blob: eb0cb735c972b904231ede8027398194a4629924 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2012 Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH - initial API and implementation
* EclipseSource - ongoing development
package org.eclipse.swt.widgets;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.RWT;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.service.ContextProvider;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.service.ServiceStore;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle.PhaseId;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.testfixture.Fixture;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.widgets.ITreeAdapter;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.widgets.ItemHolder;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.widgets.MarkupValidator;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
public class Tree_Test {
private Display display;
private Composite composite;
public void setUp() {
Fixture.fakePhase( PhaseId.PROCESS_ACTION );
display = new Display();
composite = new Shell( display, SWT.NONE );
public void tearDown() {
public void testGetItemsAndGetItemCount() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getItems().length );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 1, tree.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 1, tree.getItems().length );
assertSame( item, tree.getItems()[ 0 ] );
public void testImage() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item1.setImage( Graphics.getImage( Fixture.IMAGE1 ) );
assertSame( Graphics.getImage( Fixture.IMAGE1 ), item1.getImage() );
TreeItem item2 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item2.setImage( Graphics.getImage( Fixture.IMAGE2 ) );
assertSame( Graphics.getImage( Fixture.IMAGE2 ), item2.getImage() );
public void testStyle() {
Tree tree1 = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
assertTrue( ( tree1.getStyle() & SWT.SINGLE ) != 0 );
assertTrue( ( tree1.getStyle() & SWT.H_SCROLL ) != 0 );
assertTrue( ( tree1.getStyle() & SWT.V_SCROLL ) != 0 );
Tree tree2 = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
assertTrue( ( tree2.getStyle() & SWT.SINGLE ) != 0 );
assertTrue( ( tree2.getStyle() & SWT.H_SCROLL ) != 0 );
assertTrue( ( tree2.getStyle() & SWT.V_SCROLL ) != 0 );
Tree tree3 = new Tree( composite, SWT.MULTI );
assertTrue( ( tree3.getStyle() & SWT.MULTI ) != 0 );
assertTrue( ( tree3.getStyle() & SWT.H_SCROLL ) != 0 );
assertTrue( ( tree3.getStyle() & SWT.V_SCROLL ) != 0 );
Tree tree4 = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.MULTI );
assertTrue( ( tree4.getStyle() & SWT.SINGLE ) != 0 );
assertTrue( ( tree4.getStyle() & SWT.H_SCROLL ) != 0 );
assertTrue( ( tree4.getStyle() & SWT.V_SCROLL ) != 0 );
public void testItemHierarchy() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem subItem = new TreeItem( item, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 1, item.getItems().length );
assertEquals( null, item.getParentItem() );
assertEquals( tree, item.getParent() );
assertEquals( subItem, item.getItems()[ 0 ] );
assertEquals( tree, subItem.getParent() );
assertEquals( item, subItem.getParentItem() );
assertEquals( 0, subItem.getItems().length );
public void testDispose() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem subItem = new TreeItem( item, SWT.NONE );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertTrue( item.isDisposed() );
assertTrue( subItem.isDisposed() );
assertTrue( column.isDisposed() );
assertEquals( 0, ItemHolder.getItemHolder( tree ).getItems().length );
assertEquals( 0, ItemHolder.getItemHolder( item ).getItems().length );
assertEquals( 0, ItemHolder.getItemHolder( subItem ).getItems().length );
public void testDisposeWithFontDisposeInDisposeListener() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
final Font font = new Font( display, "font-name", 10, SWT.NORMAL );
tree.setFont( font );
tree.addDisposeListener( new DisposeListener() {
public void widgetDisposed( DisposeEvent event ) {
} );
public void testDisposeSelected() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.MULTI );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem subItem = new TreeItem( item, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem otherItem = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { subItem, otherItem } );
assertTrue( item.isDisposed() );
assertTrue( subItem.isDisposed() );
assertFalse( otherItem.isDisposed() );
assertEquals( 1, tree.getSelectionCount() );
assertSame( otherItem, tree.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
public void testIndexOf() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 0, tree.indexOf( item ) );
try {
tree.indexOf( item );
fail( "Must not allow to call indexOf for disposed item" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
try {
tree.indexOf( ( TreeItem )null );
fail( "Must not allow to call indexOf for null" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException iae ) {
// expected
Tree anotherTree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem anotherItem = new TreeItem( anotherTree, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( -1, tree.indexOf( anotherItem ) );
public void testIndexOfColumns() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeColumn col = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 0, tree.indexOf( col ) );
try {
tree.indexOf( col );
fail( "Must not allow to call indexOf for disposed item" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
try {
tree.indexOf( ( TreeColumn )null );
fail( "Must not allow to call indexOf for null" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException iae ) {
// expected
public void testIndexOfAfterDispose() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item8 = tree.getItem( 8 );
tree.getItem( 3 ).dispose();
assertEquals( 7, tree.indexOf( item8 ) );
public void testIndexOfAfterInsert() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item8 = tree.getItem( 8 );
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE, 3 );
assertEquals( 9, tree.indexOf( item8 ) );
public void testGetItemCountAfterInsert() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setItemCount( 10 );
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 11, tree.getItemCount() );
public void testGetItemCountAfterRemove() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setItemCount( 10 );
tree.getItem( 3 ).dispose();
assertEquals( 9, tree.getItemCount() );
public void testExpandCollapse() {
final StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.addTreeListener( new TreeListener() {
public void treeCollapsed( TreeEvent e ) {
log.append( "collapsed" );
public void treeExpanded( TreeEvent e ) {
log.append( "expanded" );
} );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem subItem = new TreeItem( item, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem childlessItem = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
// ensure initial state
assertFalse( item.getExpanded() );
// ensure changing works
item.setExpanded( true );
assertTrue( item.getExpanded() );
// test that items without sub-items cannot be expanded
childlessItem.setExpanded( true );
assertFalse( childlessItem.getExpanded() );
// test that an item is still expanded when it has no more sub items
item.setExpanded( true );
assertTrue( item.getExpanded() );
// ensure that calling setExpanded does not raise any events
assertEquals( "", log.toString() );
public void testSelectionForSingle() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
