastGerrit.txt";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Variables
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static R4EGerritServerUtility instance = null;
private static Map<TaskRepository, String> fResultTask = new HashMap<TaskRepository,String>();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public R4EGerritServerUtility() {
instance = this;
//LATER: Map the workspace gerrit to the menu option
//Begin Test
//testTaskRepo(); not needed anymore
//End Test
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods Private
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Map the configured Gerrit server found in the TaskList
* @return Map<TaskRepository, String>
public Map<TaskRepository, String> mapConfiguredGerritServer () {
//Reset the list of Gerrit server
TaskRepositoryManager repositoryManager = TasksUiPlugin.getRepositoryManager();
//Only get the TaskRepository related to Gerrit review connnector
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("--------Review repo ---------------");
Set<TaskRepository> reviewRepo = repositoryManager.getRepositories(GerritConnector.CONNECTOR_KIND);
for (TaskRepository taskRepo: reviewRepo) {
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("Add Gerrit Review repo: " + taskRepo.getRepositoryLabel() + "\t url: " + taskRepo.getRepositoryUrl());
fResultTask.put(taskRepo, taskRepo.getRepositoryUrl());
if (null != taskRepo.getRepositoryUrl() ) {
//Print a the end the info for all Gerrit
return fResultTask;
* Build a list of Gerrit server to display in the combo box in the dialogue window
* @param aTaskRepo
private void adjustTemplatemanager (TaskRepository aTaskRepo) {
RepositoryTemplateManager templateManager = TasksUiPlugin.getRepositoryTemplateManager();
//Verify to only add once in the repository template
Boolean found = false;
// printTaskRepository(aTaskRepo);
for (RepositoryTemplate template : templateManager.getTemplates(GerritConnector.CONNECTOR_KIND)) {
String convertedRemoteURL = aTaskRepo.getRepositoryUrl() ;
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("\t template.label: " + template.label
+ "\t repo label: " + aTaskRepo.getRepositoryLabel() +" repo getname: " + convertedRemoteURL );
//Test the name and the remoteURL to reduce duplications
if (template.label.equals(aTaskRepo.getRepositoryLabel()) ||
template.repositoryUrl.equals(convertedRemoteURL) ) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
//Set each parameter of the Gerrit server
String userName = aTaskRepo.getUserName();
Boolean anonymous = (userName != null && !userName.isEmpty()) ? false: true;
//Create a repository template
RepositoryTemplate templateTest = new RepositoryTemplate(aTaskRepo.getRepositoryLabel(),
"", "", "",
aTaskRepo.getUserName(), anonymous, true);
//Set the attributes
Map<String, String> attributes = aTaskRepo.getProperties();
Set<Entry<String, String>> value = attributes.entrySet();
for ( Map.Entry <String, String> entry: value){
templateTest.addAttribute(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
templateManager.addTemplate(GerritConnector.CONNECTOR_KIND, templateTest);
private void printRepositoryTemplate() {
RepositoryTemplateManager templateManager = TasksUiPlugin.getRepositoryTemplateManager();
for (RepositoryTemplate template : templateManager.getTemplates(GerritConnector.CONNECTOR_KIND)) {
Set<Entry<String, String>> value = template.getAttributes().entrySet();
for (Map.Entry <String, String> entry: value) {
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("key: " + entry.getKey() + "\tvalue: " +
private void printTaskRepository(TaskRepository aTask) {
Set<Entry<String, String>> value = aTask.getProperties().entrySet();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : value) {
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("TaskRepo key: " + entry.getKey()
+ "\tvalue: " + entry.getValue());
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo(" UserName: " + aTask.getUserName());
* This method use the Gerrit from the git server in the workspace
private void addWorkspaceGerritRepo () {
RepositoryUtil repoUtil = org.eclipse.egit.core.Activator.getDefault().getRepositoryUtil();
List<String> repoPaths = repoUtil.getConfiguredRepositories();
