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<h1>Deploying a RAP Application to a Servlet Container</h1>
The following tutorial shows how to create a <em>WAR</em> file that contains the
<em>org.eclipse.rap.demo</em> project as a RAP application.
Note: As with RCP applications there are a wide variety of possible configurations.
What's given in this tutorial is just one possibility.
As prerequisites we assume that you:
are familiar with the bundles- and build information section of the
<a href="">
Equinox in a Servlet Container</a> document.
have installed the WAR Products tooling from this p2 repository
<a href=""></a>
into your IDE. This tooling is part of <a href="">Libra</a> and not
part of RAP. Anyway it can be used to deploy RAP applications in a very comfortable way.
have set a target platform that contains RAP.
<h3>Import org.eclipse.rap.demo into your workspace</h3>
Open the <em class="UILabel">Plug-ins</em> view.
Select the <em>org.eclipse.rap.demo</em> plug-in and use the command
<em class="UILabel">Import As</em> &gt; <em class="UILabel">Source Project</em> from the context menu to import
<em>org.eclipse.rap.demo</em> as a project in your workspace.
<img src="../images/import_rap_demo.png" alt="Import RAP demo project"/>
<h3>Create a .warproduct configuration</h3>
Building a <em>WAR</em> file using the WAR Products tooling is centered around
a <em>.warproduct</em> configuration. The <em>.warproduct</em> configuration is
entirely managed by the WAR Products tooling to simplify war deployment. It's format
is internal and is not intended to be read by tools other than the WAR Products tooling.
To create a <em>.warproduct</em> configuration you can use a working launch
configuration. Follow these steps to create a <em>rapdemo.warproduct</em>
configuration for the RAP demo application:
Open the <em class="UILabel">New WAR Product Configuration</em> wizard.<br/>
<img src="../images/war_product_wizard.png" alt="WAR product wizard"/>
Enter a name for the war configuration file and select the
<em>RAP Workbench Demo</em> from the available launch configurations.<br/>
<img src="../images/war_product_configuration.png" alt="WAR product configuration"/>
<h3>The rapdemo.warproduct configuration</h3>
WAR Products tooling provides a form-based multi-page editor to manage a
<em>.warproduct</em> configuration. The editor has the following pages:
<em class="UILabel">Overview</em>: on this page you can enter additional information
like <em>ID</em>, <em>Name</em>, <em>Version</em> but they are not
needed to export a war archive. Also the <em class="UILabel">WAR Product export</em> wizard
can be started from the <em class="UILabel">Overview page</em>.<br/>
<img src="../images/war_product_editor.png" alt="WAR Product editor"/>
<em class="UILabel">Configuration</em>: Here you can manage which plug-ins and libraries
to be included into the war archive.<br/>
<img src="../images/war_product_editor_configuration.png" alt="WAR Product editor configuration"/>
<em class="UILabel">web.xml</em>: On this page the web.xml of the war archive can be edited.<br/>
<img src="../images/war_product_editor_webxml.png" alt="WAR Product editor web.xml"/>
<h3>Create the WAR archive</h3>
From the <em class="UILabel">Overview</em> page of the <em>.warproduct</em> configuration
editor start the <em class="UILabel">WAR Product export</em> wizard (this can also be reached by launching
the general Export Wizard), enter the location for the war
archive and press <em class="UILabel">Finish</em> if no validation errors exist. After that you can deploy
the <em>WAR</em> file to a servlet container. See the uncommented sections in the <em>web.xml</em>
for more information on how to activate the OSGi-console. This is useful if you run into troubles
while deploying the generated WAR file.
<h2>How to deploy my own application?</h2>
To deploy your own application like described above you will have
to create your own <em>.warproduct</em> configuration. The configuration
should contain the same plug-in references as the <em>rapdemo.configuration</em>
(except the demo-plug-in of course!) plus the plug-ins that make up your application.
It is important that your plug-ins reference the Servlet API by using the
<em>Import-Package</em> directive instead of the <em>Require-Bundle</em>
directive. See the <em>MANIFEST.MF</em> of the demo project for an example.
<strong>Note</strong>: Besides the application server log files
there also exists an Equinox framework log that can be found under the webapp's
work directory, e.g. on Tomcat:
&lt;tomcat-installation&gt;/work/Catalina/localhost/demo/eclipse/workspace/.metadata/.log </pre>
In case Equinox isn't able to start at all, you may also look for log files
&lt;tomcat-installation&gt;/work/Catalina/localhost/demo/eclipse/configuration </pre>
You can use the following checklist to find errors when your exported application does not work:
<li>Check your <em></em> file
<li>Are you exporting the <em>plugin.xml</em>?</li>
<li>If you are using <em></em> files, make sure
they are exported.</li>
<li>Are all libraries you are using listed on the plug-ins class path?</li>
<li>Tip: As PDE build sometimes swallows error messages try exporting
your feature with <em>Deployable Feature</em> export, this may turn up
error messages.</li>
Enable the OSGi console by adding this init-param to the <em>web.xml</em>:
<pre class="lang-xml">
<li>You can add a port after <em>-console</em> and then telnet to
the OSGi console: <br/><code>telnet localhost &lt;port&gt;</code>.</li>
<li>Type <code>ss</code> in the console and see if all bundles are
started. If not try starting them with
<code>start &lt;bundle-id&gt;</code>.
The stack traces may hint to what is missing.</li>
<li>Make sure that there is a
<em>org.eclipse.equinox.servletbridge.extensionbundle</em> in
the <code>ss</code>-listing who's state is <code>RESOVLED</code>.</li>
Make sure that the WAR does <b>not</b> contain the
<em>javax.servlet</em> bundle.
In the plug-in manifest the <em>javax.servlet</em> <b>must</b> be
listed in the <em class="UILabel">Import-Package</em> section, not in
<em class="UILabel">Require-Bundle</em>.</li>
Make sure that the WAR does <b>not</b> contain the
<em>org.eclipse.update.configurator</em> bundle.</li>
Does the WAR contain compile errors?
If so, you will probably find a zip archive somewhere in your output
folder. It contains log files with the compiler output.</li>
Use the product export to validate your feature:
Create a product configuration with an arbitrary
name (<em>File &gt; New &gt; Other &gt; Product Configuration</em>).
Select <q>The product configuration is based on <em>features</em></q>
on the <em>Overview</em> page.</li>
Add your feature to the list of features on the <em>Dependencies</em> page.
Press the <em>Validate</em> button in the top-left corner of the editor.
Ignore complaints about missing <em>javax.servlet</em> packages.
Be aware that unresolved optional dependencies aren't reported as errors.
If you are re-deploying, make sure to delete the work directory of your
servlet engine (e.g.
in Tomcat).
Further hints can be found in the <a href="">RAP FAQ</a>