// Verify that an empty tree has an empty selection
assertEquals( 0, tree.getItemCount() );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( new TreeItem[ 0 ], tree.getSelection() ) );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getSelectionCount() );
// Verify that adding a TreeItem does not change the current selection
TreeItem treeItem1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 1, tree.getItemCount() );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( new TreeItem[ 0 ], tree.getSelection() ) );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getSelectionCount() );
// Test selecting a single treItem
tree.setSelection( treeItem1 );
assertEquals( 1, tree.getSelectionCount() );
TreeItem[] expected = new TreeItem[] { treeItem1 };
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( expected, tree.getSelection() ) );
// Verify that getSelection returns a safe copy
tree.setSelection( treeItem1 );
TreeItem[] selection = tree.getSelection();
selection[ 0 ] = null;
assertSame( treeItem1, tree.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
// Test that null-argument leads to an exception
try {
tree.setSelection( ( TreeItem )null );
fail( "must not allow setSelection( null )" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException iae ) {
// expected
// Test de-selecting all items
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[ 0 ] );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getSelection().length );
// Test selecting a single treeItem with setSelection(TreeItem[])
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { treeItem1 } );
assertEquals( 1, tree.getSelectionCount() );
assertSame( treeItem1, tree.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
// Test that setSelection(TreeItem[]) copies the argument
TreeItem[] newSelection = new TreeItem[] { treeItem1 };
tree.setSelection( newSelection );
newSelection[ 0 ] = null;
assertSame( treeItem1, tree.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
// Test that calling setSelection(TreeItem[]) with a null-argument leads to an exception
try {
tree.setSelection( ( org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem[] )null );
fail( "must not allow setSelection( null )" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException iae ) {
// expected
// Test calling setSelection(TreeItem[]) with more than one element
TreeItem treeItem2 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { treeItem2, treeItem1, null } );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getSelectionCount() );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( new TreeItem[ 0 ], tree.getSelection() ) );
// Test calling setSelection(TreeItem[]) with one null-element
// -> must not change current selection
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { treeItem1 } );
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { null } );
assertEquals( 1, tree.getSelectionCount() );
assertSame( treeItem1, tree.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
// Verify that selecting a disposed of item throws an exception
try {
tree.setSelection( treeItem1 );
TreeItem disposedItem = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSelection( disposedItem );
fail( "Must not allow to select diposed of tree item." );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// ensure that the previously set selection is not changed
assertSame( treeItem1, tree.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
public void testSelectionForMulti() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.MULTI );
// Verify that an empty tree has an empty selection
assertEquals( 0, tree.getItemCount() );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( new TreeItem[ 0 ], tree.getSelection() ) );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getSelectionCount() );
// Verify that adding a TreeItem does not change the current selection
TreeItem treeItem1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 1, tree.getItemCount() );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( new TreeItem[ 0 ], tree.getSelection() ) );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getSelectionCount() );
// Test de-selecting all items
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[ 0 ] );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getSelection().length );
// Ensure that setSelection( item ) does the same as setSelection( new TreeItem[] { item } )
tree.setSelection( treeItem1 );
TreeItem selected1 = tree.getSelection()[ 0 ];
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { treeItem1 } );
TreeItem selected2 = tree.getSelection()[ 0 ];
assertSame( selected1, selected2 );
// Select two treeItems
TreeItem treeItem2 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { treeItem1, treeItem2 } );
assertEquals( 2, tree.getSelectionCount() );
TreeItem[] expected = new TreeItem[] { treeItem1, treeItem2 };
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( expected, tree.getSelection() ) );
// Test calling setSelection(TreeItem[]) with one null-element
// -> must not change current selection
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { treeItem1 } );
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { null } );
assertEquals( 1, tree.getSelectionCount() );
assertSame( treeItem1, tree.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
// Test calling setSelection(TreeItem[]) with only null-elements
// -> must not change current selection
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { treeItem1 } );
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { null, null } );
assertEquals( 1, tree.getSelectionCount() );
assertSame( treeItem1, tree.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
// Select two treeItems, with some null-elements in between
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[ 0 ] );
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { null, treeItem1, null, treeItem2 } );
assertEquals( 2, tree.getSelectionCount() );
expected = new TreeItem[] { treeItem1, treeItem2 };
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( expected, tree.getSelection() ) );
// Verify that selecting a disposed of item throws an exception
try {
tree.setSelection( treeItem1 );
TreeItem disposedItem = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[]{
treeItem1, disposedItem
} );
fail( "Must not allow to select diposed of tree item(s)." );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// ensure that the previously set selection is not changed
assertSame( treeItem1, tree.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
public void testSelectAllForSingle() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
new TreeItem( item1, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item2 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSelection( item2 );
assertSame( item2, tree.getSelection()[ 0 ] );
public void testSelectAllForMulti() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.MULTI );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item11 = new TreeItem( item1, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item2 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertTrue( contains( tree.getSelection(), item1 ) );
assertTrue( contains( tree.getSelection(), item11 ) );
assertTrue( contains( tree.getSelection(), item2 ) );
public void testDeselectAll() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.MULTI );
