blob: 65caac78eeb898109a544d72f8826d40cfc55771 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.swt.internal.widgets.displaykit;
import org.eclipse.rwt.internal.lifecycle.HtmlResponseWriter;
import org.eclipse.rwt.internal.resources.ResourceManager;
import org.eclipse.rwt.internal.resources.ResourceRegistry;
import org.eclipse.rwt.internal.service.ContextProvider;
import org.eclipse.rwt.internal.service.IServiceStateInfo;
import org.eclipse.rwt.internal.util.HTML;
import org.eclipse.rwt.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.rwt.resources.IResourceManager;
import org.eclipse.rwt.resources.IResourceManager.RegisterOptions;
// TODO [rh] Should javaScript namespaces include widget and/or custom?
// e.g. org/eclipse/swt/widgets/TabUtil.js
final class QooxdooResourcesUtil {
private static final String CLIENT_LIBRARY_VARIANT
= "org.eclipse.rwt.clientLibraryVariant";
private static final String DEBUG_CLIENT_LIBRARY_VARIANT = "DEBUG";
private static final String QX_JS
= "qx.js";
private static final String QX_DEBUG_JS
= "qx-debug.js";
private static final String APPLICATION_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/Application.js";
private static final String REQUEST_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/Request.js";
private static final String WIDGET_MANAGER_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/WidgetManager.js";
private static final String EVENT_UTIL_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/EventUtil.js";
private static final String SASH_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/Sash.js";
private static final String TAB_UTIL_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/TabUtil.js";
private static final String BUTTON_UTIL_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/ButtonUtil.js";
private static final String COMBO_UTIL_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/ComboUtil.js";
private static final String TOOL_ITEM_JS =
private static final String MENU_UTIL_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/MenuUtil.js";
private static final String LINK_UTIL_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/LinkUtil.js";
private static final String CTAB_FOLDER_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/custom/CTabFolder.js";
private static final String CTAB_ITEM_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/custom/CTabItem.js";
private static final String CLABEL_UTIL_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/CLabelUtil.js";
private static final String COOL_ITEM_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/CoolItem.js";
private static final String LIST_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/List.js";
private static final String SHELL_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell.js";
private static final String TREE_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Tree.js";
private static final String TREE_ITEM_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/TreeItem.js";
private static final String TREE_ITEM_UTIL_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/TreeItemUtil.js";
private static final String TREE_COLUMN_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/TreeColumn.js";
private static final String SCROLLED_COMPOSITE_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/custom/ScrolledComposite.js";
private static final String SEPARATOR_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Separator.js";
private static final String LABEL_UTIL_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/LabelUtil.js";
private static final String GROUP_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Group.js";
private static final String TEXT_UTIL_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/TextUtil.js";
private static final String SPINNER_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Spinner.js";
private static final String TABLE_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Table.js";
private static final String TABLE_COLUMN_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/TableColumn.js";
private static final String TABLE_ITEM_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/TableItem.js";
private static final String TABLE_ROW_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/TableRow.js";
private static final String EXTERNALBROWSER_JS
= "org/eclipse/rwt/widgets/ExternalBrowser.js";
private static final String PROGRESS_BAR_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/widgets/ProgressBar.js";
private static final String FONT_SIZE_CALCULATION_JS
= "org/eclipse/swt/FontSizeCalculation.js";
private static final String QX_CONSTANT_CORE_JS
= "qx/constant/Core.js";
private static final String QX_CONSTANT_LAYOUT_JS
= "qx/constant/Layout.js";
private static final String QX_CONSTANT_STYLE_JS
= "qx/constant/Style.js";
private QooxdooResourcesUtil() {
// prevent intance creation
public static void registerResources() {
ClassLoader loader = QooxdooResourcesUtil.class.getClassLoader();
IResourceManager manager = ResourceManager.getInstance();
ClassLoader bufferedLoader = manager.getContextLoader();
manager.setContextLoader( loader );
try {
manager.register( "resource/static/history/historyHelper.html",
manager.register( "resource/static/html/blank.html",
manager.register( "resource/static/image/blank.gif" );
manager.register( "resource/static/image/dotted_white.gif" );
String libraryVariant = System.getProperty( CLIENT_LIBRARY_VARIANT );
if( DEBUG_CLIENT_LIBRARY_VARIANT.equals( libraryVariant ) ) {
register( QX_DEBUG_JS );
} else {
register( QX_JS );
// TODO [rh] since qx 0.6.5 all constants seem to be 'inlined'
// these three files are here to keep DefaultAppearanceTheme.js
// happy that makes heavy use of constants
register( QX_CONSTANT_CORE_JS );
register( APPLICATION_JS );
register( REQUEST_JS );
register( WIDGET_MANAGER_JS );
register( EVENT_UTIL_JS );
register( SASH_JS );
register( TAB_UTIL_JS );
register( COMBO_UTIL_JS );
register( BUTTON_UTIL_JS );
register( TOOL_ITEM_JS );
register( MENU_UTIL_JS );
register( CTAB_ITEM_JS );
register( CTAB_FOLDER_JS );
register( COOL_ITEM_JS );
register( LIST_JS );
register( SHELL_JS );
register( TREE_JS );
register( TREE_ITEM_JS );
register( TREE_ITEM_UTIL_JS );
register( TREE_COLUMN_JS );
register( SEPARATOR_JS );
register( LABEL_UTIL_JS );
register( GROUP_JS );
register( TEXT_UTIL_JS );
register( SPINNER_JS );
register( TABLE_JS );
register( TABLE_COLUMN_JS );
register( TABLE_ITEM_JS );
register( TABLE_ROW_JS );
register( LINK_UTIL_JS );
register( PROGRESS_BAR_JS );
register( CLABEL_UTIL_JS );
// register contributions
} finally {
manager.setContextLoader( bufferedLoader );
private static void registerContributions() {
IResourceManager manager = ResourceManager.getInstance();
ClassLoader contextLoader = manager.getContextLoader();
try {
IResource[] resources = ResourceRegistry.get();
for( int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++ ) {
if( !resources[ i ].isExternal() ) {
manager.setContextLoader( resources[ i ].getLoader() );
String charset = resources[ i ].getCharset();
RegisterOptions options = resources[ i ].getOptions();
String location = resources[ i ].getLocation();
if( charset == null && options == null ) {
manager.register( location );
} else if( options == null ) {
manager.register( location, charset );
} else {
manager.register( location, charset, options );
if( resources[ i ].isJSLibrary() ) {
IServiceStateInfo stateInfo = ContextProvider.getStateInfo();
HtmlResponseWriter responseWriter = stateInfo.getResponseWriter();
responseWriter.useJSLibrary( location );
} finally {
manager.setContextLoader( contextLoader );
private static void register( final String libraryName ) {
IResourceManager manager = ResourceManager.getInstance();
// TODO [rh] system property clientLibraryVariant could be used here to
// specify either RegisterOptions.VERSION or VERSION_AND_COMPRESS
manager.register( libraryName,
RegisterOptions.VERSION );
IServiceStateInfo stateInfo = ContextProvider.getStateInfo();
HtmlResponseWriter responseWriter = stateInfo.getResponseWriter();
responseWriter.useJSLibrary( libraryName );