RepositoryCache repositoryCache = org.eclipse.egit.core.Activator.getDefault().getRepositoryCache();
Repository repo = null;
for (String repoPath : repoPaths) {
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("List Gerrit repository: " + repoPath );
File gitDir = new File(repoPath);
if (!gitDir.exists()) {
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("Gerrit repository do not exist: " + gitDir.getPath());
try {
repo = repositoryCache.lookupRepository(gitDir);
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("\trepository config after lookup: " +
} catch (IOException e) {
if (repo != null) {
Config config = new Config(repo.getConfig());
//Look to get the remotes URL
Set<String> remotes = config.getSubsections(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_REMOTE_SECTION);
for (String remote: remotes) {
String remoteURL = config.getString(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_REMOTE_SECTION,
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("\t\t " + remote +" -> remoteURL: " + remoteURL );
//Test if this is a Gerrit server and add it to the Dialogue combo
String convertedRemoteURL = getReformatGerritServer(remoteURL) ;
if (null != convertedRemoteURL ) {
TaskRepository taskRepo = new TaskRepository(GerritConnector.CONNECTOR_KIND, convertedRemoteURL);
fResultTask.put(taskRepo, taskRepo.getRepositoryUrl());
//Note the Gerrit server for "" in config is
// not the same as in the task Repository: ""
* Verify if the gerrit remote URL has the gerrit port (29418 )
* @param aRemoteURL
* @return String remote converted URL
private String getReformatGerritServer(String aRemoteURL) {
//Test if this is a Gerrit server or not
String[] strParsePort = aRemoteURL.split(GERRIT_PORT);
if (strParsePort.length == 2) {
//Do not convert it for now
return aRemoteURL;
// //We found a Gerrit server, lets build the URL
// //String[] strParseServer = strParsePort[0].split(AT);
// int index = strParsePort[0].indexOf(AT);
// String server = strParsePort[0].substring(++index);
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// sb.append(HTTPS);
// sb.append(server);
// return sb.toString();
return null;
private File getLastGerritFile () {
IPath ipath = R4EGerritPlugin.getDefault().getStateLocation();
String fileName = ipath.append(LAST_GERRIT_FILE).toPortableString();
File file = new File (fileName);
return file;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods Public
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static R4EGerritServerUtility getDefault () {
if (instance == null) {
new R4EGerritServerUtility();
return instance;
* Return the mapping of the available Gerrit server used in the user workspace
* @return Map<Repository, String>
public static Map<TaskRepository, String> getGerritMapping () {
return fResultTask;
* Save the selected Gerrit server URL
* @param aURL
* @return Boolean
public Boolean saveLastGerritServer (String aURL) {
Boolean ok = true;
File file = getLastGerritFile();
try {
FileWriter fw= new FileWriter(file);
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fw);
} catch (IOException e1) {
ok = false;
return ok;
* Return the last selected Gerrit server used
* @return String
public String getLastSavedGerritServer () {
String lastGerritURL = null;
File file = getLastGerritFile();
if (file != null) {
try {
FileReader fr= new FileReader(file);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(fr);
lastGerritURL = in.readLine();
} catch (IOException e1) {
//When there is no file,
return lastGerritURL;
* Get the Gerrit URL based on the provided string
* @param Menu string aSt
* @return URL as a string
public String getMenuSelectionURL (String aSt) {
String urlStr = null;
if (!fResultTask.isEmpty()) {
Set<TaskRepository> mapSet = fResultTask.keySet();
for (TaskRepository key: mapSet) {
if (key.getRepositoryLabel().equals(aSt)) {
urlStr = fResultTask.get(key);
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("Map Key: " + key.getRepositoryLabel() + "\t URL: " + fResultTask.get(key));
return urlStr;
return urlStr;
* Get the Gerrit task Repository
* @param string aSt
* @return TaskRepository
public TaskRepository getTaskRepo (String aStURL) {
if (aStURL != null && !fResultTask.isEmpty()) {
Set<TaskRepository> mapSet = fResultTask.keySet();
for (TaskRepository key: mapSet) {