TreeItem treeItem1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem treeItem2 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { treeItem1, treeItem2 } );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getSelectionCount() );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getSelection().length );
public void testSelectForSingle() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
new TreeItem( item1, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item2 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSelection( item2 ); item1 );
assertTrue( contains( tree.getSelection(), item1 ) );
assertFalse( contains( tree.getSelection(), item2 ) );
public void testSelectForMulti() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.MULTI );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item11 = new TreeItem( item1, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item2 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE ); item1 ); item2 );
assertTrue( contains( tree.getSelection(), item1 ) );
assertFalse( contains( tree.getSelection(), item11 ) );
assertTrue( contains( tree.getSelection(), item2 ) );
public void testDeselectForSingle() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
new TreeItem( item1, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item2 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE ); item2 );
assertTrue( contains( tree.getSelection(), item2 ) );
tree.deselect( item2 );
assertFalse( contains( tree.getSelection(), item2 ) );
public void testDeselectForMulti() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.MULTI );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item11 = new TreeItem( item1, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item2 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
tree.deselect( item11 );
assertTrue( contains( tree.getSelection(), item1 ) );
assertFalse( contains( tree.getSelection(), item11 ) );
assertTrue( contains( tree.getSelection(), item2 ) );
public void testRemoveAllOnEmptyTree() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.MULTI );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getSelection().length );
public void testRemoveAll() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.MULTI );
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item2 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item2_1 = new TreeItem( item2, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSelection( item2 );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getSelection().length );
assertTrue( item2.isDisposed() );
assertTrue( item2_1.isDisposed() );
public void testVirtualRemoveAll() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setItemCount( 100 );
TreeItem item = tree.getItem( 99 );
assertFalse( item.isDisposed() );
assertTrue( item.isDisposed() );
public void testInitialGetTopItemIndex() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
ITreeAdapter adapter = getTreeAdapter( tree );
assertEquals( 0, adapter.getTopItemIndex() );
public void testShowItemFlat() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setBounds( 0, 0, 200, 200 );
for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.None );
ITreeAdapter adapter = getTreeAdapter( tree );
assertEquals( 0, adapter.getTopItemIndex() );
tree.showItem( tree.getItem( 70 ) );
assertEquals( 64, adapter.getTopItemIndex() );
public void testGetParentItem() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
assertNull( tree.getParentItem() );
public void testGetColumnCount() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getColumnCount() );
TreeColumn column0 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 1, tree.getColumnCount() );
TreeColumn column1 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 2, tree.getColumnCount() );
TreeColumn column2 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 3, tree.getColumnCount() );
assertEquals( 2, tree.getColumnCount() );
assertEquals( 1, tree.getColumnCount() );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getColumnCount() );
public void testGetColumnI() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
try {
tree.getColumn( 0 );
fail( "No exception thrown for index out of range" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
TreeColumn column0 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
try {
tree.getColumn( 1 );
fail( "No exception thrown for index out of range" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
assertEquals( column0, tree.getColumn( 0 ) );
TreeColumn column1 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
assertEquals( column1, tree.getColumn( 1 ) );
try {
tree.getColumn( 1 );
fail( "No exception thrown for index out of range" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
try {
tree.getColumn( 0 );
fail( "No exception thrown for index out of range" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// expected
public void testGetColumns() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getColumns().length );
TreeColumn column0 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
TreeColumn[] columns = tree.getColumns();
assertEquals( 1, columns.length );
assertEquals( column0, columns[ 0 ] );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getColumns().length );
column0 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
TreeColumn column1 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.RIGHT, 1 );
columns = tree.getColumns();
assertEquals( 2, columns.length );
assertEquals( column0, columns[ 0 ] );
assertEquals( column1, columns[ 1 ] );
columns = tree.getColumns();
assertEquals( 1, columns.length );
assertEquals( column1, columns[ 0 ] );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getColumns().length );
public void testSetHeaderVisible() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
assertFalse( tree.getHeaderVisible() );
tree.setHeaderVisible( true );
assertTrue( tree.getHeaderVisible() );
tree.setHeaderVisible( false );
assertFalse( tree.getHeaderVisible() );
public void testGetHeaderHeight() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getHeaderHeight() );
tree.setHeaderVisible( true );
assertTrue( tree.getHeaderHeight() > 0 );
tree.setHeaderVisible( false );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getHeaderHeight() );
public void testHeaderHeightWithCustomUserFont() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
tree.setHeaderVisible( true );
int headerHeight = tree.getHeaderHeight();
tree.setFont( new Font( display, "Arial", 30, SWT.NORMAL ) );
assertTrue( headerHeight < tree.getHeaderHeight() );
public void testMultiLineHeaderHeight() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
tree.setHeaderVisible( true );
column.setText( "Multi line\nHeader" );
assertEquals( 52, tree.getHeaderHeight() );
public void testSetSortColumn() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( null, tree.getSortColumn() );
tree.setSortColumn( column );
assertEquals( column, tree.getSortColumn() );
tree.setSortColumn( null );
assertEquals( null, tree.getSortColumn() );
public void testSetSortDirection() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
assertEquals( SWT.NONE, tree.getSortDirection() );
tree.setSortDirection( SWT.UP );
assertEquals( SWT.UP, tree.getSortDirection() );
tree.setSortDirection( SWT.DOWN );
assertEquals( SWT.DOWN, tree.getSortDirection() );
public void testShowSelection() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.SINGLE );
TreeItem item;
item = new TreeItem( tree, 0 );
tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { item } );
// TODO [fappel]: What does this test? I wonder since there is no assert statement.
