blob: 4d41ed1b9f089584a8a12ed600af79fb615a380d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2011 Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH - initial API and implementation
* EclipseSource - ongoing development
package org.eclipse.swt.widgets;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle.PhaseId;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.testfixture.Fixture;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.widgets.IDisplayAdapter;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.widgets.IShellAdapter;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
public class Shell_Test extends TestCase {
private Display display;
private Shell shell;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
Fixture.fakePhase( PhaseId.PROCESS_ACTION );
display = new Display();
shell = new Shell( display );
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testGetAdapterWithShellAdapter() {
Object adapter = shell.getAdapter( IShellAdapter.class );
assertNotNull( adapter );
public void testMenuBar() {
Shell shell2 = new Shell( display, SWT.NONE );
Menu menu = new Menu( shell, SWT.BAR );
shell.setMenuBar( menu );
// Ensure that getMenuBar returns the very same shell that was set
assertSame( menu, shell.getMenuBar() );
// Allow to 'reset' the menuBar
shell.setMenuBar( null );
assertEquals( null, shell.getMenuBar() );
// Ensure that shell does not return a disposed of menuBar
shell.setMenuBar( menu );
assertNull( shell.getMenuBar() );
// Ensure that the shell does not 'react' when disposing of a formerly
// owned menuBar
Menu shortTimeMenu = new Menu( shell, SWT.BAR );
shell.setMenuBar( shortTimeMenu );
Menu replacementMenu = new Menu( shell, SWT.BAR );
shell.setMenuBar( replacementMenu );
assertSame( replacementMenu, shell.getMenuBar() );
// Shell must initially have no menu bar
assertEquals( null, shell2.getMenuBar() );
// setMenuBar allows only a menu that whose parent is *this* shell
try {
Menu shell1Menu = new Menu( shell, SWT.BAR );
shell2.setMenuBar( shell1Menu );
fail( "Must not allow to set menu from different shell" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
// Ensure that setMenuBar does not accept disposed of Menus
try {
Menu disposedMenu = new Menu( shell2, SWT.BAR );
shell2.setMenuBar( disposedMenu );
fail( "Must not allow to set disposed of menu." );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
// Ensure that setMenuBar does not accept menus other than those constructed
// with SWT.BAR
try {
Shell shell3 = new Shell( display, SWT.NONE );
Menu popupMenu = new Menu( shell3, SWT.POP_UP );
shell3.setMenuBar( popupMenu );
fail( "Must only accept menus with style SWT.BAR" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
public void testClientArea() {
Rectangle clientAreaWithoutMenuBar = shell.getClientArea();
Menu menuBar = new Menu( shell, SWT.BAR );
shell.setMenuBar( menuBar );
Rectangle clientAreaWithMenuBar = shell.getClientArea();
assertTrue( clientAreaWithoutMenuBar.y < clientAreaWithMenuBar.y );
public void testConstructor() throws Exception {
Shell shell = new Shell();
assertSame( display, shell.getDisplay() );
shell = new Shell( ( Display )null, SWT.NONE );
assertSame( display, shell.getDisplay() );
shell = new Shell( ( Display )null );
assertEquals( SWT.SHELL_TRIM | SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, shell.getStyle() );
shell = new Shell( display, SWT.NO_TRIM | SWT.CLOSE );
assertTrue( ( shell.getStyle() & SWT.CLOSE ) == 0 );
shell = new Shell( ( Shell )null );
assertEquals( SWT.DIALOG_TRIM | SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, shell.getStyle() );
shell = new Shell( display, SWT.MIN );
assertTrue( ( shell.getStyle() & SWT.CLOSE ) != 0 );
try {
Shell disposedShell = new Shell( display, SWT.NONE );
shell = new Shell( disposedShell );
fail( "The constructor mut not accept a disposed shell" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
