blob: 9d24a5436a5e6d9164b645f74be5f23e09c8ea43 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2012 Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH - initial API and implementation
* EclipseSource - ongoing development
package org.eclipse.swt.widgets;import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.RWT;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.service.ContextProvider;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle.PhaseId;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.service.IServiceStore;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.testfixture.Fixture;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWTException;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.widgets.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
public class Table_Test extends TestCase {
private Display display;
private Shell shell;
private Table table;
protected void setUp() {
Fixture.fakePhase( PhaseId.PROCESS_ACTION );
display = new Display();
shell = new Shell( display );
table = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
protected void tearDown() {
public void testInitialValues() {
assertEquals( false, table.getHeaderVisible() );
assertEquals( false, table.getLinesVisible() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionIndices().length );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelection().length );
assertEquals( 0, table.getTopIndex() );
assertNull( table.getSortColumn() );
assertEquals( SWT.NONE, table.getSortDirection() );
public void testStyle() {
assertTrue( ( table.getStyle() & SWT.H_SCROLL ) != 0 );
assertTrue( ( table.getStyle() & SWT.V_SCROLL ) != 0 );
assertTrue( ( table.getStyle() & SWT.SINGLE ) != 0 );
table = new Table( shell, SWT.NO_SCROLL );
assertTrue( ( table.getStyle() & SWT.NO_SCROLL ) != 0 );
assertTrue( ( table.getStyle() & SWT.V_SCROLL ) == 0 );
assertTrue( ( table.getStyle() & SWT.H_SCROLL ) == 0 );
table = new Table( shell, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.MULTI );
assertTrue( ( table.getStyle() & SWT.SINGLE ) != 0 );
table = new Table( shell, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.SINGLE );
assertTrue( ( table.getStyle() & SWT.SINGLE ) != 0 );
table = new Table( shell, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.MULTI );
assertTrue( ( table.getStyle() & SWT.SINGLE ) != 0 );
public void testTableCreation() {
assertEquals( 0, table.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getItems().length );
TableItem item0 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 1, table.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 1, table.getItems().length );
assertEquals( item0, table.getItem( 0 ) );
assertEquals( item0, table.getItems()[ 0 ] );
try {
table.getItem( 4 );
fail( "Index out of bounds" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException iae ) {
// expected
assertSame( display, item0.getDisplay() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getItems().length );
item0 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 1, table.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumnCount() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumns().length );
TableColumn column0 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 1, table.getColumnCount() );
assertEquals( 1, table.getColumns().length );
assertEquals( column0, table.getColumn( 0 ) );
assertEquals( column0, table.getColumns()[ 0 ] );
try {
table.getColumn( 4 );
fail( "Index out of bounds" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException iae ) {
// expected
assertSame( display, column0.getDisplay() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumnCount() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumns().length );
// search operation indexOf
column0 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
TableColumn tableColumn1 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 1, table.indexOf( tableColumn1 ) );
TableItem tableItem1 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 1, table.indexOf( tableItem1 ) );
// column width property
assertEquals( 0, column0.getWidth() );
column0.setWidth( 100 );
assertEquals( 100, column0.getWidth() );
public void testHeaderHeight() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.NONE, 1 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getHeaderHeight() );
table.setHeaderVisible( true );
assertTrue( table.getHeaderHeight() > 0 );
public void testMultiLineHeaderHeight() {
Table table = createMultiLineHeaderTable();
TableColumn column = table.getColumn( 1 );
table.setHeaderVisible( true );
column.setText( "Multi line\nHeader" );
assertEquals( 52, table.getHeaderHeight() );
public void testTableItemTexts() {
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
String text0 = "text0";
String text1 = "text1";
String text2 = "text2";
String text3 = "text3";
String text4 = "text4";
String text5 = "text5";
// test text for first column, the same as setText(String)
item.setText( text0 );
assertEquals( text0, item.getText() );
assertEquals( text0, item.getText( 0 ) );
item.setText( 0, text1 );
assertEquals( text1, item.getText() );
assertEquals( text1, item.getText( 0 ) );
try {
item.setText( 0, null );
fail( "Parameter index must not be null." );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException iae ) {
// expected
// test text setting if no table column exists
item.setText( 1, text1 );
assertEquals( "", item.getText( 1 ) );
item.setText( 2, text1 );
assertEquals( "", item.getText( 2 ) );
// test text setting if table column exists
TableColumn column0 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
TableColumn column2 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
item.setText( 2, text2 );
assertEquals( text2, item.getText( 2 ) );
// test text retrievment after last column was disposed
assertSame( "", item.getText( 2 ) );
column2 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
assertSame( "", item.getText( 2 ) );
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
item.setText( 3, text3 );
assertSame( text3, item.getText( 3 ) );
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
assertSame( "", item.getText( 4 ) );
String[] texts = new String[]{
text0, text1, text2, text3, text4, text5
// test setting multiple texts at once
for( int i = 0; i < texts.length; i++ ) {
item.setText( i, texts[ i ] );
assertEquals( text0, item.getText( 0 ) );
assertEquals( text1, item.getText( 1 ) );
assertEquals( text2, item.getText( 2 ) );
assertEquals( text3, item.getText( 3 ) );
assertEquals( text4, item.getText( 4 ) );
assertEquals( "", item.getText( 5 ) );
// test disposal of column that is not the last one
assertEquals( text0, item.getText( 0 ) );
assertEquals( text1, item.getText( 1 ) );
assertEquals( text3, item.getText( 2 ) );
assertEquals( text4, item.getText( 3 ) );
assertEquals( "", item.getText( 4 ) );
assertEquals( text1, item.getText( 0 ) );
assertEquals( text3, item.getText( 1 ) );
assertEquals( text4, item.getText( 2 ) );
assertEquals( "", item.getText( 3 ) );
public void testTopIndex() {
createTableItems( table, 5 );
table.setTopIndex( 1 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getTopIndex() );
public void testTopIndex_ValueOutOfBounds() {
createTableItems( table, 5 );
int previousTopIndex = table.getTopIndex();
table.setTopIndex( 10000 );
assertEquals( previousTopIndex, table.getTopIndex() );
public void testTopIndex_AdjustAfterItemDispose() {
TableItem[] items = createTableItems( table, 2 );
table.setTopIndex( 1 );
items[ 1 ].dispose();
assertEquals( 0, table.getTopIndex() );
public void testTopIndex_AfterRemoveAllItems() {
createTableItems( table, 3 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getTopIndex() );
public void testTopIndex_AdjustIfBigger() {
int visibleItems = 3;
table.setSize( 100, visibleItems * table.getItemHeight() );
createTableItems( table, 20 );
table.setTopIndex( 14 );
for( int i = 10; i < 20; i++ ) {
table.getItem( 10 ).dispose();
int itemCount = table.getItemCount();
int visibleItemCount = table.getVisibleItemCount( false );
assertEquals( itemCount - visibleItemCount, table.getTopIndex() );
public void testTopIndex_OnResize() {
createTableItems( table, 10 );
int visibleItems = 3;
table.setSize( 100, visibleItems * table.getItemHeight() );
table.setTopIndex( 5 );
table.setSize( 100, ( visibleItems + 3 ) * table.getItemHeight() );
assertEquals( 4, table.getTopIndex() );
public void testTopIndex_OnTemporaryResize() {
table.setSize( 100, 100 );
createTableItems( table, 10 );
table.setTopIndex( 5 );
table.setSize( 1100, 1100 );
assertEquals( 5, table.getTopIndex() );
public void testTopIndex_InResizeEvent() {
final int[] log = new int[ 1 ];
createTableItems( table, 10 );
int visibleItems = 3;
table.setSize( 100, visibleItems * table.getItemHeight() );
table.setTopIndex( 5 );
table.addControlListener( new ControlAdapter() {
public void controlResized( ControlEvent e ) {
log[ 0 ] = table.getTopIndex();
} );
table.setSize( 100, ( visibleItems + 3 ) * table.getItemHeight() );
assertEquals( 4, log[ 0 ] );
// see bug 384589: [CellEditor] Wrong row is edited when last row is visible
public void testTopIndex_AdjustOnSet() {
createTableItems( table, 10 );
int visibleItems = 3;
table.setSize( 100, visibleItems * table.getItemHeight() );
table.setTopIndex( 8 );
int itemCount = table.getItemCount();
int visibleItemCount = table.getVisibleItemCount( false );
assertEquals( itemCount - visibleItemCount, table.getTopIndex() );
public void testDispose() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.SINGLE, 1 );
TableColumn column = table.getColumn( 0 );
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
assertTrue( table.isDisposed() );
assertTrue( column.isDisposed() );
assertTrue( item.isDisposed() );
public void testDisposeSingleSelectedItem() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.SINGLE, 1 );