public void testResizeListener() {
final Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL | SWT.BORDER );
final List<ControlEvent> log = new ArrayList<ControlEvent>();
tree.addControlListener( new ControlAdapter() {
public void controlResized( ControlEvent event ) {
log.add( event );
} );
tree.setSize( 100, 160 );
assertEquals( 1, log.size() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnColumnChange() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 20, 20 );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 25 );
assertTrue( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
column.setWidth( 25 );
assertTrue( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnItemsChange() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 20, 20 );
assertFalse( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
for( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) {
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertTrue( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
assertFalse( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnItemExpand() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 50, tree.getItemHeight() + 4 );
assertFalse( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
new TreeItem( item, SWT.NONE );
assertFalse( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
item.setExpanded( true );
assertTrue( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
item.setExpanded( false );
assertFalse( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnResize() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 20, 20 );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 25 );
assertTrue( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
tree.setSize( 30, 30 );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnItemWidthChange() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 60, 60 );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
item.setText( "Very long long long long long long long long text" );
assertTrue( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
item.setText( "" );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
Image image = Graphics.getImage( Fixture.IMAGE_100x50 );
item.setImage( image );
assertTrue( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
item.setImage( ( Image )null );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnClearAll() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 100, 100 );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item.setText( "Very long long long long long long long long text" );
tree.clearAll( true );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnHeaderVisibleChange() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
int itemCount = 5;
for( int i = 0; i < itemCount ; i++ ) {
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item.setText( "Item" );
int itemHeight = tree.getItemHeight();
tree.setSize( 100, itemCount * itemHeight + 4 );
assertFalse( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
tree.setHeaderVisible( true );
assertTrue( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarOnVirtualItemCountChange() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
int itemCount = 5;
int itemHeight = tree.getItemHeight();
tree.setSize( 100, itemCount * itemHeight + 4 );
tree.setItemCount( itemCount );
assertFalse( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
tree.setItemCount( itemCount * 2 );
assertTrue( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarItemWidthChangeWithColumn() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 20, 20 );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 10 );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
item.setText( "Very long long long long long long long long text" );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
Image image = Graphics.getImage( Fixture.IMAGE_100x50 );
item.setImage( image );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarWithInterDependencyHFirst() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 20 );
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
int itemHeight = tree.getItemHeight();
tree.setSize( 30, itemHeight + 4 );
assertFalse( tree.needsVScrollBar() );
assertFalse( tree.needsHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
column.setWidth( 40 );
assertTrue( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
assertTrue( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
public void testUpdateScrollBarWithInterDependencyVFirst() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 26 );
tree.setSize( 30, 30 );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
assertFalse( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertTrue( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
assertTrue( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
public void testComputeSizeWithColumns() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
Point expected = new Point( 74, 74 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE ).setText( "Item " + i );
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE ).setText( "Long long item 100" );
expected = new Point( 145, 307 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.BORDER );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE ).setText( "Item " + i );
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE ).setText( "Long long item 100" );
expected = new Point( 147, 309 );
assertEquals( 1, tree.getBorderWidth() );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
tree.setHeaderVisible( true );
assertEquals( 31, tree.getHeaderHeight() );
expected = new Point( 147, 340 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
TreeColumn col1 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
col1.setText( "Col 1" );
TreeColumn col2 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
col2.setText( "Column 2" );
TreeColumn col3 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
col3.setText( "Wider Column" );
expected = new Point( 76, 340 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
expected = new Point( 330, 340 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
col1.setWidth( 10 );
col2.setWidth( 10 );
assertEquals( 97, col3.getWidth() );
expected = new Point( 129, 340 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.CHECK );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE ).setText( "Item " + i );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item.setText( "Long long item 100" );
TreeItem subitem = new TreeItem( item, SWT.NONE );
subitem.setText( "Subitem 1" );
expected = new Point( 168, 307 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
item.setExpanded( true );
expected = new Point( 168, 334 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
expected = new Point( 310, 310 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( 300, 300 ) );
public void testComputeSizeWithIndention() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
Point expected = new Point( 74, 74 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item2 = new TreeItem( item1, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item3 = new TreeItem( item2, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item4 = new TreeItem( item3, SWT.NONE );
item1.setText( "Item 1" );
item2.setText( "Item 2" );
item3.setText( "Item 3" );
item4.setText( "Item 4" );
item1.setExpanded( true );
item2.setExpanded( true );
item3.setExpanded( true );
expected = new Point( 112, 118 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
public void testImageCutOff() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 200, 200 );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 20 );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item1.setImage( Graphics.getImage( Fixture.IMAGE_100x50 ) );
assertTrue( tree.getItemImageSize( 0 ).x <= 20 );
public void testImageCutOffMultiColumn() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 500, 500 );
TreeColumn column1 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
column1.setWidth( 200 );
TreeColumn column2 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
column2.setWidth( 200 );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item1.setImage( 0, Graphics.getImage( Fixture.IMAGE_100x50 ) );
item1.setImage( 1, Graphics.getImage( Fixture.IMAGE_100x50 ) );
assertEquals( 100, tree.getItemImageSize( 0 ).x );
assertEquals( 100, tree.getItemImageSize( 1 ).x );
column2.setWidth( 50 );
assertEquals( 100, tree.getItemImageSize( 0 ).x );
assertTrue( tree.getItemImageSize( 1 ).x <= 50 );
public void testImageCutOffAndRestore() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 200, 200 );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item1.setImage( Graphics.getImage( Fixture.IMAGE_100x50) );
column.setWidth( 200 );
assertEquals( 100, tree.getItemImageSize( 0 ).x );
column.setWidth( 20 );
assertTrue( tree.getItemImageSize( 0 ).x <= 20 );
column.setWidth( 200 );
assertEquals( 100, tree.getItemImageSize( 0 ).x );
public void testHideColumn() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 200, 200 );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 0 );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getItemImageSize( 0 ).x );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getTextWidth( 0 ) );
public void testHideColumnWidthImage() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 200, 200 );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item1.setImage( Graphics.getImage( Fixture.IMAGE1 ) );
column.setWidth( 0 );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getItemImageSize( 0 ).x );
assertEquals( 0, tree.getTextWidth( 0 ) );
public void testVirtualGetItemOutOfBounds() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setItemCount( 10 );
try {
tree.getItem( 10 );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {
// expected
public void testVirtualInitalSetDataEvents() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
final List<Widget> log = new ArrayList<Widget>();
tree.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
log.add( event.item );
} );
tree.setItemCount( 20 );
assertEquals( 0, log.size() );
// TODO [tb] : doesn't work if called before setItemCount. Use fakeRedraw?
