blob: 4faa386d7f3ac05d998e5d5fabb68158c60d21ce [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.gef;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.JFaceResources;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ResourceManager;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.TransferDragSourceListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.TransferDropTargetListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point;
* An adapter on an SWT {@link org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control} that manages the
* {@link org.eclipse.gef.EditPart EditParts}. The viewer is responsible for the
* editpart lifecycle. Editparts have <i>visuals</i>, such as
* <code>TreeItems</code> or <code>Figures</code>, which are hosted by the
* viewer and its control. The viewer provides targeting of editparts via their
* visuals.
* <P>
* A viewer is a {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider}. It
* maintains a list of selected editparts. The last member of this list is the
* <i>primary</i> member of the selection. The list should never be empty; when
* no editparts are selected, the viewer's contents editpart is used.
* <P>
* A viewer is populated by setting its <i>contents</i>. This can be done by
* passing the model corresponding to the contents. The viewer's
* {@link org.eclipse.gef.EditPartFactory EditPartFactory} is then used to
* create the contents editpart, and add it to the <i>root</i> editpart.
* Alternatively, the contents editpart itself can be provided. Once the
* contents editpart is parented, it will populate the rest of the viewer by
* calling its {@link EditPart#refresh()} method.
* <P>
* The Root editpart does not correspond to anything in the model, it is used to
* bootstrap the viewer, and to parent the contents. Depending on the type of
* viewer being used, it may be common to replace the root editpart. See
* implementations of {@link org.eclipse.gef.RootEditPart}.
* <P>
* An editpart's lifecycle is managed by the viewer. When the Viewer is
* realized, meaning it has an SWT <code>Control</code>, it activates its root,
* which in turn activates all editparts. Editparts are deactivated when they
* are removed from the viewer. When the viewer's control is disposed, all
* editparts are similarly deactivated by decativating the root.
* <P>
* A Viewer has an arbitrary collection of keyed properties that can be set and
* queried. A value of <code>null</code> is used to remove a key from the
* property map. A viewer will fire property change notification whenever these
* values are updated.
* <P>
* WARNING: This interface is not intended to be implemented. Clients should
* extend {@link}.
public interface EditPartViewer extends
org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider {
* An object which evaluates an EditPart for an arbitrary property.
* Conditionals are used when querying a viewer for an editpart.
* @author hudsonr
interface Conditional {
* Returns <code>true</code> if the editpart meets this condition.
* @param editpart
* the editpart being evaluated
* @return <code>true</code> if the editpart meets the condition
boolean evaluate(EditPart editpart);
* Provided for compatibility with existing code.
* @param listener
* a drag source listener
* @see #addDragSourceListener(TransferDragSourceListener)
void addDragSourceListener(
org.eclipse.gef.dnd.TransferDragSourceListener listener);
* Adds a <code>TransferDragSourceListener</code> to this viewer. This has
* the side-effect of creating a {@link org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSource} on
* the viewer's Control. A Control can only have a single DragSource.
* Clients must not create their own DragSource when using this method.
* @param listener
* the listener
void addDragSourceListener(TransferDragSourceListener listener);
* Provided for compatibility with existing code.
* @param listener
* the listener
* @see #addDropTargetListener(TransferDropTargetListener)
void addDropTargetListener(
org.eclipse.gef.dnd.TransferDropTargetListener listener);
* Adds a <code>TransferDropTargetListener</code> to this viewer. This has
* the side-effect of creating a {@link org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTarget} on
* the viewer's Control. A Control can only have a single DropTarget.
* Clients must not create their own DropTarget when using this method.
* @param listener
* the listener
void addDropTargetListener(TransferDropTargetListener listener);
* Adds a listener to be notified of viewer property changes.
* @param listener
* the listener
void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener);
* Appends the specified <code>EditPart</code> to the viewer's
* <i>selection</i>. The EditPart becomes the new primary selection. Fires
* selection changed to all
* {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener}s.
* @param editpart
* the EditPart to append
void appendSelection(EditPart editpart);
* Optionally creates the default {@link org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
* Control} using the default style. The Control can also be created
* externally and then set into the Viewer.