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
table.setSelection( new TableItem[] { item } );
assertEquals( -1, table.getSelectionIndex() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelection().length );
public void testDisposeMultiSelectedItem() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.MULTI, 1 );
TableItem item0 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
TableItem item1 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
table.setSelection( new TableItem[] { item0, item1 } );
assertEquals( table.indexOf( item1 ), table.getSelectionIndex() );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionIndices().length );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionIndices()[ 0 ] );
assertEquals( 2, table.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
item0 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
item1 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
TableItem item2 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
table.remove( 1 );
assertEquals( 2, table.getSelectionIndices().length );
assertTrue( find( table.indexOf( item0 ), table.getSelectionIndices() ) );
assertTrue( find( table.indexOf( item2 ), table.getSelectionIndices() ) );
public void testDisposeInSetData() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setItemCount( 100 );
table.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
} );
try {
// if dispose() is called while processing a SetData event
// and the event was caused by a call to one of the getXXX methods
// of TableItem an SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED is thrown
table.getItem( 40 ).getTextBounds( 0 );
fail( "disposing while in SetData must not be allowd" );
} catch( SWTException e ) {
assertEquals( SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED, e.code );
public void testGetAdapterWithTableAdapter() {
Object adapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
assertNotNull( adapter );
public void testGetAdapterWithCellToolTipAdapter() {
Object adapter = table.getAdapter( ICellToolTipAdapter.class );
assertNotNull( adapter );
public void testGetAdapterWithItemHolderAdapter() {
Object adapter = table.getAdapter( IItemHolderAdapter.class );
assertNotNull( adapter );
public void testReduceSetItemCountWithSelection() {
// Create a table that is populated with setItemCount with all selected
shell.setLayout( new FillLayout() );
Table table = createTable( SWT.MULTI, 1 );
table.setItemCount( 4 );
table.setSelection( 0, table.getItemCount() - 1 );
// Name items to ease debugging
for( int i = 0; i < table.getItemCount(); i++ ) {
table.getItem( i ).setText( "Item " + i );
// reduce the number of items by half
table.setItemCount( table.getItemCount() / 2 );
// Ensure that the selection contains all the remaining items and all
// indices returned are valid
int[] selectionIndices = table.getSelectionIndices();
for( int i = 0; i < selectionIndices.length; i++ ) {
assertTrue( selectionIndices[ i ] >= 0 );
assertTrue( selectionIndices[ i ] < table.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( table.getItemCount(), selectionIndices.length );
public void testReduceSetItemCountWithSelectionVirtual() {
// Create a table that is populated with setItemCount with all selected
shell.setSize( 800, 800 );
shell.setLayout( new FillLayout() );
Table table = createTable( SWT.MULTI | SWT.VIRTUAL, 1 );
table.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
Item item = ( Item )event.item;
item.setText( "Item " + event.index );
} );
table.setItemCount( 4 );
table.setSelection( 0, table.getItemCount() - 1 );
// reduce the number of items by half
table.setItemCount( table.getItemCount() / 2 );
// Ensure that the selection contains all the remaining items and all
// indices returned are valid
int[] selectionIndices = table.getSelectionIndices();
for( int i = 0; i < selectionIndices.length; i++ ) {
assertTrue( selectionIndices[ i ] >= 0 );
assertTrue( selectionIndices[ i ] < table.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( table.getItemCount(), selectionIndices.length );
public void testFocusIndex() {
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
TableItem item0 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
TableItem item1 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
TableItem item2 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
Object adapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
ITableAdapter tableAdapter = ( ITableAdapter )adapter;
// Test initial value
assertEquals( -1, tableAdapter.getFocusIndex() );
// setSelection changes the focusIndex to the selected item
table.setSelection( item0 );
assertEquals( 0, tableAdapter.getFocusIndex() );
table.setSelection( item1 );
table.setSelection( new TableItem[] { item0 } );
assertEquals( 0, tableAdapter.getFocusIndex() );
// calling setSelection with an out-of-range value clears the selection but
// does not affect the focusIndex
table.setSelection( 0 );
table.setSelection( -2 );
assertEquals( 0, tableAdapter.getFocusIndex() );
table.setSelection( 0 );
table.setSelection( table.getItemCount() + 10 );
assertEquals( 0, tableAdapter.getFocusIndex() );
// Resetting the selection does not affect the focusIndex
table.setSelection( item0 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( 0, tableAdapter.getFocusIndex() );
// Ensure that select does not change the focusIndex
table.setSelection( item0 ); table.indexOf( item1 ) );
assertEquals( 0, tableAdapter.getFocusIndex() );
// Disposing of the focused item also resets the focusIndex
table.setSelection( item0 );
assertEquals( -1, tableAdapter.getFocusIndex() );
// Disposing of the focused but un-selected item moves focus to the
// selected item
table.setSelection( item1 ); table.indexOf( item2 ) );
assertEquals( table.indexOf( item2 ), tableAdapter.getFocusIndex() );
// Insert an item before the focused one an verify that focus moves on
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
table.setSelection( 0 );
assertEquals( 0, tableAdapter.getFocusIndex() ); // ensure precondition
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE, 0 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionIndex() );
assertEquals( 1, tableAdapter.getFocusIndex() );
public void testFocusIndexVirtual() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setSize( 500, 500 );
Object adapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
ITableAdapter tableAdapter = ( ITableAdapter )adapter;
table.setItemCount( 100 );
table.setSelection( 99 );
table.setSize( 501, 501 );
table.setItemCount( 98 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( -1, tableAdapter.getFocusIndex() );
public void testRemoveAll() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.NONE, 1 );
TableItem preDisposedItem = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
TableItem item0 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
TableItem item1 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
table.setSelection( 1 );
table.setTopIndex( 1 );
assertEquals( -1, table.getSelectionIndex() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 0, table.getTopIndex() );
assertTrue( item0.isDisposed() );
assertTrue( item1.isDisposed() );
public void testRemoveAllVirtual() {
shell.setSize( 100, 100 );
shell.setLayout( new FillLayout() );
Table table = createTable( SWT.MULTI | SWT.VIRTUAL, 1 );
table.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
Item item = ( Item )event.item;
item.setText( "Item " + event.index );
} );
table.setItemCount( 10 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getItemCount() );
public void testRemoveRange() {
int number = 5;
TableItem[] items = createTableItems( table, number );
table.remove( 2, 3 );
assertTrue( items[ 2 ].isDisposed() );
assertTrue( items[ 3 ].isDisposed() );
assertEquals( table.getItemCount(), 3 );
public void testRemoveRangeWithInvalidRange() {
try {
table.remove( -1, 1 );
fail( "No exception thrown for illegal index range" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testRemoveRangeVirtual() {
shell.setSize( 100, 100 );
shell.setLayout( new FillLayout() );
Table table = createTable( SWT.MULTI | SWT.VIRTUAL, 1 );
table.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
Item item = ( Item )event.item;
item.setText( "Item " + event.index );
} );
table.setItemCount( 10 );
table.remove( 0, 9 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getItemCount() );
public void testRemove() {
int number = 5;
TableItem[] items = createTableItems( table, number );
table.remove( 1 );
assertTrue( items[ 1 ].isDisposed() );
assertEquals( table.getItemCount(), 4 );
public void testRemoveVirtual() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.MULTI | SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setSize( 100, 100 );
table.setItemCount( 10 );
table.remove( 0 );
assertEquals( 9, table.getItemCount() );
TableItem item5 = table.getItem( 5 );
table.remove( 2 );
assertSame( item5, table.getItem( 4 ) );
assertEquals( 8, table.getItemCount() );
public void testRemoveArrayVirtual() {
shell.setSize( 100, 100 );
shell.setLayout( new FillLayout() );
Table table = createTable( SWT.MULTI | SWT.VIRTUAL, 1 );
table.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
Item item = ( Item )event.item;
item.setText( "Item " + event.index );
} );
table.setItemCount( 10 );
table.remove( new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } );
assertEquals( 0, table.getItemCount() );
public void testRemoveWithSelectionListener() {
// ensure that no selection event is fired if a selected item is removed
final boolean eventFired[] = { false };
for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
table.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent event ) {
eventFired[ 0 ] = true;
} ); 1 );
table.remove( 1 );
assertFalse( eventFired[ 0 ] );
public void testRemoveArray() {
int number = 15;
TableItem[] items = createTableItems( table, number );
