blob: b6eaea5a8b1521d4f0074591ade6e557dc638665 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2012 Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH - initial API and implementation
* EclipseSource - ongoing development
package org.eclipse.swt.internal.widgets.tablekit;
import static org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle.WidgetLCAUtil.preserveListener;
import static org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle.WidgetLCAUtil.preserveProperty;
import static org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle.WidgetLCAUtil.readEventPropertyValue;
import static org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle.WidgetLCAUtil.renderListener;
import static org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle.WidgetLCAUtil.renderProperty;
import static org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle.WidgetUtil.getId;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.RWT;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.protocol.ClientObjectFactory;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.protocol.IClientObject;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.protocol.ClientMessageConst;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.protocol.ProtocolUtil;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.util.NumberFormatUtil;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.widgets.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
public final class TableLCA extends AbstractWidgetLCA {
private static final String TYPE = "rwt.widgets.Grid";
private static final String[] ALLOWED_STYLES = new String[] {
private static final String PROP_ITEM_COUNT = "itemCount";
private static final String PROP_ITEM_HEIGHT = "itemHeight";
private static final String PROP_ITEM_METRICS = "itemMetrics";
private static final String PROP_COLUMN_COUNT = "columnCount";
private static final String PROP_TREE_COLUMN = "treeColumn";
private static final String PROP_FIXED_COLUMNS = "fixedColumns";
private static final String PROP_HEADER_HEIGHT = "headerHeight";
private static final String PROP_HEADER_VISIBLE = "headerVisible";
private static final String PROP_LINES_VISIBLE = "linesVisible";
private static final String PROP_TOP_ITEM_INDEX = "topItemIndex";
private static final String PROP_FOCUS_ITEM = "focusItem";
private static final String PROP_SCROLL_LEFT = "scrollLeft";
private static final String PROP_SELECTION = "selection";
private static final String PROP_SORT_DIRECTION = "sortDirection";
private static final String PROP_SORT_COLUMN = "sortColumn";
private static final String PROP_SCROLLBARS_VISIBLE = "scrollBarsVisible";
private static final String PROP_SCROLLBARS_SELECTION_LISTENER = "scrollBarsSelection";
private static final String PROP_SELECTION_LISTENER = "selection";
private static final String PROP_ALWAYS_HIDE_SELECTION = "alwaysHideSelection";
private static final String PROP_ENABLE_CELL_TOOLTIP = "enableCellToolTip";
private static final String PROP_CELL_TOOLTIP_TEXT = "cellToolTipText";
private static final String PROP_MARKUP_ENABLED = "markupEnabled";
private static final String EVENT_SCROLLBAR_SELECTED = "scrollBarSelected";
private static final int ZERO = 0 ;
private static final String[] DEFAULT_SELECTION = new String[ 0 ];
private static final boolean[] DEFAULT_SCROLLBARS_VISIBLE = new boolean[] { false, false };
private static final String DEFAULT_SORT_DIRECTION = "none";
public void preserveValues( Widget widget ) {
Table table = ( Table )widget;
ControlLCAUtil.preserveValues( table );
WidgetLCAUtil.preserveCustomVariant( table );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_ITEM_COUNT, table.getItemCount() );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_ITEM_HEIGHT, table.getItemHeight() );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_ITEM_METRICS, getItemMetrics( table ) );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_COLUMN_COUNT, table.getColumnCount() );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_FIXED_COLUMNS, getFixedColumns( table ) );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_HEADER_HEIGHT, table.getHeaderHeight() );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_HEADER_VISIBLE, table.getHeaderVisible() );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_LINES_VISIBLE, table.getLinesVisible() );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_TOP_ITEM_INDEX, table.getTopIndex() );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_FOCUS_ITEM, getFocusItem( table ) );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_SCROLL_LEFT, getScrollLeft( table ) );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_SELECTION, getSelection( table ) );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_SORT_DIRECTION, getSortDirection( table ) );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_SORT_COLUMN, table.getSortColumn() );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_SCROLLBARS_VISIBLE, getScrollBarsVisible( table ) );
preserveListener( table,
hasScrollBarsSelectionListener( table ) );
preserveListener( table, PROP_SELECTION_LISTENER, SelectionEvent.hasListener( table ) );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_ALWAYS_HIDE_SELECTION, hasAlwaysHideSelection( table ) );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_ENABLE_CELL_TOOLTIP, CellToolTipUtil.isEnabledFor( table ) );