final Shell[] backgroundShell = { null };
final boolean[] failed = { false };
Thread thread = new Thread( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
backgroundShell[ 0 ] = new Shell();
} catch( Exception e ) {
failed[ 0 ] = true;
} );
thread.setDaemon( true );
assertNull( backgroundShell[ 0 ] );
assertTrue( failed[ 0 ] );
public void testInitialValues() {
// Must return the display it was created with
assertSame( display, shell.getDisplay() );
// Active control must be null
Object adapter = shell.getAdapter( IShellAdapter.class );
IShellAdapter shellAdapter = ( IShellAdapter )adapter;
assertEquals( null, shellAdapter.getActiveControl() );
// Shell initially has no layout
assertEquals( null, shell.getLayout() );
// Text must be an empty string
assertEquals( "", shell.getText() );
// Enabled
assertEquals( true, shell.getEnabled() );
// Shell is visible after open(), but not directly after creation
assertEquals( false, shell.getVisible() );
assertEquals( false, shell.isVisible() );
// The Shell(Display) constructor must use style SHELL_TRIM
Shell trimShell = new Shell( display );
assertEquals( SWT.SHELL_TRIM | SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, trimShell.getStyle() );
public void testInitialSize() {
Point empty = new Point( 0, 0 );
assertFalse( empty.equals( shell.getSize() ) );
public void testAlpha() {
assertEquals( 255, shell.getAlpha() );
shell.setAlpha( 23 );
assertEquals( 23, shell.getAlpha() );
shell.setAlpha( 0 );
assertEquals( 0, shell.getAlpha() );
public void testOpen() {;
assertEquals( true, shell.getVisible() );
assertEquals( true, shell.isVisible() );
public void testLayoutOnSetVisible() {
// ensure that layout is trigered while opening a shell, more specifically
// during setVisible( true )
final StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();
shell.setLayout( new Layout() {
protected Point computeSize( Composite composite, int hint, int hint2, boolean flushCache ) {
return null;
protected void layout( Composite composite, boolean flushCache ) {
log.append( "layout" );
} );
shell.setVisible( true );
assertEquals( "layout", log.toString() );
// don't re-layout when shell is laready visible
log.setLength( 0 );
shell.setVisible( true );
assertEquals( "", log.toString() );
// make sure, layout is not triggered when shell gets hidden
log.setLength( 0 );
shell.setVisible( false );
assertEquals( "", log.toString() );
public void testCloseNotifiesShellListeners() {
final ShellEvent[] shellEvent = { null };
shell.addShellListener( new ShellAdapter() {
public void shellClosed( ShellEvent event ) {
shellEvent[ 0 ] = event;
} );;
assertNotNull( shellEvent );
assertSame( shell, shellEvent[ 0 ].widget );
assertSame( shell, shellEvent[ 0 ].getSource() );
assertSame( shell.getDisplay(), shellEvent[ 0 ].display );
public void testCloseChildShells() {;
Shell childShell = new Shell( shell );
assertTrue( childShell.isDisposed() );
public void testCloseDisposesShell() {;
assertTrue( shell.isDisposed() );
public void testDisposeChildShell() {;
Shell childShell = new Shell( shell );
assertTrue( childShell.isDisposed() );
childShell = new Shell( shell );
assertTrue( childShell.isDisposed() );
public void testDisposeMenu() {
Menu menu = new Menu( shell, SWT.BAR );
assertTrue( menu.isDisposed() );
public void testCreateDescendantShell() {
Shell descendantShell = new Shell( shell );
assertEquals( 0, shell.getChildren().length );
assertSame( shell, descendantShell.getParent() );
public void testFocusAfterReEnable() {
Control focusedWhileDisabled = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
Control focusedControl = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );;
shell.setEnabled( false );
shell.setEnabled( true );
assertEquals( focusedControl, display.getFocusControl() );
public void testSavedFocus() {