tree.setSize( 100, 160 );
assertTrue( log.contains( tree.getItem( 0 ) ) );
assertTrue( log.contains( tree.getItem( 1 ) ) );
assertFalse( log.contains( tree.getItem( 19 ) ) );
public void testSetDataEvents() {
final Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL | SWT.BORDER );
tree.addListener( SWT.SetData, createSetDataListener() );
tree.setItemCount( 20 );
TreeItem item = tree.getItem( 3 );
assertEquals( "node 3", item.getText() );
assertEquals( 10, item.getItemCount() );
public void testVirtualNoSetDataEventForCollapsedItems() {
final Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
final List<Event> log = new ArrayList<Event>();
tree.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
log.add( event );
} );
tree.setItemCount( 1 );
TreeItem item = tree.getItem( 0 );
item.setItemCount( 10 );
tree.setSize( 100, 160 );
assertFalse( item.getItems()[ 0 ].isCached() );
assertEquals( 1, log.size() );
public void testVirtualItemIsResolved() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setItemCount( 10 );
TreeItem item = tree.getItem( 9 );
assertNotNull( item );
assertFalse( item.isDisposed() );
public void testVirtualWithSmallerItemsCount() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setItemCount( 10 );
TreeItem item3 = tree.getItem( 3 );
TreeItem item9 = tree.getItem( 9 );
tree.setItemCount( 5 );
assertEquals( 5, tree.getItemCount() );
assertFalse( item3.isDisposed() );
assertTrue( item9.isDisposed() );
public void testVirtualClearAllNonRecursive() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setSize( 100, 160 );
tree.addListener( SWT.SetData, createSetDataListener() );
tree.setItemCount( 1 );
tree.getItem( 0 ).getText(); // force set data
tree.getItem( 0 ).setText( "custom" );
tree.getItem( 0 ).getItem( 0 ).setText( "custom" );
tree.clearAll( false );
assertEquals( "node 0", tree.getItem( 0 ).getText() );
assertEquals( "custom", tree.getItem( 0 ).getItem( 0 ).getText() );
public void testVirtualClearAllRecursive() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setSize( 100, 160 );
tree.addListener( SWT.SetData, createSetDataListener() );
tree.setItemCount( 1 );
tree.getItem( 0 ).getText(); // force set data
tree.getItem( 0 ).setText( "custom" );
tree.getItem( 0 ).getItem( 0 ).setText( "custom" );
tree.clearAll( true );
assertEquals( "node 0", tree.getItem( 0 ).getText() );
assertEquals( "node 0 - 0", tree.getItem( 0 ).getItem( 0 ).getText() );
public void testVirtualClearNonRecursive() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL | SWT.BORDER );
tree.setSize( 100, 160 );
tree.addListener( SWT.SetData, createSetDataListener() );
tree.setItemCount( 2 );
tree.getItem( 0 ).getText(); // force set data
tree.getItem( 0 ).setText( "custom" );
tree.getItem( 0 ).getItem( 0 ).setText( "custom" );
tree.getItem( 1 ).setText( "custom" );
tree.clear( 0, false );
assertEquals( "node 0", tree.getItem( 0 ).getText() );
assertEquals( "custom", tree.getItem( 0 ).getItem( 0 ).getText() );
assertEquals( "custom", tree.getItem( 1 ).getText() );
public void testVirtualClearRecursive() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL | SWT.BORDER );
tree.setSize( 100, 160 );
tree.addListener( SWT.SetData, createSetDataListener() );
tree.setItemCount( 2 );
tree.getItem( 0 ).getText(); // force set data
tree.getItem( 0 ).setText( "custom" );
tree.getItem( 0 ).getItem( 0 ).setText( "custom" );
tree.getItem( 1 ).setText( "custom" );
tree.clear( 0, true );
assertEquals( "node 0", tree.getItem( 0 ).getText() );
assertEquals( "node 0 - 0", tree.getItem( 0 ).getItem( 0 ).getText() );
assertEquals( "custom", tree.getItem( 1 ).getText() );
public void testVirtualComputeSize() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setItemCount( 10 );
tree.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
TreeItem item = ( TreeItem )event.item;
int treeIndex = item.getParent().indexOf( item );
item.setText( "Item " + treeIndex );
} );
// DEFAULT_WIDTH + scrollbar (16) + 2 * border (1)
Point expected = new Point( 76, 282 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
tree.setHeaderVisible( true );
assertEquals( 31, tree.getHeaderHeight() );
expected = new Point( 76, 313 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
TreeColumn col1 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
col1.setText( "Col 1" );
TreeColumn col2 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
col2.setText( "Column 2" );
TreeColumn col3 = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
col3.setText( "Wider Column" );
expected = new Point( 76, 313 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
expected = new Point( 229, 313 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
col1.setWidth( 10 );
col2.setWidth( 10 );
assertEquals( 97, col3.getWidth() );
expected = new Point( 129, 313 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ) );
expected = new Point( 312, 312 );
assertEquals( expected, tree.computeSize( 300, 300 ) );
public void testVirtualScrollThrowsSetData() {
final LoggingListener log = new LoggingListener();
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setItemCount( 100 );
tree.setSize( 100, 100 );
tree.addListener( SWT.SetData, log );
ITreeAdapter adapter = getTreeAdapter( tree );
adapter.setTopItemIndex( 30 );
assertSame( tree.getItem( 30 ), log.get( 0 ).item );
assertSame( tree.getItem( 31 ), log.get( 1 ).item );
public void testVirtualShowItemThrowsSetData() {
final LoggingListener log = new LoggingListener();
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setItemCount( 100 );
tree.setSize( 100, 100 );
tree.addListener( SWT.SetData, log );
tree.showItem( tree.getItem( 30 ) );
assertTrue( log.getItems().contains( tree.getItem( 30 ) ) );
public void testVirtualSetFlatIndexOnShowItem() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setItemCount( 100 );
tree.setSize( 100, 100 );
TreeItem item = tree.getItem( 30 );
tree.showItem( item );
assertEquals( 30, item.getFlatIndex() );
public void testVirtualSetFlatIndexOnSetTopItem() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setItemCount( 100 );
tree.setSize( 100, 100 );
TreeItem item = tree.getItem( 30 );
tree.setTopItem( item );
assertEquals( 30, item.getFlatIndex() );
public void testTopItem() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 300, 85 );
TreeItem[] items = new TreeItem[ 60 ];