preserveProperty( table, PROP_CELL_TOOLTIP_TEXT, null );
public void readData( Widget widget ) {
Table table = ( Table )widget;
readTopItemIndex( table );
readScrollLeft( table );
readSelection( table );
readFocusIndex( table ); // must be called *after* readSelection
readWidgetSelected( table );
readWidgetDefaultSelected( table );
readCellToolTipTextRequested( table );
ControlLCAUtil.processEvents( table );
ControlLCAUtil.processKeyEvents( table );
ControlLCAUtil.processMenuDetect( table );
EventLCAUtil.processScrollBarSelection( table );
public void renderInitialization( Widget widget ) throws IOException {
Table table = ( Table )widget;
IClientObject clientObject = ClientObjectFactory.getClientObject( table );
clientObject.create( TYPE );
clientObject.set( "parent", WidgetUtil.getId( table.getParent() ) );
clientObject.set( "style", WidgetLCAUtil.getStyles( table, ALLOWED_STYLES ) );
clientObject.set( "appearance", "table" );
ITableAdapter adapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
if( ( table.getStyle() & SWT.CHECK ) != 0 ) {
int[] checkMetrics = new int[] { adapter.getCheckLeft(), adapter.getCheckWidth() };
clientObject.set( "checkBoxMetrics", checkMetrics );
if( getFixedColumns( table ) >= 0 ) {
clientObject.set( "splitContainer", true );
clientObject.set( "indentionWidth", 0 );
clientObject.set( PROP_TREE_COLUMN, -1 );
clientObject.set( PROP_MARKUP_ENABLED, isMarkupEnabled( table ) );
public void renderChanges( Widget widget ) throws IOException {
Table table = ( Table )widget;
ControlLCAUtil.renderChanges( table );
WidgetLCAUtil.renderCustomVariant( table );
renderProperty( table, PROP_ITEM_COUNT, table.getItemCount(), ZERO );
renderProperty( table, PROP_ITEM_HEIGHT, table.getItemHeight(), ZERO );
renderItemMetrics( table );
renderProperty( table, PROP_COLUMN_COUNT, table.getColumnCount(), ZERO );
renderProperty( table, PROP_FIXED_COLUMNS, getFixedColumns( table ), -1 );
renderProperty( table, PROP_HEADER_HEIGHT, table.getHeaderHeight(), ZERO );
renderProperty( table, PROP_HEADER_VISIBLE, table.getHeaderVisible(), false );
renderProperty( table, PROP_LINES_VISIBLE, table.getLinesVisible(), false );
renderProperty( table, PROP_TOP_ITEM_INDEX, table.getTopIndex(), ZERO );
renderProperty( table, PROP_FOCUS_ITEM, getFocusItem( table ), null );
renderProperty( table, PROP_SCROLL_LEFT, getScrollLeft( table ), ZERO );
renderProperty( table, PROP_SELECTION, getSelection( table ), DEFAULT_SELECTION );
renderProperty( table, PROP_SORT_DIRECTION, getSortDirection( table ), DEFAULT_SORT_DIRECTION );
renderProperty( table, PROP_SORT_COLUMN, table.getSortColumn(), null );
renderProperty( table,
getScrollBarsVisible( table ),
renderListener( table,
hasScrollBarsSelectionListener( table ),
false );
renderListener( table, PROP_SELECTION_LISTENER, SelectionEvent.hasListener( table ), false );
renderProperty( table, PROP_ALWAYS_HIDE_SELECTION, hasAlwaysHideSelection( table ), false );
renderProperty( table, PROP_ENABLE_CELL_TOOLTIP, CellToolTipUtil.isEnabledFor( table ), false );
renderProperty( table, PROP_CELL_TOOLTIP_TEXT, getCellToolTipText( table ), null );
public void renderDispose( Widget widget ) throws IOException {
ClientObjectFactory.getClientObject( widget ).destroy();
public void doRedrawFake( Control control ) {
Table table = ( Table )control;
table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class ).checkData();
// Helping methods to read client-side state changes
private static void readSelection( Table table ) {
String[] values = ProtocolUtil.readPropertyValueAsStringArray( getId( table ), "selection" );
if( values != null ) {
int[] newSelection = new int[ values.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) {
String itemId = values[ i ];
TableItem item = getItem( table, itemId );
if( item != null ) {
newSelection[ i ] = table.indexOf( item );
} else {
newSelection[ i ] = -1;
table.deselectAll(); newSelection );
private static void readTopItemIndex( Table table ) {
String value = WidgetLCAUtil.readPropertyValue( table, "topItemIndex" );
if( value != null ) {
int topIndex = NumberFormatUtil.parseInt( value );
int topOffset = topIndex * table.getItemHeight();
table.setTopIndex( topIndex );
processScrollBarSelection( table.getVerticalBar(), topOffset );
private static void readFocusIndex( Table table ) {
String value = WidgetLCAUtil.readPropertyValue( table, "focusItem" );
if( value != null ) {
TableItem item = getItem( table, value );
if( item != null ) {
table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class ).setFocusIndex( table.indexOf( item ) );
private static void readScrollLeft( Table table ) {
String value = WidgetLCAUtil.readPropertyValue( table, "scrollLeft" );
if( value != null ) {
int leftOffset = NumberFormatUtil.parseInt( value );
table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class ).setLeftOffset( leftOffset );
processScrollBarSelection( table.getHorizontalBar(), leftOffset );
private static void readWidgetSelected( Table table ) {
String eventName = ClientMessageConst.EVENT_WIDGET_SELECTED;
if( WidgetLCAUtil.wasEventSent( table, eventName ) ) {
String value = readEventPropertyValue( table, eventName, ClientMessageConst.EVENT_PARAM_ITEM );
TableItem item = getItem( table, value );
// Bugfix: check if index is valid before firing event to avoid problems with fast scrolling
// TODO [tb] : Still useful? bugzilla id?