try {
table.remove( null );
fail( "No exception thrown for tableItems == null" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
try {
table.remove( new int[]{ 2, 1, 0, -100, 5, 5, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0 } );
fail( "No exception thrown for illegal index arguments" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
try {
table.remove( new int[]{ 2, 1, 0, number, 5, 5, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0 } );
fail( "No exception thrown for illegal index arguments" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
table.remove( new int[]{} );
table = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
for( int i = 0; i < number; i++ ) {
items[ i ] = new TableItem( table, 0 );
assertTrue( ":a:", !items[ 2 ].isDisposed() );
table.remove( new int[]{ 2 } );
assertTrue( ":b:", items[ 2 ].isDisposed() );
assertEquals( number - 1, table.getItemCount() );
assertTrue( ":c:", !items[ number - 1 ].isDisposed() );
table.remove( new int[]{ number - 2 } );
assertTrue( ":d:", items[ number - 1 ].isDisposed() );
assertEquals( number - 2, table.getItemCount() );
assertTrue( ":e:", !items[ 3 ].isDisposed() );
table.remove( new int[]{ 2 } );
assertTrue( ":f:", items[ 3 ].isDisposed() );
assertEquals( number - 3, table.getItemCount() );
assertTrue( ":g:", !items[ 0 ].isDisposed() );
table.remove( new int[]{ 0 } );
assertTrue( ":h:", items[ 0 ].isDisposed() );
assertEquals( number - 4, table.getItemCount() );
public void testSingleSelection() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.SINGLE );
TableItem item1 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
// Test setSelection(int)
table.setSelection( 0 );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
table.setSelection( table.getItemCount() + 20 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
// Test setSelection(int,int)
table.setSelection( 0, 0 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
table.setSelection( 0 );
table.setSelection( 0, 2 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
// Test setSelection(int[])
table.setSelection( new int[]{ 0 } );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
table.setSelection( 2 );
table.setSelection( new int[]{ 0, 1 } );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
table.setSelection( 2 );
table.setSelection( new int[]{ 777 } );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
// Test setSelection(TableItem)
table.setSelection( item1 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( item1, table.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
try {
table.setSelection( item1 );
table.setSelection( ( TableItem )null );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( item1, table.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
table.setSelection( item1 );
Table anotherTable = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
TableItem anotherItem = new TableItem( anotherTable, SWT.NONE );
table.setSelection( anotherItem );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
// Test select(int)
table.deselectAll(); 0 );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) ); 1 );
assertEquals( false, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 1 ) );
table.deselectAll(); 0 ); table.getItemCount() + 20 );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
// Test select(int,int)
table.deselectAll(); 0, 0 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
table.setSelection( 2 ); 0, 1 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 2 ) );
// Test select(int[])
table.deselectAll(); new int[]{ 0 } );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
table.setSelection( 2 ); new int[]{ 0, 1 } );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 2 ) );
table.setSelection( 2 ); new int[]{ 777 } );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 2 ) );
public void testMultiSelection() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.MULTI );
TableItem item1 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
// Test setSelection(int)
table.setSelection( 0 );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
table.setSelection( table.getItemCount() + 20 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
// Test setSelection(int,int)
table.setSelection( 0, 0 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
table.setSelection( 1 );
table.setSelection( 0, 2 );
assertEquals( 3, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 1 ) );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 2 ) );
assertEquals( false, table.isSelected( 3 ) );
table.setSelection( 0 );
table.setSelection( 1, 777 );
assertEquals( false, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 1 ) );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 2 ) );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 3 ) );
// Test setSelection(int[])
table.setSelection( new int[]{ 0 } );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
table.setSelection( 2 );
table.setSelection( new int[]{ 0, 1 } );
assertEquals( 2, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 1 ) );
assertEquals( false, table.isSelected( 2 ) );
assertEquals( false, table.isSelected( 3 ) );
table.setSelection( 2 );
table.setSelection( new int[]{ 777 } );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
// Test setSelection(TableItem)
table.setSelection( item1 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( item1, table.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
try {
table.setSelection( item1 );
table.setSelection( ( TableItem )null );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( item1, table.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
table.setSelection( item1 );
Table anotherTable = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
TableItem anotherItem = new TableItem( anotherTable, SWT.NONE );
table.setSelection( anotherItem );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
// Test select(int)
table.deselectAll(); 0 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) ); 1 );
assertEquals( 2, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 1 ) );
table.deselectAll(); 0 ); table.getItemCount() + 20 );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
// Test select(int,int)
table.deselectAll(); 0, 0 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
table.setSelection( 2 ); 0, 1 );
assertEquals( 3, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 1 ) );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 2 ) );
// Test select(int[])
table.deselectAll(); new int[]{ 0 } );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
table.setSelection( 2 ); new int[]{ 0, 1, 777 } );
assertEquals( 3, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 0 ) );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 1 ) );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 2 ) );
table.setSelection( 2 ); new int[]{ 777 } );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 2 ) );
public void testSelectionReveals() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.BORDER | SWT.MULTI );
table.setSize( 200, 200 );
for( int i = 0; i < 128; i++ ) {
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
item.setText( "Item " + i );
// test case precondition: table offers space for max. 30 visible items
assertTrue( table.getVisibleItemCount( false ) < 30 );
// calling setSelection makes the selected item visible
table.setSelection( 95 );
ITableAdapter tableAdapter
= table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
assertTrue( tableAdapter.isItemVisible( table.getItem( 95 ) ) );
// calling select does *not* make the selected item visible 0 );
assertFalse( tableAdapter.isItemVisible( table.getItem( 0 ) ) );
assertTrue( tableAdapter.isItemVisible( table.getItem( 95 ) ) );
// selecting a range will make the lower end of the range visible
table.setSelection( 0, 95 );
assertTrue( tableAdapter.isItemVisible( table.getItem( 0 ) ) );
assertFalse( tableAdapter.isItemVisible( table.getItem( 95 ) ) );
public void testGetSelectionIndex() {
Table singleTable = new Table( shell, SWT.SINGLE );
new TableItem( singleTable, SWT.NONE );
new TableItem( singleTable, SWT.NONE );
singleTable.setSelection( 1 );
assertEquals( 1, singleTable.getSelectionIndex() );
Table multiTable = new Table( shell, SWT.MULTI );
new TableItem( multiTable, SWT.NONE );
new TableItem( multiTable, SWT.NONE );
new TableItem( multiTable, SWT.NONE );
multiTable.setSelection( 1 );
assertEquals( 1, multiTable.getSelectionIndex() ); 2 );
assertEquals( 1, multiTable.getSelectionIndex() );
public void testSelectAll_SINGLE() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.SINGLE, 1 );
createTableItems( table, 2 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
table.setSelection( 1 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
public void testSelectAll_MULTI() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.MULTI, 1 );
createTableItems( table, 2 );
assertEquals( table.getItemCount(), table.getSelectionCount() );
public void testDeselect() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.SINGLE, 1 );
createTableItems( table, 2 );
table.setSelection( 0 );
table.deselect( 0 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
public void testDeselectMulti() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.MULTI, 1 );
createTableItems( table, 2 );
table.deselect( new int[] { 0, 2 } );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 1 ) );
public void testDeselectArray() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.SINGLE, 1 );
createTableItems( table, 2 );
table.setSelection( 1 );
table.deselect( new int[ 0 ] );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 1 ) );
public void testDeselectArrayWithWithIndicesOutsideSelection() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.SINGLE, 1 );
createTableItems( table, 2 );
table.setSelection( 1 );
