blob: aba0f53ad3f5477034766f966e5b84c91d1ef699 [file] [log] [blame]
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css" media="screen" />
The Label is a simple widget that can display text or an image, but not both.
The orientation can be set using the style flags <code>LEFT</code>,
<code>RIGHT</code>, and <code>CENTER</code>
If the style flag <code>SEPARATOR</code> is applied, the label acts as a
separator line, as it can be seen between the image labels in the example.
Using <code>HORIZONTAL</code> or <code>VERTICAL</code>, the orientation of
the separator can be set.
Separator labels can be styled using the style flags <code>SHADOW_IN</code>,
<code>SHADOW_OUT</code>, and <code>SHADOW_NONE</code>.
Unlike the simple Label, the CLabel can display both text <em>and</em> image
at the same time.
It also supports the style flags
<code>SHADOW_IN</code>, <code>SHADOW_OUT</code>, and <code>SHADOW_NONE</code>.
The Link is a Label-like widget that can include hyperlinks in its text.
Clicking one of the hyperlinks fires a selection event.