blob: dacf0ac0e57ea21a1d5d56fef3cef0271575f2a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// RAP [bm]: animations
// * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
// * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// *
// *
// * Contributors:
// * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
// ******************************************************************************/
//package org.eclipse.ui.internal;
//import java.util.Iterator;
//import org.eclipse.jface.util.Geometry;
//import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
//import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
// * Creates an animation feedback that will morph the start rectangle to the end rectangle
// * for AnimationEngine.
// *
// * @since 3.3
// *
// */
//public class LegacyAnimationFeedback extends RectangleAnimationFeedbackBase {
// private static final int LINE_WIDTH = 1;
// private Region shellRegion;
// public LegacyAnimationFeedback(Shell parentShell, Rectangle start,
// Rectangle end) {
// super(parentShell, start, end);
// }
// public void renderStep(AnimationEngine engine) {
// if (shellRegion != null) {
// shellRegion.dispose();
// shellRegion = new Region(getAnimationShell().getDisplay());
// }
// // Iterate across the set of start/end rects
// Iterator currentRects = getCurrentRects(engine.amount()).iterator();
// while (currentRects.hasNext()) {
// Rectangle curRect = (Rectangle);
// Rectangle rect = Geometry.toControl(getAnimationShell(), curRect);
// shellRegion.add(rect);
// rect.x += LINE_WIDTH;
// rect.y += LINE_WIDTH;
// rect.width = Math.max(0, rect.width - 2 * LINE_WIDTH);
// rect.height = Math.max(0, rect.height - 2 * LINE_WIDTH);
// shellRegion.subtract(rect);
// }
// getAnimationShell().setRegion(shellRegion);
// getAnimationShell().getDisplay().update();
// }
// /* (non-Javadoc)
// * @see org.eclipse.ui.internal.AnimationFeedbackBase#initialize(org.eclipse.ui.internal.AnimationEngine)
// */
// public void initialize(AnimationEngine engine) {
// Color color = getAnimationShell().getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_DARK_SHADOW);
// getAnimationShell().setBackground(color);
// // Ensure that the background won't show on the initial display
// shellRegion = new Region(getAnimationShell().getDisplay());
// getAnimationShell().setRegion(shellRegion);
// }
// /* (non-Javadoc)
// * @see org.eclipse.ui.internal.AnimationFeedbackBase#dispose()
// */
// public void dispose() {
// super.dispose();
// if (!shellRegion.isDisposed())
// shellRegion.dispose();
// }
// /**
// * Perform any initialization you want to have happen -before- the
// * amination starts
// */
// public boolean jobInit(AnimationEngine engine) {
// if (!super.jobInit(engine))
// return false;
// // Compute the shell's bounds
// Rectangle shellBounds = Geometry.copy((Rectangle) getStartRects()
// .get(0));
// Iterator startIter = getStartRects().iterator();
// Iterator endIter = getEndRects().iterator();
// while (startIter.hasNext()) {
// shellBounds.add((Rectangle);
// shellBounds.add((Rectangle);
// }
// getAnimationShell().setBounds(shellBounds);
// // Making the shell visible will be slow on old video cards, so only start
// // the timer once it is visible.
// getAnimationShell().setVisible(true);
// return true; // OK to go...
// }