Control control = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );;
assertSame( shell.getSavedFocus(), control ); // ensure precondition
assertNotSame( control, shell.getSavedFocus() );
assertNull( shell.getSavedFocus() );
public void testInvalidDefaultButton() {
Shell anotherShell = new Shell( display );
Button anotherButton = new Button( anotherShell, SWT.PUSH );
// Setting button that belongs to different shell causes exception
try {
shell.setDefaultButton( anotherButton );
fail( "Not allowed to set default button that belongs to another shell" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
// Setting button that is disposed causes exception
try {
Button disposedButton = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
shell.setDefaultButton( disposedButton );
fail( "Not allowed to set default button that is disposed" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
// Set a default button for the following tests
Button defaultButton = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
shell.setDefaultButton( defaultButton );
assertSame( defaultButton, shell.getDefaultButton() );
// Try to set radio-button as default is ignored
Button radio = new Button( shell, SWT.RADIO );
shell.setDefaultButton( radio );
assertSame( defaultButton, shell.getDefaultButton() );
// Try to set check-box as default is ignored
Button check = new Button( shell, SWT.RADIO );
shell.setDefaultButton( check );
assertSame( defaultButton, shell.getDefaultButton() );
public void testSaveDefaultButton() {
Button button1 = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
Button button2 = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
shell.setDefaultButton( button1 );
assertSame( button1, shell.getDefaultButton() );
shell.setDefaultButton( null );
assertSame( button1, shell.getDefaultButton() );
shell.setDefaultButton( button1 );
shell.setDefaultButton( button2 );
assertSame( button2, shell.getDefaultButton() );
shell.setDefaultButton( null );
assertSame( button2, shell.getDefaultButton() );
shell.setDefaultButton( null );
assertEquals( null, shell.getDefaultButton() );
public void testDefaultButtonDisposed() {
Button defaultButton = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
shell.setDefaultButton( defaultButton );
assertNull( shell.getDefaultButton() );
public void testResetDefaultButton() {
Button defaultButton = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
shell.setDefaultButton( defaultButton );
shell.setDefaultButton( null );
assertSame( defaultButton, shell.getDefaultButton() );
shell.setDefaultButton( null );
assertNull( shell.getDefaultButton() );
public void testSetDefaultButtonOnFocus() {;
assertNull( shell.getDefaultButton() );
Button button = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
Combo combo = new Combo( shell, SWT.NONE );
assertSame( button, shell.getDefaultButton() );
assertNull( shell.getDefaultButton() );
public void testSetDefaultButtonOnFocus_EventOrder() {
final ArrayList<Button> log = new ArrayList<Button>();;
assertNull( shell.getDefaultButton() );
Button button = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
Combo combo = new Combo( shell, SWT.NONE );
button.addFocusListener( new FocusListener() {
public void focusGained( FocusEvent e ) {
log.add( shell.getDefaultButton() );
public void focusLost( FocusEvent e ) {
log.add( shell.getDefaultButton() );
} );
assertEquals( 2, log.size() );
assertNull( log.get( 0 ) );
assertSame( button, log.get( 1 ) );
public void testForceActive() {
Shell secondShell = new Shell( display );;;
assertSame( secondShell, display.getActiveShell() );
assertSame( shell, display.getActiveShell() );
public void testActivateInvisible() {
shell.setSize( 50, 50 );
shell.setVisible( false );
assertNull( display.getActiveShell() );
public void testSetActive() {
final java.util.List<ShellEvent> log = new ArrayList<ShellEvent>();;