table.deselect( new int[] { 1, 777 } );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
public void testDeselectRangeWithSelectionWithinRange() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.SINGLE, 1 );
createTableItems( table, 2 );
table.setSelection( 1 );
table.deselect( 0, 777 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionCount() );
public void testDeselectRangeWithSelectionOutsideRange() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.SINGLE, 1 );
createTableItems( table, 2 );
table.setSelection( 1 );
table.deselect( 4, 777 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( true, table.isSelected( 1 ) );
public void testDeselectAll() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.SINGLE, 1 );
createTableItems( table, 2 );
table.setSelection( 1 );
assertEquals( -1, table.getSelectionIndex() );
public void testIsSelectedNonVirtual() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.NONE, 1 );
createTableItems( table, 2 );
// initial state: no selection, isSelected returns alway false
assertFalse( table.isSelected( 0 ) );
assertFalse( table.isSelected( 1 ) );
// test with indices that are out of range, must always return false
assertFalse( table.isSelected( -3 ) );
assertFalse( table.isSelected( table.getItemCount() + 100 ) );
// select and verify that isSelected returns true
table.setSelection( 0 );
assertTrue( table.isSelected( 0 ) );
public void testIsSelectedVirtual() {
shell.setLayout( new FillLayout() );
Table table = createTable( SWT.VIRTUAL, 1 );
table.setItemCount( 1000 );;
// initial state: no selection, isSelected returns alway false
assertFalse( table.isSelected( 0 ) );
assertFalse( table.isSelected( 1 ) );
// test with indices that are out of range, must always return false
assertFalse( table.isSelected( -3 ) );
assertFalse( table.isSelected( table.getItemCount() + 100 ) );
// select and verify that isSelected returns true
table.setSelection( 0 );
assertTrue( table.isSelected( 0 ) );
// ensure that calling isSelected does not resolve a virtual item
ITableAdapter tableAdapter
= table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
boolean selected = table.isSelected( 900 );
assertFalse( selected );
assertTrue( tableAdapter.isItemVirtual( 900 ) );
public void testClearNonVirtual() throws IOException {
Table table = createTable( SWT.CHECK, 1 );
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
ITableAdapter tableAdapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
table.setSelection( item );
item.setText( "abc" );
item.setImage( createImage50x100() );
item.setChecked( true );
item.setGrayed( true );
table.clear( table.indexOf( item ) );
assertEquals( "", item.getText() );
assertEquals( null, item.getImage() );
assertEquals( false, item.getChecked() );
assertEquals( false, item.getGrayed() );
assertFalse( tableAdapter.isItemVirtual( table.indexOf( item ) ) );
assertSame( item, table.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
public void testClearWithIllegalArgument() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.CHECK );
try {
table.clear( 2 );
fail( "Must throw exception when attempting to clear non-existing item" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testClearVirtual() {
shell.setLayout( new FillLayout() );
Table table = createTable( SWT.VIRTUAL | SWT.CHECK, 1 );
table.setItemCount( 100 );
ITableAdapter tableAdapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
table.getItem( 0 ).getText(); 0 );
table.clear( 0 );
assertTrue( tableAdapter.isItemVirtual( 0 ) );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionIndex() );
public void testClearRange() throws IOException {
Image image = createImage50x100();
Table table = createTable( SWT.NONE, 1 );
TableItem[] items = new TableItem[ 10 ];
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
items[ i ] = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
items[ i ].setText( "abc" );
items[ i ].setImage( image );
table.clear( 2, 5 );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
if( i >= 2 && i <= 5 ) {
assertEquals( "", items[ i ].getText() );
assertNull( items[ i ].getImage() );
} else {
assertEquals( "abc", items[ i ].getText() );
assertSame( image, items[ i ].getImage() );
public void testClearRangeWithIllegalArgument() {
try {
table.clear( 1, 11 );
fail( "Must throw exception when attempting to clear non-existing items" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testClearIndices() throws IOException {
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
TableItem[] items = new TableItem[ 10 ];
Image image = createImage50x100();
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
items[ i ] = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
items[ i ].setText( "abc" );
items[ i ].setImage( image );
table.clear( new int[] { 1, 3, 5 } );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
if( i == 1 || i == 3 || i == 5 ) {
assertEquals( "", items[ i ].getText() );
assertNull( items[ i ].getImage() );
} else {
assertEquals( "abc", items[ i ].getText() );
assertSame( image, items[ i ].getImage() );
public void testClearIndicesWithIllegalArgument() {
try {
table.clear( new int[] { 2, 4, 15 } );
fail( "Must throw exception when attempting to clear non-existing items" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testShowItem() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.NONE, 1 );
table.setLinesVisible( false );
table.setHeaderVisible( false );
int itemCount = 300;
for( int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++ ) {
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
int itemHeight = table.getItemHeight();
int visibleLines = 100;
table.setSize( 100, visibleLines * itemHeight );
assertEquals( visibleLines, table.getVisibleItemCount( false ) );
table.showItem( table.getItem( 99 ) );
assertEquals( 0, table.getTopIndex() );
table.showItem( table.getItem( 100 ) );
assertEquals( 1, table.getTopIndex() );
table.showItem( table.getItem( 199 ) );
assertEquals( 100, table.getTopIndex() );
table.showItem( table.getItem( itemCount - 1 ) );
assertEquals( 200, table.getTopIndex() );
table.showItem( table.getItem( 42 ) );
assertEquals( 42, table.getTopIndex() );
table.showItem( table.getItem( 0 ) );
assertEquals( 0, table.getTopIndex() );
public void testSetSelectionBeforeSetSize() {
// Calling setSelection() before setSize() should not change top index
// See bug 272714,
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
table.setSelection( 0 );
table.setSize( 100, 100 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getTopIndex() );
table.setSize( 0, 0 );
table.setSelection( 3 );
table.setSize( 100, 100 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getTopIndex() );
// table with one item and item height == 1
table = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
table.setSelection( 0 );
table.setSize( 100, table.getItemHeight() + 4 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getTopIndex() );
table.setSize( 0, 0 );
table.setSelection( 1 );
table.setSize( 100, table.getItemHeight() + 4 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getTopIndex() );
public void testSortColumnAndDirection() {
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
table.setSortColumn( column );
assertSame( column, table.getSortColumn() );
table.setSortColumn( null );
assertNull( table.getSortColumn() );
public void testDisposeCurrentSortColumn() {
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
table.setSortColumn( column );
table.setSortDirection( SWT.UP );
assertNull( table.getSortColumn() );
assertEquals( SWT.UP, table.getSortDirection() );
public void testSetSortWolumnWithDisposedColumn() {
TableColumn disposedColumn = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
try {
table.setSortColumn( disposedColumn );
fail( "Must not allow to set disposed of sort column" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testSetSortDirection() {
table.setSortDirection( SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( SWT.NONE, table.getSortDirection() );
table.setSortDirection( SWT.UP );
assertEquals( SWT.UP, table.getSortDirection() );
table.setSortDirection( SWT.DOWN );
assertEquals( SWT.DOWN, table.getSortDirection() );
table.setSortDirection( SWT.NONE );
table.setSortDirection( 4711 );
assertEquals( SWT.NONE, table.getSortDirection() );
public void testGetColumnOrder() {
// Test column order for table without columns
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumnOrder().length );
// Test column order for the first, newly created column
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 1, table.getColumnOrder().length );
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumnOrder()[ 0 ] );
table.getColumnOrder()[ 0 ] = 12345;
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumnOrder()[ 0 ] );
// Test column order when disposing of the one and only column
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumnOrder().length );
// Test creating a column for the now column-less table
column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 1, table.getColumnOrder().length );
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumnOrder()[ 0 ] );
// Test creating another column: must be added at the end
TableColumn anotherColumn = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 2, table.getColumnOrder().length );
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumnOrder()[ table.indexOf( column ) ] );
assertEquals( 1, table.getColumnOrder()[ table.indexOf( anotherColumn ) ] );
// Insert column1 between the already existing column0 and column2
table = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
TableColumn column0 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
TableColumn column2 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
TableColumn column1 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE, 1 );
assertEquals( column0, table.getColumn( 0 ) );