int counter = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item.setText( "item" + i );
items[ counter++ ] = item;
for( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) {
TreeItem subitem = new TreeItem( item, SWT.NONE );
subitem.setText( "subitem" + i + ", " + j );
items[ counter++ ] = subitem;
assertEquals( items[ 0 ], tree.getTopItem() );
tree.setTopItem( items[ 4 ] );
assertEquals( items[ 4 ], tree.getTopItem() );
assertTrue( items[ 0 ].getExpanded() );
tree.setTopItem( items[ 20 ] );
assertEquals( items[ 20 ], tree.getTopItem() );
assertTrue( items[ 18 ].getExpanded() );
tree.setTopItem( items[ 1 ] );
assertEquals( items[ 1 ], tree.getTopItem() );
tree.setTopItem( items[ 58 ] );
assertEquals( items[ 57 ], tree.getTopItem() );
assertTrue( items[ 54 ].getExpanded() );
public void testTopItemOnResize() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
createTreeItems( tree, 10 );
int visibleItems = 3;
tree.setSize( 100, visibleItems * tree.getItemHeight() );
tree.setTopItem( tree.getItem( 5 ) );
tree.setSize( 100, ( visibleItems + 3 ) * tree.getItemHeight() );
assertEquals( tree.getItem( 4 ), tree.getTopItem() );
public void testTopItemOnItemDispose() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
createTreeItems( tree, 10 );
int visibleItems = 3;
tree.setSize( 100, visibleItems * tree.getItemHeight() );
tree.setTopItem( tree.getItem( 7 ) );
tree.getItem( 8 ).dispose();
assertEquals( tree.getItem( 6 ), tree.getTopItem() );
public void testTopIndexOnTemporaryResize() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 100, 100 );
createTreeItems( tree, 10 );
tree.setTopItem( tree.getItem( 5 ) );
tree.setSize( 1100, 1100 );
assertEquals( tree.getItem( 5 ), tree.getTopItem() );
public void testTopItemInResizeEvent() {
final TreeItem[] log = new TreeItem[ 1 ];
final Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
createTreeItems( tree, 10 );
int visibleItems = 3;
tree.setSize( 100, visibleItems * tree.getItemHeight() );
tree.setTopItem( tree.getItem( 5 ) );
tree.addControlListener( new ControlAdapter() {
public void controlResized( ControlEvent e ) {
log[ 0 ] = tree.getTopItem();
} );
tree.setSize( 100, ( visibleItems + 3 ) * tree.getItemHeight() );
assertSame( tree.getItem( 4 ), log[ 0 ] );
public void testSetTopItemTwice() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 300, 85 );
TreeItem[] items = new TreeItem[ 60 ];
int counter = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item.setText( "item" + i );
items[ counter++ ] = item;
for( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) {
TreeItem subitem = new TreeItem( item, SWT.NONE );
subitem.setText( "subitem" + i + ", " + j );
items[ counter++ ] = subitem;
tree.setTopItem( items[ 4 ] );
tree.setTopItem( items[ 20 ] );
assertEquals( items[ 20 ], tree.getTopItem() );
assertTrue( items[ 18 ].getExpanded() );
public void testScrollBars() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
assertNotNull( tree.getHorizontalBar() );
assertNotNull( tree.getVerticalBar() );
tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NO_SCROLL );
assertNull( tree.getHorizontalBar() );
assertNull( tree.getVerticalBar() );
public void testHasScrollBar_NO_SCROLL() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NO_SCROLL );
tree.setSize( 200, 200 );
assertFalse( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.LEFT );
column.setWidth( 220 );
assertFalse( tree.hasVScrollBar() );
assertFalse( tree.hasHScrollBar() );
public void testCellWidthWithoutColumns() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item1.setText( "First item text." );
TreeItem item2 = new TreeItem( item1, SWT.NONE );
item2.setText( "Second item text is longer." );
TreeItem item3 = new TreeItem( item2, SWT.NONE );
item3.setText( "Third item text is longer than the second item text." );
ITreeAdapter adapter = getTreeAdapter( tree );
int cellWidth1 = adapter.getCellWidth( 0 );
assertTrue( cellWidth1 > 0 );
item1.setExpanded( true );
int cellWidth2 = adapter.getCellWidth( 0 );
assertTrue( cellWidth2 > cellWidth1 );
item2.setExpanded( true );
int cellWidth3 = adapter.getCellWidth( 0 );
assertTrue( cellWidth3 > cellWidth2 );
public void testGetItemByPoint() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 100, 100 );
TreeItem result = tree.getItem( new Point( 5, 5 ) );
assertSame( item1, result );
public void testPreferredWidthBufferHandlingOfTreeItem() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 14, item1.getPreferredWidthBuffer( 0 ) );
item1.setText( "text" );
assertEquals( 41, item1.getPreferredWidthBuffer( 0 ) );
item1.setText( 0, "anotherText" );
assertEquals( 88, item1.getPreferredWidthBuffer( 0 ) );
// unfortunately tree doesn't allow to set images with different sizes
// therefore the size of the first image gets cached -> we only test
// the setImage(int,image) method
item1.setImage( 0, Graphics.getImage( Fixture.IMAGE1 ) );
assertEquals( 146, item1.getPreferredWidthBuffer( 0 ) );
tree.setFont( new Font( display, "arial", 40, SWT.BOLD ) );
assertEquals( 378, item1.getPreferredWidthBuffer( 0 ) );
public void testChanged() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item1.setText( "text" );
tree.changed( tree.getChildren() );
assertFalse( item1.hasPreferredWidthBuffer( 0 ) );
public void testIsSerializable() throws Exception {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
Tree deserializedTree = Fixture.serializeAndDeserialize( tree );
assertEquals( 1, deserializedTree.getItemCount() );
assertEquals( 1, deserializedTree.getColumnCount() );
public void testLayoutCacheIsSerializable() throws Exception {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setHeaderVisible( true );
new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
int headerHeight = tree.getHeaderHeight();
Tree deserializedTree = Fixture.serializeAndDeserialize( tree );
assertEquals( headerHeight, deserializedTree.getHeaderHeight() );
public void testGetPreferredCellWidthForColumn() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
createColumns( tree, 3 );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item.setText( 0, "short" );
item.setText( 1, "very long text" );
int width1 = tree.getPreferredCellWidth( item, 0, false );
int width2 = tree.getPreferredCellWidth( item, 1, false );
assertTrue( width2 > width1 );
public void testSetItemCountDoesNotResolveVirtualItems() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setSize( 300, 50 );
tree.setItemCount( 1 );
assertFalse( tree.getItem( 0 ).isCached() );
public void testTemporaryResizeDoesNotResolveVirtualItems() {
final java.util.List<Event> eventLog = new LinkedList<Event>();
composite.setSize( 100, 100 );
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setItemCount( 1000 );
tree.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
eventLog.add( event );
} );
redrawTree( tree );
tree.setSize( 1000, 1000 );
assertEquals( 0, eventLog.size() );
public void testVirtualMaterializeItemOnScroll() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setSize( 300, 300 );
tree.setItemCount( 1 );
TreeItem item = tree.getItem( 0 );
item.setItemCount( 50 );
TreeItem subItem = item.getItem( 20 );
tree.setTopItem( subItem );
assertTrue( item.getItem( 25 ).isCached() );
public void testGetCreatedItems_DoesNotContainNullItems() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setItemCount( 100 );
tree.setSize( 100, 100 );
assertTrue( tree.getCreatedItems().length < 10 );
public void testGetCreatedItems_DoesNotContainPlaceholderItems() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setItemCount( 100 );
tree.setSize( 100, 100 );
tree.getItems(); // create placeholder items
assertTrue( tree.getCreatedItems().length < 10 );
public void testSetCustomItemHeight() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT, new Integer( 123 ) );
assertEquals( 123, tree.getItemHeight() );
public void testGetCustomItemHeight() {
Integer itemHeight = new Integer( 123 );
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT, itemHeight );
Object returnedItemHeight = tree.getData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT );
assertEquals( itemHeight, returnedItemHeight );
public void testResetCustomItemHeight() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
int calculatedItemHeight = tree.getItemHeight();
tree.setData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT, new Integer( 123 ) );
tree.setData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT, null );
assertEquals( calculatedItemHeight, tree.getItemHeight() );
public void testDefaultCustomItemHeight() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
assertEquals( 27, tree.getItemHeight() );
public void testSetCustomItemHeightWithNegativeValue() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
try {
tree.setData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT, new Integer( -1 ) );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testSetCustomItemHeightWithNonIntegerValue() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
try {
tree.setData( RWT.CUSTOM_ITEM_HEIGHT, new Object() );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testMarkupTextWithoutMarkupEnabled() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setData( RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
try {
item.setText( "invalid xhtml: <<&>>" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException notExpected ) {
public void testMarkupTextWithMarkupEnabled() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setData( RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
try {
item.setText( "invalid xhtml: <<&>>" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testMarkupTextWithMarkupEnabled_ValidationDisabled() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setData( RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE );
tree.setData( MarkupValidator.MARKUP_VALIDATION_DISABLED, Boolean.TRUE );
TreeItem item = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
try {
item.setText( "invalid xhtml: <<&>>" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException notExpected ) {
public void testDisableMarkupIsIgnored() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setData( RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE );
tree.setData( RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE );
assertTrue( tree.markupEnabled );
// see bug 371860
public void testClearSetDataOrder() {
final List<String> log = new ArrayList<String>();
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.VIRTUAL );
tree.setSize( 100, 160 );
tree.addListener( SWT.SetData, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
TreeItem item = ( TreeItem )event.item;
int i = item.getParent().indexOf( item );
item.setText( "item " + i );
log.add( "item" + i + "#SetData" );
} );
TreeItem item0 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item0.setText( "item0" );
TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem( tree, SWT.NONE );
item1.setText( "item1" );
log.add( "clear item0" );
tree.clear( 0, false );
log.add( "clear item1" );
tree.clear( 1, false );
log.add( "setItemCount" );
tree.setItemCount( 1 );
display.readAndDispatch(); // redraw the tree
assertEquals( 4, log.size() );
assertEquals( "clear item0", log.get( 0 ) );
assertEquals( "clear item1", log.get( 1 ) );
assertEquals( "setItemCount", log.get( 2 ) );
assertEquals( "item0#SetData", log.get( 3 ) );
public void testShowColumn() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 325, 100 );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
column.setWidth( 50 );
ITreeAdapter adapter = tree.getAdapter( ITreeAdapter.class );
assertEquals( 0, adapter.getScrollLeft() );
tree.showColumn( tree.getColumn( 8 ) );
assertEquals( 175, adapter.getScrollLeft() );
tree.showColumn( tree.getColumn( 1 ) );
assertEquals( 50, adapter.getScrollLeft() );
tree.showColumn( tree.getColumn( 3 ) );
assertEquals( 50, adapter.getScrollLeft() );
tree.getColumn( 3 ).dispose();
tree.setColumnOrder( new int[] { 8, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4 } );
tree.showColumn( tree.getColumn( 8 ) );
assertEquals( 0, adapter.getScrollLeft() );
tree.showColumn( tree.getColumn( 5 ) );
assertEquals( 125, adapter.getScrollLeft() );
public void testShowColumnWithReorderedColumns() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 325, 100 );
for( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) {
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
column.setWidth( 50 );
tree.setColumnOrder( new int[] { 8, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4 } );
tree.showColumn( tree.getColumn( 8 ) );
ITreeAdapter adapter = tree.getAdapter( ITreeAdapter.class );
assertEquals( 0, adapter.getScrollLeft() );
tree.showColumn( tree.getColumn( 5 ) );
assertEquals( 125, adapter.getScrollLeft() );
public void testShowColumnWithNullArgument() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
try {
tree.showColumn( null );
fail( "Null argument not allowed" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testShowColumnWithDisposedColumn() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
try {
tree.showColumn( column );
fail( "Disposed column not allowed as argument" );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expeted ) {
public void testShowColumnWithForeignColumn() {
int initialLeftOffset = 123456;
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.setSize( 325, 100 );
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
column.setWidth( 50 );
ITreeAdapter adapter = tree.getAdapter( ITreeAdapter.class );
adapter.setScrollLeft( initialLeftOffset );
Tree otherTree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeColumn otherColumn = new TreeColumn( otherTree, SWT.NONE );
tree.showColumn( otherColumn );
assertEquals( initialLeftOffset, adapter.getScrollLeft() );
public void testShowFixedColumn() {
composite.setSize( 800, 600 );
Tree tree = createFixedColumnsTree();
tree.setSize( 300, 100 );
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
column.setWidth( 50 );
createTreeItems( tree, 10 );
ITreeAdapter adapter = tree.getAdapter( ITreeAdapter.class );
adapter.setScrollLeft( 100 );
tree.showColumn( tree.getColumn( 0 ) );
assertEquals( 100, adapter.getScrollLeft() );
public void testShowColumnWithFixedColumns_ScrolledToLeft() {
int numColumns = 4;
int columnWidth = 100;
Tree tree = createFixedColumnsTree();
tree.setSize( columnWidth * ( numColumns - 1 ), 100 );
for( int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++ ) {
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
column.setWidth( columnWidth );
ITreeAdapter adapter = tree.getAdapter( ITreeAdapter.class );
adapter.setScrollLeft( 100 );
tree.showColumn( tree.getColumn( 2 ) );
assertEquals( 0, adapter.getScrollLeft() );
public void testShowColumnWithFixedColumns_ScrolledToRight() {
int numColumns = 4;
int columnWidth = 100;
Tree tree = createFixedColumnsTree();
tree.setSize( columnWidth * ( numColumns - 1 ), 100 );
for( int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++ ) {
TreeColumn column = new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
column.setWidth( columnWidth );
tree.showColumn( tree.getColumn( 3 ) );
ITreeAdapter adapter = tree.getAdapter( ITreeAdapter.class );
assertEquals( 100, adapter.getScrollLeft() );
public void testAddTreeListener() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.addTreeListener( mock( TreeListener.class ) );
assertTrue( tree.isListening( SWT.Expand ) );
assertTrue( tree.isListening( SWT.Collapse ) );
public void testRemoveTreeListener() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
TreeListener listener = mock( TreeListener.class );
tree.addTreeListener( listener );
tree.removeTreeListener( listener );
assertFalse( tree.isListening( SWT.Expand ) );
assertFalse( tree.isListening( SWT.Collapse ) );
public void testAddTreeListenerWithNullArgument() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
try {
tree.addTreeListener( null );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testRemoveTreeListenerWithNullArgument() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
try {
tree.removeTreeListener( null );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testAddSelectionListener() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
tree.addSelectionListener( mock( SelectionListener.class ) );
assertTrue( tree.isListening( SWT.Selection ) );
assertTrue( tree.isListening( SWT.DefaultSelection ) );
public void testRemoveSelectionListener() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
SelectionListener listener = mock( SelectionListener.class );
tree.addSelectionListener( listener );
tree.removeSelectionListener( listener );
assertFalse( tree.isListening( SWT.Selection ) );
assertFalse( tree.isListening( SWT.DefaultSelection ) );
public void testAddSelectionListenerWithNullArgument() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
try {
tree.addSelectionListener( null );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testRemoveSelectionListenerWithNullArgument() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
try {
tree.removeSelectionListener( null );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException expected ) {
public void testDisposeCellEditor() {
Tree tree = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
Text cellEditor = new Text( tree, SWT.NONE );
assertTrue( cellEditor.isDisposed() );
// Helper
private Tree createFixedColumnsTree() {
Tree result = new Tree( composite, SWT.NONE );
result.setData( RWT.FIXED_COLUMNS, new Integer( 2 ) );
return result;
private static void createColumns( Tree tree, int count ) {
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
new TreeColumn( tree, SWT.NONE );
private static TreeItem[] createTreeItems( Tree tree, int number ) {
TreeItem[] result = new TreeItem[ number ];
for( int i = 0; i < number; i++ ) {
result[ i ] = new TreeItem( tree, 0 );
result[ i ].setText( "item" + i );
return result;
private static Listener createSetDataListener() {
return new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
TreeItem item = ( TreeItem )event.item;
Tree parent = item.getParent();
TreeItem parentItem = item.getParentItem();
String text;
if( parentItem == null ) {
text = "node " + parent.indexOf( item );
} else {
text = parentItem.getText() + " - " + parentItem.indexOf( item );
item.setText( text );
item.setItemCount( 10 );
private static boolean contains( TreeItem[] items, TreeItem item ) {
boolean result = false;
for( int i = 0; !result && i < items.length; i++ ) {
if( item == items[ i ] ) {
result = true;
return result;
private ITreeAdapter getTreeAdapter( Tree tree ) {
return tree.getAdapter( ITreeAdapter.class );
private static void redrawTree( Tree tree ) {
ITreeAdapter treeAdapter = tree.getAdapter( ITreeAdapter.class );
private void markTemporaryResize() {
ServiceStore serviceStore = ContextProvider.getServiceStore();
String key = "org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.textsize.TextSizeRecalculation#temporaryResize";
serviceStore.setAttribute( key, Boolean.TRUE );