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<title>RAP Examples</title>
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<h1>RAP Examples</h1>
<li><a href="setup-ide.html">the RAP Tools are installed</a></li>
<li><a href="target-install.html">a RAP target platform is installed and active</a></li>
<p>There are two kinds of example types available.</p>
To create a RAP plug-in from a template, open the <em>New Project</em> wizard
(<em class="UILabel">File &gt; New &gt; Project</em>) and select
<em class="UILabel">Plug-in Project</em>.
Type a project name (e.g. mail) and click <em class="UILabel">Next</em>.
On the following page, ensure that the option
<em class="UILabel">This plug-in will make contributions to the UI</em>
is selected and no <em class="UILabel">Rich Client Application</em> will be created.
Click <em class="UILabel">Next</em>. Now you should see a page where you can select
a template. Select one of the templates with the RAP prefix (e.g. RAP Mail) and
click <em class="UILabel">Finish</em>.
The plug-in comes with a pre-configured launch configuration.
Open the Run dialog (<em class="UILabel">Run &gt; Run Configurations...</em>), select the
<a href="launcher.html#rap-launcher">RAP Launch Configuration</a> that matches your
project name (e.g. mail) and click <em class="UILabel">Run</em> to start.
<h3>Demo Plug-ins</h3>
The RAP project comes with three example applications demonstrating the features and
capabilities of RAP.
The <q>Examples Demo</q>, demonstrates some key features of the RAP framework.
It requires the following bundles:
Some <a href="">RAP Incubator</a> projects also provide
a bundle named after the pattern <em>org.eclipse.rap.demo.&lt;project&gt;</em> or
<em>org.eclipse.rap.&lt;project&gt;.demo.examples</em>. You can add these to the launch
configuration of the examples demo to add more example pages.
The <q>Workbench Demo</q>provides a workbench very closely aligned to the RCP workbench.
It requires the following bundles:
The <q>Controls Demo</q>, showcases the different widgets
of the RAP Widget Toolkit.
It requires the following bundle:
To access and run these demo applications, open the <em class="UILabel">Plug-ins</em> view
and select the corresponding plug-ins. Open the context menu and select
<em class="UILabel">Import as &gt; Source Project</em>.
In the <em class="UILabel">Package Explorer</em>, open the imported plug-in and launch
the demo using the provided
<a href="launcher.html#rap-launcher">launch configuration</a>.