assertEquals( column1, table.getColumn( 1 ) );
assertEquals( column2, table.getColumn( 2 ) );
assertEquals( 3, table.getColumnOrder().length );
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumnOrder()[ table.indexOf( column0 ) ] );
assertEquals( 1, table.getColumnOrder()[ table.indexOf( column1 ) ] );
assertEquals( 2, table.getColumnOrder()[ table.indexOf( column2 ) ] );
public void testSetColumnOrder() {
final StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();
ControlAdapter controlAdapter = new ControlAdapter() {
public void controlMoved( ControlEvent event ) {
TableColumn column = ( TableColumn )event.widget;
log.append( column.getText() + " moved|" );
TableColumn column0 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
column0.setText( "Col0" );
column0.addControlListener( controlAdapter );
int column0Index = table.indexOf( column0 );
TableColumn column1 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
column1.setText( "Col1" );
column1.addControlListener( controlAdapter );
int column1Index = table.indexOf( column1 );
// Precondition: changing the column order programmatically is allowed
// even if the moveable property is false
assertEquals( false, column0.getMoveable() );
assertEquals( false, column1.getMoveable() );
// Ensure that changing the column order fire controlMoved events
table.setColumnOrder( new int[] { column1Index, column0Index } );
assertEquals( 2, table.getColumnOrder().length );
assertEquals( 1, table.getColumnOrder()[ column0Index ] );
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumnOrder()[ column1Index ] );
assertEquals( "Col1 moved|Col0 moved|", log.toString() );
// Ensure that calling setColumnOrder with the same order as already is
// does not fire controlModevd events
log.setLength( 0 );
table.setColumnOrder( table.getColumnOrder() );
assertEquals( "", log.toString() );
public void testDisposeOfOrderedColumn() {
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
table.setColumnOrder( new int[] { 1, 0, 2 } );
table.getColumn( 0 ).dispose();
assertEquals( 2, table.getColumnOrder().length );
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumnOrder()[ 0 ] );
assertEquals( 1, table.getColumnOrder()[ 1 ] );
clearColumns( table );
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
table.setColumnOrder( new int[] { 0, 1 } );
table.getColumn( 0 ).dispose();
assertEquals( 1, table.getColumnOrder().length );
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumnOrder()[ 0 ] );
clearColumns( table );
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
table.setColumnOrder( new int[] { 0, 1, 2 } );
table.getColumn( 2 ).dispose();
assertEquals( 2, table.getColumnOrder().length );
assertEquals( 0, table.getColumnOrder()[ 0 ] );
assertEquals( 1, table.getColumnOrder()[ 1 ] );
public void testDisposeWithFontDisposeInDisposeListener() {
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
final Font font = new Font( display, "font-name", 10, SWT.NORMAL );
table.setFont( font );
table.addDisposeListener( new DisposeListener() {
public void widgetDisposed( DisposeEvent event ) {
} );
// ensures that there is no endless loop in Table#setItemCount (see bug 346576)
public void testSetItemCountInDisposeListener() {
final Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setItemCount( 10 );
table.addDisposeListener( new DisposeListener() {
public void widgetDisposed( DisposeEvent e ) {
table.setItemCount( 0 );
} );
public void testDisposeItemsWithSetItemCountInDisposeListener() {
final Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
TableItem item1 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
TableItem item2 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
TableItem item3 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
table.setItemCount( 10 );
table.addDisposeListener( new DisposeListener() {
public void widgetDisposed( DisposeEvent e ) {
table.setItemCount( 0 );
} );
assertTrue( item1.isDisposed() );
assertTrue( item2.isDisposed() );
assertTrue( item3.isDisposed() );
public void testRedrawAfterDisposeVirtual() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setSize( 100, 100 );
table.setItemCount( 150 );
// dispose the first item, this must cause a "redraw" which in turn triggers
// a SetData event to populate the newly appeared item at the bottom of the
// table
table.getItem( 0 ).dispose();
assertTrue( display.needsRedraw( table ) );
public void testSetColumnOrderWithInvalidArguments() {
// Passing null is not allowed
try {
table.setColumnOrder( null );
fail( "setColumnOrder must not accept null argument" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException iae ) {
// expected
// Passing in an array with more elements than columns is not allowed
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
try {
table.setColumnOrder( new int[] { 0, 0 } );
fail( "setColumnOrder must not accept more elements than columns" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
// Passing in an array with more elements than columns is not allowed
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
try {
table.setColumnOrder( new int[] { 0, 0 } );
fail( "setColumnOrder must not accept duplicate elements" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
try {
table.setColumnOrder( new int[] { 0, 77 } );
fail( "setColumnOrder must not accept elements out of range" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
public void testSetItemCountNonVirtual() {
// Setting itemCount to a higher value than getItemCount() creates the
// missing items
table.setItemCount( 2 );
assertEquals( 2, table.getItemCount() );
assertNotNull( table.getItem( 0 ) );
assertNotNull( table.getItem( 1 ) );
// Passing in the same value as already set is ignored
table.setItemCount( 2 );
table.setItemCount( table.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 2, table.getItemCount() );
// Passing in a negative value is the same as passing in zero
table.setItemCount( 2 );
table.setItemCount( -2 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getItemCount() );
// Setting itemCount to a lower value than getItemCount() disposes of
// the superfluous items
table.setItemCount( 2 );
table.setItemCount( 1 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getItemCount() );
assertNotNull( table.getItem( 0 ) );
public void testSetItemCountVirtual() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setItemCount( 1 );
assertEquals( 1, table.getItemCount() );
Item[] items = ItemHolder.getItemHolder( table ).getItems();
assertEquals( 0, items.length );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 2, table.getItemCount() );
items = ItemHolder.getItemHolder( table ).getItems();
assertEquals( 1, items.length );
public void testClearAllAndSetItemCountWithSelection() {
shell.setSize( 100, 100 );;
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL | SWT.SINGLE );
table.setSize( 90, 90 );
table.setItemCount( 10 );
// force items to be resolved
for( int i = 0; i < table.getItemCount(); i++ ) {
table.getItem( i ).getText();
table.setSelection( 0 );
TableItem selectedItem = table.getSelection()[ 0 ];
table.setItemCount( table.getItemCount() - 1 );
assertEquals( 0, table.getSelectionIndex() );
assertEquals( selectedItem, table.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
// bug 303473
public void testItemImageSizeAfterClear() throws IOException {
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
item.setImage( createImage50x100() );
assertEquals( new Point( 0, 0 ), table.getItemImageSize() );
public void testItemImageSizeAfterRemovingAllItems() throws IOException {
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
item.setImage( createImage50x100() );
assertEquals( new Point( 0, 0 ), table.getItemImageSize() );
public void testSetItemCountWithSetDataListener() {
shell.setSize( 100, 100 );;
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setSize( 90, 90 );
table.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
fail( "SetItemCount must not fire SetData events" );
} );
// Ensure that setItemCount itself does not fire setData events
table.setItemCount( 200 );
assertEquals( 200, table.getItemCount() );
public void testResizeWithVirtualItems() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setSize( 0, 0 );
table.setItemCount( 1 );;
// Ensure that a virtual item is not "realized" as long as it is invisible
assertEquals( 0, ItemHolder.getItemHolder( table ).getItems().length );
// Enlarge the table so that the item will become visible
table.setSize( 200, 200 );
assertEquals( 1, ItemHolder.getItemHolder( table ).getItems().length );
public void testItemImageSize() throws IOException {
// Test initial itemImageSize
assertEquals( new Point( 0, 0 ), table.getItemImageSize() );
// Setting a null-image shouldn't change anything
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
item.setImage( ( Image )null );
assertEquals( new Point( 0, 0 ), table.getItemImageSize() );
// Setting the first image also sets the itemImageSize for always and ever
item.setImage( createImage50x100() );
assertEquals( new Point( 50, 100 ), table.getItemImageSize() );
// Ensure that the itemImageSize - once detemined - does not change anymore
item.setImage( createImage100x50() );
assertEquals( new Point( 50, 100 ), table.getItemImageSize() );
// Ensure that the method returns the actual image size, not clipped by the
// available width given by the column
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
column.setWidth( 20 ); // image width is 50
assertEquals( new Point( 50, 100 ), table.getItemImageSize() );
public void testHasColumnImages() throws IOException {
TableItem item0 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
// Test without columns
assertFalse( table.hasColumnImages( 0 ) );
item0.setImage( ( Image )null );
assertFalse( table.hasColumnImages( 0 ) );
item0.setImage( createImage50x100() );
assertTrue( table.hasColumnImages( 0 ) );
