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<h1>Model-View-Controller Architecture</h1>
<img border="0" src="org/eclipse/gef/doc-files/mvc-generic.gif" width="249" height="177"></h3>
<p>The <i>model</i> portion is somewhat self-explanatory.&nbsp; The model should
know nothing about the view or controller.&nbsp; It does however usually know
about listeners to which it fires notifications (listener-notifier pattern).&nbsp;
The model should be changed using {@link org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command
Commands}, and the view should be updated in response to notification.</p>
<p>The <i>view</i> can be several things.&nbsp; It includes the <i>visual part</i>
representing a model object(s).&nbsp; The most flexible visual parts are {@link
org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure Figures} from draw2d.&nbsp; GEF also provides
support for SWT TreeItems, but support for other visuals can easily be added.&nbsp; While &quot;visual part&quot; refers to an object directly representing a
model object, the more encompassing &quot;view&quot; includes feedback, handles, tooltips,
and all things visible to the user.&nbsp; All of these make up the view, and it
is the controller's job to construct and manage them.</p>
<p>The <i>controller</i> is the most interesting part and is the primary focus
of GEF.&nbsp; The controller is responsible for:</p>
<li>Building the <b>visual part</b> and all parts of the view</li>
<li>Modifying the model through Commands in response to user input</li>
<li>Observing the model and updating the view accordingly</li>
<p>User input can be a wide variety of things.&nbsp; A part may support
multiple, unrelated types of editing behavior.&nbsp; To support this, GEF
provides a controller implementation whose entire behavior is provided by
plugging in one or more helper objects.&nbsp; This allows for higher code reuse
and easier code maintenance.</p>
<p>A controller in GEF is an {@link org.eclipse.gef.EditPart EditPart}.</p>
<img border="0" src="org/eclipse/gef/doc-files/mvc-gef.gif" width="438" height="380"></p>