if( item != null ) {
ControlLCAUtil.processSelection( table, item, false );
private static void readWidgetDefaultSelected( Table table ) {
String eventName = ClientMessageConst.EVENT_WIDGET_DEFAULT_SELECTED;
if( WidgetLCAUtil.wasEventSent( table, eventName ) ) {
// A default-selected event can occur without a selection being present.
// In this case the event.item field points to the focused item
TableItem item = getFocusItem( table );
String value = readEventPropertyValue( table, eventName, ClientMessageConst.EVENT_PARAM_ITEM );
TableItem selectedItem = getItem( table, value );
if( selectedItem != null ) {
// TODO [rh] do something about when index points to unresolved item!
item = selectedItem;
ControlLCAUtil.processDefaultSelection( table, item );
// Cell tooltips
private static void readCellToolTipTextRequested( Table table ) {
ICellToolTipAdapter adapter = CellToolTipUtil.getAdapter( table );
adapter.setCellToolTipText( null );
String eventName = ClientMessageConst.EVENT_CELL_TOOLTIP_REQUESTED;
if( WidgetLCAUtil.wasEventSent( table, eventName ) ) {
ICellToolTipProvider provider = adapter.getCellToolTipProvider();
if( provider != null ) {
String value
= readEventPropertyValue( table, eventName, ClientMessageConst.EVENT_PARAM_CELL );
String[] details = value.split( "," );
String itemId = details[ 0 ];
int columnIndex = NumberFormatUtil.parseInt( details[ 1 ] );
TableItem item = getItem( table, itemId );
// Bug 321119: Sometimes the client can request tooltips for already disposed cells.
if( item != null && ( columnIndex == 0 || columnIndex < table.getColumnCount() ) ) {
provider.getToolTipText( item, columnIndex );
private static String getCellToolTipText( Table table ) {
ICellToolTipAdapter adapter = CellToolTipUtil.getAdapter( table );
return adapter.getCellToolTipText();
// Helping methods
private static boolean isMarkupEnabled( Table table ) {
return Boolean.TRUE.equals( table.getData( RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED ) );
private static String[] getSelection( Table table ) {
TableItem[] selection = table.getSelection();
String[] result = new String[ selection.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < result.length; i++ ) {
result[ i ] = WidgetUtil.getId( selection[ i ] );
return result;
private int getFixedColumns( Table table ) {
ITableAdapter tableAdapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
return tableAdapter.getFixedColumns();
private static int getScrollLeft( Table table ) {
return table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class ).getLeftOffset();
private static TableItem getFocusItem( Table table ) {
TableItem result = null;
ITableAdapter tableAdapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
int focusIndex = tableAdapter.getFocusIndex();
if( focusIndex != -1 ) {
// TODO [rh] do something about when index points to unresolved item!