item0.setImage( ( Image )null );
assertFalse( table.hasColumnImages( 0 ) );
item0.setImage( createImage50x100() );
assertFalse( table.hasColumnImages( 0 ) );
item0 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
item0.setImage( createImage50x100() );
TableItem item1 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
item1.setImage( createImage50x100() );
assertTrue( table.hasColumnImages( 0 ) );
item1.setImage( ( Image )null );
assertTrue( table.hasColumnImages( 0 ) );
// Dispose column that 'holds' images
TableColumn column0 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
item0 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
item0.setImage( 1, createImage50x100() );
assertFalse( table.hasColumnImages( 0 ) );
assertTrue( table.hasColumnImages( 1 ) );
assertTrue( table.hasColumnImages( 0 ) );
item0.setImage( 0, createImage50x100() );
assertTrue( table.hasColumnImages( 0 ) );
item0.setImage( 0, null );
assertFalse( table.hasColumnImages( 0 ) );
public void testHasColumnImagesAfterColumnDispose() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.NONE, 1 );
table.getColumn( 0 ).dispose();
// No assertion here,
// call hasColumnImages() to make sure the internal structures are OK
table.hasColumnImages( 0 );
public void testGetItem() {
TableItem item;
// Illegal argument
try {
table.getItem( null );
fail( "Must not alow null-argument" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
// test with empty table
table.setSize( 100, 100 );
item = table.getItem( new Point( 200, 200 ) );
assertNull( item );
item = table.getItem( new Point( 50, 50 ) );
assertNull( item );
item = table.getItem( new Point( -10, -20 ) );
assertNull( item );
// test with populated table
table.setSize( 100, 100 );
for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
assertNotNull( table.getItem( new Point( 5, 5 ) ) );
item = table.getItem( new Point( 50, 50 ) );
assertNotNull( item );
item = table.getItem( new Point( 200, 200 ) );
assertNull( item );
item = table.getItem( new Point( -10, -20 ) );
assertNull( item );
item = table.getItem( new Point( 0, 0 ) );
assertNotNull( item );
assertEquals( 0, table.indexOf( item ) );
item = table.getItem( new Point( 0, table.getItemHeight() ) );
assertNotNull( item );
assertEquals( 0, table.indexOf( item ) );
// test with headers
table.setHeaderVisible( true );
item = table.getItem( new Point( 0, 0 ) );
assertNull( item );
item = table.getItem( new Point( 2, table.getHeaderHeight() + 3 ) );
assertEquals( 0, item.getParent().indexOf( item ) );
* 283263: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when clicking on the Pixel Row just
* below the Table Header.
public void testGetItemBelowHeader() {
table.setHeaderVisible( true );
table.setSize( 100, 100 );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
TableItem item = table.getItem( new Point( 10, table.getHeaderHeight() ) );
assertNotNull( item );
assertEquals( 0, table.indexOf( item ) );
* Ensures that checkData calls with an invalid index are silently ignored.
* This may happen, when the itemCount is reduced during a SetData event.
* Queued SetData events may then have stale (out-of-bounds) indices.
* See 235368: [table] [table] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in virtual
* TableViewer
public void testCheckDataWithInvalidIndex() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setItemCount( 10 );
ITableAdapter adapter
= table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
adapter.checkData( 99 );
// No assert - the purpose of this test is to ensure that no
// ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown
public void testComputeSizeNonVirtual() {
// Test non virtual table
Point expected = new Point( 22, 74 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE ).setText( "Item " + i );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE ).setText( "Long long item 100" );
expected = new Point( 137, 296 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
table = new Table( shell, SWT.BORDER );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE ).setText( "Item " + i );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE ).setText( "Long long item 10" );
expected = new Point( 132, 298 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
table.setHeaderVisible( true );
assertEquals( 31, table.getHeaderHeight() );
expected = new Point( 132, 329 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
TableColumn col1 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
col1.setText( "Col 1" );
TableColumn col2 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
col2.setText( "Column 2" );
TableColumn col3 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
col3.setText( "Wider Column" );
expected = new Point( 76, 329 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
expected = new Point( 279, 329 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
col1.setWidth( 10 );
col2.setWidth( 10 );
assertEquals( 87, col3.getWidth() );
expected = new Point( 119, 329 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
table = new Table( shell, SWT.CHECK );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE ).setText( "Item " + i );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE ).setText( "Long long item 10" );
expected = new Point( 155, 296 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
expected = new Point( 310, 310 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( 300, 300 ) );
public void testComputeSizeVirtual() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.BORDER | SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setItemCount( 10 );
table.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
TableItem item = ( TableItem )event.item;
int tableIndex = item.getParent().indexOf( item );
item.setText( "Item " + tableIndex );
} );
// 12 + srollbar (16) + 2 * border (`)
assertEquals( 260, table.getItemCount() * table.getItemHeight() );
Point expected = new Point( 24, 272 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
table.setHeaderVisible( true );
assertEquals( 31, table.getHeaderHeight() );
expected = new Point( 24, 303 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
TableColumn col1 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
col1.setText( "Col 1" );
TableColumn col2 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
col2.setText( "Column 2" );
TableColumn col3 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
col3.setText( "Wider Column" );
expected = new Point( 76, 303 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
// first table item is auto resolved
expected = new Point( 205, 303 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
col1.setWidth( 10 );
col2.setWidth( 10 );
assertEquals( 87, col3.getWidth() );
expected = new Point( 119, 303 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
expected = new Point( 312, 312 );
assertEquals( expected, table.computeSize( 300, 300 ) );
public void testComputeSizeNoScroll() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.NO_SCROLL );
Point actual = table.computeSize( 20, 20 );
Point expected = new Point( 20, 20 );
assertEquals( expected, actual );
public void testGetVisibleItemCount() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.NO_SCROLL );
createTableItems( table, 10 );
int itemHeight = table.getItemHeight();
table.setSize( 100, 5 * itemHeight );
assertEquals( 5, table.getVisibleItemCount( true ) );
assertEquals( 5, table.getVisibleItemCount( false ) );
public void testGetVisibleItemCountWithPartiallyVisibleItem() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.NO_SCROLL );
createTableItems( table, 10 );
int itemHeight = table.getItemHeight();
table.setSize( 100, ( 5 * itemHeight ) + ( itemHeight / 2 ) );
assertEquals( 5, table.getVisibleItemCount( false ) );
assertEquals( 6, table.getVisibleItemCount( true ) );
public void testGetItemHeight() throws IOException {
TableItem item1 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
item1.setText( "Item 1" );
// default font size (11) + hardcoded minimal vertical padding (4)
assertEquals( 26, table.getItemHeight() );
TableItem item2 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
item2.setImage( createImage100x50() );
// vertical padding defaults to 0
assertEquals( 62, table.getItemHeight() );
public void testNeedsScrollBarWithoutColumn() {
table.setSize( 200, 200 );
assertFalse( table.needsHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.needsVScrollBar() );
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
item.setText( "Item" );
assertFalse( table.needsHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.needsVScrollBar() );
item.setText( "Very very very very very long item text " );
assertTrue( table.needsHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.needsVScrollBar() );
createTableItems( table, 100 );
assertTrue( table.needsHScrollBar() );
assertTrue( table.needsVScrollBar() );
item.setText( "Item" );
assertFalse( table.needsHScrollBar() );
assertTrue( table.needsVScrollBar() );
public void testNeedsScrollBarWithColumn() {
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.LEFT );
table.setSize( 200, 200 );
column.setWidth( 10 );
assertFalse( table.needsHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.needsVScrollBar() );
column.setWidth( 220 );
assertTrue( table.needsHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.needsVScrollBar() );
column.setWidth( 5 );
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
item.setText( "Very very very very very long item text " );
assertFalse( table.needsHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.needsVScrollBar() );
public void testHasScrollBar_NO_SCROLL() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.NO_SCROLL );
table.setSize( 200, 200 );
assertFalse( table.hasVScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 220 );
assertFalse( table.hasVScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