if (key.getRepositoryUrl().equals(aStURL)) {
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("Key label : " + key.getRepositoryLabel() + "\t URL: " + fResultTask.get(key));
return key;
return null;
* Read the Gerrit server to populate the list of reviews
public void getReviewListFromServer () {
// //Get the Gerrit URL to query
// String urlToUsed = getLastSavedGerritServer ();
// if (urlToUsed != null) {
// //Initiate the request to populate the list of Reviews
// R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("use the following Gerrit URL to populate the list of reviews: " + urlToUsed);
// // TODO: Make it pick the right repository
// Set<TaskRepository> gerritRepositories = fResultTask.keySet();
// Iterator<TaskRepository> it = gerritRepositories.iterator();
// if (it.hasNext()) {
// TaskRepository repository =;
// // List<R4EGerritReviewSummary> reviews = getReviewListFromRepository(repository, GerritQuery.MY_WATCHED_CHANGES);
// // TODO: populate the Gerrit Dashboard with 'reviews'
// }
// } else {
// //Open the dialogue to populate a Gerrit server, Should not happen here
// R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("Need to open the dialogue to populate a gerrit server" );
// }
// /**
// *
// */
// public static List<R4EGerritReviewSummary> getReviewListFromRepository(TaskRepository repository, String query) {
// List<R4EGerritReviewSummary> results = new ArrayList<R4EGerritReviewSummary>();
// R4EGerritQueryHandler handler = new R4EGerritQueryHandler(repository, query);
// IStatus status = handler.performQuery();
// if (status.isOK()) {
// for (R4EGerritReviewSummary summary : handler.getQueryResult()) {
// if (summary.getAttribute(R4EGerritReviewSummary.DATE_COMPLETION) == null) {
// R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo(summary.toString());
// results.add(summary);
// }
// }
// }
// return results;
// }
/******** TEST *************************************************/
private void testTaskRepo () {
// TaskRepository repository = new TaskRepository(GerritConnector.CONNECTOR_KIND, "http://repository"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// final TaskRepository repository = new TaskRepository(GerritConnector.CONNECTOR_KIND, "https://"); //$NON-NLS-1$
final TaskRepository repository = getTaskRepository(); //$NON-NLS-1$
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("repository: " + repository.getUrl()); //$NON-NLS-1$
// int ret = TasksUiUtil.openEditRepositoryWizard(repository); //Generate a null pointer for the workbench window
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("Before: repository url: " + repository.getUrl() ); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Look at the current Gerrit repository and return a default value
* i.e the first Gerrit if found ???
* @return TaskRepository
private TaskRepository getTaskRepository () {
TaskRepository taskRepo = null;
* Field DEFAULT_REPOSITORY. (value is ""https://repository"")
String DEFAULT_REPOSITORY = "https://";
//Reset the list of Gerrit server
//Test to read the TaskRepositories
TaskRepositoryManager repositoryManager = TasksUiPlugin.getRepositoryManager();
//List all repositories in the the TaskRepositories view
List <TaskRepository>listallRepo = repositoryManager.getAllRepositories();
for (int i = 0;i < listallRepo.size(); i++) {
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("TaskRepositoryManager repository: [ " + i + " ] : " + listallRepo.get(i).getRepositoryLabel() );
//Only get the TaskRepository related to Gerrit review connnector
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("--------Review repo ---------------");
Set<TaskRepository> reviewRepo = repositoryManager.getRepositories(GerritConnector.CONNECTOR_KIND);
for (TaskRepository tp: reviewRepo) {
R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("Only Gerrit Review repo: " + tp.getRepositoryLabel() + "\t url: " + tp.getRepositoryUrl());
//Testing bugzilla but need to add the mylyn bugzilla in plugin dependencies
// for (RepositoryTemplate template : templateManager.getTemplates(BugzillaCorePlugin.CONNECTOR_KIND)) {
// R4EGerritPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("Gerrit Bugzilla repository: " + template.label + "\t URL: " + template.repositoryUrl);
// }
return taskRepo;