result = table.getItem( focusIndex );
return result;
private static String getSortDirection( Table table ) {
String result = "none";
if( table.getSortDirection() == SWT.UP ) {
result = "up";
} else if( table.getSortDirection() == SWT.DOWN ) {
result = "down";
return result;
private static boolean[] getScrollBarsVisible( Table table ) {
return new boolean[] { hasHScrollBar( table ), hasVScrollBar( table ) };
private static boolean hasHScrollBar( Table table ) {
return table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class ).hasHScrollBar();
private static boolean hasVScrollBar( Table table ) {
return table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class ).hasVScrollBar();
private static boolean hasScrollBarsSelectionListener( Table table ) {
boolean result = false;
ScrollBar horizontalBar = table.getHorizontalBar();
if( horizontalBar != null ) {
result = result || SelectionEvent.hasListener( horizontalBar );
ScrollBar verticalBar = table.getVerticalBar();
if( verticalBar != null ) {
result = result || SelectionEvent.hasListener( verticalBar );
return result;
private static void processScrollBarSelection( ScrollBar scrollBar, int selection ) {
if( scrollBar != null ) {
scrollBar.setSelection( selection );
static boolean hasAlwaysHideSelection( Table table ) {
Object data = table.getData( Table.ALWAYS_HIDE_SELECTION );
return Boolean.TRUE.equals( data );
private static TableItem getItem( Table table, String itemId ) {
TableItem item;
String[] idParts = itemId.split( "#" );
if( idParts.length == 2 ) {
int index = Integer.parseInt( idParts[ 1 ] );
item = table.getItem( index );
} else {
item = ( TableItem )WidgetUtil.find( table, itemId );
return item;
// Item Metrics
private static void renderItemMetrics( Table table ) {
ItemMetrics[] itemMetrics = getItemMetrics( table );
if( WidgetLCAUtil.hasChanged( table, PROP_ITEM_METRICS, itemMetrics ) ) {
int[][] metrics = new int[ itemMetrics.length ][ 7 ];
for( int i = 0; i < itemMetrics.length; i++ ) {
metrics[ i ] = new int[] {
itemMetrics[ i ].left,
itemMetrics[ i ].width,
itemMetrics[ i ].imageLeft,
itemMetrics[ i ].imageWidth,
itemMetrics[ i ].textLeft,
itemMetrics[ i ].textWidth
IClientObject clientObject = ClientObjectFactory.getClientObject( table );
clientObject.set( PROP_ITEM_METRICS, metrics );
static ItemMetrics[] getItemMetrics( Table table ) {
int columnCount = Math.max( 1, table.getColumnCount() );
ItemMetrics[] result = new ItemMetrics[ columnCount ];
for( int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++ ) {
result[ i ] = new ItemMetrics();
ITableAdapter tableAdapter = table.getAdapter( ITableAdapter.class );
TableItem measureItem = tableAdapter.getMeasureItem();
if( measureItem != null ) {
for( int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++ ) {
int leftOffset = tableAdapter.getColumnLeftOffset( i );
Rectangle bounds = measureItem.getBounds( i );
Rectangle imageBounds = measureItem.getImageBounds( i );
Rectangle textBounds = measureItem.getTextBounds( i );
// If in column mode, cut image width if image exceeds right cell border
int imageWidth = tableAdapter.getItemImageWidth( i );
if( table.getColumnCount() > 0 ) {
TableColumn column = table.getColumn( i );
int columnLeft = tableAdapter.getColumnLeft( column );
int columnWidth = column.getWidth();
int maxImageWidth = columnWidth - ( imageBounds.x - columnLeft + leftOffset );
if( imageWidth > maxImageWidth ) {
imageWidth = Math.max( 0, maxImageWidth );
result[ i ].left = bounds.x + leftOffset;
result[ i ].width = bounds.width;
result[ i ].imageLeft = imageBounds.x + leftOffset;
result[ i ].imageWidth = imageWidth;
result[ i ].textLeft = textBounds.x + leftOffset;
result[ i ].textWidth = textBounds.width;
} else if( table.getColumnCount() > 0 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++ ) {
TableColumn column = table.getColumn( i );
int columnLeft = tableAdapter.getColumnLeft( column );
int columnWidth = column.getWidth();
result[ i ].left = columnLeft;
result[ i ].width = columnWidth;
return result;
static final class ItemMetrics {
int left;
int width;
int imageLeft;
int imageWidth;
int textLeft;
int textWidth;
public boolean equals( Object obj ) {
boolean result;
if( obj == this ) {
result = true;
} else if( obj instanceof ItemMetrics ) {
ItemMetrics other = ( ItemMetrics )obj;
result = other.left == left
&& other.width == width
&& other.imageLeft == imageLeft
&& other.imageWidth == imageWidth
&& other.textLeft == textLeft
&& other.textWidth == textWidth;
} else {
result = false;
return result;
public int hashCode() {
String msg = "ItemMetrics#hashCode() not implemented";
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( msg );