blob: d21e7938f661d622519591863f79b3acfc4765f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2012 Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH - initial API and implementation
* EclipseSource - ongoing development
package org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.lifecycle;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.application.EntryPoint;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.application.ApplicationContextImpl;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.lifecycle.IPhase.IInterruptible;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.lifecycle.UIThread.UIThreadTerminatedError;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.serverpush.ServerPushManager;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.service.ContextProvider;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.service.ServiceContext;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.service.ServiceStore;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.service.UISessionImpl;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle.PhaseId;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle.PhaseListener;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.service.UISession;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
public class RWTLifeCycle extends LifeCycle {
private static final Integer ZERO = Integer.valueOf( 0 );
private static final String CURRENT_PHASE = RWTLifeCycle.class.getName() + ".currentPhase";
private static final String PHASE_ORDER = RWTLifeCycle.class.getName() + ".phaseOrder";
private static final String UI_THREAD_WAITING_FOR_TERMINATION
= UIThreadController.class.getName() + "#UIThreadWaitingForTermination";
private static final String UI_THREAD_THROWABLE
= UIThreadController.class.getName() + "#UIThreadThrowable";
private static final String REQUEST_THREAD_RUNNABLE
= RWTLifeCycle.class.getName() + "#requestThreadRunnable";
private static final IPhase[] PHASE_ORDER_STARTUP = new IPhase[] {
new IInterruptible() {
public PhaseId execute( Display display ) throws IOException {
return null;
public PhaseId getPhaseId() {
return PhaseId.PREPARE_UI_ROOT;
new Render()
private static final IPhase[] PHASE_ORDER_SUBSEQUENT = new IPhase[] {
new IPhase() {
public PhaseId execute( Display display ) throws IOException {
return null;
public PhaseId getPhaseId() {
return PhaseId.PREPARE_UI_ROOT;
new ReadData(),
new IInterruptible() {
public PhaseId execute( Display display ) throws IOException {
new ProcessAction().execute( display );
return null;
public PhaseId getPhaseId() {
return PhaseId.PROCESS_ACTION;
new Render()
private final ApplicationContextImpl applicationContext;
private final PhaseListenerManager phaseListenerManager;
Runnable uiRunnable;
public RWTLifeCycle( ApplicationContextImpl applicationContext ) {
super( applicationContext );
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
phaseListenerManager = new PhaseListenerManager( this );
uiRunnable = new UIThreadController();
public void execute() throws IOException {
if( LifeCycleUtil.isStartup() ) {
} else {
Runnable runnable = null;
do {
setRequestThreadRunnable( null );
runnable = getRequestThreadRunnable();
if( runnable != null ) {;
} while( runnable != null );
public void addPhaseListener( PhaseListener listener ) {
phaseListenerManager.addPhaseListener( listener );
public void removePhaseListener( PhaseListener listener ) {
phaseListenerManager.removePhaseListener( listener );
public void requestThreadExec( Runnable runnable ) {
setRequestThreadRunnable( runnable );
private static void setRequestThreadRunnable( Runnable runnable ) {
ServiceStore serviceStore = ContextProvider.getServiceStore();
serviceStore.setAttribute( REQUEST_THREAD_RUNNABLE, runnable );
private static Runnable getRequestThreadRunnable() {
ServiceStore serviceStore = ContextProvider.getServiceStore();
return ( Runnable )serviceStore.getAttribute( REQUEST_THREAD_RUNNABLE );
// readAndDispatch & sleep
void continueLifeCycle() {
int start = 0;
IPhase[] phaseOrder = getPhaseOrder();
if( phaseOrder != null ) {
Integer currentPhase = getCurrentPhase();
if( currentPhase != null ) {
int phaseIndex = currentPhase.intValue();
// A non-null currentPhase indicates that an IInterruptible phase was executed before. In
// this case we now need to execute the AfterPhase events
phaseListenerManager.notifyAfterPhase( phaseOrder[ phaseIndex ].getPhaseId() );
start = currentPhase.intValue() + 1;
boolean interrupted = false;
for( int i = start; !interrupted && i < phaseOrder.length; i++ ) {
IPhase phase = phaseOrder[ i ];
CurrentPhase.set( phase.getPhaseId() );
phaseListenerManager.notifyBeforePhase( phase.getPhaseId() );
if( phase instanceof IInterruptible ) {
// IInterruptible phases return control to the user code, thus they don't call