assertSame( shell, display.getActiveShell() );
shell.addShellListener( new ShellAdapter() {
public void shellActivated( ShellEvent event ) {
log .add( event );
public void shellDeactivated( ShellEvent event ) {
log .add( event );
} );
assertEquals( 0, log.size() );
public void testActiveShellOnFocusControl() {
final java.util.List<String> log = new ArrayList<String>();
Shell secondShell = new Shell( display );;;
assertSame( secondShell, display.getActiveShell() );
shell.addShellListener( new ShellAdapter() {
public void shellActivated( ShellEvent event ) {
log.add( "shellActivated" );
} );
Button button = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
button.addFocusListener( new FocusAdapter() {
public void focusGained( FocusEvent event ) {
log.add( "buttonFocusGained" );
} );
button.addListener( SWT.Activate, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
log.add( "buttonActivated" );
} );
assertSame( shell, display.getActiveShell() );
assertEquals( 3, log.size() );
assertEquals( "shellActivated", log.get( 0 ) );
assertEquals( "buttonFocusGained", log.get( 1 ) );
assertEquals( "buttonActivated", log.get( 2 ) );
/* test case to simulate the scenario reported in this bug:
* 278996: [Shell] Stackoverflow when closing child shell
public void testCloseOnDeactivateWithSingleShell() {
shell.addShellListener( new ShellAdapter() {
public void shellDeactivated( ShellEvent event ) {
} );;
// no assert: test case is to ensure that no stack overflow occurs
* Bug 282506: [Shell] StackOverflow when calling Shell#close in Deactivate
* listener
public void testCloseOnDeactivateWithMultipleShells() {;
final Shell dialog = new Shell( shell );
dialog.setLayout( new FillLayout() );
dialog.addShellListener( new ShellAdapter() {
public void shellDeactivated( ShellEvent event ) {
} );;
// no assert: test case is to ensure that no stack overflow occurs
public void testNoDeactivateEventOnDispose() {
final StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();
shell.addShellListener( new ShellAdapter() {
public void shellActivated( ShellEvent event ) {
log.append( "shell activated" );
public void shellDeactivated( ShellEvent event ) {
log.append( "shell deactivated" );
} );;
assertEquals( "shell activated", log.toString() );
public void testMaximized() {
shell.setBounds( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
shell.setMaximized( true );
assertTrue( shell.getMaximized() );
assertEquals( shell.getBounds(), display.getBounds() );
public void testSetBoundsResetMaximized() {
shell.setBounds( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
shell.setMaximized( true );
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle( 10, 10, 100, 100 );
shell.setBounds( bounds );
assertFalse( shell.getMaximized() );
assertEquals( bounds, shell.getBounds() );
public void testSetLocationResetMaximized() {
shell.setBounds( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
shell.setMaximized( true );
shell.setLocation( 10, 10 );
assertFalse( shell.getMaximized() );
public void testSetSizeResetMaximized() {
shell.setBounds( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
shell.setMaximized( true );
shell.setSize( 6, 6 );
assertFalse( shell.getMaximized() );
public void testSetBoundsResetMaximizedEventOrder() {
final boolean[] maximized = {
shell.setBounds( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
shell.addControlListener( new ControlAdapter() {
public void controlResized( ControlEvent event ) {
maximized[ 0 ] = shell.getMaximized();
} );
shell.setMaximized( true );
shell.setSize( 6, 6 );
assertFalse( maximized[ 0 ] );
public void testShellAdapterSetBounds() {
final java.util.List<ControlEvent> log = new ArrayList<ControlEvent>();
shell.setBounds( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
shell.setMaximized( true );
shell.addControlListener( new ControlAdapter() {
public void controlResized( ControlEvent event ) {