public void testGetScrollBarWidth() {
table.setSize( 10, 10 );
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 20 );
createTableItems( table, 10 );
assertTrue( table.getVScrollBarWidth() > 0 );
assertTrue( table.getHScrollBarHeight() > 0 );
Table noScrollTable = new Table( shell, SWT.NO_SCROLL );
noScrollTable.setSize( 200, 200 );
assertEquals( 0, noScrollTable.getVScrollBarWidth() );
assertEquals( 0, noScrollTable.getHScrollBarHeight() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnColumnChange() {
table.setSize( 20, 20 );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 25 );
assertTrue( table.hasHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
column.setWidth( 25 );
assertTrue( table.hasHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnItemsChange() {
table.setSize( 20, 20 );
assertFalse( table.hasVScrollBar() );
createTableItems( table, 20 );
assertTrue( table.hasVScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.hasVScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnResize() {
table.setSize( 20, 20 );
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 25 );
assertTrue( table.hasHScrollBar() );
table.setSize( 30, 30 );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnItemWidthChange() throws IOException {
table.setSize( 60, 60 );
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
item.setText( "Very long long long long long long long long text" );
assertTrue( table.hasHScrollBar() );
item.setText( "" );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
Image image = createImage100x50();
item.setImage( image );
assertTrue( table.hasHScrollBar() );
item.setImage( ( Image )null );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
item.setText( "Very long long long long long long long long text" );
item.setImage( image );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
// change font
item.setText( "short" );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
Font bigFont = Graphics.getFont( "Helvetica", 50, SWT.BOLD );
item.setFont( bigFont );
assertTrue( table.hasHScrollBar() );
item.setFont( null );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
table.setFont( bigFont );
assertTrue( table.hasHScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnHeaderVisibleChange() {
int itemCount = 5;
createTableItems( table, itemCount );
table.setSize( 100, itemCount * table.getItemHeight() + 4 );
assertFalse( table.hasVScrollBar() );
table.setHeaderVisible( true );
assertTrue( table.hasVScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnVirtualItemCountChange() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
int itemCount = 5;
table.setSize( 100, itemCount * table.getItemHeight() + 4 );
table.setItemCount( itemCount );
assertFalse( table.hasVScrollBar() );
table.setItemCount( itemCount * 2 );
assertTrue( table.hasVScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarItemWidthChangeWithColumn() throws IOException {
table.setSize( 20, 100 );
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 10 );
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
item.setText( "Very long long long long long long long long text" );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
item.setImage( createImage100x50() );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarWithInterDependencyHFirst() {
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 20 );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
table.setSize( 30, table.getItemHeight() + 4 );
assertFalse( table.needsVScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.needsHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.hasVScrollBar() );
column.setWidth( 40 );
assertTrue( table.hasHScrollBar() );
assertTrue( table.hasVScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarWithInterDependencyVFirst() {
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 26 );
table.setSize( 30, 30 );
assertFalse( table.hasHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( table.hasVScrollBar() );
createTableItems( table, 10 );
assertTrue( table.hasHScrollBar() );
assertTrue( table.hasVScrollBar() );
public void testGetMeasureItemWithoutColumnsVirtual() {
final String[] data = new String[ 1000 ];
for( int i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
data[ i ] = "";
Listener setDataListener = new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
TableItem item = ( TableItem )event.item;
int index = item.getParent().indexOf( item );
item.setText( data[ index ] );
shell.setSize( 100, 100 );
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.addListener( SWT.SetData, setDataListener );
table.setItemCount( data.length );
table.setSize( 90, 90 );;
int resolvedItemCount;
TableItem measureItem;
// Test with items that all have the same width
resolvedItemCount = countResolvedItems( table );
measureItem = table.getMeasureItem();
assertNotNull( measureItem );
assertEquals( resolvedItemCount, countResolvedItems( table ) );
// Test with items that have ascending length
data[ 0 ] = "a";
for( int i = 1; i < data.length; i++ ) {
data[ i ] = data[ i - 1 ] + "a";
table.getItem( 100 ).getText(); // resolves item
resolvedItemCount = countResolvedItems( table );
measureItem = table.getMeasureItem();
int measureItemIndex = measureItem.getParent().indexOf( measureItem );
assertEquals( 100, measureItemIndex );
assertEquals( resolvedItemCount, countResolvedItems( table ) );
public void testIndexOf() {
shell.setSize( 100, 100 );
TableItem item1 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 0, table.indexOf( item1 ) );
TableItem item0 = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE, 0 );
assertEquals( 0, table.indexOf( item0 ) );
assertEquals( 1, table.indexOf( item1 ) );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
TableItem itemBefore = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
// -> this is the place for 'newItem'
TableItem itemAfter = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
TableItem newItem = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE, 3 );
assertEquals( 3, table.indexOf( newItem ) );
assertEquals( 2, table.indexOf( itemBefore ) );
assertEquals( 4, table.indexOf( itemAfter ) );
assertEquals( -1, table.indexOf( newItem ) );
assertEquals( 2, table.indexOf( itemBefore ) );
assertEquals( 3, table.indexOf( itemAfter ) );
table.remove( table.getItemCount() - 1 );
assertEquals( 3, table.indexOf( itemAfter ) );
public void testIndexOfVirtual() {
shell.setSize( 100, 100 );
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setItemCount( 10 );
TableItem item = table.getItem( 0 );
assertEquals( 0, table.indexOf( item ) );
item = table.getItem( 5 );
assertEquals( 5, table.indexOf( item ) );
item = table.getItem( 9 );
assertEquals( 9, table.indexOf( item ) );
// ensure that updating null-items does not throw NPE
table.remove( 5 );
public void testShowColumn() {
table.setSize( 325, 100 );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
column.setWidth( 50 );
ITableAdapter adapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
assertEquals( 0, adapter.getLeftOffset() );
table.showColumn( table.getColumn( 8 ) );
assertEquals( 175, adapter.getLeftOffset() );
table.showColumn( table.getColumn( 1 ) );
assertEquals( 50, adapter.getLeftOffset() );
table.showColumn( table.getColumn( 3 ) );
assertEquals( 50, adapter.getLeftOffset() );
table.getColumn( 3 ).dispose();
table.setColumnOrder( new int[] { 8, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4 } );
table.showColumn( table.getColumn( 8 ) );
assertEquals( 0, adapter.getLeftOffset() );
table.showColumn( table.getColumn( 5 ) );
assertEquals( 125, adapter.getLeftOffset() );
public void testShowColumnWithReorderedColumns() {
table.setSize( 325, 100 );
for( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) {
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
column.setWidth( 50 );
table.setColumnOrder( new int[] { 8, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4 } );
table.showColumn( table.getColumn( 8 ) );
ITableAdapter adapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
assertEquals( 0, adapter.getLeftOffset() );
table.showColumn( table.getColumn( 5 ) );
assertEquals( 125, adapter.getLeftOffset() );
public void testShowColumnWithNullArgument() {
try {
table.showColumn( null );
fail( "Null argument not allowed" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testShowColumnWithDisposedColumn() {
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
try {
table.showColumn( column );
fail( "Disposed column not allowed as argument" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expeted ) {
public void testShowColumnWithForeignColumn() {
int initialLeftOffset = 123456;
Table table = createTable( SWT.NONE, 1 );
table.leftOffset = initialLeftOffset;
Table otherTable = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
TableColumn otherColumn = new TableColumn( otherTable, SWT.NONE );
table.showColumn( otherColumn );
ITableAdapter adapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
assertEquals( initialLeftOffset, adapter.getLeftOffset() );
public void testShowFixedColumn() {
shell.setSize( 800, 600 );
Table table = createFixedColumnsTable();
table.setSize( 300, 100 );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
column.setWidth( 50 );
createTableItems( table, 10 );
ITableAdapter adapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
adapter.setLeftOffset( 100 );
table.showColumn( table.getColumn( 0 ) );
assertEquals( 100, adapter.getLeftOffset() );
public void testShowColumnWithFixedColumns_ScrolledToLeft() {
Table table = createFixedColumnsTable();
int numColumns = 4;
int columnWidth = 100;
table.setSize( columnWidth * ( numColumns - 1 ), 100 );
for( int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++ ) {
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
column.setWidth( columnWidth );