* @param composite
* the parent in which create the SWT <code>Control</code>
* @see #setControl(Control)
* @return the created Control for convenience
Control createControl(Composite composite);
* Removes the specified <code>EditPart</code> from the current selection.
* If the selection becomes empty, the viewer's {@link #getContents()
* contents} becomes the current selected part. The last EditPart in the new
* selection is made {@link EditPart#SELECTED_PRIMARY primary}.
* <P>
* Fires selection changed to
* {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener}s.
* @param editpart
* the <code>EditPart</code> to deselect
void deselect(EditPart editpart);
* Deselects all EditParts. The viewer's {@link #getContents() contents}
* becomes the current selection. Fires selection changed to
* {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener}s.
void deselectAll();
* Returns <code>null</code> or the <code>EditPart</code> associated with
* the specified location. The location is relative to the client area of
* the Viewer's <code>Control</code>. An EditPart is not directly visible.
* It is targeted using its <i>visual part</i> which it registered using the
* {@link #getVisualPartMap() visual part map}. What constitutes a <i>visual
* part</i> is viewer-specific. Examples include Figures and TreeItems.
* @param location
* The location
* @return <code>null</code> or an EditPart
EditPart findObjectAt(Point location);
* Returns <code>null</code> or the <code>EditPart</code> at the specified
* location, excluding the specified set. This method behaves similarly to
* {@link #findObjectAt(Point)}.
* @param location
* The mouse location
* @param exclusionSet
* The set of EditParts to be excluded
* @return <code>null</code> or an EditPart
EditPart findObjectAtExcluding(Point location, Collection exclusionSet);
* Returns <code>null</code> or the <code>EditPart</code> at the specified
* location, using the given exclusion set and conditional. This method
* behaves similarly to {@link #findObjectAt(Point)}.
* @param location
* The mouse location
* @param exclusionSet
* The set of EditParts to be excluded
* @param conditional
* the Conditional used to evaluate a potential hit
* @return <code>null</code> or an EditPart
EditPart findObjectAtExcluding(Point location, Collection exclusionSet,
Conditional conditional);
* Flushes all pending updates to the Viewer.
void flush();
* Returns the <i>contents</i> of this Viewer. The contents is the EditPart
* associated with the top-level model object. It is considered to be
* "The Diagram". If the user has nothing selected, the <i>contents</i> is
* implicitly the selected object.
* <P>
* The <i>Root</i> of the Viewer is different. By constrast, the root is
* never selected or targeted, and does not correspond to something in the
* model.
* @see #getRootEditPart()
* @return the <i>contents</i> <code>EditPart</code>
EditPart getContents();
* Returns <code>null</code> or the MenuManager for this viewer. The menu
* manager is set using {@link #setContextMenu(MenuManager)}.
* @return <code>null</code> or a MenuManager
MenuManager getContextMenu();
* Returns <code>null</code> or the SWT <code>Control</code> for this
* viewer. The control is either set explicitly or can be created by the
* viewer.
* @see #setControl(Control)
* @see #createControl(Composite)
* @return the SWT <code>Control</code>
Control getControl();
* Returns the {@link EditDomain EditDomain} to which this viewer belongs.
* @return the viewer's EditDomain
EditDomain getEditDomain();
* Returns the <code>EditPartFactory</code> for this viewer. The
* EditPartFactory is used to create the <i>contents</i> EditPart when
* {@link #setContents(Object)} is called. It is made available so that
* other EditParts can use it to create their children or connection
* editparts.
* @return EditPartFactory
EditPartFactory getEditPartFactory();
* Returns the {@link Map} for registering <code>EditParts</code> by
* <i>Keys</i>. EditParts may register themselves using any method, and may
* register themselves with multiple keys. The purpose of such registration
* is to allow an EditPart to be found by other EditParts, or by listeners
* of domain notifiers. By default, EditParts are registered by their model.
* <P>
* Some models use a "domain" notification system, in which all changes are
* dispatched to a single listener. Such a listener might use this map to
* lookup editparts for a given model, and then ask the editpart to update.
* @return the registry map
Map getEditPartRegistry();
* Returns the <i>focus</i> <code>EditPart</code>. Focus refers to keyboard
* focus. This is the same concept as focus in a native Tree or Table. The
* User can change focus using the keyboard without affecting the currently
* selected objects. Never returns <code>null</code>.
* @return the <i>focus</i> <code>EditPart</code>
EditPart getFocusEditPart();
* Returns the <code>KeyHandler</code> for this viewer. The KeyHandler is
* sent KeyEvents by the currently active <code>Tool</code>. This is
* important, because only the current tool knows if it is in a state in
* which keys should be ignored, such as during a drag. By default, only the
* {@link} forwards keysrokes. It does
* not do so during a drag.
* @return <code>null</code> or a KeyHandler
KeyHandler getKeyHandler();
* Returns the value of the given property. Returns <code>null</code> if the
* property has not been set, or has been set to null.
* @param key
* the property's key
* @return the given properties value or <code>null</code>.
Object getProperty(String key);
* Returns <code>null</code>, or the ResourceManager for this Viewer. Once a
* viewer has a Control, clients may access the viewer's resource manager.
* Any resources constructed using this manager, but not freed, will be
* freed when the viewer's control is disposed. This does not mean that
* clients should be lazy about deallocating resources. If a resource is no
* longer needed but the viewer is still in use, the client must deallocate
* the resource.
* <P>
* Typical usage is by EditParts contained inside the viewer. EditParts
* which are removed from the viewer should free their resources during
* {@link EditPart#removeNotify()}. When the viewer is disposed,
* <code>removeNotify()</code> is not called, but the viewer's resource
* manager will be disposed anyway.
* <P>
* The viewer's default resource manager is linked to JFace's
* {@link JFaceResources#getResources() global shared resources}.
* @return the ResourceManager associated with this viewer
* @since 3.3
ResourceManager getResourceManager();
* Returns the <code>RootEditPart</code>. The RootEditPart is a special
* EditPart that serves as the parent to the contents editpart. The
* <i>root</i> is never selected. The root does not correspond to anything
* in the model. The User does not interact with the root.
* <P>
* The RootEditPart has a single child: the {@link #getContents() contents}.
* <P>
* By defining the concept of "root", GEF allows the application's "real"
* EditParts to be more homogeneous. For example, all non-root EditParts
* have a parent. Also, it allows applications to change the type of root
* being used without affecting their own editpart implementation hierarchy.
* @see #getContents()
* @see #setRootEditPart(RootEditPart)
* @return the RootEditPart
RootEditPart getRootEditPart();
* Returns an unmodifiable <code>List</code> containing zero or more
* selected editparts. This list may be empty. In contrast, the inherited
* method
* {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider#getSelection()}
* should not return an empty selection. When no editparts are selected,
* generally the contents editpart is considered to be selected. This list
* can be modified indirectly by calling other methods on the viewer.
* @return a list containing zero or more editparts
List getSelectedEditParts();
* This method is inherited from
* {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider ISelectionProvider}.
* This method should return a
* {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection} containing one or
* more of the viewer's EditParts. If no editparts are selected, the
* {@link #getContents() contents} editpart is returned.
* @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider#getSelection()
ISelection getSelection();
* Returns the viewer's selection manager. The selection manager has
* complete control over the viewer's representation of selection. It
* provides the {@link ISelection} for the viewer, and manages all changes
* to the current selection.
* @return the selection manager
* @since 3.2
SelectionManager getSelectionManager();
* Returns the {@link Map} for associating <i>visual parts</i> with their
* <code>EditParts</code>. This map is used for hit-testing. Hit testing is
* performed by first determining which visual part is hit, and then mapping
* that part to an <code>EditPart</code>. What consistutes a <i>visual
* part</i> is viewer-specific. Examples include <code>Figures</code> and
* <code>TreeItems</code>.
* @return the visual part map
Map getVisualPartMap();
* Used for accessibility purposes.
* @param acc
* the AccessibleEditPart
void registerAccessibleEditPart(AccessibleEditPart acc);
* Removes the specified drag source listener. If all listeners are removed,
* the DragSource that was created will be disposed.
* @see #addDragSourceListener(TransferDragSourceListener)
* @param listener
* the listener
* @deprecated
void removeDragSourceListener(
org.eclipse.gef.dnd.TransferDragSourceListener listener);
* Removes the specified drag source listener. If all listeners are removed,
* the DragSource that was created will be disposed.