log.add( event );
} );
Object adapter = shell.getAdapter( IShellAdapter.class );
IShellAdapter shellAdapter = ( IShellAdapter )adapter;
shellAdapter.setBounds( new Rectangle( 5, 6, 7, 8 ) );
assertEquals( new Rectangle( 5, 6, 7, 8 ), shell.getBounds() );
assertTrue( shell.getMaximized() );
assertEquals( 1, log.size() );
public void testSetBoundsResetMinimized() {
shell.setBounds( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
shell.setMinimized( true );
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle( 10, 10, 100, 100 );
shell.setBounds( bounds );
assertFalse( shell.getMinimized() );
assertEquals( bounds, shell.getBounds() );
public void testModified() {
assertFalse( shell.getModified() );
shell.setModified( true );
assertTrue( shell.getModified() );
shell.setModified( false );
assertFalse( shell.getModified() );
public void testMinimumSize() {
final java.util.List<ControlEvent> log = new ArrayList<ControlEvent>();
shell.addControlListener( new ControlAdapter() {
public void controlResized( ControlEvent event ) {
log.add( event );
} );
assertEquals( new Point( 80, 40 ), shell.getMinimumSize() );
shell.setSize( 10, 10 );
assertEquals( new Point( 80, 40 ), shell.getSize() );
shell.setSize( 100, 100 );
assertEquals( new Point( 100, 100 ), shell.getSize() );
shell.setMinimumSize( 150, 150 );
assertEquals( 1, log.size() );
assertEquals( new Point( 150, 150 ), shell.getMinimumSize() );
assertEquals( new Point( 150, 150 ), shell.getSize() );
shell.setMinimumSize( 10, 10 );
assertEquals( new Point( 80, 40 ), shell.getMinimumSize() );
shell.setMinimumSize( new Point( 150, 150 ) );
assertEquals( new Point( 150, 150 ), shell.getMinimumSize() );
shell.setBounds( 10, 10, 100, 100 );
assertEquals( new Point( 150, 150 ), shell.getSize() );
assertEquals( new Rectangle( 10, 10, 150, 150 ), shell.getBounds() );
try {
shell.setMinimumSize( null );
fail( "Must not allow null value" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
public void testFullScreen() {
final java.util.List<String> log = new ArrayList<String>();
Rectangle displayBounds = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 800, 600 );
getDisplayAdapter( display ).setBounds( displayBounds );
Rectangle shellBounds = new Rectangle( 10, 10, 100, 100 );
shell.setBounds( shellBounds );
shell.addControlListener( new ControlListener() {
public void controlMoved( ControlEvent event ) {
log.add( "controlMoved" );
public void controlResized( ControlEvent event ) {
log.add( "controlResized" );
} );;
assertFalse( shell.getFullScreen() );
assertFalse( shell.getMaximized() );
assertFalse( shell.getMinimized() );
shell.setMaximized( true );
assertFalse( shell.getFullScreen() );
assertTrue( shell.getMaximized() );
assertFalse( shell.getMinimized() );
assertEquals( 2, log.size() );
assertEquals( "controlMoved", log.get( 0 ) );
assertEquals( "controlResized", log.get( 1 ) );
assertEquals( displayBounds, shell.getBounds() );
shell.setMinimized( true );
assertFalse( shell.getFullScreen() );
assertFalse( shell.getMaximized() );
assertTrue( shell.getMinimized() );
shell.setMinimized( false );
assertFalse( shell.getFullScreen() );
assertTrue( shell.getMaximized() );
assertFalse( shell.getMinimized() );
shell.setFullScreen( true );
assertTrue( shell.getFullScreen() );
assertFalse( shell.getMaximized() );
assertFalse( shell.getMinimized() );
assertEquals( 0, log.size() );
assertEquals( displayBounds, shell.getBounds() );
shell.setMaximized( true );
assertTrue( shell.getFullScreen() );
assertFalse( shell.getMaximized() );
assertFalse( shell.getMinimized() );
assertEquals( 0, log.size() );
assertEquals( displayBounds, shell.getBounds() );
shell.setMaximized( false );
assertTrue( shell.getFullScreen() );
assertFalse( shell.getMaximized() );
assertFalse( shell.getMinimized() );
assertEquals( 0, log.size() );
assertEquals( displayBounds, shell.getBounds() );