ITableAdapter adapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
adapter.setLeftOffset( 100 );
table.showColumn( table.getColumn( 2 ) );
assertEquals( 0, adapter.getLeftOffset() );
public void testShowColumnWithFixedColumns_ScrolledToRight() {
int numColumns = 4;
int columnWidth = 100;
Table table = createFixedColumnsTable();
table.setSize( columnWidth * ( numColumns - 1 ), 100 );
for( int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++ ) {
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
column.setWidth( columnWidth );
table.showColumn( table.getColumn( 3 ) );
ITableAdapter adapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
assertEquals( 100, adapter.getLeftOffset() );
public void testScrollBars_NONE() {
assertNotNull( table.getHorizontalBar() );
assertNotNull( table.getVerticalBar() );
public void testScrollBars_NO_SCROLL() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.NO_SCROLL );
assertNull( table.getHorizontalBar() );
assertNull( table.getVerticalBar() );
// 288634: [Table] TableItem images are not displayed if columns are created
// after setInput
public void testUpdateColumnImageCount() throws IOException {
shell.setSize( 100, 100 );
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
item.setText( new String[] { "col 1", "col 2", "col 3" } );
Image image = createImage50x100();
item.setImage( new Image[] { image, null, image } );
assertTrue( table.hasColumnImages( 0 ) );
TableColumn col1 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
col1.setText( "header 1" );
col1.setWidth( 30 );
TableColumn col2 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
col2.setText( "header 2" );
col2.setWidth( 30 );
TableColumn col3 = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NONE );
col3.setText( "header 3" );
col3.setWidth( 30 );
assertTrue( table.hasColumnImages( 0 ) );
assertFalse( table.hasColumnImages( 1 ) );
assertFalse( table.hasColumnImages( 2 ) );
// 239024: {TableViewer] Missing text due to TableViewerColumn
public void testGetItemsPreferredWidth() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.NONE, 2 );
assertEquals( 12, table.getItemsPreferredWidth( 0 ) );
assertEquals( 12, table.getItemsPreferredWidth( 1 ) );
public void testGetItemsPreferredWidth_CHECK() {
Table table = createTable( SWT.CHECK, 2 );
// 33 = 21 ( check width ) + 12
assertEquals( 37, table.getItemsPreferredWidth( 0 ) );
assertEquals( 12, table.getItemsPreferredWidth( 1 ) );
public void testRemoveArrayDuplicates() {
createTableItems( table, 5 );
assertEquals( 5, table.getItemCount() );
table.remove( new int[]{ 1, 1 } );
assertEquals( 4, table.getItemCount() );
table.remove( new int[]{ 0, 2, 1, 1 } );
assertEquals( 1, table.getItemCount() );
public void testReskinDoesNotResolveVirtualItems() {
final java.util.List<Event> eventLog = new LinkedList<Event>();
shell.setSize( 100, 100 );
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setItemCount( 1000 );
table.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
eventLog.add( event );
} );
redrawTable( table );
table.reskin( SWT.ALL );
assertEquals( 0, eventLog.size() );
public void testTemporaryResizeDoesNotResolveVirtualItems() {
final java.util.List<Event> eventLog = new LinkedList<Event>();
shell.setSize( 100, 100 );
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setItemCount( 1000 );
table.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
eventLog.add( event );
} );
redrawTable( table );
table.setSize( 1000, 1000 );
assertEquals( 0, eventLog.size() );
public void testIsSerializable() throws Exception {
Table table = createTable( SWT.VIRTUAL, 1 );
new TableItem( table, 0 );
Table deserializedTable = Fixture.serializeAndDeserialize( table );
assertEquals( 1, deserializedTable.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 1, deserializedTable.getColumnCount() );
public void testSetCustomItemHeight() {
table.setData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT, new Integer( 123 ) );
assertEquals( 123, table.getItemHeight() );
public void testGetCustomItemHeight() {
Integer itemHeight = new Integer( 123 );
table.setData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT, itemHeight );
Object returnedItemHeight = table.getData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT );
assertEquals( itemHeight, returnedItemHeight );
public void testResetCustomItemHeight() {
int calculatedItemHeight = table.getItemHeight();
table.setData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT, new Integer( 123 ) );
table.setData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT, null );
assertEquals( calculatedItemHeight, table.getItemHeight() );
public void testDefaultCustomItemHeight() {
assertEquals( 26, table.getItemHeight() );
public void testSetCustomItemHeightWithNegativeValue() {
try {
table.setData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT, new Integer( -1 ) );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testSetCustomItemHeightWithNonIntegerValue() {
try {
table.setData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT, new Object() );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testMarkupTextWithoutMarkupEnabled() {
table.setData( RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE );
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
try {
item.setText( "invalid xhtml: <<&>>" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException notExpected ) {
public void testMarkupTextWithMarkupEnabled() {
table.setData( RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE );
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
try {
item.setText( "invalid xhtml: <<&>>" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testMarkupTextWithMarkupEnabled_ValidationDisabled() {
table.setData( RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE );
table.setData( MarkupValidator.MARKUP_VALIDATION_DISABLED, Boolean.TRUE );
TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NONE );
try {
item.setText( "invalid xhtml: <<&>>" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException notExpected ) {
public void testDisableMarkupIsIgnored() {
table.setData( RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE );
table.setData( RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE );
assertTrue( table.markupEnabled );
public void testAddSelectionListener() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
table.addSelectionListener( mock( SelectionListener.class ) );
assertTrue( table.isListening( SWT.Selection ) );
assertTrue( table.isListening( SWT.DefaultSelection ) );
public void testRemoveSelectionListener() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
SelectionListener listener = mock( SelectionListener.class );
table.addSelectionListener( listener );
table.removeSelectionListener( listener );
assertFalse( table.isListening( SWT.Selection ) );
assertFalse( table.isListening( SWT.DefaultSelection ) );
public void testAddSelectionListenerWithNullArgument() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
try {
table.addSelectionListener( null );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testRemoveSelectionListenerWithNullArgument() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
try {
table.removeSelectionListener( null );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testDisposeCellEditor() {
Table table = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
Text cellEditor = new Text( table, SWT.NONE );
assertTrue( cellEditor.isDisposed() );
private Image createImage50x100() throws IOException {
InputStream stream = Fixture.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( Fixture.IMAGE_50x100 );
Image result = new Image( display, stream );
return result;
private Image createImage100x50() throws IOException {
InputStream stream = Fixture.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( Fixture.IMAGE_100x50 );
Image result = new Image( display, stream );
return result;
private Table createTable( int style, int columnCount ) {
Table result = new Table( shell, style );
for( int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++ ) {
new TableColumn( result, SWT.NONE );
return result;
private static TableItem[] createTableItems( Table table, int number ) {
TableItem[] result = new TableItem[ number ];
for( int i = 0; i < number; i++ ) {
result[ i ] = new TableItem( table, 0 );
result[ i ].setText( "item" + i );
return result;
private static boolean find( int element, int[] array ) {
boolean result = false;
for( int i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) {
if( element == array[ i ] ) {
result = true;
return result;
private static int countResolvedItems( Table table ) {
ITableAdapter tableAdapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
int result = 0;
TableItem[] createdItems = tableAdapter.getCreatedItems();
for( int i = 0; i < createdItems.length; i++ ) {
int index = table.indexOf( createdItems[ i ] );
if( !tableAdapter.isItemVirtual( index ) ) {
return result;
private static void clearColumns( Table table ) {
while( table.getColumnCount() > 0 ) {
table.getColumn( 0 ).dispose();
private static void redrawTable( Table table ) {
ITableAdapter tableAdapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
private Table createFixedColumnsTable() {
Table result = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
result.setData( RWT.FIXED_COLUMNS, new Integer( 2 ) );
return result;
private Table createMultiLineHeaderTable() {
Table result = new Table( shell, SWT.NONE );
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
TableColumn column = new TableColumn( result, SWT.NONE );
column.setWidth( 50 );
column.setText( "Column " + i );
return result;
private void markTemporaryResize() {
IServiceStore serviceStore = ContextProvider.getServiceStore();
String key = "org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.textsize.TextSizeRecalculation#temporaryResize";
serviceStore.setAttribute( key, Boolean.TRUE );