* @see #addDragSourceListener(TransferDragSourceListener)
* @param listener
* the listener
void removeDragSourceListener(TransferDragSourceListener listener);
* Removes the specified drop target listener. If all listeners are removed,
* the DropTarget that was created will be disposed.
* @see #addDropTargetListener(TransferDropTargetListener)
* @param listener
* @deprecated
void removeDropTargetListener(
org.eclipse.gef.dnd.TransferDropTargetListener listener);
* Removes the specified drop target listener. If all listeners are removed,
* the DropTarget that was created will be disposed.
* @see #addDropTargetListener(TransferDropTargetListener)
* @param listener
* the listener
void removeDropTargetListener(TransferDropTargetListener listener);
* removes the first instance of the specified property listener.
* @param listener
* the listener to remove
void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener);
* Reveals the given EditPart if it is not visible.
* @param editpart
* the EditPart to reveal
void reveal(EditPart editpart);
* Replaces the current selection with the specified <code>EditPart</code>.
* That part becomes the primary selection. Fires selection changed to
* {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener}s.
* @param editpart
* the new selection
void select(EditPart editpart);
* Sets the contents for this Viewer. The contents can also be set using
* {@link #setContents(Object)}.
* @param editpart
* the contents
* @see #getRootEditPart()
void setContents(EditPart editpart);
* Creates an <code>EditPart</code> for the provided model object using the
* <code>EditPartFactory</code>. That EditPart is then added to the
* {@link #getRootEditPart() RootEditPart}, and becomes the viewer's
* contents editpart.
* @param contents
* the contents model object
void setContents(Object contents);
* Sets the context <code>MenuManager</code> for this viewer. The
* MenuManager will be asked to create a Menu, which will be used as the
* context menu for this viewer's Control.
* @param contextMenu
* the <code>ContextMenuProvider</code>
void setContextMenu(MenuManager contextMenu);
* Sets the <code>Control</code> for this viewer. The viewer's control is
* also set automatically if {@link #createControl(Composite)} is called.
* @param control
* the Control
void setControl(Control control);
* Sets the cursor for the viewer's <code>Control</code>. This method should
* only be called by {@link Tool Tools}. <code>null</code> can be used to
* indicate that the default cursor should be restored.
* @param cursor
* <code>null</code> or a Cursor
* @see #getControl()
void setCursor(Cursor cursor);
* Sets the <code>EditDomain</code> for this viewer. The Viewer will route
* all mouse and keyboard events to the EditDomain.
* @param domain
* The EditDomain
void setEditDomain(EditDomain domain);
* Sets the EditPartFactory.
* @param factory
* the factory
* @see #getEditPartFactory()
void setEditPartFactory(EditPartFactory factory);
* Sets the <i>focus</i> EditPart.
* @see #getFocusEditPart()
* @param focus
* the FocusPart.
void setFocus(EditPart focus);
* Sets the <code>KeyHandler</code>.
* @param keyHandler
* the KeyHandler
* @see #getKeyHandler()
void setKeyHandler(KeyHandler keyHandler);
* Sets a property on this viewer. A viewer property is an arbitrary
* key-value pair that can be observed via
* {@link #addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)}. A
* <code>null</code> value will remove the property from the viewer.
* @param propertyName
* a unique string identifying the property
* @param value
* the properties new value or <code>null</code> to remove
* @since 3.0
void setProperty(String propertyName, Object value);
* Sets the <i>root</i> of this viewer. The root should not be confused with
* the <i>contents</i>.
* @param root
* the RootEditPart
* @see #getRootEditPart()
* @see #getContents()
void setRootEditPart(RootEditPart root);
* Turns on/off the routing of events directly to the Editor. If supported
* by the viewer implementation, all Events should be routed to the
* <code>EditDomain</code> rather than handled in the default way.
* @param value
* true if the viewer should route events to the EditDomain
void setRouteEventsToEditDomain(boolean value);
* Sets the selection manager for this viewer.
* @param manager
* the new selection manager
* @since 3.2
void setSelectionManager(SelectionManager manager);
* Used for accessibility purposes.
* @param acc
* the accessible part
void unregisterAccessibleEditPart(AccessibleEditPart acc);