// Phase#execute()
ServiceStore serviceStore = ContextProvider.getServiceStore();
serviceStore.setAttribute( CURRENT_PHASE, new Integer( i ) );
interrupted = true;
} else {
try {
phase.execute( LifeCycleUtil.getSessionDisplay() );
} catch( Throwable e ) {
// Wrap exception in a ThreadDeath-derived error to break out of the application
// call stack
throw new PhaseExecutionError( e );
phaseListenerManager.notifyAfterPhase( phase.getPhaseId() );
if( !interrupted ) {
ContextProvider.getServiceStore().setAttribute( CURRENT_PHASE, null );
int createUI() {
int result = -1;
if( ZERO.equals( getCurrentPhase() ) && LifeCycleUtil.isStartup() ) {
EntryPointManager entryPointManager = applicationContext.getEntryPointManager();
HttpServletRequest request = ContextProvider.getRequest();
EntryPointRegistration registration = entryPointManager.getEntryPointRegistration( request );
EntryPoint entryPoint = registration.getFactory().create();
result = entryPoint.createUI();
return result;
void executeUIThread() throws IOException {
ServiceContext context = ContextProvider.getContext();
UISession uiSession = ContextProvider.getUISession();
IUIThreadHolder uiThread = getUIThreadHolder();
if( uiThread == null ) {
uiThread = createUIThread();
// The serviceContext MUST be set before thread.start() is called
uiThread.setServiceContext( context );
synchronized( uiThread.getLock() ) {
} else {
uiThread.setServiceContext( context );
// See bug 354368
if( !Boolean.TRUE.equals( uiSession.getAttribute( UI_THREAD_WAITING_FOR_TERMINATION ) ) ) {
// TODO [rh] consider moving this to UIThreadController#run
if( !uiThread.getThread().isAlive() ) {
LifeCycleUtil.setUIThread( uiSession, null );
private static void handleUIThreadException() throws IOException {
ServiceStore serviceStore = ContextProvider.getServiceStore();
Throwable throwable = ( Throwable )serviceStore.getAttribute( UI_THREAD_THROWABLE );
if( throwable != null ) {
if( throwable instanceof PhaseExecutionError ) {
throwable = throwable.getCause();
if( throwable instanceof IOException ) {
throw ( IOException )throwable;
} else if( throwable instanceof RuntimeException ) {
throw ( RuntimeException )throwable;
} else if( throwable instanceof Error ) {
throw ( Error )throwable;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException( throwable );
public void sleep() {
IUIThreadHolder uiThread = getUIThreadHolder();
private IUIThreadHolder createUIThread() {
UISession uiSession = ContextProvider.getUISession();
IUIThreadHolder result = new UIThread( uiRunnable );
result.getThread().setDaemon( true );
result.getThread().setName( "UIThread [" + uiSession.getId() + "]" );
LifeCycleUtil.setUIThread( uiSession, result );
setShutdownAdapter( ( ISessionShutdownAdapter )result );
return result;
private static Integer getCurrentPhase() {
ServiceStore serviceStore = ContextProvider.getServiceStore();
return ( Integer )serviceStore.getAttribute( CURRENT_PHASE );
private static void setShutdownAdapter( ISessionShutdownAdapter adapter ) {
UISession uiSession = ContextProvider.getUISession();
UISessionImpl uiSessionImpl = ( UISessionImpl )uiSession;
uiSessionImpl.setShutdownAdapter( adapter );
public void setPhaseOrder( IPhase[] phaseOrder ) {
ServiceStore serviceStore = ContextProvider.getServiceStore();
serviceStore.setAttribute( PHASE_ORDER, phaseOrder );
IPhase[] getPhaseOrder() {
ServiceStore serviceStore = ContextProvider.getServiceStore();
return ( IPhase[] )serviceStore.getAttribute( PHASE_ORDER );
public static IUIThreadHolder getUIThreadHolder() {
return LifeCycleUtil.getUIThread( ContextProvider.getUISession() );
private static final class PhaseExecutionError extends ThreadDeath {
public PhaseExecutionError( Throwable cause ) {
initCause( cause );
private final class UIThreadController implements Runnable {
public void run() {
IUIThreadHolder uiThread = ( IUIThreadHolder )Thread.currentThread();
try {
// [rh] sync exception handling and switchThread (see bug 316676)
synchronized( uiThread.getLock() ) {
try {
} catch( UIThreadTerminatedError thr ) {
throw thr;
} catch( Throwable thr ) {
ServiceStore serviceStore = ContextProvider.getServiceStore();
serviceStore.setAttribute( UI_THREAD_THROWABLE, thr );
// We have to prevent the ui thread from waking up at that point, otherwise
// processShutdown would never be executed and session store would not be cleared.
// See bug 354368
UISession uiSession = ContextProvider.getUISession();
uiSession.setAttribute( UI_THREAD_WAITING_FOR_TERMINATION, Boolean.TRUE );
// In any case: wait for the thread to be terminated by session timeout
} catch( UIThreadTerminatedError e ) {
// If we get here, the session is being invalidated, see UIThread#terminateThread()
( ( ISessionShutdownAdapter )uiThread ).processShutdown();