shell.setMinimized( true );
assertTrue( shell.getFullScreen() );
assertFalse( shell.getMaximized() );
assertTrue( shell.getMinimized() );
assertEquals( 0, log.size() );
shell.setMinimized( false );
assertTrue( shell.getFullScreen() );
assertFalse( shell.getMaximized() );
assertFalse( shell.getMinimized() );
assertEquals( 0, log.size() );
shell.setFullScreen( false );
assertFalse( shell.getFullScreen() );
assertTrue( shell.getMaximized() );
assertFalse( shell.getMinimized() );
assertEquals( 0, log.size() );
assertEquals( displayBounds, shell.getBounds() );
shell.setMaximized( false );
shell.setMinimized( true );
shell.setFullScreen( true );
assertTrue( shell.getFullScreen() );
assertFalse( shell.getMaximized() );
assertFalse( shell.getMinimized() );
assertEquals( 2, log.size() );
assertEquals( "controlMoved", log.get( 0 ) );
assertEquals( "controlResized", log.get( 1 ) );
assertEquals( displayBounds, shell.getBounds() );
shell.setFullScreen( false );
assertFalse( shell.getFullScreen() );
assertFalse( shell.getMaximized() );
assertFalse( shell.getMinimized() );
assertEquals( 2, log.size() );
assertEquals( "controlMoved", log.get( 0 ) );
assertEquals( "controlResized", log.get( 1 ) );
assertEquals( shellBounds, shell.getBounds() );
shell.setFullScreen( true );
shell.setBounds( 20, 20, 200, 200 );
assertFalse( shell.getFullScreen() );
assertFalse( shell.getMaximized() );
assertFalse( shell.getMinimized() );
assertEquals( 2, log.size() );
assertEquals( "controlMoved", log.get( 0 ) );
assertEquals( "controlResized", log.get( 1 ) );
public void testActiveShellOnFullScreen() {
shell.setBounds( 20, 20, 200, 200 );;
Shell shell2 = new Shell( display );
shell2.setBounds( 20, 20, 200, 200 );;
assertEquals( shell2, display.getActiveShell() );
shell.setFullScreen( true );
assertEquals( shell, display.getActiveShell() );
public void testGetToolTipsWhenNoToolTipWasCreated() {
IShellAdapter adapter = shell.getAdapter( IShellAdapter.class );
assertNotNull( adapter.getToolTips() );
assertEquals( 0, adapter.getToolTips().length );
public void testGetToolTipsWhenToolTipWasCreated() {
ToolTip toolTip = new ToolTip( shell, SWT.NONE );
IShellAdapter adapter = shell.getAdapter( IShellAdapter.class );
assertEquals( 1, adapter.getToolTips().length );
assertEquals( toolTip, adapter.getToolTips()[ 0 ] );
public void testGetToolTipsAfterToolTipWasDisposed() {
ToolTip toolTip = new ToolTip( shell, SWT.NONE );
IShellAdapter adapter = shell.getAdapter( IShellAdapter.class );
assertNotNull( adapter.getToolTips() );
assertEquals( 0, adapter.getToolTips().length );
public void testGetToolBar() {
assertNull( shell.getToolBar() );
private static IDisplayAdapter getDisplayAdapter( Display display ) {
Object adapter = display.getAdapter( IDisplayAdapter.class );
return ( IDisplayAdapter )adapter;
public void testIsSerializable() throws Exception {
shell.setText( "text" );
Shell deserializedShell = Fixture.serializeAndDeserialize( shell );
assertEquals( shell.getText(), deserializedShell.getText() );
public void testAddShellListener() {
shell.addShellListener( mock( ShellListener.class ) );
assertTrue( shell.isListening( SWT.Activate ) );
assertTrue( shell.isListening( SWT.Deactivate ) );
assertTrue( shell.isListening( SWT.Close ) );
public void testRemoveShellListener() {
ShellListener listener = mock( ShellListener.class );
shell.addShellListener( listener );
shell.removeShellListener( listener );
assertFalse( shell.isListening( SWT.Activate ) );
assertFalse( shell.isListening( SWT.Deactivate ) );
assertFalse( shell.isListening( SWT.Close ) );
public void testAddShellListenerWithNullArgument() {
try {
shell.addShellListener( null );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testRemoveShellListenerWithNullArgument() {
try {
shell.removeShellListener( null );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {